Chapter 6: The Route's Kinetic Energy

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"Well, this is Route 0! A secluded path in the middle of the woods," Natalie told Josh and Megan. "Well, it's truly something," Megan said. "Don't be fooled by it's placement in the region, this place has some of the strongest Pokémon in the region. I've seen Purugly and Bisharp out here on occasion," Jacob said. "Well, let's get exploring," Josh said. They spread out slightly, looking for Pokémon for their team.

Jacob caught a Riolu, Natalie caught a Togepi, and Josh found a wounded Honedge that he started to care for. But, as Megan was searching for a Pokémon, something put her on edge, gave her a sense of unease. Then, she heard a rustling in some nearby bushes. She sensed the Pokémon, and stumbled back, snagging her ankle in a bit of knotted grass. The Pokémon, a Clefable, jumped out at her, intending to attack her. "Megan! No," Josh yelled, as the Clefable struck Megan.

Megan closed her eyes, bracing for impact, but it never came. Instead, when she opened her eyes, the Clefable was stuck in midair, unable to move. She unsnagged her ankle and moved back a bit, looking around at what could have caused the Clefable's suspension. When she looked, she saw Jacob, his hand, which was now glowing a faint purple color, outstretched at the Clefable, an angry look on his face. He moved his hand back to his side, and the Clefable resumed it's actions, swinging at the air and crashing into the ground. "Jacob? Did you just do that," Natalie asked. "I-I suppose I did. I just stopped that Clefable!"

The Clefable was now getting up, and beginning it's attack again, but the Honedge that Josh was caring for slashed it across the cheek. The Clefable was sent flying into a tree, and almost got knocked out. "Alright, if you need to fight, I'll let you," Megan said, preparing a Poké Ball. She threw the ball, and did so with such a spin that it caused the ball to make a whistling sound as it was thrown. The ball opened, enveloping the Clefable in a white light, and sucking it inside. The ball shook in midair, landed on the ground, shook once, and made a clicking sound, signifying the Clefable's capture.

"So, Jacob, mind telling us why you're able to stop a Clefable in midair? Is it only for those you truly care about," Josh snapped angrily. "Back off, Josh! I never knew that I could do that," Jacob said, shoving Josh away. "Both of you, stop," Megan said, standing between them. "Now Josh, did you not see how surprised he was when he did that? Clearly he didn't know that he could do that! Something I think you would know about quite well, huh?" "Ugh, fine, you're right. Jacob, I'm sorry, I was just shocked at how quickly it happened, and that you were able to protect Megan."

Jacob could here something in Josh's voice. "Wait a second, you're jealous! I can hear it in your voice, you're jealous at my ability!" "What? No I'm not!" "Oh, yes you are! You wish you had telekinesis like me!" "Okay, okay, I have always wanted telekinesis. It always seemed cooler than my telepathy," Josh said with a sigh. "Wait, you have telepathy? That's awesome," Natalie said. "Yeah, but not as cool as being able to suspend Pokémon in midair," Josh said in a sad tone.

"Hey, Josh, if it makes you feel bad that I have that, I'll just try not to use it when I'm around you." "Well, alright, thank you Jacob." "Hey, what other uses could we have for that other then those situations? Oh no, I feel too lazy to get a Fresh Water, I'll just lift it with my mind." They all started laughing and continued on their way.

After another 15 minutes of walking and training their new team members, along with Megan catching a Miltank, they finally arrived at Aspertia City. The city's tall apartment complexes, the small houses with gardens next to them, and the river cutting through the city was unlike anything that they had ever seen before. It felt homely, ironically so, considering Jacob's and Natalie's home was 15 minutes away. "Wow! So this is what Aspertia City looks like during the day," Megan said. "Far different from what it looks like at night," Josh said. "Is it wrong that this feels more homely to me then our actual home," Natalie asked. "Not at all, I feel the same way," Jacob said.

They started making plans to split up and explore the city, but before they did that, Natalie gave everyone hoodies to put on. "Why do we need these," Josh asked. "Well, if we're going to be walking around, we might be taken note of by a few people, including someone who might be working for Team Sutilis, so we need to conceal our identities. One defining element of our appearance is our hair, and you don't exactly have the most normal hair color, teal," Natalie said, ruffling Josh's hair. "Hey, I lost a bet, and this was the effect," Josh said.

"If we stay inconspicuous, it's less likely that we'll be caught by Malus and Team Sutilis," Natalie continued. "Well, alright then. I'm on board with it," Megan said, slipping on a dark grey, zipper less hoodie. "If we can avoid Malus for longer, I'm fine with putting on something ugly," Jacob said, putting on a slightly beat up blue hoodie. "That just leaves you Josh," Natalie said, holding a black hoodie towards him. "Well, alright, but when come back to Route 0, I'm taking it off. I can't stand these god forsaken things," Josh said, taking the hoodie and putting it on. Natalie slipped on the remaining light gray hoodie, and they split up across Aspertia City.

"So, they think that they can evade me for long? Oh, the innocent thoughts of youth," Malus said from the trees. "So, if I can just get them stopped for long enough, they'll be mine, and my plans can truly begin. But who can slow them down?" Malus pondered this in her mind. "Of course! The teal-haired boy! I know just how to use him to slow them down!" She unhooked a Pokéball from her belt and looked at it. "Get ready, Menelaus, you're going to be the catalyst for all this."

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