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I held my breath as I jogged down the early morning streets toward the abandoned warehouses. The sun had only reached a low midpoint, not quite settling in the sky. Yet, I didn't need the light to guide my way. I knew these streets like the back of my hand.

I followed my memories, my past, as I cut through the alleys and back areas of old businesses. The days from my teenage years if cutting school early, meeting up with friends, or even bringing Riley along for an adventure. A lot of the time I didn't want her to come, but Riley had been adamant to stay at my side. She'd say, "I've got the credits to graduate, but you need a conscious. You need me by your side."

As the warehouse came into view, her words meant so much at that moment. I needed her. She was the voice in the back of my head that told me to stay or go, if it was fight or flight. Would she be happy that I took this chance and made a decision on my own? That, for once, I put others before myself?

Even though this choice was a little selfish.

Biting my lip, I slowed my jog as I looked up at the factory's broken windows. She was up there. She had to be. There was a light flickering in the shadows.

Rather than look for a rock, this time I chose my voice. She'd come if I called her. Or, at least, I hoped she would.


Hushed voices echoed. Something fell. Then something else crashed. I squinted as I tried to see movement from where I stood, but it was hard looking up.

Someone came to the window, but it wasn't her. It was Fiona. She lazily leaned against the window with her chin in her hands.

"Is this supposed to be some eighties zombie rom-com?" she asked, blinking fast. "Or are you just naturally reckless?"

I was. And maybe this could be a love story. But that necessarily wasn't my focus. "I just need to see Riley."


"I'm cured," I said.

Fiona's eyes widened with disbelief. She quietly muttered, "Shit," before disappearing into the shadows. Hopefully to get Riley. That's who I was here for.

Tracing my foot across the dirt and dead grass, I looked down at my shoe and thought of how to tell Riley what I did. And why I did it, Yes, I wanted to help ensure the safety and longevity of our world, but I also needed her. I wanted to hold her so bad; it'd been so long since I did,

To do it and not want to attack her... this is the dream I had for days.

"Axel?" Riley's voice echoed from above. Immediately, I looked up, smiling as I saw her face inching closer to the broken window.

I let out a sigh of relief. "Hey..."

She didn't look relieved to see me. Her brows pinched together with worry. She brushed the hair away from her face. They said I hadn't hurt her. I hope I didn't terrify her.

"Um," I patted my joggers, grinning nervously, "I took a new vaccine yesterday. The doctor says I'm virus free."

"Virus free?" Riley shook her head. "Axel, it's going to take more than one shot."

"I know, but—"

"You almost killed me, Axel." Even from where I was standing, I saw the emotion in her eyes. They reddened, rimmed by tears. I frowned as she continued, "If it hadn't been for the people who were with you, I'd be dead, Axel. You would've killed me the same way you did Jimmy."

Shit, Jimmy. I honestly had forgotten about him. I killed him, ate him, and had his flesh stuck in my teeth for a day. If I'd done that to Riley... I would've never forgiven myself. I wouldn't have gotten the shot. I would've remained as I was... infected and among the 'hyper living dead.'

"I'm sorry." I looked down at my shoes again, tracing my foot in the opposite direction. "Nothing I can say would make that better. I can only blame the virus.... Which I don't have anymore."

"You don't know that." Riley frowned.

"I—" Could I openly say I didn't know? Because I didn't. I was here, riding on a hope and a dream. But I needed someone to show me it was real. "Come down here and we can see. Would you take that chance for me?"

That was my attempt. I asked the same question I'd said to her when I robbed my first store. All of the money was in a bag and I asked Riley to keep it with her, to pretend like the bookbag was her; no one would question her.

But I hadn't forced it on her. The situation than had been serious, a little dangerous, but I'd weighed our options. And young Riley took the plunge and hid my crime. She did this until I was caught and put away.

I wondered if she kept the bags...

Or the money...

"Axel, I—" Riley's face scrunched up as she moved away from the window. I saw the shadows of her hands pushing into her hair. This answer meant no, didn't it? This was more than what we'd done in the past; this was life or death, not jail time. Had I laid it on too thick?

I cleared my throat and licked my lips. "Riley?" Please come back.

Dead silence for a minute. My heart hammered in my chest. I needed something, anything; silence was never my friend and I couldn't welcome it. Not again.

Biting my tongue, I held my breath as the sounds of footsteps echoed from within the warehouse. Shadows appeared in the long hall before Riley's silhouette was visible. Then her face. Her hesitance, fearful, timid face.

She hung at the open doorway, gripping the rusted metal with one hand.

"Riley..." I breathed.

"Just..." Riley sucked in a deep breath as she closed her eyes. A tear slid down her lip. "Just know I'm only here because I can't let go of what we had. I don't... I don't have faith in whatever a 'doctor' gave you."

"That's fair." Excitement rang in my voice. Suddenly, I didn't know what to do. "Um, there has to be a way to test this."

Riley bit her lip. "Is this why you're here? Am I your test?"

"No." I quickly looked back at her. "You're not a test. I wanted to come here."

"You did?" She wiped at her cheeks. "I don't..."

She didn't understand; it had to be what she was going to say. After the life she's had for over a year, with the state of the world, the fact that I suddenly arrived at the front door of an abandoned warehouse and declared myself cured was bullshit. Had to be, right?

There's only one way to tell.

"Just," I licked my bottom lip, "extend a hand to me, or come closer, or something. If I can smell you and not react, then I'm good."

"Is that all?" She bit her bottom lip. "Did you try this already?"

"With who, Riley?" I sighed.

"I don't know! You were with people who pulled you away, didn't change and attack me, I just..." She passed a hand over her face. "I don't think it's this easy."

"You never know until you try, Riley." Weakly, I smiled. "You taught me that."

Riley's face softened. She sniffed at her tears. She remembered those words, didn't she? When I'd complain about life, about school, or my struggles to get a job; Riley never let me give up hope. She'd say there was always a chance if you tried. And you wouldn't know what that chance could be if you let fly by.

"A hand?" she whispered, inching closer to the door. "All you need is my hand, right?"

I want more.

"Just stretch your fingers out to me." I took in a deep breath. "The wind's blowing so I'd smell you. Leave enough of a gap that if you need to run, you can run." I added the last part to help her feel safe. So that she knew, no matter what, I'd do my best not to chase her; if I changed.

Riley did as I asked. She stuck a foot out before pushing an arm out of the door. She inched her head back, though; in case of escape.

"Okay," I breathed, staring at her fingers. I let out a slow breath, then took in a big one, inhaling all of the surrounding scents. If she was in it and if it would change me, I'd feel it. I did this three times before realizing... nothing happened. I smelled the garbage from the alley nearby, the scent of the dead grass, and her lotion. Nothing ignited a murderous thought. The voices in my head didn't speak.

It's good that they're quiet. It only means one thing.

I laughed, biting my bottom lip. "I don't feel anything," I said. "Nothing's changing, there's no itch, no ache."

Riley's fingers trembled as she pulled them back to her chest. "What if I," she stepped out of the doorway but kept her arms wrapped tight around her, "came closer."

Closer was good. Not that I wanted to change, I wanted to be normal, but maybe I needed a stronger scent. I needed to be sure. "Okay," I held out my hand to her as she slowly approached, "let's try it."

She did. She didn't stop. She kept coming until she was just a foot away. And still, nothing changed. I couldn't stop smiling because I was happy. By now, if the virus was still in my veins, I would've lunged at her, I would've tried to bite her. Instead, I kept my hand raised, wanting to hold her.

"Come here," I whispered, looking into her eyes.

"You don't feel anything?" Her brows pinched together.

Slowly, I shook my head. "No, nothing. I'm here, I'm normal, I'm," an uncontrollable laugh broke through me, "virus-free, Riley."

Tears pushed out of Riley's eyes as she laughed with me. She wiped at her cheeks again with her hand as the other reached to grab mine. Our fingers touched, sliding into each other; linking to the curve. We held each other's hands as we inched closer. We held each other's gaze.

"You really don't feel anything?" she whispered.

Tears burned in my eyes. Happy tears. "No, babe." I shook my head. "I mean, I feel like I want to hug you right now, but that's it."

"Hug me?" She pulled her bottom lip between her teeth. "Not eat me? Hug me."

"No." I squeezed her hand. "I don't want to eat you or kill you. I want... you." I pulled her a little closer. "Can I ... can I hug you?"

She didn't answer, but she leaned in closer. The curls on top of her head tickled my nose. I took in her scent, closing my eyes; I missed her so much. Having her like this, so close to me, her skin against mine. I turned so she stood directly in front of me and I brushed her hair away from her face. I traced my fingers over her cheeks as she giggled, tears still streaming down her face.

"This is actually happening," she whispered. "I'm not dreaming."'

"You're not." I lifted her face just enough so that her lips aligned with mine. We breathed against each other. My thumb moved along the line of her mouth. I could kiss her right now. The opening was there. Right there.

Her giggles faded as she slowly frowned. She turned her eyes away. "I thought you were dead for so long. And after the other night, I told myself to forget you and just... go back to when I didn't even know you were alive." She looked back at me. "It was easier when I thought you weren't here."

"We're not in the dark anymore, Riley," I whispered. "This is the beginning, a chance for the world to go back to what it was."

"Yeah." She wiped at her face again. "You're here. Nothing's happening. We're okay."

"We are." I needed to take my chin. I gently placed a finger under her chin. "I love you." Words I hadn't said in so long.

"I love you," she repeated as a fresh set of tears fell from her eyes. Emotion rang in her tone. This was it, the moment, the reason I needed to take that shot.

I pressed my lips together before I leaned in, gently placing them against Riley's. Instantly, she sighed and closed her eyes, kissing me back. My fingers pushed into her hair as I held her in place. I was afraid she'd run away, disappear, or worse—become the dream Riley thought she was having.

I wasn't a dream. She wouldn't leave. And this was our future.


Blood rushed to my head as I stared at Riley's face. I could make out the veins under her skin. Her taste filled my mouth and I wanted more. So much more.


A slight pain shot through my jaw. Inching back, I broke the kiss to crack it.

"Axel?" Riley's eyes softly fluttered open as looked at my face, then gasped. She tried to pull away but I wouldn't let go. I had her hair in my grip, her body pressed to mine. She wriggled against me. "Axel, don't!"


My fingers burned and I stretched them to lessen the ache. Because of this, Riley pulled free. She stumbled back and away from me.

Flesh, sweet salty flesh.

"Axel," she whimpered.

I passed my fingers over my lips as Riley stepped back into the warehouse. I watched her and her growing fear, and for a split second, I wondered why. Why was this happening? The vaccine killed the virus, right? I held her, she came close to me. And then we kissed.




"Riley." Looking down at my hands, I curled my fingers into tight fists until my skin turned red. A dull pain traveled up my spine until I rolled my shoulders back. I cracked my neck. And jaw. And frowned. The tears in my eyes were warm. "Riley..."

Riley panted, open tears coming down her face. She wiped at her mouth as if she kissed a monster. She did. I was the monster.

Just a bite to stop the ache.

"This... wasn't... supposed... to happen," I tried to hardest to form a sentence. Thoughts of the present blended with my infected desires. I didn't want to hurt her. I couldn't. But I...


Take a bite.


Kicking off the ground, I lunged at Riley. She immediately ran back into the warehouse, stumbling into the stairs. Her hands slammed down on the bottom step as she tilted her head up, screaming, "Help me!"

Reaching down, I grabbed her feet and pulled her toward me. She turned, kicking at me, slapping her hands against my chest. I sat back on my legs as I watched her. Her fear grew. And I wondered if others would look like her.

Like this, there was something about the look in her eyes. Crazed. Terrified. Fearing the end. As tears spilled fear, the whites lined with red. Paired with the exhaustion of fighting, her mouth hung open.

Her scent was undeniable. Silky, soft, like a summer's day.

One bite, some flesh, sweet, salty flesh.

Riley covered her face as I growled and leaned down.



A/N:VISAGE is officially a complete novella at 23,394 words!If you made if this far, thank you so much for reading!This was my first try at horror ~ I'd love to know your thoughts!(Please keep in mind that this story is unedited ^_^;;; I'll come back and edit soon) <3

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