Lines Between Us: Chapter 7-

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*Chiz's pov...*

"Who slipped the tracking device on the thief's leg?" Biz asked.

We had gathered in the conference room to discuss our options. By "we", I mean Biz, Ninja, Valentina, Jiz-who heard what happened and wanted to help, Stella-who would do anything to help Ninja, and me.

We all threw each other uneasy glances, unsure of what to say.

"Our mystery thief didn't have a tracking device before," Ninja added, "So whoever they were, they weren't part of this crew."

I looked around nervously, trying not to meet anyone's eyes. Too late. I met Biz's gaze. I gulped and stepped forward a little.

"I-I did." I said, "I put the tracking device on them."

"Where did you get the extra device?" Biz asked. My silence answered the question.

"Well, thanks to you, now we have a chance." Jiz replied.

"Well, it's settled then, we will follow the signal and catch the thief." Biz said.

As everyone walked out of the conference room, Ninja pulled me aside.

"Thanks Chiz. I honestly don't know what I would do without you." Ninja said with a sincere smile on her face, "For the time being-and for Biz's sake-you're going to have to stay within our sight, okay?" 

"Yes, Captain. I-I mean Author! I-I mean....oh!" I stuttered.

"Just call me Ninja." Ninja replied.

"Yes....Ninja." I answered.

"Let's catch up with the others." Ninja whispered.

The two of us ran to catch up with the group.
Well....that was interesting. I hope they will find the signal! Or maybe they won't. :(

Quick! Onward, my friends! To the 'tama!

Oh well, I tried.

-pinkninja out

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