Chapter Six: Satisfied

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Last chapter ended one a
Bad note
Things are gonna get better
In this one.
(Whoever guesses what the title is from I'll give you a turtle!)


(Y/n) rushed out of the Casita not knowing that Camilo was running behind her. She jumped on her bed and landed on her knees in tears. In a distorted voice she screams, "WHA- IS HAP-EN-NG?!?" Luckily her parents weren't home to hear it. They didn't know she had powers at all. All of the sudden, a knock could be heard on the window.

"(Y/n)! Please let me in!" A female voice could be heard. It sounded like her mother. "Not by the hairs of my c-inny-chinn-ch-nn?" The woman tried to show her face but when she hiccuped, HE changed into Camilo.

As soon as (Y/n) opened the window he jumped inside and kept (Y/n) in a tight hug. (Y/n) choked a little. She saw Camilo shed a tear. "Please don't cry my love. I hate to see you cry."

(Y/n) hugged him back and kept whispering, "It hurts, it hurts." In a soft voice. "I wa-t it all t-to st-o-op..."

"If I can ask, what hurts? I can tell you're going through a lot right now."

"I forgot. Maybe the glitching. Maybe the fact that I helped Mirabel find the vision. Maybe how Isabela's proposal got ruined. Or maybe the how everyone's in the town is hating us. I don't remember. All I know is that it hurts."

Camilo felt extremely sad for (Y/n) and really wanted to help her. But all he could do for her is cry. He didn't want her to feel sad so Camilo did it for her. In a shaking voice he said...

"Please, don't blame yourself. Everything may not be perfect, but I promise you it will get better. I here for you whenever, wherever. And nobody hates us. Their worried. But if we just relax, They'll all be safe and satisfied."

This comforted (Y/n) but she was still glitching a bit. She scooted closer to Camilo as they both basked in the warm sensation of each other's embrace.

Then Camilo said the words. The most powerful words in the world. The words that could heal all broken hearts at once. The three words...

"I love you."

All of the sudden she stopped glitching. All of the pain had been thrown and burnt in a hole.

"I love you more that all of the shinning stars in the sky and the small grains of sand combined! Just please all I'm asking is for you to stay happy! Stay beautiful. Stay fun. Stay lovely. Stay satisfied. Because I really-"

(Y/n) gave him a small peck on the cheek to shut him up then smiled. "Your yelling..."

They both had a wide smile and got up. "I love you too."

(Y/n) wiped the tears off her face and smiled.

"Now let's go save the Encanto."


When they got back they were both looking for Mirabel. Camilo tried calling her name but hiccuped into a man with a baby head. (Y/n) started laughing then immediately came to a hult. A grown man's voice could be heard saying, "Aw, adorable! Also, I think we're running out of time here!"

"What was that?!" (Y/n) asked as she looked around to see where the sound was coming from.
"That was probably my papa. You know how he is always in my business.

"Thats Mr. Felix for ya!"


Thats it everyone!
I hoped you liked it!
Bye bye!

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