Happy birthday

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Happy birthday



Growling at whoever had interrupted his slumber, Jimin blinked a couple of times, getting his eyes used to the light Illuminating the room. After a couple of seconds his eyes finally focused on the familiar face. Yoongi.

Jimin pressed his lips into a thin line. He was bitter. Yes, he was being petty. He was aware of that, but he couldn't help it. Yoongi had made him feel like shit and judging from the way he was widely grinning at him as if he had just won the lottery, he wasn't even one bit aware of it. "Morning."

Wow Jimin hadn't seen him smile this happily for weeks. He must have gotten fucked really good if he was smiling like that.

Jimin sat up, putting on a low effort smile before making his way over to the closet. "Morning." His throat still felt kinda sore, but he wasn't sick at least. No dizziness. No shaking. No sweat. Just the stones in the depths of his stomach seemed to have stayed, being a constant reminder of how shitty he felt.

Maybe he had been faking the last two weeks. Maybe he wasn't as unbothered as he thought. It could have just build up without his notice and events of the day before simply triggered all of those emotions.

Stopping him from sinking deeper into self-pity, Yoongi hugged Jimin pulling him into his body.

"I made breakfast." He smiled and Jimin forced himself to smile as well. This was stupid. His insecurities were getting to him once again. Yoongi wasn't actually to blame. Yes, Jimin did feel like ripping off the others head, but at least he was aware he was being unreasonable.

Yoongi hadn't done anything wrong. He had told Jimin right from the beginning. He had warned him and this was the life he had chosen.

"Thanks." A soft smile played over his lips. He sounded tired. Exhausted even, but Yoongi didn't say anything about it.

"You gonna come or should I carry you?" Yoongi joked and Jimin smiled. Even with all his worries, Yoongi made Jimin happy.

"Please." He answered seriously and Yoongi laughed still in the good mood he seemed to be in ever since he had turned up. "Nah, you're too heavy. Now hurry."

Offended Jimin tried kicking him but Yoongi had already taken off.

Sighing Jimin followed after him, leaving the room and entering the kitchen. He was almost instantly hit with the intense smell of pancakes and coffee. His mouth started watering at the sight of chocolate syrup and fruits spread over the table.

"Holy shit I fucking love you."

"I know you do." Yoongi laughed wrapping his arms around Jimin's waist. "Happy birthday, darling."

"Wait what..."

"I know you told me you tend to forget your birthday, but I thought you were joking." Yoongi laughed, placing a kiss on Jimin's cheek.

"Uhm yeah that's not a joke." He chuckled closing his eyes and enjoying the proximity that had almost gotten rare the last couple of months.

"I noticed. So how about I drop you off at school and afterwards we'll get to enjoy our day together?"

"Sounds great~"

And that's what they did. Yoongi dropped Jimin off and Jimin enjoyed the jealous glances some of the other students had written on their face. It was easy to push the lingering feeling of unease aside, while being happy.

"Hey could you feed me some of that culinary sin you're committing right now?"

"Dipping crisps into Nutella is not that horrible!"

"We can either argument about that or you could just feed me some and continue watching that film."

"Well fuck you too." Jimin chuckled and Yoongi grinned broadly.

"Is that an offer?"

"If you want it to be."

There was a short awkward silence before Yoongi got up and grabbed the empty snack wrappings, leaving to throw them away. "I'll get us some more snacks." There were no words exchanged, but the way Yoongi's expression twisted in discomfort told Jimin all he had to know.

Yoongi didn't want to sleep with him anymore.


Ya'll know that weird inbetween state of kinda everything seems okay on surface level but then again you feel like something bad is in the making

You should be happy

Everything is actually wonderful but there is something giving you anxiety nevertheless?

Jimin's going through that right now

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