Chapter One- Dream of the Future

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"You need to practice, damn it! How else are you supposed to become a Champion?"

Violet shot awake, her eyes glanced around the room. It was a plain room, with a few decorations adorning a shelf on the wall. For the most part, however, there were few belongings in the room. Violet sighed, reassuring herself that his voice was just part of her dreams.

The girl's belongings had already begun to be packed into boxes sitting by the doorway. The Treasure Hunt would be starting soon, now that exams were over. The Treasure Hunt meant that Violet would be spending her next few months at home, with her parents.

The girl laid back down in her bed, staring at the ceiling. Why was she so nervous? Her schoolwork was done, after all.

It's stupid, I shouldn't be so worried. I get to train with Dad again, what's so bad about that? She asked herself. But Violet already knew.

Still, she needed her rest. And so, the girl drifted back to sleep. The voices returned to her ears, but there wasn't anything she could do about it.

The next morning came, and Violet rolled out of bed. The girl threw her school uniform on, clipping the purple tie to the grey blazer. Violet was at the very least excited to get out of wearing the same uniform every single day.

The academy had finally relented on its uniform mandate during the Treasure Hunt, so long as students had some sort of signifier that they were part of the academy. Violet decided to forgo the matching hat and instead organized her brown hair and placed a Vivillion Hairclip in her hair.

Violet spent a little longer fixing her outfit and making sure everything was in order before slinging her backpack on. She checked all of her belongings and then left her dorm.

Violet would have to get a few more of her belongings together later, but for now, there was an important assembly. She walked through the marble hallways of the Uva Academy, with purple carpets adorning the floors and sunlight piercing the windows. A few other students were also heading down the hallway and towards the schoolyard.

The academy had been the girl's home for four years now, admitting her when she turned ten. The Uva Academy was a home for all children growing up in Paldea to learn and become Pokémon Trainers if they chose, and Violet was no different.

The latest round of exams had been brutal, but Violet had managed to survive them. She didn't have any real friends anymore, so there was little to distract her. Being kept at home during Treasure Hunts would do that to a kid.

Violet eyed some of the other students, walking together in groups. Violet couldn't help but envy the trainers. Still, the school year was over. There wasn't time to dwell on those things.

Violet arrived at the schoolyard before long and felt the warm sun shining down on her skin. It was a beautiful day out, just like it would be for the foreseeable future. Violet was surrounded by people on both sides, standing on the grass in the middle of the yard. In front of them was a tiny stage, and all the students were surrounded by a track that enclosed most of the yard.

Uva Academy's director, Clavell, took to the stage in the center of the schoolyard. The man was dressed in a purple blazer and white trousers. The man cleared his throat and began to give his speech about the Treasure Hunt.

The yearly event was meant to be a time for fun and exploring for prospective trainers, providing them the opportunity to take on the Pokémon League. Violet wasn't as lucky, so the speech meant nothing to her.

The students began to cheer as Clavell wrapped up his announcement, and everyone turned back towards the Uva Academy's entrance. Violet took her time getting back, her next stop was her dorm. The girl re-entered the massive building and shuffled up the stairs.

There were very few students in the halls now, who was going to waste their time in the school now that they were free? Violet's phone began to buzz, she took it out of her pocket and began to read the message from her father.

"Be home by this evening. Don't take any detours. Your mother is making dinner. Love you, see you soon."

Violet took a deep breath and began to type a response. With her head buried in her phone, Violet blindly walked forward until she bumped into somebody. Violet pulled her head up and her face began to flush red.

That was before she saw who it was she had bumped into. It was Aya, the fiery student that Violet had shared a few classes with. The girl had black hair that fell down to her back, with red tips. Her features were soft, unlike her piercing brown eyes. Aya was quite a bit taller than Violet, which made her presence even more imposing.

The sunlight from one of the windows glistened on her dark skin. Tufts of her hair curled at various places. Even the stupid school uniform looked fashionable on Aya. Violet had few words that could describe Aya other than beautiful. The girl always knew how to stick out in a room.

Aya glanced Violet up and down, and the girl had to will herself to speak at all. "S-Sorry about that, I was d-d-distracted!"

Aya crossed her arms and chuckled. "Yeah, I figured. It's no big deal, surprised anyone's even in these halls if I'm being honest. You setting out on your treasure hunt soon?"

Violet's heart began to race as Aya moved to such a casual conversation. Violet had always taken notice of Aya in their classes, how could she not? Aya was a passionate student who was at the top of all their classes. Aya had also taken on the Gym Challenge several times and was an experienced Pokémon Trainer.

"Uhm, not exactly," Violet replied. "I-I'm headed home, to my parents." Violet clarified, trying her best not to stumble through the conversation.

Aya raised an eyebrow. "Really? Always took you for a Gym Challenge type. Shame, well how about a battle to make us square? Before you head out, I mean."

Violet bit her lip, everything she could have ever wanted, and the girl had to blow it all away. "I don't actually... have any Pokémon right now. My dad wants to make sure I'm ready for one. W-when I do though, I'd love to battle you!"

"Interesting," Aya concluded, her tone had the slightest tinge of disappointment. "Once again, a shame. Far as I can tell, you know your stuff. At least in the classes we share. I'd be up for that battle when the time comes. Enjoy your time with... whatever it is you're going to do." Aya walked away, and Violet cursed herself for her predicament.

The girl had little time to waste, however, and hurried back to her dorm.

Violet spent the next few hours packing her belongings, and bringing them to the entrance of the Uva Academy so the Flying Taxi could transport the boxes to her home south of the academy.

With that settled, Violet started walking down the staircase of the academy. The massive city of Mesagoza was spread out before her, the white marble ground reflected light off of it which illuminated the city. Numerous buildings and businesses lined the many streets, with hundreds of people traveling the streets of the city.

With so many trainers now cut loose, the shops would be in full force. Violet remembered reading that they were expecting to run into numerous supply issues for special Battle Items at a few of the retail chains. Trainers were currently raiding the clothing stores as Violet reached the bottom of the staircase.

She longed to join some of the girls who were out shopping together, or the groups of friends taking pictures in front of one of the restaurants. There was no time for something like that, however. Violet had to be in Los Platos by the end of the day.

A cool breeze blew through the crowded city, there were only a few clouds in the sky and Violet was at least excited for a beautiful walk home. The girl exited the city and arrived on the road home.

A few Pokémon were out in the wild, roaming the open fields before her. The grasslands were a familiar sight, with a few trees decorating the hills. Violet decided to take the long way down to Los Platos, deciding to enjoy the sights.

Large cliffs rose up on both sides of her, and when she looked up she could see a few Pokémon flying around in the air. A Shroodle battled against several Tarountula, flinging its poison tongue at their bodies. The spider Pokémon scurried away, inhibited by the large silk balls that covered most of their bodies.

Violet had gotten to do a study on Shroodle during one of her classes and had learned a lot about the tiny Pokémon. The Shroodle laid its turquoise eyes on her before running back into the grass.

Violet continued down the path, allowing herself to get lost in the fantasy of exploring this whole region. She was suddenly pulled from the daydream when she heard an unfamiliar cry from the grassy field. Violet turned her head to see a Flamigo towering over a tiny, green Pokémon.

She crouched down and began to creep toward the Flamigo, trying to get a better look at the other Pokémon. The Flamigo reared its beak and swung its head around, trying to swat the Pokémon.

The little creature lunged out, raking a claw across Flamigo's back. Violet gasped, realizing that she recognized the Pokémon. Sprigatito, a rare Grass-Type Pokémon.

Flamigo whipped around striking Sprigatito with its beak. The tiny Pokémon was flung into a rock, and the speedy Flamigo wasted no time dashing over to the rock. It raised one of its feet and prepared to strike the weakened foe.

"Stop it! Get away from that Pokémon!" Violet couldn't help but intervene, running out and waving her arms to scare off the Flamigo. The bird glared at Violet but began to back away. Violet scooped up the Sprigatito and locked eyes with the Flamigo.

The bird Pokémon shook its head, and then took to the skies and flew away. Violet breathed a sigh of relief. That Flamigo could've destroyed her if it wanted to. "You alright, little guy?" She asked the Pokémon in her arms.

The Sprigatito looked up at her with its red eyes, and Violet felt her head begin to melt. The Pokémon nuzzled her arm and started to purr, clearly appreciating the rescue. "What's a Pokémon like you doing out here, I wonder? No matter, I need to get going." Violet begrudgingly set the Pokémon down and turned to leave.

Violet hurried back onto the path and raced back to Los Platos. The familiar town brought with it a sense of nostalgia, and Violet took her time greeting a few people. She also decided to get herself an ice cream cone at Sugar-N-Ice, strolling past the lakes as she approached her home.

The girl felt a sense of dread as she neared her house, but there was no use in delaying. Violet knocked on the door and was greeted by her father. She immediately averted his gaze and moved in to hug him.

"Violet, welcome home!" Her father shouted, returning the embrace.

"Hi Dad," Violet said, pulling away from her father to go and hug her mother. Violet stepped inside her house and felt a strange amount of discomfort. Her father seemed to loom over her, and Violet still couldn't even look at him. She instead focused on the house. Not much had changed, the living room was still the same.

A 'Bless this mess' sign hung above the TV, the family Maschiff was resting at the foot of the white couch, and there seemed to be something cooking in the kitchen. Nothing had changed.

"Oh, it's so good to have you home dear!" Her mother cried, immediately fussing over some of the dirt on Violet's uniform. "Did you enjoy your time at the academy?"

Violet nodded, accepting her mother's attempts to brush the dirt from her clothes. "It was a pretty cool semester, I learned a lot about Pokémon."

Violet's father chuckled. "Well there's always more to learn, which reminds me, your study book for this summer should be arriving soon. But don't worry, I'll take you down to Poco Path so we can get some practice in while we wait."

Great, just what I wanted. Every day is already planned out. Violet groaned internally. The girl knelt down to scratch Maschiff behind the ear and the Pokémon gently licked her hand. "Awesome... I'm going to go unpack everything and get out of this uniform."

"Sounds good sweetheart," Her mother replied. "I'm making progress on dinner, but it'll be a little while longer so that'll leave you some time to settle in." Violet nodded and retreated into the hallway and into her room.

Violet spent the next few hours unpacking her belongings. Violet's room had a weird sense of familiarity. It lacked any defining elements until she put posters back on the walls, returned a few stuffed Pokémon to her bed, and began putting her clothes away in her dresser.

The room itself had little identity, there was never time to spend on customizing the room. Violet finished unpacking and got to work assembling an outfit. She landed on a jean jacket and pink tank top, with black jean shorts to round it out. "Violet, dinner time!" Her mother called.

Violet got ready to leave when she heard a scratching at her window. The girl pulled the curtain back to see what the noise was and found the Sprigatito that she had saved waiting for her. The girl was at a loss for words upon seeing the Pokémon, but immediately opened the window. "What are you doing here?"

The Pokémon replied with only a meow and then jumped inside. Violet wanted to pretend that this wasn't what she was hoping for, but the Pokémon began to rub its head against her leg. "You're just the cutest little thing, aren't you?"

Violet knelt down to scratch the Pokémon behind the ear and smiled. An impossible thought crossed the girl's mind, running away on a journey with this Pokémon. That could never happen, her father wouldn't allow it. But then again, Aya had told her that she was talented. That it was a shame she wasn't going on a journey.

Aya was one of the most capable trainers in the academy. If she had faith in Violet, that had to mean something.

Violet looked down at the small Pokémon and drew in a deep breath. "Sprigatito, would you like to travel Paldea with me and take on the Gym Challenge?"

The cat Pokémon looked up at her and seemed to have determination blazing behind its red eyes. Violet knew what she had to do. "Stay here, I'll be back soon." The girl walked out of her room, and into the dining room where her parents were seated.

The single-floor house was extremely open, keeping the living room and exit in view when in the dining room.

"It's so nice to have family dinners again!" Violet's mom announced as Violet approached her chair. That was going to make things difficult, but Violet couldn't waiver. She clenched the chair as she began to pull it back.

"Mom, Dad, I have something I want to tell you." Violet began, trying to calm her racing pulse.

Both her parents immediately stopped putting food onto their plates and locked eyes with Violet. "Don't tell me, you got a 'girlfriend', didn't you?" Her father groaned.

Violet's mom gasped a bit and glared at her husband. "Rick! If you did, we'll of course support you! Please share."

"N-no, it's not that." Violet sputtered out. "I-I-"

Violet's dad rolled his eyes. "What did we say about stuttering?"

Violet clenched her fists and looked directly into her father's green eyes, the same as hers. "I'm going to take on the Gym Challenge during this Treasure Hunt!"

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