A New Perspective: Chapter 6-

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*Biz's pov*

I looked at the battery that lied on the table in front of me, in hopes of finding out how it works. Maybe that way, I can figure out how to fix the device.

Yet, for some reason, I kept staring behind me at Chiz. I just couldn't get her off my mind. I figured that I should talk to her. After all, she might be able to help me.


I snapped my fingers and motioned for Chiz to come here. Chiz aproached with shy, quiet footsteps.

"Y-Yes Captain?" Chiz stuttered.

My hand itched to slap her, but I tried to keep it at my side. Soon, before I knew it, my hand came up and struck her across the face.

"Don't ever let something foolish like this happen again, am I clear?" I demanded.

"C-C-Crystal Clear, C-Captain." Chiz stuttered.

"Do you have any ideas on how to fix this?" I asked, my voice no longer sounding upset.

"Well, there's....no. That won't work..." Chiz answered.

"No, no, no. What? What is it!?" I ed.

"Is there a way we could somehow charge it? Send an electrical frequency through it?" Chiz responded.

"Sending the electricity through the opposite side of the battery might just be enough to reverse the polarity, and therefore, give us back our normal size." I said, considering the options, "Chiz, you're a genius!"

"I am?" Chiz asked, staring at me,  dumbfounded.

"I believe there is an electrical charger somewhere. Could you get it, please?" I requested, "Oh, and those clamps too?"

Chiz came back with an electrical charger and two clamps. I had grabbed a few wires while waiting. I attached the wires to the battery with the clamps and I attached the wires to the charger.

"Welp, this is going to hurt." I said, "Brace yourself."

I flicked the switch and the charger started to pump energy into the battery. On the charger, there was a monitor showing how many watts are being used.

100 watts.

"Come on, just ten more and we should be able to change the polarity." I muttered to myself.

101 watts
102 watts
103 watts

"Come on!" I muttered.

108 watts
109 watts
110 watts.


"What!? It's still going!?" Chiz cried.

"Shut it down! We have to shut it down now!" I ordered.

I ran up to it and removed the clamps. The electricity started to shock me. I carefully plugged the battery into the device. The charger still kept climbing.

115 watts
116 watts
117 watts

"We have to throw this thing out the window!" I said.

"But we can't open the window. We can't breathe in space." Lyn replied.

"It will be for just a second. So let's hurry before we all explode!" I answered.

We took the charger and threw it out the window just before it decided to explode.

"Well, that was close." Chiz replied.

"Yes it was. Now, we should really return to our normal size before anything happens." I said.

"Captain? What are you going to do once we return to normal?" Chiz asked.

"First, I'm going to destroy that device. Second, I'm going to find a new assistant." I answered.

"Wait! Captain, please-" Chiz stuttered.

"I was just kidding! Of course I won't get a new assistant. That is no where near my to do list." I said.

Chiz let out a sigh of relief, and I did the same. Within moments, we would be back to our normal selves.
Before you ask, no I do not know about electricity and that sort of science.

Welp, that's my shpeel.

Very sorry for the delay. I've been busy with school and projects.

-pinknjnja out

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