A long DATE!

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(This will be from a 1st person perspective)
Also this chapter will be pure fluff. No smut

I stepped into this amazing restaurant it reminded me a lot of the Cheesecake Factory except everything was plain black, and had dark tainted glass with lights everywhere it was so beyond beautiful.

I walked in feeling the air conditioning hit my face it wasn't too strong nor too weak just perfect. I saw Vinnie, I drove to the restaurant to meet Vinnie... I turned up some music and put on my lipstick then I got a call from Vinnie "I got a gift for you be ready"
"really? oh my gosh I can't wait"
"yes of course! that's all... but also be sitting at table 8"
"alright perfect thank you"

I stepped into this amazing restaurant it reminded me a lot of the Cheesecake Factory except everything was plain black, and had dark tainted glass with lights everywhere it was so beyond beautiful.

I walked in feeling the air conditioning hit my face it wasn't too strong nor too weak just perfect. I saw Vinnie, he looked so good wearing a light blue shirt tucked neatly into his jeans and he even wore some glasses that seemed to accentuate his already handsome features even more.
He looked up as I approached him I said "Hey" smiling shyly at the older man who smiled back at me, then looking over towards the bar I see a group of guys laughing... I tune out and say "let's order what do you want?" he looks around like he doesn't know which one I mean he says "can we get the same food we always eat?" which reminds me that I'm pretty much always there for him so I say "Yeah sure" then order our food while he orders mine he pays, and I say thanks before we head to our usual booth.
We talk about work a lot... he works at the school where I teach English and he teaches science... he is an artist too... he wants to make things when he grows up and wants to open a gallery somewhere where people can buy art. We talk about how we feel and what we are going through right now and what we think about the future... I noticed he was wearing a strong perfume I loved the smell... I smiled at him. He smiles back but suddenly starts blushing... well, I guess the conversation was going too long."Oh yeah uh sorry... I don't know why I started talking about my feelings... I have really bad insomnia... I try not to let my mind run away with me but sometimes..." he sighs "anyway, how are you doing babe?"
I smile sweetly at him "I'm good" he puts down his fork and leans across the table towards me "you are very sexy tonight..." he says softly... 'hmm he does look very handsome... ' I muse. I lean toward him slowly until I could kiss him. but out of no where the waiter seemed to intervene delivering the check.

I wasn't sure if it was on purpose or not but regardless it definitely broke a moment of passion... and made a couple of strangers turn their attention towards us.
We both start getting angry as he stands up. I am a little surprised because usually he doesn't lose control like that unless he's mad at me or something... but he calmed down after "well... here" I say giving him a small kiss.
"thank you"
"here wanna go to a local fun center?" I suggest trying to break the awkwardness
"yeah ok."
We headed off together... we sat down at an arcade and played some games and talked about random stuff. He kept glancing my way and I was starting to blush. I couldn't figure out why... maybe I was embarrassed at myself for being so forward... then randomly we were playing a racing game and I knocked his car off the screen I celebrated we both laughed having a great time . Then I asked where he lived. He told me his place was a few blocks away. We got out and headed off together. When we finally stopped walking he held my hand and looked into my eyes "we should go somewhere else sometime... " he said gently kissing me... I closed my eyes and kissed him back. As he pulled away he said "your so sexy"

"thank you" I said kissing his ear. I pulled back... how about a second date?

"yeah of course Vinnie" I smiled at him
He smiled and took my hand leading me to his car. I felt like I could fly I was so excited. It didn't matter that he wasn't in love with me, he thought I was hot. He liked me. He wanted to hang out with me. And honestly I did like hanging out with him. "here I know you love to read so here's a book with 500 quotes"
"thank you Vinnie that's so thoughtful"

He blushed a bit saying "it's nothing... I'm happy to help"
I felt his gaze of lust...
"let me drive you to my house. I'll invite you for a sleepover"
"hmmm I don't know"
"alright fine, but only because you seem so desperate to spend time with me"
His eyes lit up and he grinned at me. "oh god I am so whipped! come on!" he yelled as he started the car

the end!

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