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I lay in my room, sighing as I flick through twitter, bored out of my mind. It really doesn't help that Johanna is out on a gig and the house is cold and quiet. I half ass think about getting on Tinder, to go out and get something unscripted for the night, but something just doesn't seem right about it any more. I mean, yeah, I am not dating, but from time to time I've made a perv's night by having a hook up. I don't typically spend a whole lot of time with them other than a drink and then a trip back into the duplex I live in with Johanna, to ensure my own safety. 

My phone rings and I pick it up, puzzled, seeing as I don't give out my number. "Hello? This is a private number, so I don't know how you got this."

"Hey Katniss," I hear a voice on the other end say and I sit up. "It's Peeta. Johanna said she told you she gave me your number." I feel myself brighten up a little and chuckle.

"Well, it must have slipped her mind because I was not aware that I would get a call from you, Blondie," I say. "Which is typical because she loves embarrassing the hell out of me like this."

"Yeah, she does seem to get a kick out of seeing you squirm a little," he says, "But I guess I'm kinda embarrassed to be calling you like this right now."

"It's fine, what is it?" I ask. 

"You wanna maybe, I don't know, go for drinks or something?" he asks and I laugh a little. 

"Well, I suppose that I don't have anything going on at the moment, well nothing more important than that I guess," I say. "Do you want me to meet you somewhere?"

"I can come pick you up," he says, "If you're alright with that?" I pause a moment to pick at my finger nervously. 

"That," I adjust myself so I'm sitting up on my bed. "That's fine, I guess. Its not like you're someone I don't know. " I brush a piece of my hair behind my ear. " I'm guessing Johanna told you were we live too, eh?" He chuckles. 

"Actually, no," he said, " She actually left something for you." I smile softly. 

"I'll text you the address," I say. "See you soon?" 

"Yeah, can't wait," he says and ends the call. I look across the room at my pitiful, sweatpants clad body with the loosely tied up bun on my head. I groan and get up, going to my closet to find something that might be suitable for a night out. I flick through my tight cocktail dress for public appearances, groaning as I see that I have nearly nothing. I finally find a dark green, knee length dress that seems modest enough to go out in a normal, social setting. I shoot a text to Peeta while my curling iron heats up. I put soft waves into the long hair, pinning part of it up and to the side. I carefully put on a light dusting of makeup on my face, not wanting to look dark and easy to recognize. The bell rings and I straighten my skirt and slip on a pair of black pumps. 

"Its unlocked!" I call as I buckle the ankle straps and fuss with my hair a second more. "I just need a few more minutes."

"A few minutes real time or should I just turn on the TV and make myself at home while you take another hour?" Peeta jokes and I laugh. 

"No, I'm putting on my shoes right now," I say adjusting my stockings and clipping them to the belt at my waist. I walk out and stand in the doorway of my bedroom. "Where are we going anyway?" Peeta turns to look at me and swallows, almost nervously. 

"I was thinking maybe that little bar on the corner," he says.

"Good choice," I say. "Its quiet enough not to be recognized." I walk over to him and we both kind of stand there awkwardly. Peeta seems to not really know what to say. 

"Do you wanna go then?" he asks and I nod. 

"Sure," I say. I grab my phone and purse and walk past him to the door. He follows me and I use my key to lock the door behind us. We walk down and he unlocks a decent, early 2000's car. He opens the door for me and I smile as I sit down and watch as he walks around, getting on the driver's side. 

"You look really nice," Peeta says," I chuckle, folding my hands in my lap, looking at his own attire.  

"Thank you," I say looking at his skinny jeans and the soft blue V-neck shirt he was wearing. "You clean up pretty well yourself." He smirks as he pulls the car into a space and parks. He gets out and helps me out of the car. I take his hand in mine and we walk together into the little bar. There's upbeat music playing in the speakers and quite a few people shuffling around and talking. I reach into my purse to get some money but Peeta stops me.

"I invited you out, I'll pick up the tab," He says handing his card to the man across the counter. We order our drinks and go to a table, sitting down. 

"Thanks for calling me," I say. "I needed to get out. I hide from the world far too much anymore."

"I know what you mean," he says, laughing. "It's probably outstandingly hard for you. I recall that you were quite popular on a lot of the sites." I look down, kind of shyly.

"Sometimes its flattering," I say. "Every stain they leave in their sheets is money in my pocket. But it is really hard to get out, to go out for drinks with a friend. Thankfully, you aren't famous enough yet for them to put two and two together." He smiles and leans back.

"I honestly think people don't really notice the guys in our line of work," Peeta says. I play with the stirring stick and roll my eyes. "What?"

"Women do, Doll," I say. "At least, I do."

"It's not weird for you, knowing most of them in person?" He asks. I shrug.

"At first maybe," I say. "But it is what it is. Just because I work with them, it doesn't mean I can't contribute to their incomes just like everybody else. I mean, I don't judge you for watching my videos." He looks a little red and looks down.

"Yeah, I guess I walked right into that, huh," he says. 

"Yeah, I'll say you did," I say. "But I will say, I had a really good time working with you the other day." He turns redder and I tilt my head so I'm kinda in his face. "Did you not, or something?"

"Would I have asked you out if I didn't?" Peeta asks and I sit back.

"Oh, so you asked me out tonight to get in my pants off the clock?" I say and he shakes his head.

"No, I just wanted to hang out with you, " He says. "I like you a lot and thought we could have a good time. God, this is awkward, I didn't I."

"And by good time, you mean, what exactly?" I ask.

"Drinks and dancing," He says gesturing at the people out on the floor. I cover my mouth and start laughing.

"Oh, I'm so sorry," I say. "Obviously if this was a booty call you would have just said so. I just, I don't date and I ..." I hold my hand out to him, "Lets start over shall we? I'm Katniss. I constantly put my foot in my mouth." he takes it and kisses it. 

"Peeta. I'm awkward when it comes to real life women." We both start laughing and I down my drink, looking at him.

"You wanna dance, seeing as that's why you brought me out here?" I ask, feeling my cheeks still warm from the embarrassing direction our conversation had turned. He gets up and helps me stand. I hear an older song start and chuckle, remembering how much I had loved watching this music video in my lonely bedroom back home with head gear on and those awful glasses. I lay my arms around Peeta's neck and stand slightly off to the side of him. He sets his hands on my hips and we move together slowly, seeming to understand what I want. 


I turn so my back is to him and look at him. He smiles and  hugs my waist. I am mouthing the words and I reach my arm around his neck, and he tentatively kisses my cheek. I look at him a moment and turn so I'm facing him again. I look up at him and smile as the song ends. A few more old songs play and I must say, while other people may feel it outdated, I revel in it. There's a reason sons like "Africa" and "Sherry" have stood the test of time. My feet start to feel pinched in my shoes and we go to to sit down. I look over at him and sigh, leaning on the table. 

"Well, that was fun," Peeta says. I lean down to unbuckle my shoes and feel him watching me. "I haven't met a girl who would enjoy those cheesy old love songs as much as I do, but you definitely seemed to. " I look up at him. 

"I guess it's because that idealistic version is all I had in terms of love. My first boyfriend was a dick. Used me as bragging rights. Probably why you and I are in the situation where we met like this , or at least, that's how Kitty came to be. Hurt them before they hurt you mentality." He nods and I notice he's looking at where my skirt had rode up to reveal the lace edge of a stocking. I pull the hem back down and he shakes his head, clearly embarrassed.

"Yeah, I mean I had girlfriends, but it never really lasted. My family was rich so a lot of them expected extravagant gifts. When that didn't happen, because my family was rich not me, I got dumped a lot," he says and I put my chin on my fist as I go back to leaning on the table. 

"Too bad we didn't meet in that old life, before Katniss and Peeta got their hearts broken so many times Kitty and Brad took over, seeing as we grew up so close to each other, not that you probably would have taken a second look at a headgear wearing, vision impaired girl with a messy braid," I say. He reaches forward and brushes a misplaced strand of hair from my face.

"Well, I don't know that I can speak for my past self, but I think if I could have, I wouldn't have been disappointed by he girl underneath all that, seeing as you grew up into quite the beauty and intriguing person, Katniss," he says and I look up at him. 

"Is that what you think?" I ask. He leans over the table and kisses me. I am taken by surprise but feel my hand come up to cup his cheek. He slips me tongue and I find myself loosing my inhibition a little. He pulls away and I blink at him. "Okay, clearly got my answer there." We both laugh and he gets up.  

"Yeah, I don't know why I could never keep a girlfriend back home considering the response I get nowadays when I do that," He says. I notice that the bar is starting to clear out and I grab my shoes, getting up to follow him out. We get into the car and leave . He walks me to the door of my and Johanna's apartment. I stand against it and look up at him.

 "Do you want to maybe come in?" I ask. "Or are we just gonna end the night with a kiss on the cheek?" He leans over me a little and I'm forced against the door a little tighter.

"Do you want me to come in?" he asks and I nod slowly. "I need to hear you say it, seeing as now a days, a man can never be to careful."

I beckon him a little closer and whisper softly in his ear. "I wouldn't have asked you in if I didn't want you to stay."He kisses me softly and I twist the door handle to open it. I toss my keys and clutch aside. he kicks the door shut behind him. I break away to look up at him. 

"What?" he asks. I look over my shoulder. 

"Johanna?" I call out. I get no response but I still walk away from him to glance in her bedroom before grabbing his hand, leading him towards my room. "Better safe than sorry. I chide her all the time for bringing guys home so this is kind of me breaking my own rule." 

"What rule?" Peeta asks. I grab a pair of my underwear and hook it on the outside handle before closing my bedroom door. 

"No bringing guys back to the apartment," I say. "But I think seeing as she encouraged this so much, I can make an exception and use her old signal flag of panties on the door nob." I laugh, feeling ridiculous. He looks  at me a moment.

"You don't do this, outside of work?" he says. I shake my head.

"Once in a blue moon, but no, I really don't," I say. "I just haven't had the best experiences in the past, clearly seeing as I work in porn." I stand a few feet from him, rubbing my arm nervously, scared I've made this all awkward again. Peeta carefully reaches out and lays his hand over mine and I look up at him.

"Its fine, I don't either," He says, "But I think its time we gave you a good experience." He presses his lips to mine and I lean against him. He pushes me up against the door and lifts me up. I lace my fingers in his hair and pull away from him and he brushes my hair away from my face. His hand is gentle as he touches my cheek. He kisses me again and I carefully run a stocking clad along the inside of his. I bite my lip as I feel his body stiffen.

"Looks like I'm not the only one nervous about this," I say. He chuckles, kissing me again, picking me up and sitting down on the end of my rickety old bed. I kneel on either side of him and he kisses my shoulder , pulling down the strap of my dress. I lean my head back and and he kisses my collar bone. I grip onto his shirt, finger crawling my way to the hem. He take the hint and pulls away enough to pull it over his head. Nestle my head into his neck and he takes this time to unzip my dress. I grind against him a little and he starts kissing me again. I let him pull the dress down and he kisses softly at my chest bone. 

So gentle

So caring

So everything I need in this moment. 

He unclasps my bra and looks up at me. I kiss him and he pushes me off him enough to get out from under me. I shuck off the rest of the dress and get down on my hands and knees at his feet. I unzip his pants and reach in for my prize, not even kidding myself about how much I'd been wanting to get his member in my grasp again. I lean down to lick up the length, causing a groan to escape Peeta's lips. I cover him with my mouth and get to work doing what a cock hungry slut does best. 

"God, I forgot how good you were at that," he hisses and I pull off to look at him. 

"Well then lets make sure you don't forget again," I whisper, running my tongue around the head. I graze my fingers down his abdomen I look up at him and he pushes my hair away from my face but doesn't actually try to force me onto him which I greatly appreciate. I know he can't possibly last much longer and finish him off with a smile on my face. I drink him in and lean back, wiping my mouth. 

He gets up and grabs me, throwing me on the bed, falling over me. He grabs at my breasts and I groan. He moves his head to suck on one of my nipples and I lay my head back. His hand reaches down and unclasps the garter belt and starts rubbing me over my panties. I gasp a little and he kisses me our breath hot and heavy. I cup his cheek and he kisses my neck and starts his way lower and lower down my body. He gets to my panties and skips over them, instead taking one and then the other of my stockings off. I sit up and he kisses me a moment, distracting me as he yanks my butt so its hanging off the edge of the bed. Grabbing my panties in his teeth, he drags them down my legs and off. He is latched onto my pussy within a heartbeat and I let out a squeak. I let my breath out in heavy gasps as he sinks his tongue into me. I grab one of his hands and suck on his fingers, groaning softly. 

"You know what to do," I whisper and he obliges, sticking the digits inside me as he concentrates the oral assault on my clit. I feel myself tightening and I let out whimpers not unlike those I often make in my videos. Except of course I'm not making them for the sake of a dollar sign. This much is obvious on both our parts seeing as neither of us have been making those obscene, over the top noises that make those videos more profitable. We aren't calling one another names or smacking and grabbing aggressively. Except of course as I stable myself by grabbing onto his shoulders as my whole body shudders. I whimper out a moan and he chuckles, climbing back over me. I crawl up to the pillows and watch as he slides the rest of his clothing off. 

"Do you have anything?" he asks and I look down at his member, shaking my head. 

"None that would fit you," I say, laughing. "I don't get action often and its not like any of that was packing what you are in their trousers. Besides," I sit up and run my fingers beneath his chin. "I want to feel and enjoy everything exactly as I see it right now." He crawls on top of me and kisses me intensely. He pushes into me and  I sigh. He sucks on my neck and I feel him rubbing right against my G spot. I wrap my arms around his shoulders and lean my head against his neck.  He smells so good and I can't help the moaning I choke out. 

"You feel so good, Baby," he grunts as he thrusts harder and harder into me and I tighten myself around him repetitively, purposely trying to get us both off. I reach up and grab onto the headboard to give myself some leverage and kiss him again, aggressively to try to get just a little bit more out of this moment. 

"I'm close," I whisper and he kisses me again.

"I want to feel you cum," he growls in my ear and I cling onto him, my nails digging into his shoulders as my pussy spasm. He grunts as he too releases. He kisses me intensely and I kiss him back gently and he pulls out rolling off of me. I breathe heavily, looking up at the ceiling, contemplating what just happened. 

"That was," I stop, not sure how to put words to the intense feelings I just went through. 

"Amazing," He says I look at him and nod.

"Yeah, it was so intense," I say. "But in the right way." Peeta laughs and I crawl under the covers. He looks a me a little while and leans over to kiss me on the forehead. He sits up and reaches for his pants and I stop him. "What are you doing?" He looks a little uncomfortable and I sit up. 

"I should probably go before Johanna catches me and runs you shit about it," He says. I look down and he tips my chin up. "What is it?"

"Can you stay?" I ask. "I mean, you don't have to leave. Johanna can read me like a book. She'd know even if you weren't here. So if you want, you can stay."

"Do you want me to stay, Katniss?" he asks and I look at him, my eyes saying all I need to say.

"Yes," I whisper. He smiles and lays back down with me again, getting under the covers with me.

"Then I'll stay," he says softly. "I will always stay when you need me." I curl up against his warm body and breathe in his scent softly. 

"Good night, Peeta," I say tiredly.He kisses my forehead and brushes my sweaty hair away from my face.

"Good night, Katniss," He whispers and I close my eyes listening to the sound of his heart beating and his deep, steady breathing.

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