Afraid of the Dark?

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(So as the title suggests, this is a side story that takes place in the x reader, Visionary Hope. So if you have no idea what's going on apologies.)

(Also this set about a week or two before the halloween party class 77-B had where the reader found out Akane's fear of ghost's, but whether this is canon to the Visionary Hope storyline or not is up to you. Any way's, Happy Halloween everyone and hope you enjoy.)

(3rd P.O.V)

Y/N was currentley watching a scary movie along with Sonia, Kazuichi, Fuyuhiko, Natsumi, Ibuki and Mikan to celebrate the season of all thing's spooky. It was actually Sonia's idea to do this in the first place. She asked people if they wanted to join her and of course some agreed. In the end it was decided to watch it at Y/N's which he didn't mind.

While the film was rolling the sun had already set so it looked dark out already prompting the small amount of people at the apartment to go to bed, also it actually started to rain pretty heavily and a few crackles of thunder could be heard. The film itself was an atypical slasher horror film, where a big hunky person wearing a haunting mask goes around killing a bunch of people in extremely gruesome ways.

Y/N wasn't too bothered by the film, though there were a few scenes that got quite graphic and made him wince. Sonia seemed to be completely captivated by the film, but the same could not be said for Kazuichi who was clutching onto a couch pillow tightly. Ibuki was constantly yelling at the television screen due to all the stupid decisions that some of the characters were making, while Mikan was actually really enjoying the movie. It actually surprised and slightly disturbed a few at how joyous she looked while watching. Lastly there was Fuyuhiko and Natsumi, who didn't seem remotely scared or disturbed at anything they were seeing.

At the moment they were at this part where some teenager was walking towards a noise that was coming from a dimly lit part of her house. While Y/N was watching he saw a vision of a lightbulb in front of him before it spontaneously shattered, but he just ignored it to continue watching. Ibuki threw her arms up in frustration at what was currently happening on the screen. "Oh come on, you don't go walking towards the mysterious noise in an empty house! Run girl run!"

"I think this is going to be a good part." Mikan stated while inching herself closer to the TV.

Just when the teen was about to go for the light switch of the room the killer jumped out and struck the poor teenager with a machete, killing her in a bloody fashion. After Ibuki recovered from the scene she sighed. "Ibuki tried to warn you."

Just then another teen in the film saw what the killer just did and mustered the courage to ask who he or she was. The killer began to slowly move the mask once he said that. Everyone looked at the screen in anticipation, even Fuyuhiko and Natsumi seemed a little interested to see who the killer was.

Suddenly a clash of lightning appeared along with the sound of thunder, completely switching the power off leaving them in a dark room. "Aww it was just getting to the big reveal." Sonia lamented.

"Y-Yeah what a shame." Kazuichi said while shivering a little. "B-But maybe now we could do something less unsettling."

Natsumi snickered to herself when she heard him say that. "Looks like engine guy can't handle the big boy movie." she said in a condescending tone.

"Shut it! I only saying cause I'm getting bored of all the predicative jump scares and stuff."

Ibuki began to look around the place nervously. "I don't know about you guys, but Ibuki's getting a little spooked sitting in a dark room."

Y/N sat himself up from the couch once she said this. "Let me take a look at the fuse box." He went over to the little fuse box that every apartment room had and flicked a few switches but nothing happened. "Huh, nothing." he went to the front door of his apartment and saw that the halls were dark as well. "Looks like this storm affected every place here." he called to everyone.

"So we're just gonna be sitting here in a dark room for god knows how long?" Fuyuhiko asked.

Y/N gave it some thought. "Well there is this gigantic fuse box on the ground floor that supplies all the power for the place. Normally someone comes a long to do it themselves since it's quite complicated to fix through, but it takes time them a while to get here. Maybe we could have a look at it ourselves."

Ibuki pondered for a moment before snapping her fingers. "I know someone who can do that for us." she said while grinning at Kazuichi.

Soon everyone began to look at him, which quickly raised his paranoia. "H-Hey I'm a mechanic, not an electrician!" he stated.

Fuyuhiko rolled his eyes. "C'mon, man up a little and go and do it. A fuse a fuse box should be child's play to someone who's a mechanic."

Kazuichi was about to snap back at Fuyuhiko, but Sonia stepped forward clasping her hands together. "Please sir Kazuichi, we would all very much appreciate it if you did this."

Kazuichi's mood instantly changed as he started to blush and giggle. "Alright Miss Sonia I'll do it." he walked to the front door but, as soon as he saw the hallway his courage shriveled away. "Heh heh, um you guy's wouldn't mind tagging along?"

Y/N just shrugged his shoulders. "I need to show you through the apartment to get you to the box anyway, so I'll come."

Ibuki skipped up to the two. "Yahoo! Ibuki will come, this will be like those moments in scary movies were people walk through a scary haunted house."

Eventually everyone just decided to come along since it beat hanging around in a room devoid of any light. They had to take the staircases since the elevators were out, not that it mattered since despite being on the top floor there were only 4 flights in total. As they got to the third floor Y/N felt a slight tap on his shoulder. He turned around to see Sonia looking at him with concern in her eyes. "Umm Y/N do you know where Fuyuhiko, Ibuki and Mikan went?"

Y/N along with everyone else  stopped in their tracks once she asked this. They looked behind themselves and saw that the three in question were not in sight. This slightly added a sense of unease to most of them the only one who didn't seemed bothered was Natsumi who just clenched her fist. "Hey big bro if your gonna try and jump out and scare us it isn't going to work!" she called out.

Their was absolutely no response from either of the three. "Miss Kuzuryu please keep your voice down people are probably trying to sleep."

Natsumi just did the signature Kuzuryu 'Tsk'. "So what do we do now?" she asked clearly not amused with the situation.

"Maybe we should just continue on our way to the fuse box, we might bump into them on the way there."

"Alright, everyone keep your eyes peeled for them on the way there." Y/N said as they continued to move.


"Great, turn my head for one minute and I lose em." Fuyuhiko said while he tried to navigate through the dark halls, along with Ibuki and Mikan.

Ibuki did a cheesy sinister cackle. "This is the part where we slowly get separated one by one and get picked off by a mysterious entity."

Fuyuhiko growled at Ibuki's little proposition. "Would you cram it already. God I can't beleive I was talked into this."

As the three continued there way through the place, Mikan took a look outside one of the windows in the hall out of curiosity. It was still raining pretty heavily, what caught her eye was a figure wearing a black rain coat with a hoodie. At first this didn't bother Mikan, however the figure suddenly stopped in their tacks for a bit. The person then turned to Mikan's direction and looked up at her at the window.

Mikan could feel her nerves start to raise, as the figure just continued to stare at her. Then in a clash of lightning the person just disappeared causing her to gasp. This caught the attention of Fuyuhiko and Ibuki. "What's up with you?" Fuyuhiko asked.

"T-There was a person outside." Mikan whimpered.

"Congratulations, you noticed. Your gonna find people outside." Fuyuhiko retorted.

"N-No I mean the person was just l-looking at me for a bit they just disappeared."

Once Mikan said that Ibuki wiggled her fingers around Fuyuhiko while doing a ghostly groan. He just waved her hands away. "Would you knock it off already. C'mon let's see if we can find the others or get the power on."


Y/N pushed the door for the ground floor. "Alright guys now we should-" As Y/N turned around to look at the others he only saw Natsumi. "Uhh, were are the others?"

Natsumi raised an eyebrow before looking behind herself. "You've gotta be   kidding."

"What's going on here?" Y/N asked starting to feel a little unnerved.

Natsumi just crossed her arms. "The others are probably just trying to get the jump on us."

"I dunno, maybe we should try looking for them. Besides we need to have Kazuichi take a look at it since he's probably the only one who can work it."

Natsumi looked back at Y/N before a smirk began to form on her face. "Or maybe..." she said while walking closer to him. "We could have some time for ourselves." She softly pushed Y/N backwards into a gap between two apartment mail boxes and pressed her body against his.

"Natsumi don't you wa-" she just silenced Y/N by pressing her lips against his. This went on for a bit before she finally parted away from him. "... D-Don't you think that we should go looking for them?"

Natsumi pouted for a bit before pressing Y/N against the wall between the lockers a little firmer. "One minute."

"Errr... fine."


"I thought you said you saw Ibuki, Mikan and Fuyuhiko through the glass of the door to the second floor?" Sonia questioned Kazuichi, while looking around the dark hall.

"I-I was sure I did, they looked like they where walking this way."

Sonia sighed a little. "Well look's like we've lost Y/N and Natsumi as well now, better start looking." As they continued to look around it seemed like the halls just got darker and darker. Sonia quickly pulled out her phone and witched it on to provide some light. "That's a little better."

As they continued to walk through the halls Sonia caught glimpse of a small sign that showed where the stair cases were. "Ah, this way Kazuichi."

While walking Kazuichi took a look outside a window. Just like when Mikan looked out, it was raining heavily, and a person wearing a black rain coat with a hood was seen staring up at him. However he could see that the person was right at the entrance. In a flash of lighting the person disappeared. Kazuichi swallowed a lump in his throat once he saw that. "Sonia... Miss Sonia." he looked away from the window only to see Sonia had walked a fair distance away already. "Ah, Miss Sonia wait up."


After their minute long session, which involved a lot of kissing and slight love bites, Y/N and Natsumi came out from their space. Y/N looked of to the right while rubbing his neck slightly. "Did you hear that?" Y/N asked.

"Yeah I heard it, something over there, what do you think it was?"

"Well it sounded like a door near the entrance just opened or closed."

"Maybe it's the others, let's go see." They went to the place where the noise was heard from only to see no one was there. While looking around could see the main fuse box for the entire building in a far corner.

"Well, there's the fuse box." Y/N started to move closer to it, but as he got closer he noticed it was already open. "Weird." he muttered to himself. As he got closer he noticed something even stranger. There was something that liquid like leaking down the wall from the fuse box. This confused him a little so he walked a little closer to get a better view. What made his heart almost pop out his chest. There appeared to be blood dripping down from the bottom of the box. "Natsumi..." he called quietly.

She walked over to see what the problem was and the moment she saw the display she started to feel a horrible feeling in her gut. " S-Seriously you guy's if this is some kind of prank, it's in really poor fuckin taste."

"It looks pretty real." Natsumi just walked to the box and swiped up some of the stuff with her finger.

"Oh my god... it is." Natsumi quietly said with clear fear in her voice.

"Are you absolutely sure. "Y/N asked just before either of them decided to do anything rash.

Nastumi nodded her head. "Definitely. Believe me, when your in a yakuza family you can tell whether it's real blood or not."

Y/N just looked around the place to make sure that there's no one watching them. "Q-Quickly, before we do anything let's find the other's and make sure they're alright."

Y/N and Natsumi went running back to the stair case while trying to tread lightly on their feet at the same time. They quickly started to rush up to the second floor, however the moment they reached the second floor-


Everyone that went missing, suddenly appeared in front of them once the got to the floor, and they all yelled in shock when they saw each over. Once they realized there was no danger Fuyuhiko sighed. "You two scared the hell outta us. Where did you go?"

After Natsumi recomposed herself she spoke. "I could say the exact same thing to you big bro, we just moving ahead what happened to you."

"I looked away for just a bit and I ended up get lost with these two." Fuyuhiko said while pointing to Mikan and Ibuki.

Sonia then took a step closer to Y/N and Natsumi. "Are you two alright? You look a little troubled."

The two of them then remembered why they went running up the steps in the first place. "Ok well... we found the fuse box, but when we took a closer look at it we saw that it was already opened and blood was leaking from it."

Everyone's face slowly turned into a look of fear. "If you're pulling our leg." Fuyuhiko started.

Natsumi stepped in. "No he's telling the truth I saw it to. We heard the door for the entrance for the place open and-"

"Hang on!" Kazuichi interrupted. "The entrance door?" Y/N and Natsumi nodded in confirmation. "I-I saw some guy in a go into the building from the window."

"Please Kazuichi you already said this. It was probably just your imagination." Sonia said

"What do you mean?" Y/N asked.

"Kazuichi told me that he saw a person in a black raincoat with a hoodie but I assured him he was seeing thing's."

Mikan gasped a little. "I saw a person outside wearing that coat when I looked out the window."

"W-What if the person you two saw r-really did enter and he's already gone in for the kill. T-That's why there's blood on the box!" Ibuki shrieked.

A slight discussion erupted once she said that but Fuyuhiko stopped it by slamming his fist on the stair rail. "Would you all just knock it off already." He then started walking down to the ground floor with everyone else following. "Honestly you guy's watch a scary film, the lights go out and you get all jumpy." He then went for the door of the ground floor. "There was no guy in a black raincoat, and that blood was probably just-"

The door was suddenly pushed opened with incredible force and the person who pushed it was the person in the black raincoat with a hood. Fuyuhiko fell back on his rear when he saw this and everyone else gasped.

"Ahhhhh h-h-he's here oh no!" Mikan cried while hiding behind Y/N.

Kazuichi held onto Sonia. "My god! We're all gonna die!"

Y/N, Natsumi and Ibuki rushed down to try and help Fuyuhiko to his feet. "Watch out." they all yelled.

Fuyuhiko just frantically shuffled backwards, with a look of shock and slight disbelief on his face. The figure walked closer to him making everyone start to think the worst. Then the person took hold of their hood and slowly began to peel it back. As the person removed the hood everyone stopped in their tracks. It was none other than one of their classmates, Peko Pekoyama.

There was and awkward silence before Fuyuhiko spoke. "Peko... what the hell are you doing?"

"Young m- Fuyuhiko, I came to give you something." Peking slipped something off her back. "You left your bag at school. Lucky for you, because I stayed after school to do some sword training I came across your bag in class. Since I knew you went to Y/N's to watch some scary movies I came here to give it you."

Fuyuhiko slowly took his bag back. "Um, thanks." he quietly said.

"So... the person me and Kazuichi saw was just Peko.... hehe oopsie." Mikan said while twirling her feet around."

Ibuki then walked down to where Peko and Fuyuhiko were standing. "You sure did go out of your way to help Fuyuhiko . Is there something happening between you two?"

Fuyuhiko's face turned red slightly. "Nothing and I mean nothing is going on between us. She just happened to do a nice thing for me."

Ibuki just walked up to Y/N. "Suspicious very suspicious."

"Yeah..." he replied simply, knowing full well the connection between the two.

Kazuichi then remembered something. "Hey wait a second guys what about the blood, Y/N and Natsumi saw."

Y/N's eyes widened when he said this. He then went through the door way to the ground floor on his way to the fuse box with everyone else following. When he got close to the box he saw a familiar looking man waking up to it with some cloths.

"Who are you?" Natsumi demanded.

"It's alright Natsumi, he's the apartment manager." Y/N said. "Um sir what are you doing."

The manager looked at the fuse box in frustration before looking back at Y/N. "Well the guy who usually fixes this damn thing couldn't come over, so I tried to see if I could fix it myself. When I opened it one of the know tubes actually cut my hand so I had to get some clothes to clean the damn thing."

"Oh." Natsumi and Y/N said in unison. They then looked at the others and shrugged while smiling nervously.

Kazuichi looked at the fuse box for a moment. "Hah you guys were right this thing should be no problem for me."

After a little finicking the lights quickly turned back on in the ground floor halls signifying the power was finally back on. There was a small celebration at the sight. "Yay! Now we can find out who the killer really is in the movie." Ibuki said while running making her way to the steps to get to Y/N's room. Everyone else quickly followed except for Peko, Fuyuhiko and Y/N who stayed.

Peko started to adjust her hood back onto her head. "Well.. it's best that I get going."

She started to leave but Y/N stopped her. "Wait Peko, don't you want to stay and watch with us it. You might enjoy it."

"Oh no, I don't want to impose. You can just go without me."

Fuyuhiko just stepped closer to Peko. "Oh just accept the offer." I-I don't think I'd like it if you were out there all alone again any way."

Peko looked shocked for a split second. "Very well if it would please my young master I shall stay."

With her decision made, the three of them went up to Y/N's room where everyone was waiting for them. Once they all got comfy, Y/N picked up the television remote. "Alright time to see who this killer really is." The moment Y/N pressed the button on the remote all the lights went out once again. "For crying out loud."


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