Chapter seven

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Eon sniffs the air as his stomach rumbles. He scented something. He searched up in the sky. There were trees. Of course. But one of the trees he was looking had what he was searching for.

It had red apples. Now how am I going to get up there? He questioned. He put his paws up to the side of the tree, and shook the tree as hard as he could. The tree's leaves fell, but no apples.

Eon was pretty hungry. He didn't really think he could become a traveler without knowing how to find food on his own, though. He put his paws higher up on the tree and tried again.

Nothing. He sighed in frustration. He knew he would have to have patience if he wanted something to eat. He also knew of the fact that some Pokémon went weeks without food. He wasn't sure if he could live like those wild Pokémon, but he would if he didn't get the apple or apples he desired.

He then decided the best thing to do was just to climb the tree. He placed his forepaws on the trunk, and lifted himself up to hold the trunk to the best of his ability.

He grunted with effort. He lifted his paws and worked his way up the trunk. He managed to get up high enough to reach one of the delicious fruits, but he was a little afraid...okay extremely scared to reach out and grab one, afraid he would let go of the trunk and fall to the ground and hurt himself.

He let go of his fear and reached out a black paw. It touched the apple. He wrapped his paw around it. He pulled it gently, the stem breaking off from the tree. Success! Eon thought in happiness.

He slid down the tree as he held the apple in his paw in happiness. He licked his lips. He couldn't wait to sink his fangs into the sweet, juicy fruit. He rubbed his paws together. He bit down into the fruit, only to yowl in pain.

His apple. It was gone! It had been sillily taken by a mischievous Riolu. The Riolu dashed away with a smirk on his handsome features.

The Riolu laughed unnaturally as he ran away. Eon decided what he would do. That Riolu looked to be about his age. Maybe he can ask him how the wild works. But first, he need to catch up with him and grab that apple back.

Well, after he would grab another one. He wanted a friend. Any friend would do. He was lonely without Zappy. He climbed the tree and did the same procedure as fast as he could. He didn't  want to lose that Riolu.

He ran, as the Riolu lead him on a zigzagged chase. " Hey! Get back here!" He shouted at the cute Riolu. " Never!" The Riolu said with a smirk. Eon figured he was at this for a while. He seemed too confident in himself.

Never doubt the Umbreon in need! Eon thought as he pushed himself even further, as he ran straight into the Riolu. They made a pileup. Eon snatched back his apple. " Hey!" The Riolu exclaimed, trying to punch Eon.

He was attempting to get back the apple he took. " You took my apple. If you wanted one you should have just asked or got one yourself." Eon told him. The Riolu just stared at him like he was from another planet.

" I can't climb trees you idiot. And every other Pokémon around here is selfish. I do what I have to do to survive." The Riolu said. " Here." Eon told him, handing him the apple he picked. He suddenly felt shy about it.

He glimpsed at the sun. Yes that was bright. The Riolu curiously glanced at him when he did. The Riolu took the apple out of Eon's paw. His paw felt warm.

Eon still felt worried for the unknown Treecko he dreamed about. He was cute too. He had no idea why he was having those weird thoughts. He was straight.

Well, at least I think I'm straight. Eon thought as the Riolu practically had to pry the apple out of his paws. It wasn't his fault. He just felt as if he should feel the Riolu's paw longer. Eon mentally hit himself.

" You're not from around here, are you?" The Riolu questioned him with an eyebrow raised at him. Eon shook his head. " Nah. I'm new. Name's Eon." Eon introduces as he holds out his paw for the Riolu to shake.

The Riolu looks at his paw like there was mud on it. Then he let out a long laugh. Eon tipped his head. What? Why is he laughing? Was it something I said? He asked himself.

" What?" Eon asked. " Is your name eon too?" Eon questions him. The Riolu snorted. " No. My name is Legacy. You surely know nothing of how cruel this harsh world is." The Riolu introduces himself.

" No. I am not a wild Pokémon." He said. That stopped the Riolu dead in his place. " What?" The Riolu asked as he tensed up. " Did you not hear me? I said I'm not a wild Pokémon. I'm Pokémon." Eon said.

" You're not that bright, are you? I heard you. It's just house Pokémon are more stuck up than us normal Pokémon." Legacy told him.

" Hmm?" Eon questions as if he heard nothing. " Oh nothing. Come with me and I'll show you how to be a proper Pokémon." Legacy told him. " Are we friends now?" Eon asked him hopefully. " Uh, sure." Legacy said with a weird smile.

Eon ignored it and bounced after him. " So where are we going?" He asked the Riolu. " My place." He told him. " Oh." Eon commented. After that it was pretty quiet. Except for the fact that Legacy was now eating the apple that Eon had given him.

Eon grinned. He couldn't wait to help that Treecko and everyone else. He might not be a part of whatever Paarthurnax was in, but he knew he would help Pokémon. Starting with this cute Riolu friend he just made.

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