Hunk x Alien princess - Indra {Edited}

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Requested by: SeriouslyGay


Yeah, the first update was terrible so after reading some other one-shots I decided to change the topic. So sorry @SeriouslyGay for messing up your one-shot. It was really bad and I deeply apologise if you were offended by my terrible habit of creating complicated storylines for simple one-shots. Hope you enjoy this one better!


You shivered in the cold. There was an argument, not a very good argument as you might guess. I think the question that should be asked is why a princess is on the ice moon on her planet and how in the galaxy did she escape? Oh wait, did I say escape? Haha, I meant banished... You were banished from your planet because you went out of line in a meeting. You were screwed.

You brought out your white hands and panicked when they started to slowly fade black. The heat from your armpits did little to shield you from the icy winds and eternal blizzard.

"H-hello? Is there anyone picking up this signal?" You asked. You waited for the radio to send you any signal other than static. "Hello! This is (y/n) of Indra, if you can hear me, please reply." You waited before switching the radio off. There was no one coming for an exiled princess. Might as well just give up.


"Princess, we've got a distress signal," Shiro said. Allura looked at the galaxy map as Shiro worked on enlarging the view.

"That's the ice moon of Indra, why would a distress signal come from there?" Allura asked aloud.

"Uh, Indra is also a planet that was recently joined to the Galran Empire and they joined willingly," Pidge added.

"That's a trap," Keith said.

"Or a survivor," Lance said.

"If it is a survivor then Indra would have picked up the signal as well. There could be a rebel group on that ice moon," Shiro said.

"Let's help them then!" Lance exclaimed.

"Wai-wait a second, what if Keith's right and it is a trap?" Hunk asked. "Some of our Lions are great for harsh conditions but what about the extreme cold on this planet?"

"Yeah, look at how the temperature of the planet, anyone down there without proper equipment will freeze to death in seconds," Keith said.

"All the more reason to go. Princess, can you get us there in time?" Shiro asked.

"Let's hope so," Allura answered.


You found a small cave in the flat ice plains and tucked your small body away from the wind. The horrific howling of the wind scared you. Your body was shivering relentlessly despite the lack of wind. The size of the cave did nothing to contain your body heat.

Without a second thought, you whipped out your radio and turned it on again. "This is the princess (y/n) from the ice moon of Indra if anyone can hear me please respond," you said.

"We read you loud and clear, how are you daughter?" Your father asked.

"Father," you hissed.

"I'm surprised you're still alive, normally, you would have frozen to death unless you had smuggled a coat with you... A thermal coat that only our soldiers are allowed to wear," your father said.

"It doesn't matter, I have it and there's nothing you can do about it," you growled.

"Actually there is, the Galra were more than generous with their technology. Now we're more than capable of scouring the ice planet for any traces of valuables and thanks to your radio signal, we found you without a problem."

"But the blizzard-"

"It doesn't matter now that our technology is twice as what it used to be. Your time in this galaxy is coming to an end. I am sorry that you chose the wrong side," your father said. Your radio relayed static as his line went silent. Your ears watered as tears formed. You rested your head on the back of the cave and cried.

The wind howled on and on, etching your hopes of being rescued away. Suddenly the radio came alive. You looked down and heard distinctive chatter. You picked it up and panicked when you heard your native tongue giving orders to surround a cave. You tried to get up but your muscles were tired and sore from the cold.

The chatter got louder and clearer as the signal came stronger and closer. Your breath hitched and when you saw a glint of black. Two figures appeared at the cave entrance with Galran tech over their Indrian uniforms.

"The princess is here, exactly as predicted," one of them reported. You heard the reply as clear as day as your radio echoed the final order.

"Excellent, kill her."

You closed your eyes for the sensation of a plasma bullet piercing your chest and the excruciating pain that came afterwards.

"As you say, sir," he replied. You heard the guns switch for safety off and the countdown for your execution.

"Three, two- WAH!"

You gasped and saw the two figures being shot down with a hail of yellow bullets. You tucked into a ball as some bypassed them and hit the back of the cave. You whimpered as the ice walls began to shatter.

"Princess! We're here to rescue you."

You looked up and saw the warrior slowly making his way over to you. You blinked at him before walking to the edge of the cave. He outstretched his hand and gently led you out into the cold and into the mouth of a large beast.

"Princess, we've got... the princess, we're coming home!" He grinned.

"That's great to hear Hunk, we'll get a bath and some food ready for her when you come back," A voice replied. Hunk looked behind him as he piloted the yellow beast into space.

"Th-this is space?" You gasped, stepping closer to the screen in front.

"You've never been in space?" Hunk asked. You shook your head as Hunk grinned. "Well, it's a pleasure to be the first to take you on your first space adventure." You giggled at his posh accent, causing the chubby man to blush.

"Thank you sir Hunk," You smiled. Hunk laughed.

"Just call me Hunk, I'm actually not a knight or anything like that," he said.

"You're not?" You asked.

"No, I'm just a Paladin on Voltron," he smirked.

"You're one of the Paladins of Voltron?" You gasped. "Of course! This is the Yellow Lion and you're the Yellow Paladin! It is the most delightful of pleasures to meet you!"

"The pleasure is all mine, we're coming up at the castle right now. No need to hold onto anything your highness, this should be a good landing" Hunk said.

"A castle as your home and a Paladin of Voltron, are you sure you're not a knight?" You asked.

"Nope, just a human from Earth that got tangled in a mess with aliens," Hunk answered. You smiled as you approached the ship. The vessel was huge! You had never seen such a class of ship since your last visit to the library.

You were in awe from the time you left the Yellow Lion to the time you met Princess Allura. "Princess (y/n), it's good to meet your acquaintance," Allura smiled, bowing in the slightest.

"Thank you for your hospitality, your Paladin was most graceful bringing me here on his own," You replied. There were a few sniggers behind you, which Allura stopped with a single glare.

"I'm glad to hear that, Hunk wasn't always the best pilot here in the castle," Allura laughed.

"Really? Then who was it?" You asked.

"Me," Keith and Lance answered. The two looked at each other as they started to reach for their weapons. Hunk tried to step in but Pidge got to them first and smacked both of them in the head.

"If you would follow me, we have a bath and some food prepared for you," Allura said. You nodded and followed her through the castle. 

As she promised, you were given a warm bath with food that brought you unknown comfort. You stayed in there so long that your fingers turned red instead of their normal pale colour. When you finally did come out after eating you walked over to the living room and saw Hunk sitting all alone. You walked to him and took a seat next to him. He noticed you the second you came in.

"Hello Princess, how are you feeling?" Hunk asked.

"I am feeling most comfortable," you answered.

"That's great!" Hunk smiled. "But... Uh... can I ask you something?" Hunk asked.

"What is it?" You asked.

"I... why were you alone?" Hunk asked. You looked away, trying to forget the image of your mother and father disowning you in front of your entire planet. The harsh slap of your father's hand and the words of your mother piercing every part of your heart. "Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you."

You blinked a tear away and wiped it away with your sleeve. "No, it is quite alright," you smiled. Hunk frowned and cautiously scooted closer to you. "What are you doing?" You asked.

"Can I give you a hug?" Hunk asked.

"What is a hug?" You asked.

"It's an embrace," Hunk answered.

"Oh! You call embraces a hug?" You asked.

"Yup... so can I give you a hug?" Hunk asked. You nodded. Hunk didn't wait and squeezed his arms around your small body. You laughed when Hunk lifted you onto his lap and brought you closer.

"My, my! Aren't you the most friendly?" You giggled.

"Are you feeling better?" Hunk asked.

"A lot better, thank you," you answered.

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