007. i don't want to miss a thing

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i don't want to miss a thing


FIVE DAYS CAME AND WENT RELATIVELY QUICKLY AND COMPLETELY UNEVENTFULLY, MUCH TO TONY STARK'S DISMAY. It was the same frustrating routine every day. He would wake up and then bring Viper breakfast and a change of clothes. But she would never change into them, and she would never eat in front of him either, even as they sat across from each other as he told her stories about their life together. Then, after he couldn't bear the heartache or her stoic expression for another second, Tony would leave and pour himself a stiff drink, attempting to drink away his sorrows. Because no matter what he said, she never spoke or showed any emotion, and it was slowly, but surely, killing him on the inside.

Whenever he would leave the room, Pepper Potts would take his place, sitting right across from Viper and sharing stories of their friendship and how they always thought of each other as a sister. Happy and Rhodey visited her often as well, sharing their own stories from the past. Even Steve would stop by her cell to talk with her for a while, hoping to get Viper to open up and tell them something. But no matter who was in the room, and no matter what they were saying, Viper never uttered a single syllable in response.

They hadn't gotten anything from Edrick Karlov either. Like Viper, the man wasn't saying a word, remaining annoyingly loyal to HYDRA. They were forced to hand him over to the government to be dealt with accordingly, seeing as they had no further use of the man anymore.

On the seventh day of having the woman he loved back in his life, Tony found himself standing on the balcony outside, a glass of bourbon in one hand and a photo of himself and Ophelia in the other. The small smile on his face was bittersweet as he recalled the day the photo had been taken by Rhodey.

The skies stayed clear all day that day, despite the storms on the weather forecast, and the day had been absolutely perfect. He received high praise from MIT and even had a meeting with a few of the board members to discuss his future that afternoon. And as the day came to a close, he found himself at a bar with his girlfriend. Rhodey was there as well, having been invited to join them for a drink. But Ophelia was the only thing he had cared about that night.

He can remember that the sight of her had taken his breath away. She hadn't been dressed in anything spectacular, just a simple pair of jeans and a Bon Jovi t-shirt from a concert she had gone to with her adoptive parents. Her hair was loose and flowed down her shoulders, and she hardly wore any make-up that night either. The simplicity of her entire look was beautiful, and he found himself unable to leave her side all night. They drank beers, shot pool, played darts, and she even showed him how she could tie a cherry knot with her tongue after he bet her that she couldn't do it, which he never found attractive until that very moment. But his favourite moment of that night happened when she pulled him up from their table to dance.

Tony can remember resisting at first, for he had never been much of a dancer. But Ophelia hadn't given him a choice, and Rhodey had laughed the entire time as she dragged him across the bar to where everyone was dancing. She had looped her arms around his neck and swayed her hips. Even to this day, he can't believe how well of a dancer she was. He was stunned, but eventually moved with her to the beat of Aerosmith's, I Don't Want To Miss a Thing, a song that would always remind him of Ophelia after that night.

They were only dancing, something so casual. But it wasn't casual for him. It was rare, and it was beautiful. Then, out of nowhere, something just came over him. He had spun Ophelia and then pulled her flush against his chest, his heart bursting with so much fondness when she laughed, the sound making him smile like a lovesick puppy. And that's when it happened. Almost breathlessly, he had said fondly, three words that Ophelia Southerns hadn't been sure she would ever hear from someone like Tony Stark.

I love you.

Tony can remember being in a shock after saying those words. It had been the first time he ever said them to a girl before that night, but he meant it. He had never spoken so truthfully until that moment. Until he stood in that bar, dancing with his girlfriend to Aerosmith. And Ophelia Southerns, much to his surprise, had said it back. He can still remember how breathless she had been, and the smile that spread across her face, before she closed the space between them and kissed him, soft and sweet.

Tony blinked back his tears and took another long, slow sip of bourbon. He looked away from the photo that Rhodey had taken of them on the dance floor, and closed his eyes. He shook his head, trying to get the images of that night out of his head. Thankfully, a voice called out to him, distracting him from the bittersweet memory. He tucked the photo into his pocket before giving a response.

"What is it, Pep?" Tony asked.

"Uh, Steve, he sent me to find you," Pepper replied, a slight frown on her face. She had seen his attempt to hide the photo before she could see it, but she had. Though, she didn't say anything, knowing he had come out here alone for a reason. "Someone is here."

His brow furrowed. "Who?"

"Some man for Ophelia, I think," Pepper said. "I'm not quite sure what he wants. Steve mentioned needing to find you and I volunteered."

Some man for Ophelia? Tony thought. He didn't understand what that meant, exactly. What man would even need to speak with her so urgently? The entire thing confused him, but he nodded, following after Pepper as she led him into the parlor.

When they arrived, Tony saw a man standing and talking with Steve and Bruce. He was dressed in a tweed jacket and gray slacks, a pair of squared glasses resting on the bridge of his nose. His hair was dark and slicked back, and he carried a briefcase with him. Whoever he was, he was obviously important, as he carried himself as such.

"Tony," Steve said after catching sight of the man entering the room. "This is Albert Jensen. He's a psychologist that has worked with S.H.I.E.L.D. in the past. He overheard from Fury what happened to Ophelia and wanted to help."

"How does Fury kno—" Tony went to ask, but he stopped himself and shook his head. Of course Fury knew. Somehow, he always knew what was going on before anyone else did. "Nevermind. So, uh, a psychologist? Fury really thinks that you of all people will help?" He asked with doubt and a hint of sarcasm.

"Yes, Mr. Stark," the man — Albert Jensen — nodded, a tight-lipped smile on his face, "a psychologist. I've worked with Fury on several occasions and have helped his agents through difficult times. When I heard what happened to your fiancé, I thought, perhaps, I could be of some assistance."

Conflicting thoughts stirred in Tony's brain as he stared across at the man in the tweed jacket. He was curious as to why Fury hadn't called to tell them that he was sending someone to help.

"Tony," Steve said, capturing the man's attention as the billionaire turned to face him. "I know Ophelia hasn't been engaging with us, and it's likely she won't engage with him either. But, it wouldn't hurt to try."

"He's right," Pepper spoke up. "He's a professional, Tony. Perhaps, that is just what Ophelia needs right now."

In his opinion, some psychologist was the very last thing the woman he loved needed right now. If she wasn't talking to anyone, then what makes everyone think she'll talk to a psychologist? Viper would see right through him, as she was far more perceptive than Ophelia ever was after everything HYDRA has put her through over the years.

With a sigh, Tony eventually agreed after seeing the look on Pepper's face. It was obvious that she needed her best friend back as much as he needed his fiancé back, and if agreeing to let a psychologist talk with Viper for a little while gave Pepper some amount of comfort and hope, he was just going to have to deal with that. "Sure, why not." He downed the rest of his bourbon and then set the glass on a table nearby. "Give it your best shot, Doc."

With that being said, Tony and Pepper followed after Albert Jensen and Steve Rogers as the latter led the doctor to where Viper was locked up. Upon entering the room, Tony noticed that she was laying down with her back facing them, and images of her laying beside him in bed flashed before his eyes. He closed his eyes for a moment and then reopened them when he managed to shake the memories away, turning his head to watch as Steve moved to pull a table and chair in front of the holding cell so the psychologist had a place to work.

The moment the psychologist thanked Captain America for his assistance, Viper sat up and turned around to face them. Tony furrowed his brows at the action, as she usually never reacted to someone entering the room or even talking to her. So, he watched her carefully, and concern spread through him when he saw the way her eyes widened in alarm, as though she recognized the psychologist from somewhere.

Tony glanced at Albert Jensen, watching as he set his briefcase on the table and moved to open it. At first, he wasn't sure how Viper could recognize him if she had never worked with S.H.I.E.L.D. before. But when the man pulled out a loaded pistol from his briefcase, it was then Tony realized how she knew him.

Albert Jensen — if that even was his name — wasn't a psychologist that worked with Nick Fury and other agents from S.H.I.E.LD. in the past. He was HYDRA, and it was obvious he had been sent to kill Viper so she wouldn't reveal any of their secrets to the enemy.

Without even thinking, Tony gave Pepper a shove towards Steve to keep her out of harm's way, and Steve caught her as she nearly fell to the ground after stumbling in her high heels. And then Tony did the only thing he could think of in the heat of the moment. He jumped in front of the bullet.

There was a loud ring, followed by a scream that undoubtedly came from Pepper, and then all Tony felt was pain as he stumbled backwards before falling to the ground. He laid there, unmoving, vision blurry, fresh blood oozing from his upper torso.

Everything happened so quickly after that. Steve got Pepper to safety, shielding the woman with his body as she hurried out of the room to get some help. Once he knew the woman was out of harm's way, he advanced on the shooter, knocking the gun from his hands before another round could be fired off. They engaged in combat after that, fists against a knife as the man pulled one from his jacket and slashed at Captain America with the weapon.

Tony's vision cleared only for a moment in the middle of all the chaos, and that was when he saw her. Viper was standing over him, and she had somehow got her hands on the discarded gun. He heard more ringing and knew she had fired several rounds off. Then she collapsed to her knees beside him, and it was then Tony saw a glimpse of the woman that he used to love, as she looked at him with a mixture of shock, confusion, and concern. Her face was the last thing he saw before everything went dark.

Accessing the damage surrounding them, Steve and Thor — who had heard the first gunshot and came running not long after Steve had gotten Pepper safely out of the room — then looked across the room at Viper. Instead of using the gun against them as well so she could escape, she had dropped it and was now kneeling down beside Tony. Confused of how she had gotten out of her cell, yet not caring at the moment as their fellow Avenger continued to bleed out on the floor, they glanced at each other before leaping into action.

Viper, confused over the course of events that had taken place and too shocked to even care about what was going on around her as she stared at Tony and the blood pouring out from the wound on his chest caused by the bullet that was intended for her, didn't even bother to fight back as she was pulled away from him and locked back in her cell. She watched with a conflicting heart and spiraling thoughts as he was carried out of the room by Captain America and Thor to be treated for his wound.

When they were out of sight, Viper glanced at the photographs nearby, one in particular drawing her eye. The one Tony Stark had told her was taken the day he proposed to her. They were smiling and looked so happy. She looked so happy. And it was then she realized just how important she really was, not to HYDRA, but to Iron Man.


a/n: okay, but, tony just casually jumping in front of a bullet to save the woman he loves even tho she doesn't remember him just so he doesn't lose her again??? i'm not crying, you are 😭 anyways, big things are about to happen as viper begins to realize the lies hydra has been feeding her all these years 👀

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