Chapter 4-Primary Source!?

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By the way, I'm sorry I keep adding Chiz in here so much. I don't know why, but that is another favorite character of mine to write about. XD
Biz's pov....

I awoke the next morning, hoping that yesterday was all a wasn't.

After getting ready, I decided to check on Chiz. She has a tensity to wander, so I wanted to make sure she wasn't somewhere she wasn't supposed to.

She wasn't in her bed.

"Oh great! This is the second time I've lost her in the past 2 days!" I said, "When I find her....."

After a little bit of searching, I found her walking in a hallway on the other side of the ship holding a book of some sort. I grabbed her wrist and dragged her back into our room.

"Explanation now." I said.

Chiz didn't say anything. Could she be choosing her words, or is she not paying attention....

"I can't sit here all day and look after you, so you better start explaining." I said.

"I-I...." Chiz stuttered.

"Let's start with something simple: What is that book you're holding?" I asked.

"I don't know. I saw it flash, so I decided to take a closer look." Chiz answered.

"Let me see the book." I said.

Chiz handed me the book. I looked inside of it and realized that it was my Communication book that I use to communicate with Faith and Gabriel! But there was writing in here I never saw before that was supposedly my own.

"We're you writing in my book?" I asked.

"I may have been writing in the book. I only wanted to ask the people about the thing that attacked us." Chiz replied.

She asked Faith and Gabriel about P.A.M.A? Was she trying to help me?

Faith and Gabriel replied in the book:
P.A.M.A? We just so happen to have our new neighbors over and they've heard of it before!

They say that P.A.M.A is some sort of computer that uses a special power source known as The Redstone Heart. This P.A.M.A was able to brainwash people by inserting computer chips into their brain. Apparently, this P.A.M.A was shut down two years ago. How is it running again? Are you sure it isn't a dream?
-Faith and Gabriel

What!? There was no information anywhere about P.A.M.A, and yet these new people were able to give a detailed description about it!? I don't know if I can trust them....

"You tried to help me with my research?" I asked Chiz, who answered with a nod, "Thanks but you really need to 1. Ask me first before writing in my book and 2. Stop wandering off please."

"When I have extra time, I'm going to find a lock for this door, understand?" I added.

All Chiz could do in reply was nod.

"Alright. Now, I have to tell the other Vizion leaders about this discovery. You're staying here! I mean it this time! If I catch you running off again, I won't be so nice, got it!?" I said.

"Y-yes Biz." Chiz stuttered.

*Time Skip brought to you by headache*

"Apparently, this P.A.M.A character is a thinking computer that was developed a long time ago. It ended up getting too smart for it's creator, a person named Harper, and started making people 'useful'. It was supposedly shut down 2 years ago by two twins named Jesse and Jess along with their friends." I explained.

"And who told you?" Quiz asked.

I looked back into my book to see if Faith and Gabriel answered. I gasped when I saw what it said.

"They said it was from Jesse and Jess." I said.
Well, I guess my essay didn't take as long as I thought to finish. Sorry Starry, I thought it would take me longer.

So....Are you getting a sense of crossover? Cause I am!

Oh no! There is a chipped zombie coming after me! RUN!

-pinkninja out

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