Lines Between Us: Chapter 22-

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*Dameriz's pov...*

I stood on top of a small ship as though it were a small stage and looked over the crowd of people below. This is it. It's time to tell them the truth.

"Maybe you heard, maybe you haven't, but there have been rumors spread around the ship saying that the world is falling apart."

There were some nods in the crowd.

"Well, the rumors are true. Don't believe me, look outside and see for yourself once we're done."

Some gasps arose when the heard it was true. I still kept going.

"Hang on! Do not panic! There is a solution to the problem. We must stand up against Gail. She has the source of our problem and the thing that our travelers were looking for. We must get that crystal back and defeat Gail once and for all! Who's with me?"

No one responded. They were all too scared to say yes. I was about to give up when I heard a soft "I will."

I smiled when I saw young Natasha there in the front row hesitantly raising a hand. Rubiz joined her. Twiliz and a few others joined. Soon, everyone joined!

"We must organize a revolution. Got any suggestions?" I asked.

"I've got a suggestion. Why don't we disband and forget this ever happened!" a voice declared in the audience. Oh shoot!

"Uh, Gail! What a surprise!" I stuttered with mock happiness.

"Zip it, Dameriz." Gail ordered as she glared directly at me.

"Yes, ma'am." I muttered.

"And the rest of you," Gail ordered as everyone turned stock still, "You will forget this foolish nonsense or you will have to deal with me. Anyone who believes it will be turned in to me immediately."

She grabbed me by the shirt and dragged me towards her office.

"And if anyone has seen that pesky assistant of mine, send her in." Gail added.

*Time Skip brought to you by FAILED!*

I fell from her grip and landed on the floor.

"I thought you were better than this, Daneriz." Gail said.

"I should say the same for you." I replied.

"Is that so?" Gail asked, then sighed,  "You're the best fighter we have. Everyone trusts you. Yet, you've lied to them and started a rebellious feeling that will not go away unless we take it out at its source."

Gail lifted me up and brought a small dagger to my neck and added, "Do you understand?"

I gulped and slowly nodded. "Just, please, don't punish the others for my mistake. I take full responsibility for it. My sincerest apologies, for I did not know what I was thinking."

Gail's glare deepened when suddenly, the door flung open. A terrified looking Natasha hurried inside. Gail dropped me to the ground and turned towards her assistant with a look of absolute fury plastered on her face.

"Where have you been!?" Gail shouted.

"I-I" Natasha stuttered.

"Speak Natasha, now!" Gail ordered.

*Natasha's pov...*

"I wanted to find out if the rumors were true, ma'am. They were as wrong as I." I confessed.

I did not notice that Gail was behind me until I felt a stinging pain across my butt.

"Do you know why I won't fire you?" Gail asked.

"Because there aren't any other people suitable for the job." I answered.

"Precisely. Which is why I must resort to other methods of punishment." Gail replied as another I could feel another sting.

"It appears those Vizion intruders have gotten into everyone's brains. See to it that we are prepared for war." Gail ordered as the last sting was felt.

"Yes, ma'am." I muttered. I was out of there as fast as lightning.

Once I was out of her sight, I stopped for a moment. The typical punishment for me is one strike. Two strikes of it's a little more severe. She never does 3 strikes unless it's a mistake that could cost my life under normal circumstances. I quickened my pace and warned everyone that we were going to war.
I never intended on adding the scene with Natasha, but I figured I would since it shows Gail's cruelty......I guess.

Welp. The next chapter is the moment you've all been waiting for! So everyone grab their weapon of choice and join me! We are going to war!

Now, I must prepare for battle!

-pinkninja out

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