Homely Visit

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(In this one M/N means Mum's name and D/N means Dad's name.)

(A little late for the party in this case but oh well, also this is the last special I'm doing. So don't ask or expect any Easter, Valentines or anything like that. Anyway, I hope you all enjoy this and wish you all the best for the new year.)


(3rd P.O.V)

"Alright, that should do it." Y/N was currently at a train station getting tickets for a trip back home. Hope's Peak had started his break and he felt like visiting his parents during the break, however he wasn't going alone.

Once he finished typing in his destination and inverting the change, four tickets came out of the machine. He took the tickets and walked over the the three girls that were accompanying him. Chiaki, Ibuki and Mikan.

(A week ago)

"Ok everyone, we're gonna be breaking up from school in a while, so be sure that you finish up on those assignments that you've been given." Kizakura said to the class.

Chiaki leaned over to Y/N. "So are you going to be doing anything over the break?"

"Yes actually, I'm going over to my parents to celebrate New Year's Eve ."

"Really?"Chiaki moved away from Y/N. She was actually hoping to spend most of her time with Y/N over the break since she herself didn't have any plans to visit family. She once again moved closer to him when she thought of something. "Hey Y/N... if it's not too much trouble... do you think maybe I could tag along, sobI could meet your parents."

Y/N was a little shocked at the proposition. "D-Don't you have any family you want to see over the break?"

Chiaki looked down to the ground sadly. "My parents aren't generally the type of people for that whole... getting together thing."

Y/N could see the sadness in her face as she continued to look down. "Chiaki... I'm so sorry I didn't mean-"

"It's fine, it's just the way it is. So, would  it be alright I came?"

"Well, I'll ask my parents first but I'm sure they won't mind."

Y/N then felt something warm and slightly soft on the top of his head. He figured out it was Ibuki leaning her upper body on top of him when she leaned her head to his face while looking at him upside down. "So I heard the two of you talking, does that mean I can come along too."

"Well... I'll see if my parents mind having two house guests."

Y/N then felt some one delicately tap his shoulder. He turned and saw Mikan. "C-Can I m-maybe come as well."

"Make that three guests." Y/N muttered.


In the end, Y/N's parents where ok with having some of his classmates join for the new year celebration. Once Y/N got back to the three he handed them their train tickets and then they all started to head to their lift. "Sooo, how long is it going to take till we get their." Ibuki asked while hoping up and down."

"It might take a few hours, I don't think I ever mentioned to you guy's, but I live quite far away from Hope's Peak."

"Aaaww, Ibuki doesn't think she can handle such a long trip, I'll get so bor- OHMIGOSH! Is that the train we're going on, or is it that one,  wow I actually can't remover the last time I've used a train.

"Something tells me Ibuki will be alright." Chiaki suggested with the others nodding their heads.


(Hours later)

After a train ride that seemed to take forever, they had finally arrived in Y/N's neighbourhood. While walking down the street the girls were observing the street. It was fairly normal, with most of the houses looking the same and some scattered chalk sticks spread out across various drive ways.

"Are we there yet, Ibuki's getting tired of dragging this case." she winged.

"Almost, just a few more blocks." Y/N reassured her, while taking a hold of Ibuki's suitcase.

Eventually, they stopped in front one house in particular Y/N instantly gave a knock on the front door. In, no time a women with E/C eyes, H/C hair and S/C skin appeared at the door. A huge smile grew on her face and she instantly pulled Y/N forward into a bear hug. "Oh Y/N my little Visionary, you're finally here."

Y/N's was slightly embarrassed at his mothers words but he hugged her back. "Hi Mum it's good to see you."

Y/N's Mum them cupped Y/N's face and brought it a little closer to hers, as if she was inspecting him. "You looked like you've changed a little, those face time calls aren't accurate." she joked.

"Honey, is he here?" Y/N and the others could here his father call out.

"D/N get over here this instant, your son is here." M/N called out.

They soon heard what sounded like footsteps coming down some stairs and eventually a man with E/C eyes, H/C hair and S/C skin came into view. Once he spotted Y/N he joined in on his wife's embrace and hugged his son as well. "Good to see you here again son."

The three family members continued to hug each other for a full minute almost forgetting about the company they had behind them. The three girls watching smiled as they witnessed the family reunion in front of them. Eventually M/N opened an eye looking at the three girls. "So, these are the three girls from your class who wanted to join us for new years eve?" she asked.

"They sure are, let me introduce them." Y/N started. He moved over to Chiaki. "This is Chiaki Nanami, the ultimate gamer."

Chiaki did a little wave. "Hello Mr and Mrs. L/N it's nice to finally meet you.

Y/N them moved to Ibuki. "This is Ibuki Mioda, she's the ultimate musician."

Ibuki flashed a disarming grin at the two parents waving her hand rapidly at them. "Hello!" she beamed.

Finally, Y/N went to Mikan. "And this is Mikan Tsumiki, the ultimate nurse."

"Err...H-He-Hello." Mikan said while shyly shuffling behind Y/N slightly."

M/N chuckled a little at Mikan's timidity. "No need to be so nervous dearie. Why don't you all come inside, hun would you like to show the girls around."

D/N nodded his head. "Ladies, if you'll follow me." The three girls started to follow D/N around the house as he gave them s tour of the place, leaving Y/N and M/N in the front hall.

M/N leaned over to Y/N and started to whisper to him. "So remind me, what exactly is your relationship with these girls."

"Well... it's a long story."


(A few minutes later)

"So there's this thing called a harem, and it's where multiple people are interested in one person?" M/N questioned her son.

"Yeah, that's pretty much how it goes."

"Well, you teenagers certainly come up with some strange ideas nowadays. Wait tell I tell your Dad."

Suddenly Ibuki came running down the halls directly towards them holding a large picture frame with Mikan following close behind her. "Ohmigosh, Y/N you were such a cute looking baby." Ibuki cooed while holding up the picture. It was an image of a baby Y/N being held by his parents.

Y/N blushed when he saw the picture. "I forgot we had that thing right up on the wall for everyone to see." he muttered.

M/N did a little squeal that was similar to a fan girl when they see their favourite band member. "I have so many pictures of Y/N when he was younger. C'mon I'll show you girls some."

M/N walked up the steps with Ibuki and Mikan following closely. Y/N didn't bother protest against his Mother, he knew that when she was set on something there was no stopping her.

He was about to follow but he was stopped by sound of some digital beeps coming from the living room of the house. Despite having a good idea of who and what was causing the noise he decided to check it out.

Unsurprisingly, when he got into the room he could see Chiaki sitting on the floor, playing on the other game console that he left home. D/N watched  in amazement as Chiaki easily surpassed all the obstacles on the platformer she was playing. From the look of it, she had already beaten Y/N's record.

"Well I can definitely see why she's called the ultimate gamer." D/N commented. Chiaki remained silent as she continued to give her complete focus on the game. "Not much of a talker is she?"

Y/N shook his head. "Watch this." He sat next to her before clearing his throat and calling out. "Hey Chiaki!"
she continued to play as if she hadn't heard him in the slightest. "When Chiaki is playing a game it has her complete attention."

D/N nodded his head slightly suggestively earning a confused gaze from Y/N. "Why no try giving her a good ol'fashioned kiss." D/N suggested.

Y/N immediately got flustered when he suggested this. "W-Why would I-"

"I remembered all the phone calls you've made while you've been gone Y/N and I remember all the things you've told me about your classmates, especially her. 'She's so sweet, she has beautiful light pink eyes, she's really brought our class together.'" D/N said in a mocking tone.

Y/N's shoulders slumped a bit when he said that, but before he could say something Chiaki seemed to snap out of her gaming trance and looked directly at him. "You really said that stuff about me?" she asked with her cheeks going to a rosy pink colour.

Y/N was caught off guard by this and what didn't help was that she was bringing her face closer to his. Uh- I-I... I think I heard Mum call he I'll just-bye."

Y/N quickly left the room and went upstairs leaving Chiaki slightly disappointed. She turned to D/N. "Did he really say those things?" she asked again.

D/N chuckled while nodding his head slightly. "Every word."

Once Y/N got upstairs, he saw his mother showing a large photo album to Ibuki and Mikan. He decided to get a closer look to see what pictures she was showing to them.

As he approached, Ibuki noticed and ran up to him while taking the photo album from M/N. "Y/N you, haha, look how cute you are in your little Halloween costume."

Y/N looked at the photo and it was a picture of him during his first Halloween and he was in a lamb costume. He blushed when he saw this and looked at M/N slightly frustrated. "M-Mum!"

M/N just giggled while tilting her hair to the side innocently. "Aww, that's one of my favourites."

Ibuki continued to laugh while hugging Y/N at the side. "It's a shame you couldn't wear something like that for the Halloween we had this year."

"Oh, I still kept the costume after all these years, I might be able to slip the head segment over him if you want."

"Yes, yes, yes!" Ibuki said.

"No, no, no!" Y/N retorted.


As the evening rolled by, the L/N household began to have a roast dinner to celebrate the new year approaching. It was a typical roast with turkey being the big focus of the meal with various other sides such as veggies.

Ibuki seemed to really appreciate the dinner she was served since she was quickly scarfing down the food. "Mmmm, Ibuki can't remember the last time she's had a meal like this." she said while gleefully stuffing her mouth full of turkey.

"I don't think I've ever had a meal like this." Mikan said in a slightly sorrowful tone.

M/N gasped when she heard this. "Really?! Well I'm glad that we've gotten the chance to serve someone with such a talent their first roast meal."

Mikan then looked at M/N slightly surprised and she just replied by giving her a warm smile. Something about the way she smiled at her created a warm feeling in Mikan. It wasn't exactly like when Y/N whenever he smiled at her, but it felt more well almost like she was in a real home. She continued to eat the food she was given enjoying the feeling of comfort she had.

"So all you ultimates, why don't you tell us about some of your times at Hope's Peak, we'd love to know." D/N said.

Ibuki started tapping her fork on the edge of the plate thinking of the of the class and her. "Well... there was the time we all went to that forest that had that giant hole that Mikan and Y/N fell into."

Mikan shyly shuffled closer to Y/N, who happened to be sitting next to her and pressed her arm next to his. "I remember, Y/N h-helped me feel better."

"How did you two get out?" M/N asked.

"Well it was all thanks to our teacher Ms.Yukizime, she actually threw down a rope and got us out." Y/N explained.

Ibuki sighed when she heard this. "Ibuki misses Ms. Yukizome. Can't say the same about whitey though." Ibuki said while starting to snicker.

Surprisingly, Mikan started giggling a little as well. "Guys c'mon he's just a little... misunderstood, I'm sure he mean well." Y/N said.

Mikan twiddled her fingers. "Well... he did blow up the gymnasium where the exams were."

M/N and  D/N looked a little angry as they remembered when the school called them about Y/N getting knocked out by an explosion. "Hmph well if he was here I'd give him a piece of my mind, hurting my baby like that." M/N huffed.

"Honestly I'm fine now." Y/N reassured.

D/N stabbed a bit of turkey on his plate slightly aggressively. "I'd call something like that more than a misunderstanding."

Chiaki then quietly cleared her throat, deciding to quickly change the subject. "Y/N, remember when we covered a class of kids from elementary school."

This caught Y/N's parents attention. "I don't think you told us about that?" D/N said.

"Oh right, well Chiaki and I were tasked with looking after a class of elementary school kids and... we happened to com across a rather interesting group of them."

Ibuki pondered for a bit. "Hey, are you talking about that group of kids that has the little girl in the wheel chair with the green hair and creepy eyes."

"Yep that's them."

"Oh yeah. They seem to have something with you, they tried giving you those possibly gnarly Halloween candy and they where at that snowball fight three weeks ago."

Y/N sighed a little. "I don't know what it is but they just love to get the better of me with there silly tricks and pranks."

"Sounds to me that this group of kids like you." M/N suggested to Y/N.


"Take it from me, little kids often do things that aggravate someone to get their attention."

Y/N then remembered that card they gave him when they first met which he actually kept on a window sill at his apartment room. "I guess you could be right."

"I could be, or they're just doing it beacuse they're little brats. As long as they don't go around blowing up parts of school buildings that hurt my son, I'm good."

"They're just kids Mum, I don't think they have the power or skill to do that... I hope."


After having dinner together, everyone decide to do various party activities and games together.

It was currently  seven minutes till twelve and everyone was participating in a gaming tournament on the console Chiaki was playing earlier. Chiaki and M/N were on a team against Y/N and D/N, Ibuki and Mikan watched and cheered as they played on the racing game they are on.

M/N was currently in last place and despite Chiaki being in first, if she got in last the total amount of points would end with both her and Chiaki loosing if both Y/N and D/N got to the finish line before her.

"Sorry hun, looks like us guys are gonna win." D/N said to M/N.

She began thinking of ideas until finally settling on one and leaning over to whisper her plan to Chiaki.

Chiaki' cheeks went pink to the idea, but she decide to go with it. M/N shuffled closer to D/N while Chiaki did the same for Y/N. Then, while they were still playing, they leaned other to their respective guys and kissed them on the lips causing them to drop their controllers in shock.

Chiaki and M/N seized their chance and won the race. "Hah, looks like we had the power." M/N said while giving Chiaki a high-five.

Y/N and D/N's looked completely caught off guard of what happened. "H-Hey no fair." Y/N said

"Yeah you used your womanly charms to cheat." D/N defended in a flustered tone.

M/N rested her head on top of D/N's shoulder. "Like father like son, you both get so flustered when a girl shows you a little affection."

"Hey guys, guys! Twenty seconds till the new year!" Ibuki yelled in excitement.

Everyone looked at a nearby and so they all got up and began to count.

"Alright everyone we'll start at ten." D/N said.

"10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1..."

As some as the clock struck twelve, they all let out a cheer, they could even hear some of their neighbours cheering for the occurrence.

M/N and D/N shared a loving kiss with each other. "Happy new year." they whispered to each other.

Y/N felt three lips touch his cheeks and then the warmth from Chiaki, Ibuki and Mikan hugging him. He hugged them back. "Happy new year girls."

After all of them sharing and embrace, D/N decide to ask, "So what do you think this year is going to be like for you ultimates."

"I just hope we can continue to get along as a class and graduate together." Chiaki said.

"So, what about it future-watched, seen anything." Ibuki asked Y/N.

"Not yet, but if it's anything like last year, it's going to be an interesting one."


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