An Enemy Among Us: Chapter 17-

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Chiz's pov........

"I've had just about enough of you, Chiz!" Biz shouted.

"Where did I go wrong?" I cried.

"You've stolen something important of mine. I had it locked up and yet, your the only other one I gave access to." Biz said.

There was a look in her eye that was different than anything! It was a look full of a madness I've never seen before!

"No, Captain, I swear on my life I never touched it!" I replied, backing up against the wall.

Biz's hand came up and smacked me across the face.

"You're fired, Chiz! Get out before I do something I'll regret!" Biz shouted, pointing towards the door.

"Captain, please-" I stuttered.

Another slap came across my face. She was about to slap me again when my fist came forward and punched her in the jaw. I didn't expect to do that!

"Ow! Chiz, what the heck was that for!?" Biz said.

I jolted awake. I looked at Biz, who was rubbing her jaw.

"Chiz, why did you punch me in the jaw!?" Biz repeated.

So I actually punched her!?

"Oh my goodness! I'm so sorry Captain-" I stuttered.

"What were you dreaming about that made you punch me in the jaw?" Biz asked.

"Ummmm well, you see...." I stuttered.

*Time Skip*

Biz had gotten a letter yesterday that asked her to come in to an elementary school (on our home planet) as a guest speaker. Biz wanted me to tag along, so I guess I'm coming with.

The ride there was spent in an uncomfortable silence. I figured I was in trouble, but Biz was just too busy right now to deal with me.

"Am I fired?" I finally asked.

"What!? What makes you say that?" Biz responded.

"It's just that I- I mean, I heard you say that." I said.

"Since when?" Biz asked.

"Just last night, you said 'You're fired Chiz! Get out before I do something I'll regret.'" I answered.

"I did not say that last night. What are you talking about?" Biz said, her voice raised a little with temper.

"You must have been dreaming, Chiz. No wonder you were stirring so much in your sleep when I tried to wake you up." Biz added.

"It was all a dream....." I muttered to myself, realizing what had happened all along.

"Just know that I will never fire you (unless you do something beyond wrong), and besides, who else could I get to replace you if I did?" Biz said, "Try not to punch me again though. That really hurt."

"Yes, Captain." I replied.

Biz rolled her eyes and focused once again at the road. Probably because I called her Captain again.
Hey guys!

I would have continued it here, but I decided that I would put it all in the next chapter.

Heads up, the next chapter will probably be extremely long!

Oh and also, if you were the students at the school, what would you ask Biz?

Thanks for all the support on this series! Drop a vote and leave a comment!

See you next chapter!

-pinkninja out

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