alex go

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It was a calm day. It was sunny and a gentle breeze was blowing.

Four year old Alex go was in tge Park with his mother. He was off to to side building a sandcastle in the sand box. He really wanted to play with other kids but he was too shy and afraid of being picked on.

His thoughts were interrupted when a ball came flying and destroyed his sandcastle. He wanted to cry. An out of breath little girl with (hair colour) hair came running and apologized profusely.

She lifted Alex up. "What's your name?" "My name is y/n!" She declared with a confident toothy grin. The girl was bubbly in personality and really pretty to Alex's surprise. She sparkled and the scratches and bandaid on her arms only added to her charm.

The both of them smiled at each other. Alex replied. "M-My name is Alex"

"Well Alex let's be friends!"

Alex nodded, feeling happy.

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