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They're not really keeping their relationship a secret. Seriously, they're just not really telling someone about it. Especially not Yoongi's family but Taehyung isn't really sure how long they'll manage to not act suspiciously. Like, all he wants to do is cuddle Yoongi, kiss his lips, nose, eyes, cheeks, chin – just everything. How is he supposed to act like he's not head over heels for the elder male?

That's just an impossible task.

Taehyung knows there's not really any harm in exposing their relationship, Yoongi said it'll happen when it happens but still, there's this tiny part of the younger that thinks Yoongi might actually have a reason to keep them a secret. Because of embarrassment? Maybe he's shy? After all, he's not used to this whole relationship thing. That's what he told Taehyung. He's never really been together with someone, shy of pda and things like that. Or maybe he just doesn't want to let anyone know he's together with Taehyung.

Of course, he knows that all those things are just his insecurities talking. Yoongi isn't embarrassed because of him but keeping a secret still kind of bugs the younger. He convinces himself that it'll happen when it happens, Taehyung. Yoongi's reasoning is understandable. They're not obligated to announce their relationship to anyone, they don't need to yell it out for the world to hear but if someone were to ask them, they wouldn't deny a thing.

Is it so wrong that Taehyung absolutely wants someone to ask them so he could just say it for the first time? He just wants to yell it from every rooftop. Even though Taehyung also doesn't really has experiences with dating – well, he's been more of a one-night stand kind of guy in his previous lifestyle – but he has seen a prime example of how not to handle a relationship. He knows he should talk with Yoongi about his struggles, his insecurities and normally this wouldn't be a problem. But now, he won't talk with Yoongi his crush about this but with Yoongi his boyfriend.

It's somehow different.

But there are still things which stayed the same.

The sun outside has already set, the only light coming from the different lamps in the living room and open kitchen. They cast an orange glow on everything, making a warmth bloom in Taehyung's chest which only gets warmer the longer he looks at the persons around him. His family. It's still weird thinking about them like that but there's no other word to describe them. They're his family now – the first persons to care for him unconditionally without any ulterior motives.

The table in front of them is packed like it hadn't been in the last weeks since Taehyung has been helping them out with money Yoongi's family hasn't been as deep in a pinch as they've been before. He's glad he could make the people who saved his life smile so much, glad he could give something back to him. He would give them the whole world if he could but he knows that all they would want from him, in the end, is his love.

His attention snaps towards Yoongi's cousin, Shin, who yells something incoherently. His mouth is still stuffed with food, making it impossible for the other's to understand a simple word leaving his lips. Before his mother could chide Shin, Yoongi accusingly points his chopsticks at his cousin, "I didn't raise you to speak with your mouth still full!"

"Aren't you speaking with your mouth full too?" Taehyung snickers, smirking at Yoongi's exasperated face.

"I'm not," the elder argues loudly. But well, there is definitely food in his mouth because something definitely hits Taehyung's cheek.

"I literally have half-chewed bread on my face," He deadpans, raising one hand to wipe his cheek clean again. Still, even this heavy proof doesn't seem to waver Yoongi's insistence on the fact that hasn't spoken with his mouth full.

"Prove it's mine!" He yells, a glint in his eyes which makes Taehyung break out into loud laughter. God, he really does like him. His heart skips a beat and in that exact moment, he feels as if time might stop, Yoongi's laughter filling his ears and his bright gummy smile on full display. This is it, he wants to spend the rest of his life being surrounded by these people and with Yoongi being the one waking him up in the morning, the one falling asleep in his arms at night.

"There's still bread coming out!" Taehyung argues, lightly pushing Yoongi back who struggles to find purchase on the table, almost knocking his glass over.

"Okay, both of you –" The elder's aunt interrupts their friendly bickering, staring them down for a second. "Cut it out. That's disgusting. Swallow your food before you talk. Basic manners, what are we? Barbarians?"

Yoongi's aunt manages to calm both of them down, still, Taehyung couldn't contain his small giggle and also doesn't refrain from sticking his tongue out at the elder as soon as his aunt isn't looking at them anymore. Taehyung expects a smack or something for his childish behavior, after all, he's used to that by Yoongi. That's just how they work, their dynamic seeming maybe strange to outsiders but their doing just fine. Even though their personalities seem so different, Yoongi being the more quiet one, appearing serious, mature, the one who often seeks the loneliness and isolation. While Taehyung being the one who's loud, jokes around, mostly appearing nothing close to mature and seeks the presence of people whenever but they click especially well because of their differences.

Taehyung can be quiet and calm around Yoongi, he can just exist in his presence in silence and be content with everything happening around him. Yoongi can be loud and childish around the younger, he can be clingy with him but he doesn't have to be. Both of them can be exactly the way they need to be around each other.

The chatter around the table resumes like nothing happened but Taehyung still feels as of he and Yoongi share their own kind of bubble, like their own little world. The elder rolls his eyes at his childish antics and Taehyung is about to stick his tongue out again when there's suddenly a hand nudging his own under the table. He raises his eyebrow at Yoongi as the elder grabs his right hand under the table and squeezes.

It's not an uncommon thing to happen between them, Yoongi's favorite kind of physical contact, of skin ship, is holding hands. Taehyung early noticed how Yoongi's seems to cling to people's hands like a lifeline whenever he feels anxious or nervous or just needs someone to be by his side. Taehyung doesn't complain, of course, he likes the way Yoongi's hands fit perfectly on his own. It's during these moments, at dinner, that Taehyung is glad he's ambidextrous so he can continue eating with his chopsticks with his left hand without anyone noticing that his right hand is occupied doing something else.

His eyes scan the table, all the other people are busy talking to each other and none of them are really paying attention to them. He leans over to Yoongi, seeing the other tense slightly once his breath hits the elder's ear. "Do you wanna go out tomorrow?" He whispers.

Yoongi glances at him shortly, before looking around if anyone is listening to them. Taehyung knows they're not. "Where?"

"Surprise," Taehyung laughs, leaning back in the chair with a smug expression at Yoongi's annoyed nose scrunch. Another habit of the elder, if he's irritated by something or annoyed he scrunches his nose up in with the most adorable way possible.

The elder huffs before leaning back in to whisper, "But we gotta hurry or else we'll get caught and forced into cleaning duty."

"But isn't it Shin's day?" Taehyung wonders out loud.

Yoongi's aunt is a very organized person – a thing not really getting noticed by the always rather messy state of the apartment but this is mostly due to the kids. Every weekend the whole apartment gets cleaned and she set up a schedule to decide who is in charge of what. It's supposed to be Shin who cleans tomorrow but well, Taehyung knows how easy the small boy is able to deceive the people around him.

"That little devil easily manipulates his mother and she is convinced that it's easier if everyone helps," Yoongi whispers back, eyes jumping around as if he's ready to catch anyone secretly trying to listen to their very important conversation.

"Then why does she even make the cleaning schedule?"

"Because that's how she is," Yoongi huffs, his fingers around the younger's hand tighten slightly, "If we leave early enough we can get away."

"What are you two whispering about?"

Both of them snap their head up to look with wide eyes at Yoongi's aunt – not suspicious at all. "Nothing," They say in unison and Taehyung almost breaks out laughing. He squeezes Yoongi's hands, praying that no one would question their obvious behavior.

"Not suspicious at all," The elder's uncle laughs but he doesn't pry further, it's the other's aunt who is still staring at them with a piercing gaze. Yoongi just smiles innocently at them and Taehyung couldn't help but mirror the elder's action.

His hand tingles where it rests on Yoongi's and the warmth spreading through him feels exhilarating. He's really got it bad.

The first days Taehyung has spent in the Min household had been quite challenging for him and it took a lot of time – a few weeks – for him to get used to the bathroom situation. The problem is that this is a seven-person household and they have to share one small bathroom. So, especially the privacy of a shower is not guaranteed and yeah, Taehyung has been managing with either getting up way too early for his liking or sleeping long enough so that everyone will be finished with their business in the bath before he sets a foot in the shower. He should have woken up earlier today instead of sleeping in.

The water runs over his back lukewarm, he doesn't even remember the days where he prayed for a little hot, scalding water, right now nothing gets him more awake and energized than an almost cold shower. He could already hear the old radio playing and the other's bustling in the apartment. Maybe he should have woken Yoongi up - but he looked so cute - they have a busy schedule after all and they have to escape the clutches of cleaning duty.

He's just about to get his hair wet when a person stumbles into the bathroom, cursing under their breath like a sailor. There's only one human who curses like that and just thinking about the elder makes Taehyung's chest explode in warmth and a smile appearing on his lips.

"Why the fuck didn't you wake me up?" Yoongi growls and Taehyung could hear him moving around behind the curtain.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't aware that I'm your personal alarm clock," He chuckles, running his fingers through his hair to get every strand wet. God, he could feel the tension melting off his shoulders with the water droplets running over his skin.

"Well, I am sorry because now you'll have to get out because I need to shower too and we have to hurry," Yoongi demands and he could vividly imagine him standing there, already stripped down to his underwear, hands in his hips and that glare which make shi look like a mad kitten on his face. He almost coos at the image alone.

"I haven't even washed my hair yet – it's not even completely wet!" Taehyung whines, hoping it would help him somehow. Yeah, he knows they have to hurry but it's not like he doesn't need to wash the grease out of his own hair. He also needs a shower. Yoongi wanted to shower yesterday evening, it's definitely not Taehyung's fault that the elder decided he was too tired.

"Not my problem, now get out," Yoongi says like it's the obvious thing to do. When it's obviously not, Taehyung is about to argue that it really is the elder's problem but then an idea pops up in his mind which could change everything. A mischievous smirk plants itself on his lips as he tries to make his voice sound as innocently as possible.

"Or... You could just get in here with me?"

There are a few seconds of silence before Yoongi's scandalized voice fills the air again.


"Think about it, we'll save water and time – just get in."

"But..." Yoongi hesitates but from the tone of his voice, Taehyung knows that he's got the upper hand.

"Oh come on, are you getting shy now?" He teases, knowing full well that it'll spike Yoongi's competitive streak, "Just get your ass in here."

"You're so vulgar," The elder complains.

"Look who's talking."

"I still don't want to." Okay, maybe he's harder to crack than the younger thought he would be but by the slight waver in the other's voice, he knows that this hesitation is just a mere façade. He just needs to expose – ha, expose as in getting naked – the elder's scam.

"Why? Are you embarrassed to see me naked?" He laughs and a satisfied feeling spreads through his body at the spluttering noises from the other side of the curtain.

"No, I just don't want to explain to my family why we're showing together," Yoongi says but he doesn't so convinced of his own argument.

"What? I just told you two reasonable excuses. I mean, it's not like we're gonna fuck in here... or are we?" Taehyung asks and he knows how easily he can get Yoongi to blush and stutter because of the mere mention that they would get intimate with each other. He knows Yoongi is shy, so he doesn't push him but he also likes it when the elder squirms with embarrassment and in situations like this he can perfectly use that to his advantage.

"You – Why aren't you embarrassed!?" The elder shouts, oh, how much Taehyung wishes he could see his face right now.

"Oh, me? I just have no shame –" A very horror movie like shriek escapes Taehyung's lips as he scrambles to covers himself the second the curtain gets ripped open with force. He was smart enough to grab on the wall to avoid slipping on the wet tiles under his feet.

"I thought you had no shame?" Now it's Yoongi's turn to smirk at him, a smug expression on his face as he stands stark naked in front of an equal naked Taehyung.

"I do not," The younger pouts, collecting himself again and standing up straight, "But my heart is weak. Don't scare me like that."

"Just shut up and let me under the water," Yoongi huffs and closes the curtain behind them again.

"Yes, sir."

It's not like this is the first time Taehyung sees the other naked. They share a room, they share a single mattress and they're in a relationship – even though they haven't been intimate yet. But they change in front of each other all the time, so this is nothing new.

Well, it still is a little new because like, normally they're not cramped in a small place and they're not wet from head to toe. But it's alright, all peachy, Taehyung can definitely handle this. Nothing is able to phase him and the fact that he's concentrating on not staring at the elder has nothing to say about this matter.

They're showering in silence, both making quick work of massaging shampoo in their hair and getting ready to rinse it again when there's suddenly a timid voice speaking up behind the curtain.

"Taehyung?" That's definitely Shin speaking. Both of them freeze, Taehyung glances down at Yoongi only to see his own panic mirrored in the elder's eyes. What the hell are they supposed to do now?

"Tae?" Shin asks again and Yoongi roughly pinches the younger's side, gesturing towards the curtain wildly but totally quite.

"...Yes?" Taehyung tentatively answers, not taking his eyes off the elder's face in front of him. He watches one droplet of water running down Yoongi's cute button nose and wouldn't they be in this situation right now he would probably kiss it away.

"Did you see Yoongi?"

"Uh..." Taehyung stares at the elder who looks just as lost as him. Is he supposed to explain to Shin that technically he's already speaking with the person he searches for, even though he's not aware of it?

"Because –" Shin keeps talking, "I need to know if he's in his room because like, I may have stolen one of his favorite shirts and now it's ruined and I have to get it back in his room and make it seem like it was his fault or something."

"Listen –" Taehyung doesn't even have time to reply and just barely enough to drop his hands in front of his private parts again before Yoongi rips open the curtain to reveal a more than shocked Shin who looks like he's a second away from pissing his pants.

"You did what?!" The elder yells – Now that Taehyung thinks about it, he darkly remembers Yoongi complaining about not finding his favorite shirt again and then seeing Shin wearing a similar shirt just a day later.

"Oh my god!" Shin gasps, seemingly recovered from his initial shock, "Why're you in there together?"

And as quickly as Yoongi had gotten mad at his cousin he reverts back to a blushing and stuttering mess. "We – That's – Saving time and water!"

"Yup," Taehyung smiles before deciding to mess with the elder a little. He takes a step closer to delicately place his chin on Yoongi's shoulder and he winks at Shin.

"I... I knew it!" The boy instantly yells out loud.

"You know what?"

"You two," He says, fingers point between them, "You are boyfriends!"

"Pssht!" Yoongi immediately hisses, scrambling to cramp his hand over the young boy's mouth, "Not so loud, please. We don't want to tell anyone yet." Taehyung raises an eyebrow at that but shrugs. They're not not telling everyone, they're just waiting for them to find it out on their own. They don't need Shin running around, telling everyone about their relationship.

Shin, who seems to be used by this behavior, licks his cousin's hand to get him to back off before coughing a few times. The second he looks back at them Taehyung is more than convinced that there's some kind of intimidation gene is running in Yoongi's family because Shin definitely looks ready to end them.

"My silence is gonna cost," the boy says, pulling an innocent face which doesn't work one bit on either of the elder ones.

"How about I just don't kill you because you ruined my shirt?" Yoongi propositions and okay, Shin definitely still has a lot to learn because in comparison to Yoongi's expression the younger looks like a scared little kitten trying to stand its ground against a wild tiger. But well, that kitten still has a fighting spirit inside.

"I don't think that's enough –"

"We're not gonna tell your mom about the crush you have on that girl," Taehyung pipes up and okay, seems like no one expected a sneaky cat to win the match because as soon as the words leave his mouth Shin drops his attitude instantly.

"Okay!" He yells, "I saw nothing." And he turns around, running out of the bath in an instant. The other two are left to stare after him.

"He has a crush?" Yoongi asks, as he closes the curtain again and turns the water on to finish rinsing the shampoo out of his hair. Taehyung follows his example, "It's a secret, don't tease him."

Well, they did wake up later than they wanted to so it's really lucky that they're only stuck with taking the laundry with them on their way out. Yoongi's aunt caught them at the door, ready to leave and instantly hit them with the you're going down anyway, so take it. They couldn't refuse. Yoongi carries one bucket and Taehyung is quietly whining behind him because he has to carry the heavier one.

"Go on ahead," Taehyung says as soon as they've put both buckets down in the stuffy and cold cellar room, "I'll put this in quickly." And who is Yoongi to refuse such an offer?

He barely reached the top of the stairs when a loud bang followed by a glass-shattering yell of agony leads him to rush back down, almost stumbling over his own feet on the way.

"Motherfucking shit!" Taehyung continues cursing loudly and by the sound of it he must have definitely been stabbed or lost a hand or something equally painful. What Yoongi doesn't expect is the picture he sees once he rounds the corner again.

"What happened?" He asks, eyes sweeping over the mess and Taehyung right in the middle of it. Of course.

"I broke my toe!" The younger yells, face scrunched up in agony as he keeps rolling from side to side on the floor, "My motherfucking toe is fucking broken and I can't stand anymore!"

Yoongi almost laughs. Almost because it's just too funny.

The washing machines are both running behind Taehyung as said male lies in a pile of knocked over washing powder all around him, clutching his left foot like his life depends on it and still groaning in pain. How the hell Taehyung manages to always clumsily hurt himself and knick something over is beyond Yoongi.

"Quit whining," He sighs as he crouches down to start sweeping the powder up again and cleaning up the mess, "Come on, we need to go." It was Taehyung's idea to go to the mall after all and they'll miss the bus if they won't start hurrying soon.

"I'm literally dying!" Taehyung whines in frustration, moving over so that Yoongi can clean under him as well but making no move to help at all.

"You were the one who wanted to go out," Yoongi huffs, going to try and wipe the powder off Taehyung's clothes. At least now the younger is helping a little bit even though he hasn't stopped whining at all.

"But I'm dying," He argues, sticking his bottom lip out in a pout as he makes his best attempt at puppy eyes. Yoongi doesn't budge though – even though he's pretty close, Taehyung is a master at doing puppy eyes, only surpassed by the one and only true master Park Jimin.

"You're a big baby," He says, dusting off his own pants, "Get up now or should I carry you?"

"Please?" Taehyung reaches his hands out like a toddler – very similar to what Jiae always does when she's tired of walking and wants to be carried around instead.

"Come on," Yoongi rolls his eyes and tugs the other up in a standing position. He's not going to miss the bus after going through all this trouble this morning and having Taehyung talk his ear off the whole evening because of this mini trip to the mall.

He doesn't get why it's so special.

When they're at the mall he still doesn't realize what's so special about it and why Taehyung wanted so bad to go here.

It looks just like a normal mall. A big building, bright artificial lights and no windows or clocks around. Making people forget about the time they're spending in here, the air smells like different kinds of food that you can buy here and the smell of new textiles Yoongi despises. It always makes him nauseous. It isn't particularly packed but not empty either. People walk together in front of them and all around them and even though they're all keeping a normal distance Yoongi is annoyed by most of them. He hates those people who slowly walk through malls like they have the whole freaking day to waste.

It's not special here and Yoongi doesn't understand the other's excitement.

"It's just the mall," He says, grabbing Taehyung's hand a little tighter when they pass a larger group of people who eye them up and down. Yoongi is about to stick his tongue out at them when the younger suddenly pulls him around another one of the million corners inside of this gigantic maze of shops.

"Yeah, just a mall with a new thrift shop!" He exclaims excited and then stops abruptly in front of a darker shop, hip hop music coming out of it and windows sprayed with graffiti. All for the aesthetics, Yoongi thinks and follows Taehyung inside.

"You dragged me out on my free day for thrift shopping?" He asks, raising one eyebrow to dare the younger to confirm his suspicions. He could be sleeping right now. He could be huddled under his blanket with the curtains drawn and noises drowned out by his earplugs and –

"I think that's a better first date than going to a cemetery," Taehyung remarks and Yoongi feels a laugh bubbling up in his throat. "Okay, you're right but – wait. First date?"

"Yep, that's our first date right here and we'll spend it on thrift shopping for the lol's and for your monotone closet," Taehyung explains and he's already letting go of the elder's hand to look through the different clothes around them. Yoongi dumbly follows him. Like he always does when he doesn't understand what the hell Taehyung is doing – which is a lot of times.

"Monotone closet?" Yoongi asks, "I have plenty of different things in there."

"You do but your definition of colors is wearing not only black but maybe something dark gray too," The younger says as he turns around to drop a few hideous colored pieces of clothing into Yoongi's arms. Oh my god, like he'll ever wear something like that. Is that a Hawaiin shirt? No way in hell.

"Don't insult my clothes," He pouts, still, he doesn't object and just continues following the other. Like a damn lost puppy. Taehyung is supposed to be the puppy following him around, the one being lost but well, sometimes the tables turn.

"I'm not," Taehyung shrugs, putting a fedora on his silky hair and pulling a stupid grimace as he turns around to look at Yoongi.


Yoongi doesn't comfortable in most of the things Taehyung makes him try-on. He has like, the sixth different outfit on again and as he draws back the curtain of the changing room Taehyung breaks out into uncontrollable laughter. To be honest, Yoongi can't blame him but he could have also told him right from the start that any neon color doesn't suit. Especially not in the form of this ridiculous sweater.

He sighs, before twirling once to give the younger the opportunity to look at the whole outfit – a thing Taehyung insists on no matter how bad the clothes look on Yoongi.

"I look ridiculous," he says.

"Okay, yeah you do but try this on," Taehyung throws another set of clothes at him that he barely catches.

"Is this how rich people go shopping? Just getting things thrown at them without looking at the tag?" Yoongi asks chuckling.

"Sometimes?" Taehyung laughs before ushering into the changing room again to try the new outfit on.

At last, they've found a few more colorful things to add to Yoongi's closet and despite his protests, Taehyung has paid for everything himself. Considering the things weren't expensive per se, they cost more than what they would usually pay for just like that but Taehyung is Taehyung and he insisted.

Now they're sitting on one of the benches, Yoongi clutching his bag with new clothes against his chest when Taehyung speaks up again.

"You wanna get something to eat?" He asks.

"You still have money?" Yoongi can't believe it. He knows that he doesn't have the money to afford a mini shopping trip like this and they could save money because there's definitely something edible at home. So, why does Taehyung try so hard to spend money on Yoongi?

"I might have been saving up for this day a lot," The younger explains, a blush high on his cheeks and his fingers play with the tissue he's been clutching for the last minutes, "I mean, hopefully, there's no rush in getting me to move out so I can spend some of my extra money on dates with my boyfriend."

Yoongi can't even retort something, he just blushes and hides his face burning face in the crook of the younger's neck.

God, he's definitely so in love with Kim Taehyung.


It's rare that they're alone at the apartment. Very rare but tonight is one of those rare conditions. It's only six in the evening and Yoongi sits cuddled up to Taehyung with a content smile on his face. Shin is sleeping over at a friend's place and the other's are at the cinema. Chul and Jiae had been delighted when they got the news that they would be able to see the new children movie they've obsessed over in the cinema – Yoongi happily cut down on a few meals the last week to make this possible. Especially because he gets to cuddle his boyfriend now.

He's missed him. It's not like he's been gone, he still sees Taehyung every day but for quite some time the younger has started to go out more. Meeting with Jimin and Jeongguk and who knows who. It's not that Yoongi has something against this but he may have gotten too used to Taehyung always being only around him that this change of behavior is just weird. He wants Taehyung to have a healthy social and not stay home all the time because of his clingy boyfriend. It's not like Yoongi never goes out on his own – just not as much as Taehyung but this is just a thing he needs to get used to. The younger is still his own person and can do what he wants to.

It's still nice finally having him for himself again and this time really just to himself, no one to interrupt him for another good three hours. Yoongi feels himself flush all the way up to the tips of his ears at the jump his thoughts have immediately taken as he thought about them being alone. If Taehyung notices how he suddenly starts squirming a bit he doesn't comment on it.

Yoongi has thought about it – even before they really got together but now it's a thing staying in him back of his mind all day. The problem is that Taehyung makes everything a little harder because of his obliviousness. Yoongi likes kissing and he definitely likes kissing the younger but Taehyung absolutely loves kissing and so that's what they do every chance they get to. And Yoongi can't really complain but...

But that's all they're ever doing and seriously? He's had enough of cold showers because he's never fucking alone to even take care of his problem himself. So there's that.

Maybe now is the only chance they'll get for a long time and Yoongi – especially Yoongi junior – is not about to pass out on such an opportunity.

He shifts a little so he's able to peer up at Taehyung, the younger is lovingly smiling down at him and for a second Yoongi forgets all about sleeping with him and just feels himself explode in giddiness. He really, really, loves the younger. So much.

"You do?"

Yoongi gasps a little, cheeks quickly turning red as he realizes that his mouth has moved on its own accord but Taehyung is still smiling down at him and it seems to be even brighter than before. "Yeah," he whispers instead of freaking out like he would have normally done, "I do."

"I love you too," Taehyung whispers back and he plants a kiss on Yoongi's forehead. Warmth spreads through the elder's body and he doesn't even realize how fast his heart is beating or that his hands are trembling slightly because he just feels like flying and like nothing could ever go wrong. Everything's perfect at the moment. Everything but one tiny detail.

"Do you want me to show you how much I love you," He asks, a smirk playing on his lips.

"What do you have in mind?"

"Well," He pretends to think for a second, "No one's gonna be home for a long time and I was kind of thinking... if we could..."

"You mean...?"

"If you want to?" Yoongi barely has time to finish his question before he shrieks as Taehyung whirls him off the couch and crashes his lips onto his. Out of reflex, Yoongi wraps his legs around the younger's waist as he carries them towards the elder's room.

"I take that as a yes," Yoongi chuckles when he breaks the kiss for air.

"Definitely," Taehyung smirks and instantly his lips are back on the elders.


Yoongi comes home to – surprise! – an apartment lacking the presence of a certain male with a rectangular smile. A smile which Yoongi hasn't seen much in the last week. To be honest, he hasn't seen much of Taehyung at all for a few days now. Precisely this distancing of the younger definitely started after they slept together last week. Yoongi had been convinced it would bring them closer, the intimacy and yes, that happened right after it they cuddled closer than ever, naked bodies pressed together. Taehyung couldn't keep his hands off him for the whole next morning but then he left around lunch and after that everything changed.

He doesn't know what's going on but there's something going on. And he hates not knowing what's going on especially if he's directly involved in the matter. Taehyung seems to be glued to his phone lately, leaving the room to take a call to avoid anyone listening to him and shielding his screen whenever he gets a text. And Yoongi is really not someone to snoop around but he just happened to see the other's screen light up with a message when the other was in the bathroom. Really, his phone had just been lying there and then it lit up with a message from a certain person saved as Noona^^ asking if they're still meeting for dinner. Taehyung hasn't been eating with them that evening. This noona had a very pretty profile picture and Yoongi couldn't help it as his mind jumped to conclusions.

That's the problem. He keeps telling himself that Taehyung would never do something like that but sometimes he wonders what is that Taehyung isn't telling him. Because, yeah, there definitely is something he keeps as a secret.

Yoongi is thankful for the silence of the apartment. He knows Shin is doing his homework right now which means that everyone is trying to be as quiet as possible for his sake. The silence is welcoming, like a good warm hug after a long exhausting day. He could see his aunt sitting on the couch, watching Chul drawing in his coloring book, his uncle is drying the dishes in the kitchen and he knows that Jiae is sleeping in her bed. Chin sits at the table, not even looking up as Yoongi softly closes the door behind himself.

His aunt looks up at him, a small smile tugging at her lips but it quickly vanishes again when she catches sight of Yoongi's questioning gaze. She shakes her head lightly, a little sad.

It hasn't only been Yoongi who's affected by Taehyung's absence. Everyone has noticed that something seems to be off about the younger's behavior. It's just that no one dares to ask him about it. They're all just kind of dancing around each other, like all of them are walking on glass – afraid of getting cut or startling someone into accidentally cutting themselves.

Yoongi sigh, of course, no one knows where Taehyung is and with the often occurring absence of the younger, the past week quickly threw Chul back into his old behavior of shutting himself in. The small boy had started to isolate himself again and Yoongi knows that seems to be the only reason Taehyung even stays home anymore. Just to not leave Chul completely alone. Yoongi tells himself that this must mean something, that they still mean something to Taehyung.

He has no idea what could have gone wrong but he's too afraid of asking. It's been a week only but a bad week and when Yoongi thinks back, then the secretive behavior started already about three weeks ago. And during this time where he feels the most insecure, he can't help but lose against the small, evil voice in the back of his mind. That voice whispering to him that he's been right about Taehyung all along. The younger is only here to exploit them and for nothing else. He'll drop him soon. He never loved him. He really is nothing more than a pretty face with an ugly heart.

Yoongi knows – at least he thinks he knows – that all those things aren't true but with every day Taehyung leaves and refuses to act the way he did before, he couldn't stop these thoughts.

He sighs, sitting down at the table opposite of Shin who's still concentrated on the papers splayed in front of him. Yoongi puts the mail he collected down and starts sorting the different letters.

Bill. Bill. Ad. Bill. Ad and ... Lawyer?

He picks the strange letter up. Even the envelope looks high class, the paper having a totally different feel from the others. It's addressed to him and Yoongi could feel his stomach sinking. Why would he get a letter from a lawyer? Who the hell did he manage to piss off so much that he felt like taking legal actions? If it's another demand for money – He doesn't have the capacity to pay anything more than their normal bills. He doesn't recognize the name of the lawyer on the back of the envelope and with shaky hands he opens it, scanning the page.

And during the few seconds, it takes him to read the text, Yoongi could feel his world falling apart around him.

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