Do you love me?

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I arrived early in the classroom to see Bora again but I'm just staring blankly at her vacant seat.It's almost time to start our class but she isn't here yet,I texted and called her phone a hundred times but she isn't responding in any of it.I'm starting to get worried.A hand ruffled my hair making me look up to see who did it.

"Yah! Are you trying to make conversation with bora's table.?"It was Hongbin heading to his table.

I gave him the nastiest look since I haven't forgiven him for getting too close to Bora,he said he was just making a deal with Bora but won't tell me what is it.making me irritated.

"Don't talk to me,unless you'll tell me what you said to Bora...why are you being so secretive."I mumbled in frustration.

"It would spoil the fun...,plus I'm enjoying this sight of yours getting agitated,why don't you ask her and confess to her as well."Hongbin smirked,and so I smirked him back in annoyance before I turned my back at him dialing Bora's number again.If its that so easy to confess my feelings to Bora i should have done it before.

Finally Bora picked her phone.

"Yah!why aren't you picking up your phone and why aren't you here ?!where are you?!!"I frantically asked her question,feeling agitated.Bora didn't respond instead I could hear her coughing on the other line.

"Hey...Yoon Bora are you sick??"I asked getting worried than before.

"No...I'm fi-"Bora cut her word and start coughing and sneezing violently.

"Give me five minutes i'm coming."I said and end my call although I could hear bora protesting on the other line.

I picked up my bag and rise from my sit hurriedly and start heading out but Hongbin blocked me as I'm about to pass him.

"Where are you going??Class will start sooner."hongbin said with concerned look in his eyes,while stopping me with his hand on my arm.

"Please cover me with this...Bora is sick and no ones their to watch her."I plead letting me go.

Hongbin hesitated for a second before he slowly loosen his hold in me and told me to be careful on my way.,I smile nodding my head giving him assurance.

I run as fast as I could to reach on Bora's dorm quicker,I was panting out of breath when I stop on Bora's doorstep,I'm literally just supporting myself with my hand on the door frame.Catching up my breath I pressed Bora's security code.I know since I've been observing Bora pressing her locked code whenever I decided to tag along with her going home and hang out with her,things like this might happened.

The door unlocked and I quickly scan the dark room.,I was searching for the light's switch but paused for a second when I heard a faint groan.It's Bora.I quickly switch it on after moving my hand on the wall a little and found Bora lying on the floor with a comforter tangled on her legs.

I ran to her and support her to sit up leaning her head on my chest.Her eyes shut closed as she tries to adjust the brightness of her room before she looked up on me.She smile in relief.

"Yah!didn't i told you to wait me up..."I hissed.

"Geez could you scold a sick person like that??"Bora almost mumbled her words.she's literally trying to light up smiling at me but she's too weak to even talk properly.

Her face is bright red,her eyes looked heavy...most of all her body is burning up in fever,she's sweating to much too.

"Exactly...your sick you shouldn't move a muscle.."I said as I lift her up bridal style and walk near to her bed.

She shook her head while mumbling something I don't understand.

"What did you say.??"

"i said I need pee."she said shyly before she buried her face on my chest.Somehow I felt awkward of what she said.

"Okay...I'll carry you till the Comfort Room door...ahm..can you do it by yourself inside??"I asked in concern.

"Of course I can."she crackled a smile and punch my chest lightly.

I waited her patiently as she finished doing her thing before I lift her again to her bed,I was about to lay her down when she insist that she wants to be sited since she's been laying the whole time before I came.So I just asses her to seat comfortably layering some pillows behind her.She kept on nagging why I skip a class for her but I just ignored her while I ransacked her kitchen cabinet I end up making her an could a girl don't have edible food stock on her kitchen.I was sitting on the side of her bed trying to feed her.

"Say ahhhh~~~"I say as I place a spoonful of oatmeal while opening my own mouth as well.

"Do I look like a kid to you??"She complain while frowning at me.

"Will you stop being difficult and just eat and obey me?! ahhhh~."I said as I emphasized more my mouth wide open for her to follow.She pursed her lips before she open her mouth and eat the oatmeal.

"Aigoo~ such a good girl"I chirped happily while clapping my hand like a seal,only to earned a disgust look on her face."Okay one more time,say ahhhhhhh~"I continue feeding her while she's sending me a death stare.But I'm loving the feeling of treating her like a baby.

Luckily she obeyed and eat almost half in the bowl..she said she's full already but I kept on insisting to feed her more.

"One last time okay??before I give you your medicine."I said trying to convince her while holding a spoonful of oatmeal in my hand.

Bora shook her head violently"Aishhh~ I told I i i---!!!!"

i flinched when Bora sneeze enough to make all the oats splatter all over me.I was so flustered that I freeze and just blinking my eyes...couldn't believe how strong she sneeze.Bora's eyes went wide as she was also surprise of what she did.

"Oh my god Ravi...I'm- I'm so sorry."Bora stammered as she clasped her hands on her mouth.

While I'm lost of words to say.I was thinking if I should hit her with the spoon on her head or never mind...

i let out a deep sigh "You really need to take your medicine now."I reach her medicine and a glass of water on her side table and pass it on her.

"Sorry...~"Bora apologize in her aegyo voice before she take her medicine and drunk the water but spurt it all out over me.

"Aisssh!!!seriously Bora!!what are you trying to do on me!!?" I hissed while I stand up wiping myself dry.

"Why are you started stripping infront of me!??" Bora said as she scoffed while giving me a nasty look.

"What are you saying?!My polo was filled with your oatmeal what do you expect me to do.??!"I grunt in responce.She's really over reacting when Only my polo was removed.

"Arggh~ can you be a little bit considerate to your sorrounding??"bora said while rolling her eyes on me,while trying to compose herself from choking.

I smirked and give him a suave pose which she respond in disgust look."I'm confident with my body you know."I said while wiggling my brows.

"I really don't know what to do with you...!If you want to nurse me atleast wear something descent."Bora mumbled while burying her face in a pillow.

"My body is not that bad to look at you know!! you have any loose shirt that I can possibly wear.??"

Bora pointed her closet still kept her face stuck on the pillow,I giggled of the cute.I walk over to her closet to search if there's anything I could wear,but something captured my attention making me smile widely.

I turned around towards her as I asked with a huge grin on my face "Hey!...what's with this cute black pug puppy print on your panty??"waving her underwear in the air.

Bora flinched her head from burying it in the pillow with eyes wide open.

"KIM WONSHIK!!!!!"Bora yelled before she throw her pillow on my face.

Although its just a pillow but it hit like a hard rock making me feel dizzy.


Bora's P.O.V

"Will you Stop looking at me like your ready to chew me alive okay?"Ravi frowned,while pulling the hem of the cloth his wearing.

I pursed my lips trying to make a straight face although I'm dying to burst out laughing with the way he looked now.

"Yah!!you already get back at me with this tiny floral sando you made me wear...I can barely breath an air with this and what's with this glittering sequence all over the chest!"Ravi whined like a lil kid being pushed by his mom to wear something he doesn't like while sitting up on the side of my bed.will I can't help but enjoy his agony.

"You should be punished you pervert!"I said while crossing my arms looking intimidating as possible.

"I'm not a pervert!!"ravi groan in annoyance.

"Yeah yeah whatever".i said mocking at him.

"Shut up!!"



"No no no~"I said while tilting my head left and right.making fun on him.

"If you won't stop-"

"If I don't stop what??!what are you gonna do??huh?there's nothing you can do to a sick person you know."I leaned forward closer shrugging him with my elbow while tilting my head shoving my ears on him.


"What??I can't hea-"I was cut out with my own words when Ravi's lips was place to mine.

I was so flustered that my eyes went wide.,.holding my breath as I was staring ravi's eyes shut closed.I literally got petrified as I don't know how to react,all I know is my heart kept beating louder than its normal,my hand felt chilly and numb as I curled my fingers in behind the cover of my bed.

I closed my eyes when Ravi tilted his head and place his hand on the back of my head as he tried to deeper his kiss on me.I give in....I totally lost it with Ravi's kissed.So this is what a kiss felt like??It's felt like pretty colorful fireworks are flying all around you and world spinning as you feel like butterflies are flying on your belly.His after shaved scent even lingering on my senses.

I can't help but smile in between our kiss as I enjoy ravi's soft lips. I can't compare to anything how soft his lips is...and how it felt good that I unconsciously bite his lip.

Ravi twitched breaking our kissed while feeling his lower lip with his hand that I bit.His eyes went wide in amaze looking at me,while both of us are trying to catch up some air.That I forgot how to do it for a second.gathering my senses back I tried to make some words in my already swollen lips.

"Oh my god...I'm sorry I didn't mean to uhhh...I....uhhmm..."I stammer as I couldn't think properly while trying to reach my hand on his face but embarrassment crawled up to me and retreat and place it in my lips instead biting my fingernails nervously feeling guilty of what I did.

Ravi snorted and cracked a smile on his face."It's fine...I guess things like this happen while in the heat of the moment."



"This is wrong."I shook my head trying to think straight.

"What's wrong??"Ravi asked in concern.

"Its not just a heat of the moment for me....why do you make it sound like its nothing to you."I mumbled to myself.

"What are you saying??"ravi asked as he tried to make me face him.

"Why do you make me feel bad about it....maybe because it was a mistake in the first place."I said while tears silently escaped in my eyes as i looked on Ravi's eyes.

"Hey wh- why are you crying??Is it because of me kissing you??"Ravi literally panicked as he saw my tears kept on streaming down my face.

I shook my head before I fixed my eyes on him.

"Do you love me??that's why you kissed me or you just kissed me because of the heat of the moment.??"I asked hoping he'll say the word I've been longing to hear from him.

"Bora....I- I'm sorry if I-"

I cut him off placing my hand infront of us making him stop"Please leave me alone."my heartbreak hearing him saying sorry to me.of course it will be the second one.

"Bora I-"

"Please"I plead as I lowered down my head feeling defeated silently crying.

I felt the bed lighten assuming Ravi rise on the side of the bed he was seated followed by a door open and closed.

I take a glance on the side of my bed where ravi seated but his no longer there anymore.I curled into ball And cried out till my eyes got swollen and fall to sleep.

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