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V's pov

"I said I don't want to wear red! Can't you understand? Do you need me to knock your head a few time so that you can understand me!" I grab the vase and want to knock that stylist head. But my manager Jin stop me.

"V...everyone else is wearing red..So please dear...Wear it okay.." He take the vase and put it away. The stylist just stood there and almost crying.

"If they wearing red it doesn't mean I have to wear red too.. It just so fucking annoying...!" I sit on my chair and ruffled my hair while looking in the mirror.

"Okay..okay..But just a necktie okay?? Just your necktie will be in red..Please V.." I glance at him and just nodded a little. Only Jin will understand me.

"Now..go and bring the white shirt and the gray pant..also the gray vest.. and the red necktie ,okay.." Jin patted the stylist shoulder and smiled. I rolled my eyes and leaned on the chair while they start doing my makeup and hair.

I look at myself in the mirror. Perfect.

"Ahh...Jin hyung..Did you find what I ask you??" I ask before I go out. Its already been like a week I didn't touch anyone.

Yes..thats who I'm..I pay people to sleep with me.. But after 2 day they will quit because they can't stand my 'attitude'. I will treat them like a slave. And right now I really need someone to pleased me.

And its has to be a boy..Yes I'm a gay..And I'm a 'TOP' and cruel. So its hard to find someone who can stand with my 'attitude'.

"Oo..oh..I already meet him. I'll send him tonight. And V..You will be going home with Namjoon okay..because I have something to do.." I just nodded my head. Namjoon is my second manager after Jin.

I walked out leaving Jin in the room smiling.


Jin's pov

Oh my god..where I'm gonna find someone who willing to do this.! I screaming in my heart.. I can't just pay anyone.. I need to check carefully.. Because he is V..the superstar.. Oh god.. I feels like I wanna cry right now..

"Don't worry Fan..I'll do anything to find that money...Trust me.."

That sweet voice attract me . I look thru the tree and saw a boy holding a bag is talking with a girl. And the girl is crying.

"Don't worry..mom gonna be fine.. I promise you.. When I have enough money I'll be back okay..Just hang on a few months okay Fan.. "

That boy then walked away leaving the girl.

I heard that he need money...He will do anything for that... And he just V style.. I run toward him and tapped his shoulder. He look at me and furrowed his brow.

"Do you want a work?? " I ask him directly. I really need him to agree with what I wantbto offer.

"What kind of work?" He ask me while still furrowed his brow.

"Well....." I told him everything about the job. And as usually he also look surprise. "But the paid for month is enough if you want to buy 5 motorcyle at once.." I try to consoled him.

He stay quiet for a while then nodded his head. I smiled and pulled his hand and get into the car. I need to send him to V.

In the car I hand him the contract.

"Why I need to sign this?"

"It just to make sure you won't tell to anyone..And if you already sign it..Thats mean you has no power over yourself anymore.. 'That' person will be the one who control you."

I think this boy really need money that much..He just sign without read it..

"By the way ...Please introduce yourself.??" I glance at him and smiled.

"Hurmm...I'm Jungkook. Jeon Jungkook..I'm 20 years old."

"20 years old??? And you agree to this job?? You have done something like this before.??" Oh god he is too young..What will happen to him when V meet him later.

"I never do anything like this..this is my first time.. I don't have a choice ..I need money..And this job can give me money ..So why not.." He just shrugged his shoulder and smiled at me.

V gonna like him...

A/N : Well...well.... As a kpopers I take time to think if I want to write this story...Because I don't know how people gonna react to this..😭

Plus I don't want Army to hate me for sure😂 Haha..

So please..please leave a comment and vote... And tell me honestly.. if I should continue or not...😫

I Love You guys😘😊

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