Prologue: The Candle's story

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(Y/n) has always been best friends with Mirabel since they were five. One night, a special night, (Y/n), Mirabel, and Abuela Alma were sitting in the nursery.

 "Abre los your eyes." Abuela said. Mirabel opens her eyes as she looks at the candle in excitement. "Is this where the magic comes from?"

"Mm-hm. This candle, holds the miracle given to our family."

"How did you get a miracle?" Young (Y/n) asked.

 "Long ago, when my three babies had just been born, your Abuelo Pedro and I, were forced to flee our home. And though many joined us, we could not escape the dangers and your Abuelo, was lost."Abuela looked down at the candle with sadness in her eyes. "Oh no! Thats bad!" (Y/n) said with a sad face.

"But in our darkest moment, we were given, a miracle! The candle became a magical flame that could never go out and it blessed us with a refuge in which to live."

"An encanto?" Mira asked

"An encanto." Said Abuela.

 "The miracle grew. The house, our Casita itself came alive to shelter us. When my children came of age, the miracle blessed each with a magic gift to help us. And when their children came of age..."

"They got magic too!" Mirabel and (Y/n) said in unison.

"Thats right! And together the family's gifts have made our new home, a paradise. Tonight this candle will give you your gift mi vida!" Abuela said gesturing to Mirabel. "Strengthen our community, strengthen our home. Make your family proud.

"Make my family proud..."

Casita starts shaking the floor tiles causing (Y/n) to fall.
"Yes, yes Casita, were going!" Abuela answered. Mirabel helped (Y/n) up off the ground. "What do you think my gift will be?" Mirabel asked with wonder in her eyes.

Before Abuela could talk, (Y/n) interrupts her.

 "Maybe like, drawing stuff and it'll come to life! That would be like, so cool!"

Abuela chuckled at (Y/n).

"You are a wonder Mirabel Madrigal." Abuela said crouching down to Mirabel. "Whatever gift awaits, will be just as special, as you."

Future me: Again, please take caution as this was my first book! <3

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