7. Pressure

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It was early morning. Stefano Rosario was sitting behind his desk on one of the top floors of a skyscraper in New York that belonged to the Rosario enterprises. He had been working well though the night after returning from Tristan O'Neil's house. He had been communicating back and forth with Sicily via fax. Now he was sitting and sipping from his coffee cup and reading through new faxes that were just being received from Vitale. 

Stefano was the son of Costanzo Rosario and Viggo Rosario's cousin. He was the top advisor and lawyer and top economist of the Rosario family who worked only for the Rosario enterprises despite getting job offers on daily basis from top firms around the country. He was confident in his capabilities but he knew he had to prepare well and advise his cousin Viggo wisely. Any mistake could be costly since they were dealing with an unreadable business mastermind called Tristan O'Neil. Tristan was not happy with the response by Vincenzo and he could unleash his wrath in any way any time. They needed to be prepared to defend and strike when needed.

The door opened and Alexander Rosario came in. He was the son of Antonio Rosario who was Stefano's father's cousin. They were like brothers on many levels. But they were completely different. Alexander was like his father. He was a man of action and Viggo's trusted underboss who was perfect for any defence and offence. He was trained to be a good strategist and use violence when needed with maximum effect.

Stefano raised an eyebrow "Where is Viggo?"

Alexander entered "He is busy making arrangements. He might go to Sicily...."

Stefano gasped "What? Are you joking?"

Alexander shrugged and sat down opposite Stefano's desk "I wish I was... He wants to leave..."

Stefano said "Vitale's faxes haven't mentioned that..."

Alexander said "It is Viggo's decision... He has not consulted Vincenzo on this... Viggo thinks its best for both personal and business reasons he visits Sicily with his family... Vincenzo was meant to come... He goes now... From how Viggo sees it, Tristan may strike us with boycott, attacks or any means necessary to weaken the Rosarios to show his disapproval and mount pressure... But Rosarios should not surrender and should not act like Tristan has already won..."

Stefano said "But Tristan will win if Viggo leaves... We need him at this time that the actions of the O'Neils is unpredictable. Tristan is going to retaliate until we give in and give him a deal on his terms..."

Alexander sighed "Viggo is fully aware of the risks... I am now coming from a long meeting with him... He knows the wrath of Tristan will have no bounds... But he believes its best to not give Tristan the satisfaction of knowing we cancel our family plans for his demands... Viggo still will visit Vincenzo. A family get together and a business convention.... That leaves you and me to have a face off Tristan in New York... And Vincenzo will reach out to New York and retaliate every time Tristan strikes the Rosarios..."

Stefano shook his head "We could avoid this all so easily... How much preparation does Viggo expect us to do?"

Alexander said "Maximum level..."

Stefano said "What? We prepare for war? Yet Viggo leaves when we need him? He is the boss... You are his underboss. Men take orders from you but Viggo has resources and access neither of us has..."

Alexander said " I know... He is the blood of Francesco Rosario... Neither of us can fill the void... But I count on you to give me advice to deflect the attacks from the O'Neils..."

Stefano nodded "I cant believe Viggo is leaving New York. When is he flying?"

Alexander said "He will speak with Vincenzo after he finishes his own preparations... It could be today or tomorrow or later... He will contact Vincenzo...  Dont worry about telling Vitale about it... You carry on communicating with Vitale about what we do to prepare and what we might need..."

Suddenly the lights  flickered and the electricity went out.

Stefano and Alexander looked at each other and stood up quickly with their guns out. There was a security breach. Obviously there was early morning day light shining through the room and there was visibility but this had Tristan's name all over it.

Alexander slowly walked towards the window "The lights are out everywhere around us... The entire area has lost electricity... I know which shops and signs are lit up at this time... They are all off now it seems suddenly..."

Stefano said "If Tristan has gone this far, Vincenzo will make him pay for this..."

Alexander said "What? You dont think this is Tristan's doing? Its him... Only he would do this... There is no reason for electricity to be shut down... He is messing with our business..."

Suddenly there were alarms sounded.

Stefano looked at Alexander with wide eyes "We are under attack? The alarms work... Thats good to know where we are attacked..."

Alexander nodded and walked slowly to the door "We have an emergency generator that sounds the alarms, emergency lifts and anything that works in emergencies ... We just need to make use of whatever electricity we have to find out the source of intrusion..."

Stefano opened the door "I take the stairs on the west wing... You take the stairs on the right wing..."

Alexander and Stefano separated.

Stefano had a bad feelings about this as he was walking down the steps. Who would dare mess with the Rosarios? Only the O'Neils. Vincenzo was going to be livid and Tristan was going to pay for this stunt. 

Stefano searched the different spots that may have caused the alarm to be sounded. He reached the last point and entered. He came face to face with Alexander who was at the other side of the room and staring at the sight. 

There was a TV screen and a VHS tape that was being played in the video player. The video showed some land marks related to the deal that Tristan wanted badly with some slogans that seemed cryptic and numbers being played.  There were numbers and codes too... There were details in the video that made both Stefano and Alexander sure this was Tristan's doing. He knew only certain details. 

Stefano sighed "What is he trying to do sending us riddles..."

Alexander said "Its a warning... And of course there are hidden meanings that Vincenzo should try to unravel... We can guess what it means... Vincenzo should make a the final say..."

Stefano said "We need to give this video to Viggo......."

Alexander said "And Viggo can take it to Vincenzo when he goes... Let's make a copy now and start making our own conclusions form it too..." 

As Stefano was walking towards the video player, Alexander shouted "Wait..."

Stefano turned to him "Why? What is it?"

Alexander shook his head "Wait... We shouldn't touch what Tristan has placed here..."

Stefano said "What do you suggest we do?"

Alexander said "We just describe what we just saw in a message to Vincenzo. We can describe what we observe here and the list of equipment and any information we can... Vincenzo can only confirm if this is a trap or not... Shut down the building... We will take what we need to another builidng... Seal this place until Vincenzo tells us what we are dealing with... We cant risk it..."

Stefano said "I cant believe Tristan would dare go too far here and place a trap for us... Vincenzo would not like it..."

Alexander said "Exactly... Vincenzo must say how we analyse and respond to this... He maybe able to tell us what we are dealing with and if we need to do anything..."


Terza Clarissa was frantically searching in her library of files in big cabinets in her office in the city... She had left home early morning to do work in her office and was hoping she could find what she was looking for. 

Terza found a folder and quickly opened it. She sat on the floor of her library room and looked through the paper work. She took a deep breath. She found the paper work that she knew could be a winning card for Tristan to gain an advantage in his game of power of dominance against Vincenzo. She was facing a tough choice. If she handed this paper work to Vincenzo he could even have a bigger upper hand. If she handed it to her brother, then her brother would have been level with Vincenzo or even could win depending on how he played this advantage card. 

This paper was the ownership evidence of a vast area of O'Neil properties in the best part of New York. It belonged to her. Her father had gifted her the ownership but no one knew about it. This was no ordinary area. It housed businesses and secrets. She could use it to gain advantage and pose threats and throw disadvantages to other businesses in the city if she wished it by using her rights as the owner. All belonged to Terza Clarissa. Some thought the place belonged to the government but it belonged to her. The profits from the place were deposited into a secret account that belonged to her. She could assist Tristan in this game. She did not like how Vincenzo was trying to start a war. Well he had not started a war but it sure was heading that way. 

Terza Clarisa picked up the file and walked out of her library. She entered her main office and sat behind her desk staring at the file on her desk. Was she meant to fax this paper work to her brother or hold onto it and only use it to threaten Vincenzo with it. But how could she win a game against Vincenzo if she tried. It was going to put a strain on their marriage and also was not easy to face Vincenzo. But Tristan could face Vincenzo.

There was a knock on the door. It was her security guard. She informed her that a car was there to pick her up.

Terza sighed. Damn it. She did not have much time. She folded the file and placed it in her hand bag. She made her way out of her office and walked through the empty corridors. No one was at work but her and her security team. She reached the lobby to be greeted with her husband's men. They lead her to the car outside. They were instructed to take her home. She did not look forward to the trip. She had left without telling Vincenzo. Normally it was ok to go where she wanted with security but not that morning because Vincenzo had instructed her to stay home that day and work from home. 

After it felt like a short drive, she found herself in front of her mansion. She looked at her watch.. It was not even breakfast time yet so at least she hadn't missed a meal time. So her crime was not missing a meal time. It was just going to work when she was told not to. She clutched her hand bag. Well. Her crime was treason and betrayal if she sent this file to her brother and collaborated with him. 

She made her way to her husband's office because the guards told her he wanted to see her before breakfast. As she opened the door to his office, she was greeted by Vincenzo who was drinking a glass of red wine and sitting behind his desk. He had paper work on his desk and drinking while reading. His fax machine was also beeping and making noise. 

Terza Clarisa said "Hi... You seem busy... I come by later...."

Vincenzo said without looking up "Stay where you are Terza..."

Terza sighed. His voice seemed quite serious. "Vincenzo. Why did you send men after me? My brother wont hurt me no matter how badly you angered him by the response you gave Trent... I am safe going to work... You dont have to confine me to working from home..."

Vincenzo was sipping from his red wine as he was still looking down at the papers "You did not object when I told you to stay home today..."

Terza walked towards his desk. If anyone else had disobeyed Vincenzo they would have been sprinting away when he confronted them about it. But Terza was one of the few who dared to challenge her husband on his rules and even argue back. Terza put on hand on his desk and said "I refuse to work from home when there is no good reason to do so... Tristan wont hurt me... I wish to go to work..."

Vincenzo looked up for the first time since she had entered and Terza gulped at the look in his eyes. She took a step back. She could not even describe the emotion in his eyes. He looked unreadable. But intimidating. He stood up and finished his wine glass and put it down but he didnt move his eyes from her. He put down the empty glass on the table and slowly walked around the table.

Terza felt like stepping away but only managed to turn enough to lean on the desk.

Vincenzo stood in front of Terza and kept staring into her eyes. 

Terza's heart was racing very hard now.  She couldn't read him. He just stared at her in silence but she felt fear and waves of intimidation were emitted towards her.

Vincenzo stated in a hard tone "Terza... You disobeyed me today..."

Terza couldn't argue. She wanted to. But the look in his eyes said "Dare to contradict me..." She just knew this was the wrong day to test him. She said what came to her mind "Has... Has Tristan done anything?"

Vincenzo nodded "Yes... He has... And alot is to come... He has hardly started and wont finish anytime soon... He may not want to hurt you... But if he does... Even by mistake. Even by error... If you get caught in cross fire by the smallest mistake on his part I will use all my power to kill him Terza..."

Terza felt her heart beating so fast she could feel it. She breathed "Please... Vincenzo... He is my brother..."

Vincenzo nodded "I know... But if he hurts you, brother or not he will be hunted down by me and I wont stop until he is dead..."

Terza closed her eyes. In someways she could hear his concern and love for her even in his cold and threatening voice. She felt overwhelmed. Why was she in this situation? Why couldn't her husband choose peace?

Vincenzo said "Terza... Open you eyes..."

Terza opened her eyes.

Vincenzo said "You know how much your existence means to me Terza... You know full well..."

Terza took a deep breath and looked away "Vincenzo... You reminded me enough last night how much I mean to you..."

Vincenzo said "You work from home today and until I say so and until I resolve this matter with your brother. I dont take chances with your safety..."

Terza said "I understand..." Not really. She didnt... She wanted to disobey him.

Vincenzo leaned closer and whispered in her ear "Don't disobey me again Terza... Dont test my patience and temper..."

Terza froze. His threat was real.

Vincenzo then lifted her up and carried her bride style towards the back room. He closed the door and he dropped her on the bed. 

Terza found herself pinned to the bed.

Vincenzo planted kisses on her neck. 

There was tension in the air. She had disobeyed her. Anyone else would have been punished for it.

Vincenzo whispered "Terza... Your brother has given me an ultimatum... 72 hours.. Three days... He will not be doing anything drastic or too destructive in the next three days... He has promised to unleash his full force offensive after three days... This is serious... Do as I say... Or I will have to put you on watch and I dont want to do that... I dont want to put you under full house arrest... I allow you to work from home and have contact with the outside... But if you ignore my orders I will have to ignore your feelings and take away your freedom until the end of my feud with your brother over the deal..."

Terza felt a mixture of fear and worry. She was no use if she was locked up. How could she end this game? This was not the first time her brother and Vincnezno were fighting but this fight was different and more serious than she had ever known.

Vincenzo said "If you push me too hard Terza, I will have to push back hard too... And I dont wish to do it ... Dont force me to do it..."

Terza asked "Vincenzo... Do you trust me?"

Vincenzo chuckled as he planted kisses on her cheek "I love you... Isn't that trust..."

Terza said slowly and carefully "No... Love does not mean trust..."

Vincenzo stopped kissing her and looked into her eyes as he was pinning her hands to the bed "Explain..."

Terza explained slowly "Vincenzo ... What I mean is this... Why am I free now? Do you trust me to be on your side when you are attacking my brother?"

Vincenzo said "I have not attacked your brother... I said no to his deal. He doesnt like my answer... He has planned attacks... I am going to retaliate if that is what you mean...."

Terza said in a low tone "Vincenzo ... Fine... You are planning retaliations against my brother... You dont give into his demands. He wont give into your demands... He puts pressure on you and you put pressure on him... He uses force. You use force... It is going to turn into war eventually... Either way you were going to use force... You have done it before in similar situations... My point is... do you trust me to remain on your side  no matter what happens? This time... This time your rivalry with my brother seems more serious than before... I have a feeling a war is coming... Do you trust me ... not to switch sides?"

Vincenzo asked "What makes you ask such question Terza?"

Terza felt she was caught. She whispered "Answer the question please... I need to know..."

Vincenzo said "I dont need to answer your question Terza... Do I really? When I dont know why you are asking, why should I answer you..."

Terza said "Vincenzo.... I need to know... I cant tell you why I am asking... Please tell me... Do you trust me..."

Vincenzo said "Terza.... Terza... Nothing has changed in our marriage... I love you... You are my wife..."

Terza said "Its not what I am asking..."

Vincenzo said "Then what are you asking?"

Terza took a deep breath. Maybe she had to take a risk and give him a hint. She had to. "Vincenzo... What if I told you I am tempted to take my brother's side... What if I told you I am not taking your side fully on this matter at hand because I feel you are going too far over a conflict you can easily resolve with a signature..."

Vincenzo said "Terza... All I think about when I look at you and hear your words is that... I love you... That is all I think of... You may even point a gun to my heart... I still love you Terza... Nothing you say will change it... No course of action on your part will change it... I love you, always have and always will... I love everything about you Terza... Even your rebellious side... Even the side of you that wants to challenge me...You are torn... You feel torn between your loyalty for your brother and your husband... Its natural... I dont judge you for it... But I warn you Terza that if you choose the other side against your husband, there are consequences Terza...."

Terza searched his eyes unsure what to think. His voice was gentler. Kissing her always had a calming effect on him.

Vincenzo stared into Terza's eyes in silence for a few seconds and then leaned down and whispered in her ear "Terza.... I think you know this by now... No one can run from me and hide from me forever if I decide to hunt them down... No one can stay safe if they cross me and I decide to ensure they face the consequences.... No one can escape my wrath if I decide to deal with them personally...  Terza... You know full well .... No one can get away with betraying me unless....  I let them....If you betray me Terza... If you take your brother's side .... If you work against me, I will forgive you... I know I will.... I will never hurt you Terza.... I love you Terza...  I am not capable of hurting you...  You are off limits. My blood is off limits... But no one else is off limits.... No one..."

Terza felt chills run down her spine and visibly shook.

Vincenzo gave out a dark chuckle and said earnestly "If you betray me make sure you are ready to protect the identity of your accomplices... If anyone crosses me they pay... If anyone betrays me, they regret it... If you betray me... I wont hurt you...  I can only hope you dont feel hurt by what I do to anyone else who I judge as guilty..."

Vincenzo then kissed Terza's lips and deepened the kiss. Terza felt like a big battle had started. She could prepare to join the battle or retreat. The choice was hers and but the consequences were not just hers to to face. Taking on her husband was an option but it could be costly... Very costly.

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