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It was just the beginning of the afternoon when Bryan ran into the room.

 "Hey guys! We've all been having a tough time lately with the Twisted's attacks so I decided we're all having a sleepover!" Bryan said,so excited it could affect everyone in the room.

Rockstar Freddy pointed at lefty "he snores like a pig"he said playfully,which is quite unusual coming from the strict bear. "Hey!" Lefty yelled ,but he was laughing as well as Molten.

Virtual Freddy stopped shuffling his cards and tried to remember if there was ever a time he had a sleepover. Finding none he shrugged "guess I could join" Tw.Chica and Tw.Foxy agreed aswell as Orville, Rockstar Bonnie, Lolbit and Helpy.

So that's how he got here, sitting between the two twisted animatronics playing truth or dare. It seemed like a normal round of truth or dare until, of course......that question came up....

 "Truth or dare Virtual Freddy?""truth" Bryan gave an evil grin. "Who would you out with?" Virtual Freddy shrugged "I dunno, I'll go get chocolate ice cream then I'll tell you" Bryan sighed "ok"

A few moments later Virtual Freddy reappeared from the kitchen and found that everyone was just talking until he got back. The only people who noticed his presence immediately was Tw.Chica and Tw.Foxy. He pointed to Helpy as if saying 'out of everyone here I would date her' they both grinned.

The others had noticed him now. "So who would it be?" Bryan questioned, Virtual Freddy shrugged "I don't know at the moment I'd have to put more thought in it" Bryan nodded "fair enough".

Virtual Freddy looked at Helpy "Truth or dare?" And like the confident little bear she was she said "Dare!""Tell us how much money you've spent on Bryans's Debit card" he asked ( a debit card is kind of like a credit card only you don't borrow money,you use your own money) Now she looked nervous "Well I......""I would like to hear this as Well" Bryan stated giving her a look.

The rounds went on for awhile before Bryan called it to a stop, Then they lied down still talking but getting sleepy.

Twisted Foxy then asked him "What does IDK, LY and TTYL mean?" Virtual Freddy sighed before he replied "i don't know,love you,talk to you later" he stated.

"Ok I'll just ask lefty,he seems to know all about these kinds of stuff" Tw.Foxy told him, Virtual Freddy put his 'dude are you an idiot' face on while Helpy laughed and told him "I'm surprised he didn't comment on the 'love you'one"he just shrugged.

'I seem to be doing that alot to today' he thought as he sighed, he was getting sleepy,soon,everyone was too. He nestled down next to twisted foxy and chica.

Virtual Freddy smiled,being surrounded by the ones you love is a nice feeling....a feeling he hasn't felt in a long time,he then heard a conversation between Molten and Bryan.

Molten sighed "Brÿåñ,šêriøúşlÿ gø måkē ÿøûr b3ð büt bë qūï3t" Bryan huffed like a four year old "why should I make my bed if I'm just going to sleep in it anyway?""Whỳ şhøûlð I fëèð ÿøū ìf ÿøūr jūšt gøïňg tø ðï3 åñywâÿ?" Molten said like the blunt guy the was, Bryan's face paled "I'm off to make my bed night Molten!"

Virtual Freddy snickered,what a wonderful conversation to drift off to sleep to....

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