Chapter Twenty Three- Fallen Stars

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Violet and Evan ran down the mountain, wasting no time as Arven's voicemails played from Violet's phone. "The Team Star Ruchbah Squad's base has been overtaken by Twilight Research Team members! They're doing something to the Revaroom and testing some sort of new energy for the Paradox Pokémon! It's both Ren and Sylvis! Get here if you're able to because I'm going in."

Violet peered down at the shore where the Ruchbah base was located but wasn't able to make out any details thanks to the snowfall. "Why would Arven just run in like that? What was he thinking?"

"That just means it's really bad," Evan concluded. "It sounded like they're rolling out new experiments for testing. We've got to crush whatever it is they're plotting."

The two trainers scrambled down the mountain as quickly as they could, eventually approaching the grassy beach with a Team Star Base located on the waterfront. The base was decorated with pink flags, and currently, there was a loud commotion rising from the base.

Violet and her friend wasted no time dashing down the grassy hill and up to the base's entrance. They threw open the gate to see the Starmobile had been outfitted with multiple modifications. The Revaroom was clearly suffering, as a massive Electric Terrain was being projected from its body.

Iron Hands and Iron Moth were running around the area. They both had some sort of blue cylinders strapped onto their backs that were pumping energy into them.

Arven and his Mabosstiff were being held back by another trainer and his Dachsbun. The boy was dressed in a pink suit and carrying a white staff in his hands. He seemed to be about Violet's age and had short grey hair.

His golden brown dog resembled multiple pastries with its body. It was currently forcing Mabosstiff away from the Starmobile where the experiment was being run. "Ortega, listen to me! They're going to hurt your Revaroom and the rest of the Pokémon here!"

Ortega shook his head. "Why should I listen to you? Penny told us that you abandoned her and Florian! Dachsbun, use Play Rough!"

Dachsbun charged at Mabosstiff and began to attack him, and the dog tumbled over. Arven glanced down at the ground, and then over at Violet and Evan. "They're stronger than before! Be careful!"

Violet sent out her Girafarig while Evan called out Dartrix. "We'll be fine!" Violet asserted, and she looked at the giant car where the two Pokémon were standing. Their trainers were both giving commands and analyzing how the Pokémon were performing in battle against all of the Team Star members.

There were multiple other Twilight Research Team members giving instructions to all of the trainers. Assuring them that their Pokémon were fine despite their clear pained expressions.

"Girafarig, use Hyper Voice!" Violet shouted over the commotion, Girafarig opened her mouth and unleashed a massive scream that rippled into the two Pokémon on the Starmobile.

Both researchers looked down at Violet and Evan. "Oh joy, my favorite lab rats are back." Sylvis mused, his eyes narrowing. "Come back for another beating?"

"You won't be so lucky this time," Ren added in. "Return Iron Valiant to us and yield, or else you will surely fall to us."

Evan and Violet both chuckled a little. "Like that'll work on us! You're going down! Dartrix start off by using Nasty Plot!" Dartrix rubbed his feathers together and started to plot.

"Girafarig, use Twin Beam!" Girafrig's horns both fired a pink beam out into the two opposing Pokémon. "Now, Charge Beam on Iron Moth!" Girfarig then fired an electric blast into the mechanical moth to raise her attack power.

Ren wrote something down on their chart and then looked back up at the battle. "Iron Moth, it's time for Discharge!" Iron Moth fired off a massive blast of electricity into Girafarig and Dartrix. The move seemed to be doing even more damage than last time, though Iron Moth appeared to be strained from the attack.

"Now, knock them out with Thunder Punch!" Iron Hands jumped down from the car and swung its fist directly at Girafarig while she was recovering from the previous attack.

Evan snapped into action, "Dartrix, use Air Slash!" Evan's Pokémon flapped his wings, and a gust of air slammed into Iron Hands.

The beast was thrown back and its attack was stopped. "Now, use Hyper Voice!" Girafarig got to her feet and roared once again, sending a massive wave of sound into their opponent.

"I've got a plan," Evan started telling Violet. "Dartrix will probably be targetted by Iron Moth, but we can dodge around its attacks. Get Girfarig charged up and then have it knock out Iron Moth. Dartrix, Nasty Plot again!"

Violet nodded and Dartrix took into the sky and started to build up even more power. Ren pointed at the Pokémon and snapped their fingers. "Iron Moth, use Fiery Dance!"

Iron Moth sent out a rush of fire at Dartrix, but Evan and his Pokémon were on the exact same page. "Use Shadow Sneak!" Dartrix vanished into the shadows right before the move struck him. Dartrix reappeared behind Iron Moth and kicked it in the back.

Meanwhile, Iron Hands got back up and pounded its fists together. "Iron Hands, get it together!" Sylvis shouted down from the car. Iron Hands was clearly strained by all the energy pouring into its body, but it still glared at Girafarig. "Now, use Drain Punch!"

Iron Hands's appendages curled into fists and flew over at Girafarig. "Girafarig, counter with Crunch and then Twin Beam! Then use Charge Beam!" Girafarig turned her body around and slammed her tail into one of the fists. Then, she fired two beams from her head to repel the other fist.

Girafarig then shot another blast of electricity into Iron Hands for a bit of damage. The beastly Pokémon was powerful, but Girafarig was used to fighting against a physically stronger foe. She was building up power and stood tall against the foe.

Dartrix struck Iron Moth again, knocking it to the ground. Ren was growing impatient, as was their Pokémon. "Iron Moth, get up and use Sludge Wave!"

Evan looked at Violet, who nodded. Iron Moth shot into the air and then prepared to strike Dartrix with a blast of poison. "Girafarig, use Twin Beam on Iron Moth!"

Sylvis shook his head. "You won't get the chance! Use Thunder Punch!" Girafarig started to fire the two beams out at Iron Moth, while Iron Hands slammed its fist into Girafarig's side.

"Hang in there, Girafarig! You've just got to push through it!" Violet called to her Pokémon. "We're not giving up!" Girafarig grit her teeth and continued to fire the attack into Iron Moth. The beams slammed into the opposing Pokémon, and the Paradox Pokémon crumbled onto the ground.

Iron Hands backed away and Girafarig's entire body started to glow. She grew in size, and her tail vanished. The glowing ended and Girafarig's body had now become primarily orange, with the fact on her tail now surrounding her face and neck.

Violet's Farigiraf roared proudly and glared at Iron Hands. "Ren, you've dropped the ball once again," Sylvis commented. "No worries though, this experiment has only begun! Turn up the machine's power!"

Ren rolled their eyes but moved a slider on their tablet. "My defeat was only due to your inability to react to the variables of this experiment."

Violet raised an eyebrow. "Variables? Did they want us to come here?"

"No time to worry about that," Evan told her. The intensity of the Electric Terrain increased, and Iron Hands seemed to be overflowing with power. Violet and Evan's Pokémon were both starting to display obvious discomfort from the terrain, as was Ortega's Dachsbun.

"Ortega, don't you see?" Arven demanded. "They're hurting Pokémon, all for the sake of their research. I know Penny is your friend, but she wouldn't want this."

Ortega looked down at his cane and then shook his head. "I-I cannot stand in her way, this research is her life."

Arven scoffed. "Her life? This whole research thing isn't even two years old. Does she even talk to you all anymore?"

Ortega didn't respond, but a response wasn't necessary.

Sylvis started to laugh. "Why would she need to? Penny has been crucial in advancing our research, and now we're closer than ever to the progress we strive for! The future is coming, and you can try to fight it, but that's a fool's errand!"

"Dartrix, use Air Slash!" Evan's Pokémon launched a massive current of wind into the Iron Hands. The beast seemed to be surging with power and was barely phased by the attack.

Sylvis laughed. "Iron Hands, use Ice Punch!" One of Iron Hands's fists flew into the air and started to freeze, smashing into Dartrix and knocking him from the sky. "Then use Drain Punch!" Iron Hands threw its other fist into Farigiraf's face and drained some of her energy. "Time to finish this with Thunder Punch!"

Iron Hands readied its fists and charged at the weakened Farigiraf. "Play Rough!" Ortega's Dachsbun slammed into Iron Hands's back and knocked the cylinder from the titan. The cylinder rolled across the ground and Iron Hands seemed to stop convulsing with power.

Violet looked at Ortega and nodded, and then narrowed her eyes. "Farigiraf! Finish this with Twin Beam!" Farigiraf launched the two beams from her head, the powerful attack slammed into Iron Hands and the foe tumbled over.

Ortega stomped in front of the Starmobile and slammed his cane onto the ground. "You will get off of my Starmobile right now, and leave this place! The Ruchbah Squad will no longer permit experiments from the Twilight Research Team!"

The members of Team Star began to cheer and shout at the researchers. Sylvis and Ren looked at each other and then grinned. "Take it up with our boss,"

Violet turned around to see a girl with red and blue hair walking into the base. She had rounded glasses resting on her nose, and half of her hair fell partially past her eyes. The girl appeared to be a bit older than Violet and Evan and was dressed in the same researcher garb as the other member of the Twilight Research Team.

She had a completely blank stare behind her eyes and a coy grin on her face. "Ortega, such a shame you've let me down." Her voice was entirely monotone.

Ortega shook his head. "I don't have anything to say to you, Penny. Take your research somewhere else."

Penny sighed and then glanced at Violet and Evan. "You two have caused quite a bit of trouble. I believe it's time to put you in your place." She took out a Poké Ball with a grey top and it burst open.

The Pokémon that emerged from the ball resembled an Eevee, but it was entirely mechanized. The creature landed on the ground with a thud and its joints all clicked into place. Its tail swished back and forth, and there was a ring on the tail displaying the sign for Normal-Typing.

Violet had never even heard of a Pokémon like this before, but she called out Floragato to face it. "Floragato, use Slash!" Floragato immediately dashed in and swung his claw at the Paradox Eevee.

"Iron Evolver, engage your Counter Drive!" Penny shouted as her mouth curled into a smirk. The sign on Iron Evolver's tail suddenly changed to rock, and Floragato's claws bounced off of its body harmlessly. "Perfect. Our newest test is already a success. Evo Slash!" The Paradox Pokémon's paws suddenly turned into stone, and the Pokémon pushed Floragato back with the blow.

Violet was caught completely off guard by the strange Pokémon. "Floragato set up your Magical Leaf and then get your camouflage going!" Floragato unleashed a storm of leaves that flew around the battlefield and then vanished into them.

Penny narrowed her eyes. "Counter Drive, then use Evo Slash!" Iron Evolver's tail shifted to display the Flying-Type, and then the Pokémon jumped into the air and swung its paws around. The strikes were incredibly fast and smashed into Floragato from within the leaves.

Violet's Pokémon crashed down onto the ground while Iron Evolver landed gracefully. "We need to find a way to break through," Violet grumbled. "Floragato, toss out your yo-yo onto the tail!" The grass cat jumped up and threw his yo-yo out, it wrapped around the band on Iron Evolver's tail. "Now, Seed Bomb!"

Floragato shot out several explosive seeds that slammed into Iron Evolver, obscuring it in some smoke. Penny pushed the glasses up onto her face. "Time to finish this! Counter Drive, and then Hyper Beam!" Iron Evolver jumped into the air and was seemingly entirely unphased by the yo-yo.

The opposing Pokémon launched a golden beam down at Floragato. Violet's Pokémon was blown back and collapsed. Violet returned her Pokémon and sighed, while Penny gleefully called back her strange Paradox Pokémon.

"This was a wonderful display of a brand new Paradox Pokémon. You've brought us one step closer to the future, Violet." Penny chirped before looking up at the other researchers. "We're going now. This has been settled, and Violet and Evan will no longer be an issue going forward."

The scientists all had malicious grins as they packed up their devices and departed from the base. Violet felt her heart begin to race as the scientists left, what did Penny mean by that?

"What are they up to?" Evan wondered.

Arven sighed. "It's hard to say, they're seemingly researching all sorts of new technologies. I suppose they've figured out how to manage without Miraidon."

"What exactly is happening here?" Ortega demanded, having finished checking up on his Revaroom and the other Pokémon in the base.

"It's a long story," Arven answered. "But something is up with that research team, and it seems like they're getting bolder."

Violet still hadn't gotten over the threat that Penny had left them with. "What did she mean by us not being an issue anymore? What is she going to do?" Violet's chest felt increasingly heavy and the girl's brain felt like it was on fire.

Evan placed his hand on her shoulder. "Hey, it'll be alright. They've done some messed up stuff, and we have a ton of witnesses. Anything they do will only get themselves into trouble."

Her friend's words helped a little bit, though Violet still felt extremely nervous. "What do we do next? Iron Evolver had a completely unbeatable power."

"We'll find a way to break through it," Arven assured her. "For now, I recommend you both continue on like usual. I'll be on the lookout as always, but I think at this point there's one thing that needs to be done more than anything else. We need to find Miraidon and get its help."

Violet paused. Miraidon was an extremely powerful Paradox Pokémon and had been Florian's friend during his time taking on the Gym Challenge. "Where would it even be?"

Arven shrugged. "Your best guess is as good as mine, but I'm going to start looking everywhere I can think of. I'll be in touch, but if there aren't any updates, you know why." Arven started to walk off. "By the way, thanks for your help. I couldn't have stopped them today without both of you."

"Of course!" Violet responded. "We're in this together!"

Arven smiled a bit and then continued to walk off.

Violet was about to say something to Ortega when her phone began to buzz. The girl felt a wave of anxiety rush over her, and she checked her device to see that Aya was calling her. The immediate relief was enough to nearly distract Violet from the extreme excitement she felt getting a call from Aya.

The girl quickly grabbed her phone and answered the call without a second thought.

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