Chapter 8-Last Hope

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Biz's pov...

I'm in some sort of secret headquarters tied to a pole. Well, this was unexpected. I always say 'Expect the Unexpected', but this is ridiculous!

"Wonderful! You're here! I hope the guards treated you well." a man with giant glasses and really curly hair said.

"Oh yeah! They definitely did a good job." I said sarcastically.

"Soooooo now that you are here, what am I to do with you?" the man said.

"I'm sorry, but apparently we haven't met, so who are you exactly?" I asked.

"Carl Ben. Yep! That's my name." the man said.

"You built P.A.M.A I'm guessing." I replied.

"Yep!" Carl said, "I mean technically I stole the plans from a nice lady named Harper back home, but you get the point."

"Well, Carl Ben, I'm about to make you 'has been'!" I said, trying to break free of the ropes.

I suddenly felt an electrical shock all over my body. I looked at the ropes to find them electrocuting me. The ropes are electric!?

"Oops! Sorry about that! You see, I can't let you go. You're going to help me take over the galaxy!" Carl said.

"Just you wait." I said in a low voice, "Someone will stop you."

*Time skip*

I was locked inside of a machine in a laying position. Judging by the looks of people on this ship, I was about to become one of them.

"Say goodbye Biz." P.A.M.A said.

The machine was about to stick the chip in my head when a black blur flew over my head. The machine stopped and a hand extended towards me.

"Come with me if you want to not die." the mysterious black cloaked figure said.

I took the person's hand ad they helped me up.

"Go, I got this." the person said, grabbing out a pair of sais.

"No, I can't let you do this alone." I said. The figure handed me a sword, which I graciously took, and joined them by their side.

"P.A.M.A, you'll be nothing but scrap by the time we're done with you!" the figure said.

*Time Skip brought to you by my useless brain*

Carl was defeated and P.A.M.A was turned to scrap.

"Who are you?" I asked after this was all over.

"I am the Anonymous Warrior." the figure said.

"No. Who are you really?" I asked.

"I cannot say. It would ruin my reputation! Plus, I may or may not have a price on my head." the Anonymous Warrior replied.

"Alright." I said.

I know there is something going on with this person. I'm going to find out who they matter what.
Oh my goodness! Who is this mysterious figure!?

Leave your inferences in the comments below.  And they said that they have a price on their head (some kind of criminal maybe?) so we should probably think of something to do with this troublemaker when we find out their identity.

Since the ending is coming in like 2 chapters already, I have an idea for the book. This will probably be a collection of shorter stories like this one. The chapters will have 'Part 2' on it for the second book, and so on and so forth.

Thanks guys! I will see you in the next chapter.

-pinkninja out

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