Continental Dinner

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Hello everyone it's time for a new chapter. Last chapter, you arrived home 3 months after the war ended. You reunited with your family and also a special person from the war. Now it's time for dinner.


POV: You

Part 1.

As me, Violet, Liz, and my mom walked to my house, All Liz did was talk about how me and Violet should be together. Me and Violet didn't respond to Liz. Violet's cheeks were slightly pink as Liz talked and I could tell that she didn't understand why she felt heat in her cheeks.

"-my brother is strong, hardworking, smart and everything else you would need in a great boyfriend"  Liz  continued on explaining.

"I've seen it first hand during the war. He is very capable of handling him self" Violet states.

"Look at these arms" Liz says then grabs my arm "these things are pure muscle"

"You can't tell what my arms look like under my uniform. Plus I've changed in the past five years" I tell Liz.

"How so?" Liz asks.

"That's classified" I tell her.

"I-I've shouldn't of asked" Liz says

We then reached home, which was located near the edge of Leiden where the houses became more and more spread out, meaning our backyard was a forest of sorts. Mom opened the door and the home looked almost exactly what it looked when I left five years ago. The house smelled exactly the same, giving me nestalgia.

"Ahh it's good to be home" I say.

"We're happy your home to sweetie" Mom says.

"Thanks" I reply.

"How about you show Violet your room as me and your sister make dinner" My mom says to me.

"Okay then..." I reply then looked at Violet "Follow me Violet"

I start walking up the stairs that where by the front door, Violet followed me.

"My mom and Liz are totally trying to get me to get together with Violet, it's as if this was planned"

Once we got to the top of the stairs we took a left and went down the hallway/balcony. On the left was my room and on the right was a wooden rail that made the kitchen and living room visible with a open space concept. If I went right it would lead to a regular hallway with  Liz's room on the left before the bathroom and my mom's room on the right.

I opened the door to my room and everything looked like it was exactly how I left it. I could tell that either my mom or Liz kept my room clean due to there being no dust anywhere. My bed was to the right and centered against the right wall under a window, it had a sturdy wooden frame made from oak, and next to my bed was a night stand. In front of my bed was a wooden trunk made of walnut. In front of us on the back wall aligned with the door was another window. Under that window was a small bookcase with books inside. To the right of the book case there were shelves on the wall. To the left on the left wall aligned with my bed was a large wooden desk with 3 drawers on each side which was paired with a matching wooden chair which were both made of cheery wood. On top of the desk was a type writer that my father bought for me when I was young. It was fancy but not too fancy. On the left side of the type writer was a stack of clean sheets of paper with a block was hollowed out that held pencils, pens, and other writing utilities. On the right of the type writer was a box with shelves and slots that held and organized different papers. To the right of the desk was a door that lead into the closet, the floor of the closet was the ceiling above the front door.  Lastly, on the wall which the door was to enter the room, on the right near the bed, was the door to my own personal full bathroom which had a shower and tub. It was basically the second master bedroom of the house.

I enter the room and I set my duffle bag on top of my bed. I turn around and Violet was still standing at the door and looked at me.

"You can come in Violet" I tell her and she steps into the room "Sit where ever you like"

Violet walks over to my bed and sits on the edge of it on the right side. I open up my duffle bag which revealed a spare uniform, my hammer, my garand, my M1911, and a few other things including a standard military combat knife.

"How's your time in Leiden been after the war?" I ask Violet.

"It's been great, after finding my place as a Auto Memory Doll, I've been able to learn and understand many things" She replies, looking at me.

I took my Garand out of the bag "That's good" I replied then went over to my desk and placed it on a rack above it.

"I have many friends now as well" Violet adds.

"Good" I say as I take my hammer out of my bag and place it against the wall next to my bed "It's great that you're happy"

"Liz is very nice, she's one of my best friends at work" Violet spoke.

"Really?" I say as I continued to walk around the room and putting things away.

"Yeah, she helped me a lot when I first started becoming a auto memory doll" Violet says. After looking at me as she spoke she looked around the room and finally noticed the type writer "You can use a type writer?" She questions.

"Yeah" I say as I scratch the back of my neck "It was something I used a lot before I entered the war. I wrote books, though they were probably pretty bad compared to the real standards of books. I only completed one book, I wasn't really confident enough to have anyone look at it" I tell her.

"Are you good at using a type writer?" Violet asks me.

"I guess you could say that" I reply, I finished up with emptying my duffle bag and looked at Violet's arms "So how are the arms?" I asked.

"How did you-?" She questioned as she held her right arm with her left hand.

I sat at my desk chair and replied "It's because I was the one who got those for you, and if you ever needed a new set or need any repairs that it would be covered by me" I tell her.

"Why would you do such a thing for me?" Violet asks as she looked at her hands.

"Well, when I first met I could see that you were more than just a tool of war. I could see that someday after the war that you would make a name for your self, be independent, and be able to learn many things and understand others, to become less of a tool and more human. When I pulled you out of the rubble of that church, I was devastated to find out that you lost your arms. That's why when I gave you to the doctors I told them to give you prosthetic arms and the I would cover everything. And look at you now, what I saw in you back then came true" I told her.

As she looked down I saw tears come off her face and drop onto the gloves covering her hands.

"Violet?" I said as I stood up from the desk chair "Don't cry Violet" I said then sat next to her.

"You've done so much for me and changed my life, without me even knowing" She says then looks at me as rivers of tears came down her cheeks "Thank you (Y/n)!" Violet then pulls me into a hug and cried into my chest.

I was baffled, mostly because I saw the legendary battle maiden who was emotionless, crying into my chest. I brought her in closer, trying ease her crying "Everything's okay Violet, you don't have to worry about anything I did for you, all you need to do for me is to be happy" I say in a soothing voice.

Her crying starts to slow down and become quieter as the minutes went on until it stopped. Violet removes her self from my chest and takes a handkerchief out and wipes her face of the tears before putting it away.

"Thank you" Violet tell me.

"Your welcome"  I say.

"Dinners ready!" Liz yells from down stairs.

"We're coming!" I yell back, I stand up and turned to Violet. I put my hand out towards her "Need a hand?"

A small smile forms on Violet's face and she gracefully takes my hand and stands up. We walked out of my room and Violet continued to hold my hand. I didn't know why she did but it looked like it gave her comfort to do so. As we walked towards the stairs I saw Liz looking at me and Violet. She then looked excited and looked towards mom and started talking to her. In the military I learned to read lips when you can't always hear others.

"Their holding hands mom, I told you they were perfect for each other" Liz says.

"That's good, at least he won't be lonely like he was before he went into the war" My mom replies.

We got to the dinner table and it was covered in plates of food "Why did you make so much food?" I asked.

"It's your first dinner back home and Violet is here also" My mom says.

"I suppose that works for an excuse" I say quietly to my self.

Somehow violet heard me and tilted her head a bit. My mom and Liz took at their seats on one side of the table, I pulled out the chair to my right for Violet and she sits down and I pushed in her chair before sitting down in my chair.

"Thank you for having me here Mrs. (L/n)" Violet says.

"You're always welcome here Violet" My mom says.

As we started to eat dinner Liz asked as if her question couldn't wait. "Are you and Violet dating now?"

I then nearly chocked on my food "N-no were not" I tell Liz.

"I saw you two holding hands" Liz says.

"That would be non of your business, but I asure you that we are not dating" I state.

"C'mon honey" My mom says "You can't be alone forever"

"I know that, It's not like I wouldn't date Violet. I just want our relationship to start off like normal and get to know each other before getting into the heap of things" I explain.

My mom and Liz were speechless as well as Violet who's cheeks were bright red. She still wasn't able to comprohend the feeling.

"Did I say too much?" I question.

"Nope" Liz says and starts eating again.

"Did you know that (Y/n) wrote a book?" Liz says.

"Yes, he told me while I was in his room" Violet replies.

"He's able to type very fast, honestly, he can type faster than I can" Liz explains then comes up with a idea and looks at me "You can become a Auto Memory Doll (Y/n)!"

It took me a few seconds to process what she said before understanding "What!"

Violet then turns to me "It would be great as a job since you don't have one. It would be better then trying to find one tomorrow"

"But don't only girls become Auto Memory Dolls?" I question.

Liz shakes her head "Not at all, it just looks like only girls become dolls because guys do more of the laboring work"

"I see, I guess I could give it a try" I reply.

"I can bring you to our work tomorrow and see if you can work there" Liz says.

"Okay, I'm good with that"

{Time Skip}

It was after dinner and I was at the front door with Violet.

"Thank you for having me over" She says.

"It's not a problem, as my mom said. You're always welcome here" I say with and smile.

Violet then remembers something and takes something off her neck. It was a necklace, it had a gold chain and at the bottom was a sapphire.

"You told me to hold onto this for you" Violet says.

She tried to give me the necklace but I didn't let her and pushed her hand back to her "You can keep it"

"Isn't it important to you?" Violet questions.

"It is, my mom told me to give that necklace to someone I really care for. And you Violet, are that person" I tell her and her cheeks become pink.

Violet then puts the necklace around her neck but unlike before it was showing, the sapphire hung below the green broach that Gilbert gave her.

"I'll see you tomorrow  (Y/n)" Violet says as she steps out the door.

"Goodnight Violet" I say.

Violet smiles "Goodnight (Y/n)"

Hello everyone this is the end of the chapter. I hope you guys enjoyed it. If you have any suggestions or comments feel free to tell me. Until next time, bye.

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