The truth

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Gauri saw om in front of her  holding her hand...... He gave a bone crushing hug to gauri by whispering sorry to her.....
G: omkaraji whats happening over here?? Pls tell me..... I cant afford anymore pain again....what you're hiding from me ..plz tell me.  .
By saying she broke into crying on his chest which was unbearable for om......but he was hesitant to say her all the happening around her......but he know that she was adamant and if he refused to say anything she will surely take any drastic decision of even leaving him which will be more lyk losing his own lyf......
O( recovers his strength): shhhh.....gauri nothing is der to worry....i am here ....i will solve evething.......plz dont ask anything.....
G( raising her face to face him): so ur not going to tell me anything right.....ok then i am leaving.....
He was afraid of this situation....he cant even think of a lyf without if he didn't tell her anything about the happening she will surely leave.....
Gauri was about to leave om holds her hand and again pull her to hug......
Om: i will tell u....but promise me u will not leave me......
G: i promise u i will not leave u in anyways.....

Flash back

After the photo session gauri received a call from arjun sir saying her to collect her certificates of her completing the course of studying English and passing out with higher marks.....
He asked her to come near the institution so that she can collect it.....
She was so happy and went towards shivaay and anika to inform about her exam results.....
She saw them together entering their room after the marriage and thought that they need some private space soon she left without informing them....

She was in a hurry to go that she bumped on abhay ( she did it mistakenly but he did it knowingly) and was about to leave but abhay stopped her...

Ab: gauriji are you in a hurry???
G: ha abhayji will back in half an hour...
Ab: if you don't mind can i come with you.... I am feeling bored over here....
Gauri was hesitant but she cant refuse also....
G( without any interest): ok u can join
Ab: by the way were are we going any cafe.....( he was totally using this situation)
G: no no....we are not going any cafe or shopping .....i need to collect my certificates from xyz institution ..... So i am going there plz hurry up if ur coming.....we need come back soon bcoz evening there is reception....
Ab( sadly): ok..
This whole scene was witnessed by our dumbbell oberoi
They moved out to car..... Rudra goes to om who was already in search of gauri....
He says everything and also said abhay wentbout with her was fuming in anger that gauri went out with abhay( not becoz he doubts her but bcoz he dont believe that abhay)
O( confusedly): xyz institution but y do she want to go der?? What certificate she needs to collect??
This was heard by shivaay and he comes to om
S( excitedly):gauri said everything to you... I am really happy for u both ....what about the results .....i am selure she will achieve high marks....she is very hardworking and intelligent......

O: shivaay you know about xyz institution..... What results?? What are you talking about???

S: oh no she didnt said you anything.....
Then he says the whole story of her joining there and she wanted to be his layak
Om was more shocked and his eyes was filled with tears....

O: shivaay you know dat i dont care anything like that then y did u did this ......
S: i did it just for my sister....she aws adamant so i did what she asked me to do..... And she said me that she is going to give u surprise today but i broke the surprise now gauri will not forgive me....(he became sad)
O( with a smile): even i dont want to break her surprise ...... I will go now ...before dat abhay does something wrong....

He runs towards his car and leaves to xyz institution....

He reaches der and find gauri shaking hands with other man who is giving her some certificate..... He gets out of the car which not dat far from them but he hides so dat he can hear their conversation....
Arjun sir: congrats gauri .....b the way wen ur going to give surprise to youre omkaraji....
By hearing this omkara's heart skip a beat with happiness....
He thinks dat she have said everyone about him.....he was pretty much sure that she will only say good about him to everyone bcoz he knows dat she loves him and respects him ......his eyes were welled up by tears wen he thought about all the things dat he did to her.....
He sees abhay coming in his direction holding his phone on his goes back abhay and hears his conversation....abhay was irritated by the talks dat gauri was talking with her sir it was all about omkaraji ...omkaraji....

In call

Ab( irritated): hello
Ab: ha i am with gauriji.....
She is mad with that omkara....but don't worry  . .she will be mine only.....and he will be urs....
Ab: for that i have a plan and today i will execute it......
Ab: if this plan doesnot work poor gauri will have to surrender herself for me.......
Om was beyond shock by hearing the last sentence said by abhay and was fuming in his anger but he cannot allow anything happen to his he suppressed his anger and was saw gauri comin towards abhay and asking to leave ....abhay immesiately cuts his call and both of them move towards car and headed to OM

Om also returned to OM  by following them from far but atill keeping an eye in the car....
They reached OM

Om immediately enters and said whole the things happened there to his brothers and bhabhi ....
A: phail gaya raita..... Who will be dat person who  dat abhay was talkin

S: anika if we know dat we didnot need to put this drama ..... Do you understand.....
(Turns to rudy) ...rudy you need to watch each and every moves of abhay and also clearly note his every conversations and inform us .....
R( doing his symbol sign): y fear wen rudy is here.... I will never let anything happen to my favourite bhabhis......
Then he goes out to keep an eye on abhay....
O( impresively): rudy has became responsible.....
A( sarcastically): unlike you guys he loves us...
S/O( shocked and sad): we also love you guys.......
A: haa haa okk ....lets focus on our go and check whether gauri is fyn or not....

Om goes to his room and the confession( previous chapter)

Later wen all was present in the hall for reception rudy finds abhay enters om's room with some papers and exchange gauri's certificates with that certificatea( stupid abhay doesnt know dat gauri and om has confessed their love wen he was out for preparing their divorce papers)
Rudra informs this to om and shivaay and planned to play along with abhay.......

Flashback ends

Om: i am sorry gauri .....i just wanted you to be safe dat y i didnt said u an.......( before he cud complete gauri locked her lips with his)
Om was shocked but later he reciprocated the kiss with equal passion and love.....

Suddenly their liplock was disturbed by the phone msg beep.......
Om irritatingly looks at the msg and panics.....
G: what happened?
Om(panics): abhay is coming towards our room.....

Both of them panics.....
Will abhay find their plan ?????
Thats all for today.....   Love you all

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