Chapter 5

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I wake up with dim light in my eyes. My head is throbbing and I feel nauseous. What happened? where am I? I remember my parents driving me somewhere which was probably here and then I remember passing out in a bathroom.What is that ticking noise?!I finally pluck up enough courage to sit up and look around. I seem to be in some sort of bedroom. There's a big window, curtains, a bed that I'm on, a closet, a clock which explains the ticking noise and tells me that it's 4:30 am and a bag in the corner; nothing out of the ordinary. Why can't I remember anything or recognise anything? I look at my arm and see bright red marks. Are those cuts? Did I do that? I look up again. Wait. That's mine. I recognise it. Cautiously, I step out of bed and look inside the bag. I find a pencil case and a school diary. On the cover it says: Briarville boarding school. I'm in a boarding school? I open the door to look outside. I see a long corridor with lots and lots of doors which are probably more bedrooms. I start to feel dizzy so I head back to my bed. Panic washes over me as reality sinks in. What do I do? How can I explain where I was before I ended up here? Why can't I remember anything? This is all too much for me to take. I curl up in a ball and try to pretend that this is all a nightmare. There is a lump in my throat and I can't help but cry. Tears start rushing down my face soaking my pillow as I fall asleep.

I wake up to a shooting pain in my head. Slowly, I open my eyes. Damn they sting. I sit up and look around. Where the heck am I? I seem to be in a bedroom but don't recognise any of it. I notice a window so I walk up to it and peer outside. There is a sign saying 'welcome to Briarville boarding school'. Boarding school?! Since when do I go to a boarding school? Hang on a did I end up here? I remember passing out in a bathroom but that's it. Everything before that is a blur. Did I get drunk? I look up and notice that it's 6:50 am. Shortly after I hear a lady outside my room ringing a bell and telling everyone to get up. I tiptoe to the door and look outside. There is what seems like a never ending corridor with blue doors. Each door has a number on it. Mine is 52. I see the lady coming closer so I dart back into bed. "Get up 52!" She shouts as she sees me sitting in bed. She slams the door shut and carries on telling everyone to get up. Now what do I do? Where do I go? Where do I get clothes? I start looking through the closet that is at the other end of my room. I see white shirts, ties, blazers and black trousers. We have to wear uniforms? Oh come on you've got to be kidding me. 45 minutes later I'm ready. Now what? Where do I go? As I'm starting to panic, I trip over something. I look down at the floor and see a navy bag. I decide to unzip it and look inside. Inside it, it has a school planner, pencil case, books and school map with my timetable for the day. Off we go then I guess. Nervously, I stepped out of my room and set off.

I wake up once more to the ringing of a bell. A woman comes into my room. "Get up 62!" She shouts. Why is she calling me 62? I step out off bed anxiously and head over to look in my wardrobe. I find school uniforms stacked neatly. I wonder who put them there... I quickly get ready forgetting that I don't know anything about this place or about what happened before I got here. A while later I'm ready for school but there is just one problem...where do I go and what do I do now? I remember about the diary in my bag. I find a map with all my lessons written on it. "Great. English class first" i say rolling my eyes. I guess I should go now. As I'm shutting the door behind me I notice the number 62 on it. "So that's why she called me 62" my nerves have seemed to calmed until I see a bunch of other people striding with confidence along the corridor as if they've been here for the whole of their lives. This is going to be a long day.

Thank you for reading this chapter. Sorry if it's messed up. I won't be updating for 1-3 weeks because I'm moving house and school and I won't have wifi for a while. I might post tomorrow or on Wednesday though. if not then bye for now.

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