Storm cuddles

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A bright light flashed across the sky, coming down to the earth with a sound that was like a giant yelling.

Virtual Freddy yelped and curled in on himself more, he was hiding under Bryan's bed -who was snoring like an elephant and the sound was not helping him- he had made his own little nest under there because Helpy had insisted he's stay with her and Bryan and not in the tent because he could be attacked easily.

Now he would have taken offence to that if it wasn't true, all the bigger animatronics could hold a good fight even if they were sleepy but if he got picked off from the others when he was tired he wouldn't stand a chance.

 The sound of the thunder rolling and the lightning cracking across the sky with a mighty boom pulled him from his thoughts as he whimpered, it was funny wasn't it? He didn't show fear of Glitchtrap but when he was alone it seemed as if his insecurities flowed free and that thought made him shove himself to the end of the nest.

He heard a few clicks of the door before it opened revealing Helpy walking in and closing the door, she looked around in confusion 'Bryans here but.... Is Virtual Freddy not here?' She was about to walk to her bed before the lightning cracked once again and she heard a whimper under Bryan's bed.

She crouched down and lifted the covers that hung down, she couldn't see him at first but then she saw him curled up in one of the darkest corners under the bed. "Hey Virtual Freddy" she whispered to let him now of her presence.

She saw a pair of dark green eyes meeting her bright blue ones, she would have found that creepy if they weren't filled with childlike fear. She looked at him with concern but decided if she wanted to get to the bottom of this she'd have to get in there with him.

 "Virtual Freddy I know your scared but could you let me in? I want to help you" she heard him shuffling about until he had made room for her in the nest of pillows and blankets, she crawled in beside him and enveloped him in a hug to comfort him, she looked up at him "What are you so afraid of?"

Virtual Freddy refused to look at her although he put his arms around her as well "I n-not scared j-just tired?" Another strike of light came across the sky and he immediately whimpered and curled into her embrace, she now understood what was happening.

 "Ohhhh your afraid of the storm aren't you?" She asked gently, he nodded silently and she looked at him with pity "I've never s-seen or heard one as b-big as this one""So you never had storms in you world?" He shook his head.

 "Well... How about talking until the storm is over? I remember you saying there where different areas in your world where the season's would never change, we could talk about that" he pondered for a second before telling her about all the different areas and the seasons and how if you went more than 3 levels of code down you would meet some one called 'old man consequence' he even forgot the lightning was there.

"I actually met the old man once" Helpy tilted her head "But how did you get there if you could disappear forever?""That's the thing! We didn't! Me and my team stayed chatting with Fredbear for to long and he turned into a pixalated version of himself and sent us down there" They had now both forgot about the storm as it was calming down.

"But how did you get out?" Helpy said as Virtual Freddy winced at the way the had to get out "Well there was a lake and we had to... Drown ourselves.... It didn't hurt though" Virtual Freddy sighed as he remembered how he had to collect clocks and fight enemys and yelling at Fredbear for sending them down there before he chuckled as another memory came to him "I used to visit the old man twice a week since he was all alone, he was a good friend"

She smiled but then had a thought of her own 'if old man consequence was in the coding of his world then.... Is he still there?' She shook the horrid thought away as she looked up to Virtual Freddy to see he had a thinking face on and wondered if he had the same thought as she did.

The silence was filled with Bryan above them shuffling around and snoring before Helpy realised the storm was gone and Virtual Freddy wasn't scared anymore, she shook him getting his attention "Hey Virtie the storms gone!" He listened out for the storm but failed to hear it.

 "Your right! I was so busy telling you about my world I didn't even realise!" He smiled down at her before looking at the clock "Helpy it's midnight" She nodded "Should I sleep down here with you tonight?" She asked as Virtual Freddy hummed in thought before cuddling her more "Yep" She giggled sleepily "Good night gummy bear..." He mumbled something before they both turned off.


Bryan yawned and stretched his legs before getting out of his bed and was about to turn Helpy on but realised she wasn't in her bed, he tilted his head 'Where could she be?' He then heard the familiar whirring of an animatronics dreaming system, it was coming from below him.

He kneeled next to his bed and tugged the covers up as they were acting like a curtain, he then silently squealed as he saw Virtual Freddy and Helpy cuddling in the nest of pillows and blankets, he took a picture and quickly got changed and then sent the picture to Lolbit.

A few minutes later he came skidding into the room as Bryan shushed him, "Bryan where is the cuteness?!" Lolbit whisper yelled at him as Bryan pointed under his bed, one look and Lolbit looked at Bryan with a serious face until they both let out little silent giggles only shippers could achieve as Lolbit made an album on his phone for the pictures of them together.

A few hours later when the two small bear's woke up and as soon as they went outside Lolbit scooped them both up and yelled "SHIP" and while Helpy covered her blushing face Virtual Freddy didn't know what the shippings were and instead said something like "Lolbit the ship is in Foxy's area didn't you already know that?"

 The rest of the day they spent eating icecream and Virtual Freddy and Helpy spending more time with each other while eating icecream, meanwhile Lolbit and Bryan were squealing while Lefty and Molten had grins on their faces.



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