An Enemy Among Us: Chapter 4-

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Stella's pov....

"Author, I need some assistance." I said, hoping the Author can hear me.

(What is the trouble, Stella?)

"Author, there is a traitor somewhere in this regiment, but I don't know who it is. Do you have any ideas?" I asked.

(I cannot say who it is, but let me tell you this: The traitor you speak of may be doing it against their will. Maybe they do not want to be caught because they are afraid of consequences.)

"I've never looked at it like that before." I replied.

"I know. I've watched you all your life." a voice from behind me said.

I jumped. I slowly turned and saw a person in a pink ninja gi. Their blue eyes sparkled in a way I've never seen before. They were leaning against the wall by the doorway with their arms folded across their chest.

"Don't be alarmed. I won't hurt you." the ninja said.

"Who.....who are you?" I asked.

The person flipped off their hood and put a pair of red eyeglasses on. They had long strawberry blonde hair tied back in two low pigtails.

"I am Pinkninja, but you can just call me Ninja, okay?" she said.

"Okay....Ninja." I replied, "How did you get here?"

"That is for another time. Right now, I would like to see the leader of your regiment." Ninja said.

I wasn't sure what to do. Should I take her to see Biz? Cam I trust Ninja?

I decided to trust Ninja and take her to Biz.

*Time Skip Biz's pov....*

Chiz came back a moment ago saying that there was no news of any spying. I figured as much.


"I'll get it." Chiz said.

Stella and a girl with red glasses and a ninja suit came in.

"Hey Stella and......who is this?" I said.

"Let me introduce you two. This is-" Stella said.

"I am the Author." the ninja girl said with a bow.

"The Author is real!?" I said, looking from Stella to the ninja to Stella again.
The Author has finally appeared to them in person! We will find out why she is here next chapter.

See you next chapter!

-pinkninja out

Here is your random clip for today!

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