Chapter five

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Eon's ears pricked. He listened as the sound of nature echoed throughout the forest. He closed his eyes. His stomach growled and he opened his eyes in embarrassment.

He put a paw on his stomach. " I should get going. I need to find some food. Sounds easy enough." He stated as he sniffs the air for anything. Anything, but meat. The sound of it made his stomach drop. Sure he was a predator, but the sound of eating somebody didn't appeal to him.

He continues to sniff at the air, wondering if he will get the scent of a berry or even his Pokémon food. Something hit his scent glands that made him freeze from finding food.

It tasted acrid. Eon felt his ears droop. He spun around. " W-Who's there?!" He exclaimed. He was usually dumb and brave, but something felt off about this smell. It smelled almost familiar, as if he had a vision about this scent.

A chuckle could be heard. A Pokémon appeared in front of him, not there before then. " I can't fool you, apparent Arceus savior." The ton of the floating Pokémon sounded as if it was suppose to be sarcastic.

Eon felt his lips curled back. He just met this dark demon of the night, and yet he already knew. This was his enemy.

The Pokémon chuckled. The Pokémon? It was a Darkrai. It had a weird top hat. And it looked ready for tea time? What kind of weirdness bad guy was this?

" Ah. Puzzled by my appearance?" The Darkrai asked with chuckle. He took out a tea set. Eon cocked his head. " So are you after Arceus or tea time? What are you British or an English man or something?" Eon asked.

The Darkrai chuckled. " I love this guy." He said to himself. " Have you ever heard of a polite bad guy? If not then, congrats! I am the first polite villain!"

Then the Darkrai grabbed Eon and pulled him over to him, snarling now. " Listen little punk, I am going to destroy Arceus and you won't get in my way.
I won't let some poke pet destroy the perfect plan I have. There is no place for a psychic like you. Do you understand?"

Eon trashed against the Darkrai. " I understand perfectly, but I won't let you hurt Arceus!" He barked as he used Dark Pulse. The Darkrai easily stopped the attack.

The Darkrai's hand was on Eon's throat. " Listen here you bitch! You get in my way, you die! I suggest you ignore the will of the prophecy and let me do my thing. This world is choke-full of rules that aren't needed. And I'm going to make sure there are none by the time I'm done. I can easily destroy you." He threatened Eon.

Eon only smiled. " Then go ahead and try, Darkrai." He said. " Skliros." The Darkrai introduced. " Eon." Eon responded.

" Try? Oh I'm going to destroy you. You're weak and pathetic now. I'm just going to take care of you here and move on with my plans." Skliros stated, a ball forming in his claws.

He tossed it at Eon. Eon jumped over the attack as he used Dig. " I won't be fooled by that dumb trick." Skliros stated as he searched for Eon. Eon panicked. He knew? But...he isn't a psychic like Eon. Eon dug and dug.

" Where are you, you little brat?!" The darkness Pokémon asked, suddenly scratching at the ground, trying to find Eon. " Staying down there longer doesn't keep you from perishing." He said.

Eon dug under the ground some more. I have to find fire. Fire somewhere. He thought as his paw hit something. Or someone. A growl could be heard. That'll do! Eon thought as he started to run away.

" Get back here! You interrupted my sleep, you little bitch!" Screeched a Magmortar. Eon barely dodged an on going flame flower. The bad news of staying under ground was if you were attacked the ground is almost too narrow.

He climbed upward. Come on! Come on! He thought as the Magmortar gained on him easily. The question was why the dang fire type was down there. Or even alive. Was he buried alive?

Eon's thought process was interrupted as he was engulfed in fire. He yowled in pain. " Get back here! You need to fucking die for waking me up!" The Magmortar yelled.

" Not my fault you have anger issues!" Eon exclaimed, provoking the Pokémon. " Excuse me?! Anger issues! I'm just mad at you for interrupting my nap! It's a crime to let those get away who interrupt my nap!" He roared.

" Again, anger issues." Eon started with no fear. The Magmortar roared and continued climbing up. He was practically on Eon now. Come on. Don't get any closer just yet! I need your fire to beat Skliros.

He continued to use his claws to pull himself up out of the ground. His nose hit air. He jumped out of the ground, the Magmortar's flameflower came out of the ground.

" Gotcha!" Skliros exclaimed, right over the hole. He pulled Eon away from the hole. " Now to dispose of-" Skliros began before the flameflower hit him. He went flying. Eon landed gracefully on the ground.

The Magmortar exploded our of the earth. He made eye contact with Eon. " Gotta run!" Eon exclaimed, dashing over to Skliros' spot. The Darkrai got up.

" Huh?" He asked. " Oh you won't escape your death, Umbreon!" Magmortar growled.A Fire Blast was aimed at Eon. But since Eon ducked behind Skliros he was hit instead.

Skliros screamed. He screamed again. Nothing seemed to happen. The Darkrai then disappear. " What just happened?" Magmortar asked. He cooled down a little.

" Uh. I was trying to get fire. Thanks for the fire. Sorry to wake you from your nap. Gotta dash!" Eon said, running now. The Magmortar suddenly roared. " I don't like being used!" He exclaimed.

" Oh crap. Whoops. Pardon my curse word. I've got one thing to say to myself: Run!" Eon screamed as he ran away from a now angry Magmortar. And I still haven't gotten myself a meal. He thought to himself.

He then dodge out of the way, barely dodging a Flameflower. Ugh. How much energy does this Magmortar have? He asked himself as he was continued being chased by the angry fire type.

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