Chapter Thirty Three- The Sun Begins to Set

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Aya left shortly afterward, and Violet waved goodbye. The two girls had agreed to go out after their league challenges. Violet then rejoined Evan and the crowd started swarming the girl. The pool in the center of the battlefield shot out a geyser of water, spraying the incessant fans and getting them to back off.

Kofu went up to Violet with a wide grin on his face. "That was amazing! You and your Pokémon have really grown, Violet!"

"Thank you!" Violet replied. "I couldn't have done it without your encouragement." Violet then turned to Evan and threw her arms around her friend. "And I couldn't have done it without your help, Evan. Thank you for everything."

Evan laughed a bit. "Violet, you and I have each other's backs. We've both gotten stronger, it was nothing, really! Also, you need to tell me about everything that happened with you and Aya just now."

Violet nodded. "I will, absolutely." She turned her attention back to Kofu. "Thanks for everything, Kofu! I've appreciated it!"

The man rubbed the back of his head. "I was just doing my job, trainers like you sometimes just need a bit of guidance before you can fly." Violet paused for a moment, her father had said something similar.

Violet took a deep breath. "Well, either way, I really appreciate it." Violet shook the Gym Leader's hand, and then she and Evan started walking towards the elevator.

"So Violet, where to next?" Evan asked her, stepping onto the elevator.

Violet pointed in Mesagoza's direction as the elevator came to a stop. "The Pokémon League. I want to get registered as soon as possible since it'll be a few days before I can attempt my challenge. That'll give us time to prepare and train!'

Evan grinned. "Sounds like a great plan! I can't believe I'm going to be training with a future Champion."

"Don't be too certain yet," Violet replied. "I'm going to give it my all, but it's nowhere near a surefire bet. The Pokémon League is no joke, hence why there's only been one Champion in the last three years."

Evan nodded. "I get that. Selene's been the Champion of Alola for like, eight years now. And she's not even the longest reigning Champion in the world."

"That's true, but it's a little different here since the Champion rank can be held by multiple trainers," Violet replied. "It's supposed to be attainable by anyone, so it's a bit unnerving to think about taking on those trainers."

"Has anything changed in the last few years?" Evan asked.

Violet thought about it for a bit before answering. "Well, the Top Champion, Geeta, remade her entire team after Florian beat her. I think she only kept one or two Pokémon on the team, and she became a lot tougher as a result."

The two trainers walked down the road out of Cascarrafa as they talked. "Well, I'll be sure to get all the information I can find on her new team so we can plan for them. But you've got a really strong team of Pokémon yourself, and I think together they'll be able to do it."

Violet looked down at the Poké Balls on the belt around her waist. Her Pokémon had fought like there was no tomorrow time and time again, and it seemed like they were finally getting to a point where they were a formidable force. It felt good, and Violet didn't want to let her team down after all of the work that they had put in.

"So, what happened with Aya," Evan pivoted. "I need to know!" Violet laughed and explained her revelations to Evan, as well as the conversation that she had with Aya. The boy's face lit up as they walked. "That's awesome, Violet!"

Violet nodded. "It feels really good, I'm so glad that I was able to tell her everything and that she listened to me."

"Well, you put your heart on the line," Evan told Violet. "And it sounds like you did a really great job."

Violet felt a bit of nostalgia as they walked towards the windmills along the path. She had gone everywhere, and done almost everything. All that remained was to go back to Mesagoza and take on the final challenge before her.

The two trainers were about to continue their conversation when Violet's phone started to go off. The girl assumed she was receiving some sort of congratulatory message, but instead, she saw a text from Arven. "You need to get to Mesagoza, NOW!!!"

Violet gasped, she showed the message to Evan and started to run down the road. "Violet, wait!" Evan called to her. "What if it's another trap?"

Violet shouted back. "Then the Twilight Research Team is doing something in Mesagoza! We need to go and stop them!" The girl started trying to request a Flying Taxi but found that the service was suddenly unresponsive.

Evan ran up beside her, the two of them passing by the windmills and going downhill on a rough slope. Mesagoza was visible in the distance, and Cortondo could be seen down a series of hills. "Let's get a Flying Taxi!" He called to her.

"I'm trying, it's not working!" Violet responded. "This is probably Penny's doing! We need to get to Mesagoza, and fast!"

Evan furrowed his brow. "Neither of us have any Flying Pokémon, so that's a bust." The boy glanced down at the ground. "Maybe..." Evan came to a stop and pulled out a white device. "This is a Ride Pager from Alola, maybe it still works?" The boy pressed a few buttons, but the device seemed to make an error noise.

Violet sighed and looked at the path. "We'll just have to go on foot then."

"That'll take forever," Evan noted. Violet shrugged and started to move. "Violet, stop!" She stopped and saw him pointing at the sky. Violet glanced up, seeing a bird and another figure descending on them.

As the two aerial figures approached the ground, Violet realized that one of them was a Skarmory. A large metal bird with red wings and a steely grey body. But the other figure... it was Miraidon!

The bird landed on the ground, revealing a trainer was riding atop it. The trainer had brown skin and black hair, with a green strand poking out in the front of her hair. She appeared to be an adult, a bit younger than Arven. The woman was dressed in a blue athletic jacket and black cargo shorts.

The woman jumped off her bird and stared at Violet with her orange eyes. This was a Champion of Paldea, Nemona. "Miraidon, is this the girl?" The mechanical lizard nodded his head.

Violet snapped herself out of her daze. "I-I'm Violet! I've been working with Arven to try and stop the Twilight Research Team! We sent Miraidon to go find you because we need your help to bring them down! Something's wrong with Penny and Florian, and now they're doing something in Mesagoza!"

Nemona's eyes widened. "Now I see why it was so urgent... Alright, if it means getting back Florian and Miraidon trusts you then I'm in! Let's fly over!"

Evan sighed. "That's the problem, neither of us has a Pokémon that can fly. And the taxi service is being blocked by Penny."

"Sounds like her," Nemona said with a wistful sigh. "Skarmory can hold maybe one more of you, but I don't know how both of you will get there."

Miraidon pipped up, kneeling down in front of Violet. "W-wait a minute," Violet realized. "You want me to ride you?" Miraidon nodded.

Nemona laughed. "Miraidon must trust you then. He has a good sense for those sorts of things. Let's get going, there are battles to be had!"

Violet nodded and she climbed onto Miraidon's back. The girl grabbed ahold of Miraidon's neck, and the beast leaped into the air. Violet held back a scream as the Legendary Pokémon descended down the cliff. Suddenly, the lightning bolts on his head expanded into wings.

Miraidon began flying through the air, gaining altitude and soaring above the region. Violet felt the wind blowing in her face, and it was exhilarating. They flew towards Mesagoza, and Violet got a look at the city below her. There were a large number of Twilight Research Facility Members, and there appeared to be some sort of Electric Terrain covering the entire city.

Miraidon narrowed his eyes and descended onto the city. Violet grabbed onto the metallic neck of the creature as they plummeted down from the air.

Miraidon slammed onto the central circle of Mesagoza, with Skarmory landing right next to him. Violet looked around to see Twilight Research Team members were all over the city.

They were blocking the various alleyways and paths to the center with their Pokémon. Trainers and pedestrians were gathered in the alleyways, clearly trying to get through.

Violet saw the eyes of one of the research members and noticed that they seemed to be glowing bright red.

The girl looked at the staircase up to the academy and saw that numerous devices had been set up at the base of the staircase. "I don't see Arven anywhere," Violet said to Evan and Nemona.

Evan jumped off of Skarmory. "We should take care of those machines first and foremost." He sent out Decidueye and pointed at the machines.

As Decidueye was about to move in, two attacks slammed into the ground in front of him. Violet looked up at the roofs and saw Sylvis and Ren standing on either roof.

Nemona cracked her knuckles. "Oh great, it's these chumps again." She sent out a Skeledirge and pointed at Sylvis. "Good to see you again. Hopefully, you've gotten better at battling."

Sylvis's eyes blazed with rage. "Oh great, you're back. Last thing we needed during our big leap forward. Iron Hands, use Thunder Punch!" Sylvis's Pokémon jumped up from behind him and slammed its fist down onto Skeledirge's head.

The croc winced but prepared to bite back. "Iron Moth, use Sludge Wave!" Ren's Pokémon flapped its wings and sent a wave of sludge crashing down into Skeledirge.

Nemona sighed. "That's a new one. Skeledirge, use Torch Song!" Skeledirge got up to attack, but Iron Hands punched it in the stomach again. "Ugh!"

Sylvis grinned. "Now, Wild Charge!"

"Stop him with Spirit Shackle!" Evan shouted as Iron Hands charged at Skeledirge. Decidueye fired an arrow into Iron Hand's face. The attack stopped its approach, allowing Skeledirge to fire off his attack.

Violet looked forward at all the machinery set up. A blue wave blew into Iron Hands and Iron Moth. Both Pokémon began to shake and convulse but seemed to burst with energy.

Violet started running at the device. "I'll put a stop to this! Use Flower Trick!" Violet shouted as she tossed a Poké Ball into the air. The ball burst open and Meowscarada landed on the ground.

He summoned a flower into his hand and tossed it at the devices. Before the attack could land, a familiar figure descended and knocked it away.

Iron Evolver landed in front of Meowscarada, and Penny walked down the steps to the academy. "Nice try, but we can't have you destroying any more experiments." Penny's eyes were also glowing with red energy.

"Meowscarada, use Night Slash!" Violet's Pokemon ran in and slammed his blade into the opposing Pokémon.

The paradox Pokémon jumped back, shaking off the attack. "Engage your Counter Drive, and then use Evo Slash!" Iron Evolver's Type Indicator spun around and stopped on the symbol for the Fighting-Type.

Iron Evolver jumped out and its paws exploded with red energy, slamming into Meowscarada's stomach and blowing him back.

They needed some way to manage Iron Evolver's Counter Drive before they were overwhelmed. "Use Hone Claws, and then send out Magical Leaves!" Meowscarada sharpened his blade and then sent glowing leaves all into the air and around Iron Evolver.

Penny rolled her eyes. "Your tricks aren't going to work on us. We've been analyzing footage of Meowscarada in battle and I've got it completely figured out. Iron Evolver, engage Planned Function Seven against Meowscarada."

Iron Evolver shifted into a Fire-Type Pokémon, and then launched fire out from its tail and into all of Meowscarada's leaves, burning them up.

Violet gasped, staring at Iron Evolver. "I've got it! Meowscarada, we'll need to do something we've never done before! Flower Trick en masse!"

Meowscarada created several flowers that he tossed out at Iron Evolver. The Paradox Pokémon started running to the side to dodge the attacks, and as they exploded they launched leaves into the air.

"Now, Night Slash!" Meowscarada jumped into the air with his blade ready to strike Iron Evolver while its visibility was impeded by the leaf blanket.

Penny pointed directly at the Pokémon. "There, now!" Iron Evolver launched another blast of fire out at Meowscarada.

Violet's Pokémon was hit by the flames and exploded into a cluster of leaves. Violet grinned as her Pokémon charged out from the leaves to attack Iron Evolver from behind.

"Behind you!" Penny hissed, and her Pokémon swung around to launch fire into that one. This Meowscarada also exploded into more leaves. Both Penny and her Pokémon looked around completely confused.

Violet started laughing, and then the girl exploded into more leaves. From the leaves, Meowscarada was standing where she once stood.

The cat chuckled as several Flower Tricks appeared from the swarm of leaves. They all exploded in unison, launching Iron Evolver into the air.

The futuristic Eevee crashed onto the ground and fainted, leaving a shocked Penny. Violet stepped back into view and high-fived her Pokémon. "Awesome job! Now, let's end this right here!"

Penny scoffed. "This is far from over. We're handling Arven right now, and Florian will surely take you down." Penny touched a hand to the left side of her head and then turned to walk away.

Violet's Pokémon moved in and sliced his blade across the devices, smashing them into pieces. The Electric Terrain faded away, as did the machine sending energy into Ren and Sylvis's Pokémon.

Violet looked back to see that Nemona and Evan were still engaged with Ren and Sylvis in battle. Decidueye fired several arrows into Iron Moth, and it responded by sending a blast of fire into the owl.

Skeledirge flung several purple balls into Iron Hands. The beast shrugged off the attacks and slammed its fist into Skeledirge.

Violet was about to rejoin them when she heard footsteps coming from the stairs. Violet looked to see Florian descending alongside Penny.

Arven was nowhere to be seen, Violet assumed he was still up by the Uva Academy. "What are you doing, Florian? What is all of this?"

Florian grinned, staring at Violet with his glowing, red eyes. "This is only the beginning, Violet! It's time for us to leap forward! Time waits for no one, and so we must catch up! You're so kind as to have brought Miraidon here, now we'll be able to move into the next phase!"

Florian snapped his fingers and energy began to shoot out from the top of the Uva Academy and into the sky. A storm quickly began to form in the sky above. "We're going to be embracing the perfection of the future, Violet! A mind like yours should be preserved and given the tools to succeed! Just as I have!"

Violet narrowed her eyes and scoffed. "Are you crazy? Isn't this what you stopped down in Area Zero? What are you planning?"

Florian rolled his eyes. "No, no, and you'll see. Unfortunately, I do need to make sure you don't interfere. Let's hope this is a learning experience, and you can embrace the future once you've seen just what I can do!" Florian sent out a Pokémon as he gave this speech.

The Pokémon was a Cyclizar, a lizard Pokémon with green skin that had what looked like a wheel on its neck and a long black tail. Violet sent out Tinkaton to meet it head-on. "Use Rapid Spin!"

Cyclizar dashed at Tinkaton, tucking his body into a circle that began to spin. He slammed directly into Tinkaton, and she knocked him away. "Use Play Rough!" Tinkaton dashed forward and grabbed hold of Cyclizar, attacking the lizard.

Cyclizar landed on the ground and got back up, snarling at Tinkaton. "Use Iron Tail!" Cyclizar was far faster this time and jumped into the air. The Pokémon's tail started to glow and he slammed the tail into Tinkaton's head.

She crashed onto the ground from the force of the move and Violet winced. Her mind was moving at a thousand miles per hour, but they needed to keep fighting. "Tinkaton, hang in there and use Gigaton Hammer!"

Tinkaton's hammer rose into the air, and she slammed it down onto Florian's Pokemon. The Champion's Pokémon was squashed under the move, and Violet planned to keep up the pressure.

"Now, use Brutal Swing and knock him into the air!" Tinkaton started to spin around, slamming her hammer into Cyclizar with an uppercut. "Finish this with Play Rough!"

Florian shook his head. "Overheat!" Cyclizar's eyes snapped open, and it unleashed a massive blast of fire down into Tinkaton.

The flames consumed Violet's Pokémon, and she fainted as they died down. Violet quickly returned her Pokémon and sent out Farigiraf.

Florian gestured to Penny. "I've got all the data on you and your Pokémon, Violet. You don't stand a chance against the advanced strategy processor I have."

Violet shook her head. "Why are you talking like you're some sort of machine? Farigiraf, use Twin Beam!"

"Dodge it, and then use Iron Tail!" Cyclizar scampered to the side while Farigiraf fired two pink beams out at him. The lizard dodged both moves and then jumped into the air.

He swung his tail down at Farigiraf. "Catch it with Crunch!" Farigiraf chomped down onto the tail, holding Cyclizar in place. "Hyper Voice!" Violet's Pokemon let out a shout that launched Cyclizar into the air.

They needed new strategies, Violet would need to think outside the box. "Draco Meteor!" Cyclizar opened his mouth and fired several purple projectiles down at the ground.

Violet narrowed her eyes and had an idea. "Farigiraf, catch one with Crunch and send it right back!" Farigiraf stared at one of the approaching balls.

She lunged out her head, grabbed ahold of one in her mouth, and then swung her head around.

Farigiraf released the ball of purple fire and it flew through the air and right into Cyclizar. The move exploded upon making contact, and the lizard crashed onto the ground unconscious.

Florian was clearly caught off guard, but he didn't hesitate to return his Pokémon. "This is getting boring. Let's see how well you can multitask." Florian suddenly tossed five Poké Balls into the air, sending out the rest of his team.

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