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She clenched her teeth in pure rage.
"We can't fight them, Bristle!"her mate screeched.
"Then you keep fighting! I'll get Mountain to flee then come back to you. Sound good, Harry?"Bristle yelled. Without waiting for her question to be answered, she swerved back towards her kit, who was hiding in some heather.
"It-it's okay, Mountain,"she whispered, voice quivering with the lie.
"Are-are they g-gone?"Mountain whimpered, looking small and frightened, the exact opposite to the large, proud terrain she was named after.
"No, my dear b-but it'll be a-alright,"she hissed softly, sounding more like a snake than a comforting mother.
"What about D-Daddy?"her kit asked, fearful curiosity burning intensely off of her.
"Don't worry, he's-"she cut off the fib, fur bristling like she was named, as Harry let out a choking wail that Bristle could only just make out the words of:
Tears streamed down her eyes; her mate had given his life to save her and her kit's.
I should have been the one fighting.
They had once took a vow to stick together forever, but she'd just broken it.
"Mountain, listen to me. Promise me something,"
"Anything,"Mountain whispered hoarsely, obviously understanding that her father was just slain.
"Promise me that you'll run. Run, and never look back,"she meowed, emotion surging through her voice. Mountain looked away, tears building in her blue eyes.
"Do you promise?"Bristle demanded quietly.
"I-"Mountian whispered,"I promise,"
"Thank you,"Bristle meowed, running back into the battle. She and Harry would always be together, and her bow would not be broken.
Everyone dies, and now it's my time.
"Run!"she shrieked over her shoulder. Mountain was stood there, an expression being read clearly: I promise.
Happily reassured, Bristle strode toward the opponents, confidence rushing through her like the wind.
Sure, she'd die, but she was dying for her kit, and she would let her live on and on until her life was up, and they met in Heaven.
She reached them.
They glanced at her, then advanced.
She screamed a final word,"RUN!"


Mountain heard a deafening crack of a bone as she turned to run.
Never look back.
Her mother's words echoed in her ears.
It was so hard; all her life was set there, and an enemy she couldn't name was tearing it to pieces in a matter of seconds.
Well, I'm all alone now. She thought, halting in a bracken-scenting clearing of heather and violets.
She settled down amongs them, then started to cry.
My mother, my father, dead. What purpose do I have anymore?

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