Chapter 8: Heating Relations on the Route Less Traveled

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Alright, Pallet, use Take Down," Lumen said. The Eevee charged at Louis at high speeds. "Too easy. Dodge it by jumping!", Jacob told his Riolu. He jumped above the Eevee's attack, and his foot started glowing white. "Awesome! High Jump Kick," Jacob exclaimed. He crashed down on Pallet, with a force unknown to anyone involved. The Eevee yelled in pain, and when the dust settled, Pallet was fainted. "I win, Lumen." "Yeah, and I'm not mad at all! I got to see High Jump Kick in action! Here, I have something for you," Lumen said. She went into a back room and brought out a cerulean egg with two blue spots with a milky purple orb.

"Here, to commemorate the victory you have gotten today." Jacob returned Louis to his Pokéball and put the orb in his backpack, before taking the egg from Lumen. "Thank you, Lumen!" Just then, a young male trainer burst through the room. "I would like to request a gym challenge," the boy said. "Well, alright then! Prepare yourself, challenger!" Jacob stood thinking for a bit, but when he finally realized it, she just smiled and winked at him.

Jacob left the Trainer School, amazed that he had just fought a Gym Leader and not gotten a gym badge from it. He took his egg to the Nursery stand, looking for a container to hold his egg until it was ready to hatch. "Excuse me, ma'am, do you have an object to keep this egg safe until it hatches?" "Why, yes I do! While you are looking, may I take a look at it?" "I don't see why not!" Jacob looked around and though about what he wanted to buy, before deciding on a container with a glass dome and could be put carried on one's back.

"Well, well, I see that your egg is quite rare. When it hatches, it will make a fine Pokémon indeed!", the woman running the booth said. Jacob payed for the container and thanked the woman for her time before leaving to find everyone else. It had been a few hours, so he just had to start exploring the city, looking around for his friends.


"And that's why I've never trained a Ground-Type," Sophia finished. "Well, having my house destroyed in an earthquake would turn me away too. At least you have two parents." "Yeah, that is true. So, I've been thinking, and I was wondering, would you like to be my rival?" "Well, sure! Why not? It sounds like it could be fun! Besides, we don't have to hate each other!" "Well, alright then! From this point forward, we are officially rivals!"

Just then, the device on Sophia's wrist started buzzing. "Hang on, I have to take this.", Sophia said, getting up and moving a bit away. "Arceus, why did my mother abandon Jacob and I? What was she running from? Maybe dad knows the answer." "Hey, sorry, Natalie. I have to go back home now." "Really? Well, it was nice talking to you!" "Yeah, it was nice to talk to you too! You should come visit me in Lentimas Town sometime!" "I will be sure to do that! See ya later," she told Sophia as they walked down the lookout's stairs. Sophia went through the terminal to Route 19, and Natalie went back to look for the others.

She bumped into Jacob as she turned the corner onto the town square. "Hey, Natalie! How have you been?" "Well, I met a new person who is now my rival." "Well that's interesting. I fought the Gym Leader here without knowing it. But, they gave me this egg and a Toxic Orb!" They started talking about their day, before deciding to try and find Megan and Josh.

[Megan and Josh]

"Okay, Nursery, what's wrong with this Honedge," Josh asked his Chansey. Megan touched the Chansey's arm. "She says that this Honedge needs life force, which it gets from wrapping something in the blue cloth of his." Just then, a Dunsparce slithered by them. "Well, let's make a life force transfer," Josh said, grabbing the Dunsparce. The Honedge wrapped it's blue cloth around the Dunsparce, and stole it's life energy, the Honedge getting better as it did so. When the Dunsparce was fully drained, the Honedge tossed it's corpse aside, and rose up. "Edge! Edge!" "You're  welcome, Honedge. It was our pleasure," Megan said. The Honedge floated over to Josh and knocked a Dusk Ball from his belt.

"Wait, so you want me to capture you?" "Hon! Honedge." "He says that he does, as his old owner abandoned him after he refused to evolve into a Doublade." "Well, Honedge, I promise you that I won't force you to evolve. You will evolve when it is your time," Josh said. The Honedge did a flip as Josh prepared a Dusk Ball to catch it. Josh threw the ball at Honedge, who became absorbed by it, but after shaking once, the ball broke, and the Honedge came back out.

"Honedge, why did you do that," Megan asked. But, just then, another Honedge burst form the bushes, about to slash Josh! The new Honedge was countered by the other Honedge, and after struggling for a bit, the first Honedge threw the other into the treeline. He charged at the new Honedge to land a finishing blow, but missed, passing behind the second Honedge. The two Honedge linked together, and started glowing.

Their swords became grabbed by their cloth arms, which grew longer and turned a magenta color. When they touched down, the two Honedge had become a single Doublade. "D-Doublade? Are you alright," Josh asked. The Doublade nodded in confirmation. "Well, Doublade, it looks like your time is now. Get ready," before throwing the Dusk Ball. The ball opened, enveloping the Doublade in a white light, before dragging it into the Dusk Ball. The ball fell on the ground, shook three times, and clicked.

"So, I see that you now have a Doublade," Jacob said, revealing himself and Natalie to the twins. "Wait, how long were you two watching," Josh asked, his cheeks getting redder by the second. "Since the first capture attempt. You've caught a good Pokémon, Josh," Natalie said. "Well, thanks, Natalie," Josh said, before collapsing on the ground. "Oh, wow, I'm exhausted. I don't know if I can go back to your house." They all followed his lead, collapsing on the ground. "Well, we can regain our strength by chilling here.", Megan said. They began to talk about their day, what they did, who they met, what they're looking forward to doing again, before they got back up and started for home 30 minutes later.

As they were walking down Route 0, Josh collapsed to the ground, shuddering. When he did, Malus walked out from the bushes, her Gardevoir behind her. "Malus! What do you want this time?" "Oh, nothing much, Josh. I just want to conquer the world in the long run." "Well, we're not helping! Unlike you, we were taught right from wrong," Jacob yelled. "Come on out, Voltaire," Jacob said, sending out his Electivire. "Tsk, tsk, all too easy. Helen, Psyshock.", Malus said.

The Gardevoir did it's all too familiar debris surrounding attack, using it to knock Voltaire out in one hit. "No! Voltaire, return!" "Corona, it's your time to shine," Natalie said, sending out her Magmortar. "This is absolutely shameful. Psyshock again, Helen." The Gardevoir did the same attack, KOing the Magmortar. "Dammit! Corona, return!"

"Alright, Arthur, show this Gardevoir who's boss," Josh said, sending out his Doublade. Arthur was able to survive many a Psyshock, and counter with Iron Head or Gyro Ball, but while they were doing that, Malus' Gallade, Menelaus, snuck up behind Megan. He prepared an Ice Punch, not to strike a Pokémon, but to strike Megan herself. Josh felt the disturbance, and ran towards Megan.

As Menelaus was about to strike, Josh tackled his sister out of the way, taking the full force of the Ice Punch. He was knocked on the ground, still alive, but from his back, a mound of ice crystals began to form. The crystals spread across him like lightning, and within 5 seconds, had completely encased Josh in ice. Josh was frozen, and he couldn't thaw himself out.

"Josh," Megan yelled. "No," Natalie continued. Malus was laughing to herself. "My work here is done. Helen, Menelaus, return," she said, putting her two Pokémon back into their Pokéballs. Malus dashed into the woods, leaving the kids with a frozen Josh. "Oh Arceus, oh Arceus! This is bad," Megan said. "Megan, what's wrong? Josh will thaw out eventually," Jacob said. "Not fast enough! Josh and I have a condition that makes us extremely susceptible to cold. In about one minute, Josh will die of hypothermia."

"Crap! We have to get him out," Natalie said. They looked around their Pokéballs. The only way they could get him out was a Fire-type attack, and their carrier of that, Corona, was fainted, and revives wouldn't work fast enough. "We have no way to unthaw him. I, I think Josh is gone," Jacob said. Megan collapsed to her knees, crying like she would never stop, and while Jacob was comforting her, Natalie approached the frozen block of ice that encased Josh. "Josh, I won't let you be a dead man, not yet. When I'm around you, I feel a special feeling, one I've never felt before in my life. Josh, I love you, and I won't let you die on me," Natalie whispered.

Natalie started rubbing her hands together, trying to generate heat between them, in a desperate attempt to save Josh's life. But, on the third time, Natalie's hands started to glow a faint orange color, and between her hands, a small ember formed. She started blowing air into the ember, in an attempt to make it hotter. After a bit, she held the ember up to the block, and the ice around it melted almost instantly. Natalie quickly moved the ember around the ice block, until it got too small to sustain itself, and broke.

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