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Warm....cozy....every trace of my finger tips was a firm muscles....a familiar smell....familiar noise.....

snore???'(i furrowed my eye brows')i'm pretty sure that's not me snoring tho...,and I don't snore that loud to wake me up from my own sleep.

I open my eyes to see Ravi by my side sleeping with a loud snore.,and continue to sleep again with a smile in my face after I confirmed that its not me whose snoring.

Ahehehe Ravi really snore so loud when he sleep.....^-^


I quickly open my eyes to make sure if I'm just still in my dream or just hallucinating things.But NO!Ravi is sleeping by my side snoring so loud while his leg placed on my belly,arms wide open while I'm laying my head on his shoulder.his sleeping in starfish position.

My mind freak out and I can't move(his leg is too heavy) and I can't process my brain what happened and how ravi end up sleeping beside me.I slowly moved my hand that rest on his chest.,but ravi moved and turn closer to me while placing his other leg and arms and locked my tiny body to him...hugging me tightly and fart.

My eyes went wide as I feel gross on his fart(in fairness it has no smell )...I wiggled my body to release myself from him and place my foot on his hip and push him till he fall on the other side of the bed followed by a loud thud.I sit up as I watch Ravi spring back to sit and wander his head in the entire room and stop his lazy eyes on me.Still haven't regain his consciousness even he just fall out on bed.unbelievable.

"Ohh~...Goodmorning Bora."he said in his deep raspy voice,smiling like a fool before he climbed up to lay again back to sleep.


I yell and made him startled and sit up looking at me with his clueless face."why are you sleeping in my room?!!!what did you do to me!?!did we do it?!did we kiss???!!"I fired him question while shaking him angrily grabbing the collar of his shirt.I could feel my eyes is burning on fire.

"Uhhmmmm..."He look up avoiding my glare.

I let him go and turn my back on him,scary thoughts rush on my mind....did we really do it??how could this things happen so early....Me,having no boyfriend since birth already lost my purity,didn't even experience a date.I embrace myself feeling sorry to myself....Im having a moment.Wait.....but I should feel something strange on my body?a pain somewhere?No...I'm fine plus my cloths where still on....what happen??why isn't he answering!!!!??!my head hurts in frustration trying to find one fine good possible reason.this is crazy.

"Hey!I didn't do anything on you okay..!It's your fault why I end up sleeping here."he mumbled in defend.

"What?!"I snapped glaring at him.

"It's true~!"his brows stick together trying to put the blame on me.

"And why would I asked you to sleep with me??!"I need explanation for this.

"You fall asleep while were watching the movie last night...so I lift you to place comfortably in your bed but you cling on me tightly and can't let go!"He explain in full hand gesture trying to convince me.

"I did.??!"I asked in disbelief and he nod in response."Aaah~!!!"feeling defeated I keep on kicking and scratching my head in annoyance.

"Yah~Are you displeased that much to act like that???For your information Ms.Yoon Bora...don't you know lots of girls are dying to sleep with me."He said proudly while placing his hands on his waist while looking up as if girls are surrounded around him praising him.

"Waaah~"I snorted."I doubt someone would wants to sleep with you if they know how much you could shake the entire room with just your own snore."I said sarcastically while raising an eye brow.

"Wow... can you see how wet my shirts is?!It's because of your own drool."Ravi said while shoving his claimed shirt that I drooled into my face.

"Yah!!What the heck are you doing!stop it!!"I warned as I kept on pushing him off me.

"You should feel how sticky and smelly your saliva is...here!."Ravi charge in forward and lift his shirt even more to shove it to me,while his laughing enjoying my struggle.

I hold both of his wrist and kept avoiding my face with his shirt.Gathering all my strength...I closed my eyes and charge in to push him back but I end up getting inside his shirt since he kept it tugging up into my face.I squeal when we stumbled into the bed together,Ravi swift on top of me as we fall.

My arms were folded against his chest while our face were just inches closed.Ravi's face was so closed that We almost share each others breath.I could feel in my nerves how his heart beat changes from normal to fast pace...how my heart beats the same way as him.

My eyes locked under his gaze....both searching to find what this feelings really means.,.How could a world feels like it stop spinning in the moment and could only hear nothing but each others heart beat.

i slowly closed my eyes....hands curled together.It might think crazy to expect that my feelings will be answered back.Holding my breath as I feel ravi getting closer and closer while my heart and mind anticipate for something magical to happen.And a kiss happened...........................on my forehead.

"That..That's what I only did to you last...a goodnight kiss in the forehead".Ravi stutter.

With my one eye peeking out....I saw an awkward smiling ravi on top of me that I displeased so much.What a dumb.Is he toying me??I should have known better.

"Get off me"

"What?"Ravi stupidly asked again making the veins in my head wants to pop.

"I said get off me before I ripped your chest apart!!"I warned as I buried my finger nails in his skin.

"Ahh!!!"Ravi yelp in pain that make him sit up and tag me along with him that cause me to pressed my lips into his chest since I'm still underneath his cloth.It even made a long smooch sound.

An awkward silence filled the entire room except the birds chirping outside.birds fly away as loud grunt filled the dorm,and a loud slam in the door.

And ravi left with a cotton stuck on his nose.

"So annoying!!!"

Leaning on the door,I clasp my fist as I cursed myself in annoyance....maybe in frustration.

"Stupid! Stupid!...your watching to much dramas to think those kind of moment worked in reality.!your so stupid bora".

I scold to myself while pulling my hair and stomped spinning across the room and fall on my bed arms wide open and staring at the ceiling blankly.

"But can you really face him if that happen..?can you still be by his side?"I sit up and hit myself in the head."ahh!!...whatever!atleast nothing happen....arrrrrgh!so annoying!!"

I lay bounce again in my bed while wiggling like a worm in frustration.liking someone and pretending you don't is a lot of hardwork.


After taking a shower and pack my things inside my school bag,I head out for school.How I wish I won't bump into Ravi just this morning....please~.Since my dorm was just a walking distance away from school I got there earlier,specially now thanks to ravi's loud snore.

Greeting the school guard as I pass the gate I walk straight to the student lounge area,no ones there except me,I don't really come here....I'm just trying to wait till my class start so I could avoid ravi...I'm not in the mode playing dumb with him again.i'm in the same class with him in the morning.

To kill my boredom I get my books to read.I'm so drown reading to my book when I suddenly heard rustling sound behind the plants,being curious I walk closer to it to figure out what's that noise is since I was already disturbed in my reading.I was so startled that I even plumped in the ground when suddenly a boy popped out behind the plants and holding a kitten in his hand.

"Waah~!I finally found you.Hakyeon-ah you shouldn't escaped in the dorm and follow me all the way to school or you'll get lost and Leo hyung will surely be worried...okay??"the guy said smiling talking to the kitten while cradling it in his arm.

His soft fluffy pink hair were slightly blown by the wind.,his smiling eyes sparkling like the ray of the sunlight and he smile brightly with a deep dimples on the side of his cheeks that makes you want to dip your finger in it....,his round eyes was staring at me.He notice me.

"Oh- goodmorning..!wha- why are you sitting on the ground??are you okay?"He asked in his manly voice.

"Huh??!Ah yeah...I just got startled with you suddenly pop out."I stutter while trying to get up but he reach out his hand to help me stand up."Thanks"I awkwardly utter smiling at him pulling down my hand.

"I'm sorry for startling you."he sincerely apologize.

"Ahh...don't worry I'm okay now...."an awkward silence cast between us as he kept on staring at me intently that makes me feel uncomfortable."I- I'm Yoon Bora and you??!"I speak up to break this awkward feeling.

He extend his hand to shake mine."Ahh yeah~ I'm-"


A deep voice calls his attention....it was Ravi who's standing just a few feet away to us.His hand on the side of his pocket,I don't know why but he looked a bit tense watching us.He walks towards us and slide in between us making me face his back.I frown with his sudden move.,what's wrong with him??.So i just peek on his shoulder to see Hongbin.

"Why are you here??!"Ravi asked in stern voice.

Hongbin raise the kitten infront of Ravi and smile brighthly showing his dimples again.

"It's because of Hakyeon"Hongbin replied but Ravi's unsatisfied with his answer...Hongbin let out a deep sigh,and morph his face into serious one.

"I'm back in our dorm now...so I'm working my papers to start going back to school.You
weren't in the dorm when I came home lastnight.,N hyung got mood swing,his happy that I came back but keep on cursing your name most of the time,he said you didn't told him your not gonna sleep in the dorm....ahh right!by the way...were did you sleep last night??"Hongbin asked while blinking his eyes.

I almost choked on my own spit with his question..,that got hongbin swift his look at me.

"Uhh~ I- I sleep with someone I know....don't asked who she is...I mean he is...you don't know him...yeah~"Ravi stutter while scratching his head.and I mentally cursing him in my head.,his really not a good liar.

"Really??"Hongbin looked at me suspiciously as If his trying to get the answer on me.So I slightly tug Ravi's shirt in his back hoping he'll save me from Hongbin's interrogating eyes.

"I told you didn't I??"Ravi reply in firm voice.making believable as possible.

Hongbin smirked and look back at Ravi smiling brightly again.

"Okay.....if you say so.I've gotta go now..,I have to return Hakyeon to Leo hyung or he won't think straight the whole day worrying is his kitty."Hongbin said while petting the kitten in his hand that respond in a cute meow."Nice to meet you Bora...See you around."Hongbin said with a wink before he leaves.

So I just wave him blankly at him though he already turn his back on us.Why do I feel uneasy with his presence.I heard Ravi let out a deep sigh and face me.I think he looked a bit uneasy than me.

"You oka- ohmp!!"I was Hug by Ravi so tight that I'm almost got squeeze....as if his afraid to lose me."Yah~what's wrong with you??yahh!"I asked getting annoyed.

"Can- can we just stay like this for a while.....please....Bora."Ravi plead softly in my ears.

I've got no will to argue or push him anymore....all I know is he needs me to hold on...his scared of something.I lift my hands and placed it at the back of his shoulder.I closed my eyes and buried my face in his shoulder....I surrender myself with his warm embrace.That I silently dream to happen.


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