Lines Between Us: Chapter 29-

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*Natasha's pov...*

1 year ago......

"Are you sure we should be doing this, ma'am?" I asked.

"Of course I am! Otherwise, I wouldn't do it!" Gail replied, "Why are you suddenly so suspicious?"

"I just don't think it's right. Must we destroy this world in order to gain power? Kill innocent lives? Why was the Author so bad in the first place? There must be a reason-" I was interrupted by a smack in the face.

"Don't ever talk back!" Gail shouted.

I fell dead silent. I used to be more outspoken then, but I realized that I had gone too far.

*Time skip-brought to you by trouble*

"W-why are we here?" I asked.

I got no answer from her. I only saw her going through a box of strange tools. One of them was a small blade. The way the dim light shined on it terrified me. I was starting to panic.

"Please don't cut off my tongue! I swear, whatever it was, I won't do it again!" I cried. I ducked just as the blade flew past me and into the wall.

"Zip it before I do." Gail replied, "And, no, that wasn't my original plan."

I heaved a small sigh of relief, but this feeling wouldn't last long.

"There have been so many times I've wanted to kill you. The assistant I had before you was just as bad as you are. They were in a similar situation like the one we are in now. The only difference is that I can't kill you. You're too important for that." Gail said, "Which means I need another way to make you learn your place."

"What!?" I said, but before I knew it, I was stuck in stocks.

"This will mark the last time you speak out of place. You ever do it again, and things will only get worse. Understand?" Gail said with a fire as bright as the sun.

"I swear I won't do it again......just, please, let me go!" I cried.

Gail only shook her head and replied, "You need to learn the error of your ways. To do that, I need a little something." She grabbed out a metal rod with a metal thing at the end. It was orange and hot.

"Never again will you question those you serve. This should be a reminder to keep your tongue in check. This is your place.......servant." Gail said.

A hissing sound was followed by an unbearable burn. I thought that I was going to die. I thought that I was going to burn to death. I screamed in pain. I never screamed since. The pressure on my cheek began to fade, but the burn still lingered. I was released from the stocks and I fell to the floor.

"I shall serve you, and you alone. I shall obey every command, no matter what I think. I shall accept the consequence for any wrong action, no matter how brutal it may be. I shall be your servant now and forever." I said quietly.

A wicked smile crept across her face.

"See to it that it stays that way."
So, this was a follow up to the last chapter.....kinda.

I know, I can be a little dark. The next chapter will be much better though! It will be the climax of the whole series! Just wait and see.

-pinkninja out

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