Irene Valentine Bio

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Name: Irene Valentine

Alias: Iri, Blondie, Weak Bitch, Sweet Face, Princess

VA: Alexis Tipton (English), Kana Hanazawa (Japanese)



Originally, Irene was a kind, sweet, and friendly person, though she was prone to feelings of resentment and bitterness toward others due to the abuse she suffered from others.

After awakening her powers, Irene now shown to possess more confidence, now being able to stand up for herself and others. She will show kindness and even forgiveness, but she will make them earn it due to knowing there is a limit to forgiving someone. Despite her new found confidence, her bitterness and resentment toward Union caused her to develop a somewhat cold and apathetic side. She is able to lash out and even physically strike them, though she is able to restrain herself. However, she still retains her sweet personality.

Nationality: American (European descent)

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Eye color: Sea Green

Hair color: Blonde

Complexion: Light

Height: 5'8

Weight: (Disclosed due to personal reasons)

Birthdate: 4/7

Occupation: Student

Alignment: Lawful Good

Relatives: Vance Valentine (father, deceased), Andrea Valentine (mother, deceased)

Likes: Her friends, helping others, making people happy, eating sweets

Dislikes: villains (only irredeemable), bullies, perverts, abusers, liars, manipulators, abusers, watching her friends hurt


The Virtue: An unknown entity that gave Irene's powers. It is referred to as she, due to her voice being female. She is a voice inside Irene's head that often gives her advice or encourages her to stand up for herself.

Superhuman Strength: Irene possesses a superhuman degree of physical strength, enough so to effortlessly overpower anyone. She's able to lift extremely heavy weights with immense speed in many different ways and block powers including magic by simply swiping her hand. Aside from that, Irene is easily able to crush people's bones, punch through people's bodies or cleave them in a single chop with significant ease, and can completely obliterate a person's body with a single punch. Irene is inhumanly strong even with her wrist weights on, which prevent her from using her full strength.

Superhuman Speed & Reflexes: Irene been noted to have superhuman speed and reaction time, so much so that her opponents can't read her moves. She could avoid a point-blank stabbing attack, dodge a point-blank shot, and can block any oncoming attacks. She is even able to run on water like it is nothing.

Superhuman Durability: Irene's body is extremely durable, capable of taking much more damage than normal humans. Her durability is even greater than that of any other superhuman beings as well.

Superhuman Stamina: In addition to her  offensive power, Irene possesses incredible endurance, able to keep on fighting, despite severe injuries.

Superhuman Senses: Irene's senses are heightened to their absolute peak. She can see or hear anything from far distance, and can track people through footprints and odors.

Regenerative Healing Factor: Irene has a certain degree of regeneration, such as taking an immense amount of punishment and still be able to fight without much injury. Her scars she had from her bullies immediately healed soon as she awakened her powers.

Sixth Sense: Irene can sense the presence, strength, and emotions of others. She is also able to see through illusions as well.

Telekinesis: Irene can telekinetically move objects and block powers.

Energy Manipulation: Irene can create and control energy. Her veins around her body, especially around her eyes, will light up when she uses her power. She could use light to enhance her speed, send a shockwave through the ground, cause an explosion of energy, throw balls of deadly, shining energy, or increase the force of her attacks.

Molecular Manipulation: Irene can manipulate molecules of different matter, through transmuting them.

Hypersonic Flight via Wings: Irene can fly at superhuman speed with her wings.

Precognition: Irene has the ability to see into the future. When it comes to the future, Irene can see all possible futures, and can thus act accordingly using the knowledge she has gained to anticipate and counter her opponents.

Magical Energy Absorption: Irene can absorb magical energy. Through this, she is able to use her target's magical abilities, and even enhance them.

Astral Projection: Irene has the ability to separate her astral form from her body.


Genius-level intellect

Expert combatant


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