Ridhima confession

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Gauri was still weeping....om immediately takes her in bridal style and bring her to their room...... Everyone follows om and reaches om's room.....

Om enters the room and stops facing everyone......

O: plz we need sometime......

Shuvaay was about say something against it but om wad not in a mood to listen to anything.... He just now cares only  about his gauri who is still weeping hiding her face against her chest....... He was not able to take it anymore the tears rolling down on his bare chest stings lyk something hard hitting on his heart.......
Without waiting for any further reply he close the door of his room........

Everyone was shocked by the behaviour of om......
T( patting on shivaay's shoulder): Give them sometym..... They also need privacy..... Especially at this tym...... Only om could console his gauri.....

Understanding tej, everyone disperses to their respective room......

This whole scene was witnessed by ridhima.... Her eyes filled with tears by seeing the love and affection of om towards gauri...... Even though they have been in a live in relation she have never witnessed such kind of care and love of om towards her........ He has given her everything physically but emotionally he was afraid to even name their relation.......

Om's room....
Om slowly places gauri on bed to which gauri refuses to withdraw her hands around his neck.......
She was still hanging out on his chest...... Om couldnt take it anymore he makes gauri to face him.......
O: Gauri nothng happened...... And i will not let anything happen to you......

Gauri looked at om's eyes with her teary eyes.......
She somehow manages to put words in.......
G: i..if.. U...we..re la...te... .i...would be .....
Om stops her by placing his fingers on her lips.....
O: dont say that... Nothing would have happened..... Becoz ur shankarji is always there with us..... And he will not let anything happen to his as well as my chirayya..........
Then he takes a glass of water and makes her drink........

That was the most needed words which gauri waited for.......
The two strength and weakness of her lyf... Her shankarji and only her jatadhaari hippie.....
She again hugged him tightly and he reciprocated with the equal passion and love towards her.....

O: you need to fresh up gauri...... Come i will take you to washroom.......
Gauri nods and om takes her to washroom and asks her to call him when she is done..... He waits outside......
Gauri slowly removes his sweater from her body..... Seeing her top lying of shoulder by making a clear view of her slightly bumping breasts made her fall on her knees...... She was not able to take that scene where abhay saw the most precious which was only meant for her husband..........
Thud..... Om heard the voice nad immediately without even thinking twice he opened the door of washroom only to find his love lying on the floor on her knees and crying hardly...... He immediately run towards her and cups her face......

O: Gauri ..... Gauri look.....nothing happened....

She hugs him tightly........ Om was   holding his tears but now he was also not able to bear he also cries by hugging her tight....... Almost half an hour both of them spend by the same position....... Some how om manages gauri to fresh up and takes her carefully to the bed by making her wear his long shirt which just covers her body upto knees ... .... Both of them lay on the bed and cuddle to sleep bcoz it was too tiring to both.......

Next morning......
Om and gauri was still sleeping cuddling each other lyk a perfect puzzle..... 
Om was the first one to wake .... He smile at his little princess who  finds herself shelter under his chest......... He was adorning his wyf and suddenly remembers all those things happened to her yesterday....... He was angry to the core to abhay....... He would have killed him if shivaay didnot stop him........
He looks towards his chirayya and his anger was now filled with just pure love....... He smiles and plant a affectionate kiss on her forehead to which gauri response with a beautiful smile....and slowly opens her eyes to find herself cuddling into her husband.. .....
They both forgot about the world around them when their eye met eachother....... They shared a cute eyelock for about 5 mins but was broken by the knock on the door........
The whole family members was waiting out to know about gauri........
Gauri was about to go and open the door but om stops her......
O( evilly smile): this way ur going to open the door.......
Gauri looks at her and finds she was just in om'a shirt.... She gave a shocking look to om to which om gives i- said -u look....
She immediately runs towards washroom by taking her required things..... Om immediately puts his shirt and opens the door which was almost in the breaking position........

R:. Om how much tym it takes you to open ur door.......

O: we just woke up.....
D: om how is gauri......
O: she is fyn dadi ...... She is in the washroom......u all can leave we will come downstairs after getting fresh.......

Everyone nods and leaves..... Om closes the door while gauri comes out by freshing up...... Om also goes to get fresh up and both of them together headed to downstairs..... Om still holding gauri's hand tightly assuring her....... She  was welcomed by all the family members by warm hugs and forehead kisses.......
Om has already asked everyone to not to bring the topic of yesterday's in front of gauri anymore and also about abhay........ Gauri was now feeling soo happy to get a fyn family who supports her in her difficult tyms  and most importantly her husband who cares her more than anything else........
But her happiness was short lived  by seeing ridhima with riom coming downstairs.......

Ridhima places riom on the floor living him to play...... She goes towards gauri and hugs her.......making everyone shock..  
R: i am sorry gauri..... I am really sorry...... Because of my stupidity you faced everything....... I cant take it anymore..... I cant destroy a family when i myself lost one...... I will be leaving today evening.......
Everyone was surprised by the decision of ridhima......

At last gauri breaks the ice.....

G: Ridhimaji how can u leave.... Riom shud be with this fmly..... He shud be there with his father and his fmly( looking at om with a painful eyes)
R: i hope that happens..... But om is not the father of Riom...... It was a drama planed by abhay and he perfectly trapped me by threatening me on the name of Riom......
S/O: but the DNA test.......

R( smiles sad): it was changed by abhay..... He took om's hair sample and exchanged with him......

Everyone was shocked......

O(shocked): so abhay is the real father of Riom......

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