Chapter 4

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Roman drags Ella to a cell Vlad had made for humans he wanted to hang onto as he drains them. "Until I figure out what I want to do with you, you shall be staying here." Roman pushes Ella into one of the cells and cuffs her wrist in old iron hanging cuffs. Ella tries to struggle making Roman sigh. "You can't fight me, I'm stronger than you."

"You don't know me!" Ella angrily wiggles again, trying to prevent Roman from locking her in the old chains. Roman quickly kicks her knee out place to stop her from moving so much, causing Ella to scream out in pain.

"If you would have just stayed still then this wouldn't have had to happen." Roman says tiredly, as if annoyed that Ella screamed in pain.

"This wouldn't have had happened if you had just let me go!" Ella angrily said as she fought back tears.

"Who decided it was smart to go in an abandoned castle with two vampires?" Roman countered as he stepped back to see his handiwork. He admitted to himself he now understood why Vlad would always chain his victims this way, he liked how this female's torso was pushed out and exposed from having her arms being extended up. He liked being able to control her movements, even if her legs were still free she would have to stay still if she didn't want her shoulders to slowly be pulled from their sockets. He could appreciate looking at this female for quite some time, it had been eons since he last had a female acquaintance. Vlad used to have women come to the castle back when all of the Generals were alive, the women were drawn to their power and it didn't help that their vampiric transformation made women melt at the sight of them. It made meals fairly easy to obtain, but now Vlad doesn't feel the need to entertain anymore. He has been more worried about keeping his subjects in line, than keeping them happy.

"You aren't supposed to be real." Ella glared at Roman as she tried to ignore the raging pain in her knee, she knew she wouldn't be able to escape now unless she popped her knee back in without screaming.

Roman looked at her knee, "You know if you simply do as your told and behave, I could heal your knee for you."

"I don't want your cold hands on me."

"That's not what your body was saying merely minutes ago." Roman smirked, his member twitching at the memory of the delicious smell of her arousal earlier. Roman knew it was her body reacting to his vampiric charms, though she obviously never heard about it as he could see she tried to fight it.

"My body was just reacting on natural instinct, but I can assure you, I would never consciously find you attractive."

Roman fakes being wounded by her words, "Well that would hurt if I had a heart and actually cared about what you think human. But you are just food to me, nothing more."

"So you are just going to kill me?"

Roman pretended to think about it just to mess with the human, "Hmmmm, yes." He said abruptly.

"Then you are just like your precious monster lord." Ella venomously said.

"Thanks for the compliment." Roman winked at Ella as he left the cells, leaving Ella to squirm and yell for help down under the castle. Roman walked away and quickly headed outside as he felt the urge to shift into his dragon form, taking off his shirt and casting it outside as he walked through the door leading to the courtyard. He quickly shifts into his dragon and leaps into the air, loving the feeling of the strength flowing through his shoulders and the wind in his face. He rose high over the clouds as his dragon's sight was unmatched in clarity and flew around the nearby towns. Using his draconic hearing, Roman flew around to see if anyone was talking about the castle and if they were in any need of moving.

His stomach rumbled in need of food, though he was a vampire and survived on blood, in his animal forms he occasionally needed to hunt as well.He soon found a small herd of cattle that had broken out of a farmers gate as Roman began his descent lower. Finding the largest cow, Roman took aim and dove down to quickly snatch the cow. It bellowed out in fright and tried to kick its way out of Roman's claws, which made them dig deeper into the cow. After flying away from the area he snatched the cow, he dropped the cow several feet from the air; instantly snapping its legs as it fell. Roman's dragon hissed as it landed and saw the cow's eyes roll back in its head in fright and quickly began feasting in its underbelly. The cow tried to kick and bellowed out in hopes of help, but soon after the dragon began its feast, the cow succumbed to its injuries. The dragon made quick work on its organs and began to chomp away at it's ribs and legs, not leaving any meat left behind for the wild wolves to scavenge. After finishing off part of it's dinner the dragon took to the skies again, this time looking for a smaller animal to prey upon. It soon spotted a herd of deer closer to the castle, silently the dragon dove and grabbed the largest deer in the herd. The deer brayed in fear as it saw the dragon fly high into the night back towards it's castle, not wanting to cause unnecessary noise the dragon swiftly bit the neck of the deer, decapitating it with one small bite.Carefully the dragon landed back in the castle grounds, not wanting to get dirt on its meal for the female. The dragon growled at seeing Roman handcuffing the female down in the dark dungeons, it wanted to show the female what it's glorious blue scales. Quickly Roman shifted back before the dragon could go on about itself. Dragons were notorious for being extremely conceited.

Roman proceeded to butcher the deer that the dragon had caught for the female, as if he hadn't he knew the dragon would become quite agitated with him. He was confused as to why the dragon felt the need to go hunting for the thing that will soon die to feed his vampire needs. Roman felt an angry rumble through his chest from his dragon, Roman was taken back from the way his animals were communicating with him suddenly. Normally they were silent transformations that he could use their instincts to help him, they never showed individual wants before. He shook their reactions off and went transfer most of the meat into the storage cellars underneath the kitchen and brought smaller pieces to the stove. He remembered enough from his human life to know how to create the fire for the stove, with the fire lit he left to check if the castle's well was still working. Quickly he pulled the bucket up and saw that it was mud, he sighed as he felt this was more tedious than he thought it would be. It had been too long since he had fully emerged himself in the human life, Vlad and he did get the phones to communicate over distances but the rest of the human technology advancements seemed unnecessary to them. Roman knew he couldn't keep the female here for long anyways and called up the only human he knew that would understand his situation and was sworn to secrecy.

Several years ago Roman saw that as human technology advanced, his Lord and himself got more and more noticeable by humans. They could no longer blend in as much as they used to. So Roman scouted the city, demanding answers from humans before silencing them by tearing into their neck, before coming to find Marius. Marius at the time was a young lawyer who had done some wicked deals to gather the power he had. He had set his sights on becoming the General Mayor of Bucharest when Roman crossed his path. Roman showed Marius what real power was and had him swear fealty to his Lord. With Marius now their human agent, Roman ensured that Marius won the seat of General Mayor and Marius used his resources to give Roman anything he would need to survive in the new advancing world. Roman would routinely make sure Marius knew that his Lord Vladimir was still in charge of their arrangement, and would handle anyone who threatened Marius.

Roman called upon Marius and explained he needed to hide a human for a few days but wanted her comfortable. Marius of course didn't ask any questions and had anonymously rented out an entire floor of a nearby hotel. The staff was bribed into not going on the floor for any reason or else they would be fired immediately. The hotel quickly agreed to the terms as Marius included a large donation to the hotel and its managers.

With everything arranged, Roman proceeded down back into the castle dungeons, nostrils flaring as he smelt fresh blood coming from Ella's cell. He sped to her cell and saw she had attempted to escape and in the process cut her wrist open on the iron shackles. Blood was seeping from her wound, down her arm and across her chest. Her head hung as she was passed out and a small drop of blood fell from her shirt and onto a small puddle of blood. Quickly, Roman unshackled Ella and sped her to his room. He laid her down more comfortably and undressed her as he wanted to make sure she didn't wound herself anywhere else. He grabbed a fresh cloth and began cleaning her body as he checked her, he couldn't help how his hand slowly washed off her stomach, nor could he stop himself from licking the blood off her chest. Her blood was so sweet to Roman, he felt energy course through him and had to fight his vampire nature to tear into her neck for more. He settled for the small amount that had ran down her arm and had pooled at her wrist. Once the blood was away, Roman assessed the cut on Ella's wrist; it wasn't a very deep cut but if not cleaned, it could become infected because of the rusty iron cuffs. He grabbed an old bottle of vodka and poured it on her open wound to disinfect it, waking her up in the process. Ella screams as the aged alcohol burned her wrist and started swinging her uninjured hand.

Roman quickly grabbed her hands and held her down, "Stop before you hurt yourself more!"

"What do you care?" Ella growled as she kept wiggling to loosen Roman's grip. To which he just squeezed tighter, and actually growled at her.

"I care because I actually don't plan on killing you as of yet, so I would start playing nice with your superior."

"Excuse me? You are definitely not superior over me."

"You are a pathetic weak human female. You are even considered weak in your own species, so yes I am your superior."

Ella narrowed her eyes at Roman, she couldn't stand an egotistical narcissistic man like Roman.

"You're such an elitist sexist pig."

"No I just know I'm right, and your still weaker than I am, it's natural and not something to get upset about. You just have to accept humans are not really at the top of the food chain." Roman looked outside and could feel that it would soon become light outside, he would need to fly Ella to the hotel and race back to make it back in time. "Come, I need to get you somewhere more comfortable for right now. You will be properly taken care of and remain safe, follow me to the courtyard." Roman let Ella up and walked to the courtyard, on the way he stops to grab some rope to which Ella raises an eyebrow at. Once outside he grabs Ella and pulls her to him, Ella feels the tingles race up her spine again before he quickly ties the rope around her waist tightly.

"So you don't fall off."

"What do you mean?"

"You will see."

Ella stared confused at Roman as he started to take several deep breaths and steam started to roll off his body. Roman took a step back before letting his dragon shift forms. Ella shrieked as his dragon expanded his wings proudly, trying to show off how big he was. Ella stumbled back as she strained to look up at the dragon that proudly lifted its neck high.

"I must have gone insane." She mumbled as her eyes take in the dark blue dragon. The dragon then lowers it giant head down to ground level and looks at Ella with its bright blue eye. The dragon snorts a puff of smoke from its nostrils as Ella reaches out timidly to touch its scales above its eye. The dragon's chest rumbles in pleasure as Ella continues to rub its scales. The dragon then gently grabs the end of the rope around Ella's waist and twists its neck around towards its back as it lowers itself down onto its belly.

"Do you want me to ride you?" The dragon lets out a draconic chuckle, letting a whisp of flame out as well, as Ella doesn't understand what she said was so funny to the dragon. Then the dragon nods it head at Ella as she tries to climb onto its back. The dragon ends up have to bump her bottom up its back with the tip of its nose to help, to which she lets out a little yelp in surprise.

She pats the dragons back, "Alright, I think I'm ready."

Once she has settled in between some spikes on its upper back. The dragon stands up slowly and then jumps into the sky hearing Ella scream in terror at the sudden rush of wind whips her hair back. Ella grabs with all of her might at the large spike in front of her as the dragon beats its large wings to reach higher in the sky. With a couple more large beats they rise above the clouds and Ella gasps as she feels the cold seep into her skin, but also at the beauty of seeing the sun and clouds. The dragon remains up high for a few more seconds before suddenly nose diving. Ella screams as she grabs the spike in front of her again, terrified that she will fall off the dragon. Ella closes her eyes as she sees the ground quickly getting closer and she feels the dragon snap open its wings, slowing them down and lurching her backward. It beats it wings in attempt to land more smoothly for the female but Ella still grunts and gasps as the beast lands on the outskirts of a town. Shakingly, Ella slides down the side of the dragon's back as it twists it head to look at her again. It bumps its forehead against her back to have her turn around and face it. The dragon huffs a puff of smoke from its nostrils then licks the side of Ella's face very carefully as to not knock her over.

"Eww gross man." Ella starts to try to wipe the thick saliva now coating the entire side of her face and neck. The dragon growls angrily at the sight of Ella wiping it mark off her, to which Ella stills. "I'm sorry but I don't understand you and I cannot walk into this town with giant sticky dragon saliva on my face. People will look at me weird and I won't blend in. That is what you want me to do right?" The dragon snorted and small bits of flame came out this time, as the dragon quickly shifted back into Roman.

"Sorry, the dragon isn't as understanding as I am. You may wipe that off and grab a hold of me tightly, we have to move quickly. Day is approaching soon and I'd rather not get burned." Roman grabbed Ella by her waist and pulled her flush against him, not liking how far away she was from him. Goosebumps rise up Ella's back, she can't stand that she enjoys them now. Roman wasn't the worst looking man she had ever seen, but he was the monster that was keeping her captive and continued to mistreat her. But his dragon was beautiful and seemed to actually show some compassion compared to the monster of this man. With Ella safely in his grasps Roman sped through the city, down the more abandoned and unused streets, stopping in front of a grand hotel.

"Here we are. Hope you will find this place to your liking." Roman says as he grabs her hand and pulls her into the entrance quickly. At first the hotel employees looked up confused until Roman gave them a cold glare that made them scurry away and pretend neither of them walked in. Roman brushed past the front desk and gently pushed Ella into the elevator. He pushed the button for the third floor and they wait for the elevator to stop. Ella starts to feel warm standing so close to Roman and tries to step away, Roman sees her step away to which he grabbed her and pulled her back.

Ella's face flushes in embarrassment as she tries to tell Roman to let her go. "You don't have to hold me captive, I can't go anywhere in an elevator."

"Just in case. I don't need you trying to run off." He said sternly, increasing his grip on her side. She felt a warmth flow through her to her lower regions. She blushes as Roman suddenly sniffs the air and a low rumble escapes his chest. "I think it might be best if you could control yourself or are you that weak to fall to the charms of your basic instincts?"

Flustered, now even more embarrassed and angry at the tone of Roman, "I did say to let me go, but instead you continue to latch yourself next to me. So are you the one who is falling for his 'basic instincts'?"

Roman looked down at Ella and smirked, "I can if the little human wants me to." He laughs as Ella blushes and tells him to go to hell. To which he silently thinks to himself, that he already is in.

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