Mysterious Demise: Chapter 13-Part 2

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So, like I said last chapter, this is the second part of this chapter! And things are about to get super hype! So buckle up and grab some popcorn because this is going to (hopefully) be a very unexpected adventure for you.
*Biz's pov...*

10 and I were trapped in the middle of a circle of curious students.

"How long has it been, let's see..." 10 said in a sly voice.

"About a year." I finished.

A silence and a death stare contest went on for a short while before 10 spoke up again.

"You should have stayed away while you had the chance!" 10 shouted.

"And why is that? Is there some sort of law against me coming to RS?" I asked as I began to pace. Pacing is just a habit of mine.

"You aren't allowed here, alien scum!" 10 retorted, whipping out a gun from nowhere.

The circle of students backed away by about 2 big steps. I could feel the pressure on me. They were all anticipating my next move.

"You think a gun is going to scare me? I'm not afraid of death." I said.

"We'll see about that." 10 muttered.


I easily dodged his bullets.

"Just wait! You'll be on the ground begging for mercy!" 10 shouted.

"I think it is you who will be begging!" I responded.

Out of all the tension, a beautiful sound of a violin could be heard. I turned my head. The player was a girl with long black hair with streaks of teal, pink, and blonde. She was wearing a short black dress with silver highlights. In her hand was a small violin.

(Above is the music. Very catchy tune!)


The shot was dodged.

The beautiful music lasted for a while until a few of 10's goons came out with an electric guitar and started to counter attack musically.

But the girl would not give up. Eventually, she beat back the goons and played some more entertaining music.


The shots were dodged.

Of course, 10's goons came back again, but with stronger speakers. The new sound that came from the speakers was enough to blow the violin girl off of her feet. Her violin landed too far away for her to reach.

Luckily, Andrew stepped up and began to play a bit of music to distract them while she crawled to get her violin. The two did a little duet before the girl overpowered them all. The goons eventually gave up.

The last note was struck struck and a shot was fired.


The bullet pierced my shoulder.

"Doesn't hurt. I've been shot there multiple times in my life." I replied.

"Darn you! You little-"

*cue siren noises*

The police busted in.

"You'll never get away with this! I will be back to expose you for who you really are, you alien!"

Those were 10's last words before being taken away in handcuffs.

I saw the violin girl putting away her violin in the corner. I decided to say hello.

"Ummm hi." I said.

She jumped, "Oh, sorry I didn't see you there. You were really brave facing that 10 kid."

"Thanks. And you are very talented with that violin." I replied.

"Thank you. I've been practicing for a long time." she said, "Where are my manners! I'm Lindsey, Lindsey Stirling."

"Nice to meet you Lindsey. I hope we meet again." I said.

The dance was over and I decided to catch up on a few things with the RS gang before I left for Vizion and my much needed sleep.
So, what did you think?

Was it any good?

Sorry, I have to go! See ya!

-pinkninja out

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