Mysterious Demise: Chapter 3-

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*Soon to be known pov....*

My name is Piz. I was once a boy named Patrick......until I was kidnapped and later put into experiment trials for the monster known as Zarling. That is how I'm an alien now. Of course, when the operation was stopped, I ran away and grew up with a foster family.

Anyway, I was in need of a job, so I began working as a spy in this sort of spy club. Seemed nice on the outside, but once you're in, you can't get out!

My master is a person I will not have an identity for. If I or anyone else sees his face, he will kill them!

Speaking of kill, my master has a vendetta. Someone stole something of his, and he wants revenge. That someone is Captain Biz of Vizion. Unfortunately, me and my three peers Wanie, Delain, and Celiz(aka Celestia) were taken prisoner and inspected.

The idiot who threw us in here forgot to take our teleporters off of us, so we decided to teleport back to our headquarters at this old coliseum and deliver our news to our master, who might kill us anyway.

*Time skip*

"I see you've come back empty handed." our master said, banging his fist on the table we were standing at.

*Gulp* "Master, we tried to kill her but-" I stuttered.

"WHAT!? What was it that caused you to fail!?" our master shouted, banging his hand on the table again.

"We were attacked by one that we believe to be another spy." Celestia finished.

Celestia is a girl with beauty and skill, but she is also feisty. She won't give in easily. I'm falling head over heels for her.

Our master reached across the table and grabbed Celestia by the shirt. Nothing can scare Celestia.....except our master.

He glared at her once and then threw her down.

"Set this whole place on lockdown and have people on patrol. We need that person found immediately!" our master said to a guy next to him.

We took the opportunity to split. We turned a corner and used our teleporters to escape. Before we knew it, we were back in our Vizion cells.
Hey what's up guys?

I figured I would give you a new perspective to look at today.

Any guesses on who the mysterious villain is?

-pinkninja out

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