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Yoongi loves consistency. It's one of the key elements that keep his life together.

When Yoongi was a little kid he dreamt about changing the world, making it a better place. This wish grew throughout his childhood and manifested itself in his university life as well. So how – really, how did he end up as the secretary of the CEO to one of the most ambiguous IT companies of South Korea?

Yoongi still wants to change the world and he knows he does. Not with his job, no but sometimes doing something small is more than enough. He recycles, he separates his trash, he donates a lot of the money he doesn't need to charity, he has a Siberian tiger adopted somewhere in Russia and he donated money to make it possible for environmental organizations to plant four trees in the Amazonas and remove a good amount of plastic from the ocean. He consistently kept this wish of making the world a better place throughout his whole life.

Yoongi still wants to change the world and he's a generally good person but that doesn't change the fact that he also likes having a stable job with a good salary. So, secretary of capitalism it is. But the work is good, the pay is good, he does more than just take calls and manage appointments. He organizes the whole floor he sits on, he goes through every folder, every offer, every statistic that has to do with the company and its investments. Yoongi loves organizing, he loves controlling every aspect that surrounds him and his job offers him exactly that.

Furthermore, this job practically guarantees him consistency. He has a tight schedule, everything always completely planned out and organized. He knows what to do when and how to do it. He is not only structuring his own day but the one of his boss as well. People work hard to keep up with the schedules he comes up with. The job offers consistency regarding his financial situation – he's going to be able to keep bettering the world little by little, he could continue living in his current apartment, paying his current bills – the job guarantees him life without a lot of changes.

And Yoongi hates changes but sometimes, sometimes he wishes a few small things would change. Because there's just one tiny minuscule and probably not worth mentioning problem with his job. Not directly his job – more like with the family of his boss. To be more precise, the rich and stuck up son of his boss. The stupid son that has done nothing but annoy him in the last four years that he's been working as a secretary.

At the tender age of twenty-seven Min Yoongi freezes over his keyboard, right in the middle of typing a review of the meeting he attended yesterday regarding their financial drops in Japan, just because of a voice. His eyes quickly flit over his desk – everything is where it is supposed to be. He still nervously aligns his pens in a neat row again, just to give his fingers something to do as the bane of his existence comes closer.

"Yoongi-ssi!" That stupid deep voice. That absolutely stupid, deep, and gravelly voice that makes a shiver run down his spine. That stupid voice attached to a stupidly attractive face and body. Really, isn't it unfair enough that the guy probably lazes around in his supposedly 'workplace' while knowing he has access to the bank account of his father? Yoongi rolls his eyes, trying not to let himself be distracted by the younger guy walking up to him. "My favorite secretary, how has your day been so far?"

He resists the urge to push Kim Taehyung's hands off his neatly organized desk as the younger leans provocatively on it. With a tight-lipped smile he pushes the stacked papers Taehyung pushed to the side back to their original place. He feels a headache forming right behind his right eye. "It was alright until you showed up," He snaps, not bothering to look up at the other male.

"Aw, come on –" He could practically hear the pout in Taehyung's voice. "Why are you always so mean to me?"

Yoongi sighs, looking up and promptly coughing to hide the sudden flush on his face. Kim Taehyung and his annoyingly handsome face. "Because, Taehyung, I actually have work to do and every time you come around you annoy me." The younger male is still pouting, propping his chin up on one of his stupid handsome hands with those annoyingly beautiful long fingers.

And the way he's dressed – so, ugh. Just so Taehyung-esque. The dark hair pushed back behind a bright red beret – like who even wears those and actually looks good with them? Apparently, Kim Taehyung. The black pants he wears are wide, flowing down his legs that seem to go on for miles. There are suspenders over the patterned dress shirt he wears and then – flip-flops. He's wearing flip-flops while the rest of his outfit looks like it costs more than Yoongi's entire life.

And even his stupid feet look pretty! Since when do feet do that? Since when do they look appealing to Yoongi?

"You are aware that I also have a job, right? I don't just laze around all day and live off my father, I also work," Taehyung says seriously and there's a hint of annoyance swimming in his brown eyes behind the pink tinted glasses he wears.

Yoongi just rolls his eyes again, pointedly ignoring his presence. "Yeah, work on destroying my patience," He deadpans, his gaze focused back on his computer monitor.

"Your humor always amuses me to no ends," Taehyung laughs and Yoongi hates how much his laugh makes his stomach explode in something some might dub as butterflies. Kim fucking Taehyung and the effect he has on him. If he weren't so freaking annoying then Yoongi would definitely harbor the worlds biggest crush on him. But thankfully nothing like a crush happened yet, it's the last thing Yoongi needs at the moment. Work is more than enough to steal his head. At least that's what he tells himself all the time. "Don't lose it grumpy cat," Taehyung winks.

"Fuck off," Yoongi growls and he's about to continue telling the other off when a voice comes from the small intercom on his desk. Both their gazes drop to the device when the unmistakable voice of Taehyung's father filters through it.


Yoongi sends a last glare Taehyung's way before pressing down on the button to answer his boss. "Yes, sir?"

Taehyung is still leaning against his desk, a grimace on his face at the sudden change of tone of Yoongi's voice. Gone is the spite, the fire in his words. Replaced by complete professionalism. That's just how it is supposed to be. There is work-Yoongi, then there's free-time-Yoongi and then there is Yoongi who is confronted with Taehyung. That Yoongi is unpredictable. "Is my son here yet?" The man asks and the question rips a small groan from Taehyung's throat.

"Yes, he just arrived." Yoongi ignores the younger. Answering his boss and simultaneously checking the appointments for today and crossing Taehyung's visit off the list. "I will send him in."

"I guess that's my cue to leave," Taehyung says with his stupid adorable smile. Stupid rectangular smile. Stupidly attractive smile. The stupid smile which always makes Yoongi's heartbeat spike. He wants to punch the younger in his pretty face just to get rid of these annoying feelings. "Bye-bye, Yoongi," He waves at him cheekily and makes his way past the other's desk and towards the office behind the tinted glass walls.

"I'm your hyung! Respect me!" Yoongi calls after him and tries not to let his blush show when Taehyung turns around just as he has his hand on the door handle. He winks. He fucking winks at him and to keep his reputation – obviously – Yoongi flips him off. But the smirk on Taehyung's face tells him that the younger definitely saw the red blush covering his cheeks. Damn his stupid pale skin and the stupid attractiveness of Taehyung.

Yoongi turns back to his computer screen. The words on the monitor swim in front of his eyes and his whole body feels like it's on fire. Fuck Kim Taehyung. Fuck Kim Taehyung and his handsome face. His kind smile. His enticing eyes. And his sometimes questionable fashion choices.

He sits there for a few minutes. Just calming his breathing. In. One. Two. Three. And out. One. Two. Three. Then repeat. He presses his thumb into the palm of his hand, grounding himself with the slight pressure there. Solid. He feels solid. His thumb presses against the solid pressure of his own palm and he feels how the blush subsides and his heart and breathing calms again.

Every time Kim Taehyung comes around he throws Yoongi's entire plan off. It's like the younger is a force of nature destroying everything that Yoongi planned so carefully. It messes with his head but at the same time, there's some kind of thrill accompanying the presence of the younger. Taehyung is a such a unique character that even if you don't like him you also can't stop thinking about him.

And that's what Yoongi hates. He hates it with a passion because Kim Taehyung is the only thing in his life that he can't control. Kim Taehyung comes and goes however he likes. He comes in dressed like he stepped out of fashion magazines but always having a personal touch to everything. Like the flip flops today. Or like two weeks ago when he came in with the back of his jacket completely painted in a beautiful sunset. Kim Taehyung doesn't care that he turns his world upside down.

But it messes with Yoongi's head. And no matter how much he tries – Kim Taehyung hasn't left his head for the past four years. The annoying younger male is always there, every time he closes his eyes.


Yoongi does not only value consistency. The second primary factor of his life is control.

Control is something that dominated Yoongi's life since the very beginning. There's something about having it, needing it that often makes him lose his mind. There's something about the fear, the anxiety chewing at the back of his head that makes it hard for Yoongi to breathe whenever he loses control of a situation.

People say it's a tick. People say a lot have those. People say a lot of people suffer from compulsive orderliness, suffer from different types of OCD's. But do they feel the way Yoongi does? Do they want to tear off their skin when they have to do something spontaneously? Do they want to rip their hair out if someone disrupts their order? Do they feel like they're going to die whenever things don't go the way they were planned?

Min Yoongi has always tried so desperately to have control over every aspect of his life that he lost sight of himself between the lines. Between the lines of control and obsession. Between the lines of safe and caged. Between the lines of enough and not good enough. Between the lines of him and them. Between the lines of real and fake. Yoongi learned how to take control of everything but forgot himself along the way. He forgot himself and he lost himself.

Taking care of himself, listening to the warning signs of his mental health – all of that got lost in his need to have everything under control. It became such an obsession that he became unable to ever give up control, to ever let himself trust someone enough to let go of at least a little of his control. He lost the ability to just enjoy things, to relax and it took something completely unpredictable – something so out of his usual comfort zone that he needed to learn to accept what he needed to save himself.

It was a coincidence when he stumbled upon what would make his life so much easier. When he stumbled upon the thing that would ease his anxiety, that would make him get through the days and release the stress that is always simmering right under the surface of his consciousness.

To be honest, he doesn't even know how he ended up there but he remembers googling everything revolving about BDSM for the whole night. At first, it didn't spike him as something that he would be interested in but after literally spending hours on the internet he may have changed his mind a bit. The first time he talked to someone from the scene only made it more obvious that he might be more interested in it than he would have originally thought.

When he took his first steps inside of a BDSM club it was like entering an entirely new world, something that seemed too impossible to actually exist. The energy the club conveyed, the different persons, the relationships, the connections and then – then the loss of control for him.

The thing that he was so obsessed with having in his life turned out to be the one thing he needed to let go in order to have control of his life. There was no other way than to let go of everything he held too tightly or else he might have burst under the pressure of everything. It's what he loved about BDSM – the things he learned about it, the things he needed from it.

It was about trust for him. Trusting other people to take control for him, over him so that he could forget about all of his worries for a moment. Just for this moment. Just for this moment, he could give everything up, he could enjoy himself and let go of all the chains that usually shackled him to his life. It wasn't easy for him to accept that side of him but he learned to love it now. Learned to accept it. Learned to need it and learned to love it for making life easier for him.

Whenever he would slip into his subspace nothing else mattered. Nothing mattered anymore because he was safe, he didn't need to take control because there was someone doing that for him. There was someone taking care of him just the way he needed it. Not even in a sexual way. Of course, that was a great way to deal with stress and giving up control but BDSM is more than just kinky sex, leather and leashes and degradation. It's not just a world made of latex and filled with bruises and 'sirs'. For Yoongi it's trust, it's release, it's his safe haven, it's the place where he gets to be himself without any worries clouding his mind.

Even though Yoongi hasn't been with a dom from the scene in roughly two years, he still regularly visits the club where it all started. Just to take off the edge, just to feel the atmosphere, just to let his imagination run wild with a million what if's. What if he would look for a dom again? What if he would get together with someone again? What if he would let someone in again? What if... But that's all it is. Just what if's.

He flashes his ID to the bouncer in front of the doors leading inside of Sense. The leather-clad woman at the front desk only waves him through. He's known here, one of the regulars even though it has been years since he engaged into anything else than watching inside of here. Sense is a club for people interested in the BDSM scene, they have special nights when shows happen but apart from that, it is just a place for people to go clubbing with other's who are like them.

Yoongi gives his coat away at the entrance before pushing through the doors covered in a red velvety material. As soon as he's in the main room reality seems to be altered. The lights are dimmed, a dark atmosphere sporadically interrupted by colorful flashlights illuminating the dance floor and the tables standing around. There are small stages in the middle, it's where the shows happen twice a month but tonight they're empty.

A lot of people are there. A lot who are obviously belonging to someone already, proudly showing off their collars and obedience. Yoongi makes his way through the crowd of sweaty people towards the bar. The air is charged with tension, the beat of the music loud and sexual, a dirty rhythm getting everyone's blood pressure up. Yoongi immediately feels the electricity take over him and just being here makes him relax a little more. There has been a lot on his shoulders recently and he hasn't found much time to unwind.

The club helps him cope with everything. It doesn't make the anxiety go away, it doesn't – it can't help him like an actual relationship could but Yoongi can't do that. It's been two years. Two years and the thought of giving himself away again still scares him. It shouldn't. Not when it is the only thing that would make him feel better. But he is not looking for someone. He can't be looking for someone. Not when he's not ready to trust someone like that again.

He sits down at the bar, immediately ordering whiskey. The alcohol burns down his throat like fire and settles in his stomach like a warm simmer. When he looks up from the counter Yoongi spots his own reflection in the mirror across from him. There are a few bottles restricting his sight but he could see himself just enough.

It's always exciting dressing for the club. It's when he opens the secret part of his closet, the part where he hides the leather, the belts, the harnesses, the stockings, lingerie – everything he hides in the real world. He styled his black hair for once, put on a hint of make-up and put in the piercings he always leaves out of his ears when he goes to work. The dark purple dress shirt he wears is cool against his skin, the satin feeling almost like water as it flows around his form. He had to literally force the black skinny jeans on his legs but he likes the way they cling to him like a second skin. The pressure relaxes him. He's especially fond of the huge cuts in them to show off the fishnets he wears underneath his pants. The garter belt he wears is a leather imitation, wrapped around his tiny waist and connecting down to wind around his thighs two times.

He feels confident tonight, especially because he already feels a few gazes on him. A small smile pulling at his lips because even though he's not looking for someone it's still nice to know that people find him appealing. That people want him. Someone like him. He brushes back his hair, a strand catching on the ring he wears.

Yoongi likes watching the other people in the club. He likes watching the interactions, the different dynamics, the different personalities of different Doms and Subs. He lets his eyes travel over the dance floor, catching a few times on particular scenes. A man following a sparsely dressed woman around on his knees. Another young looking woman sitting on top of the spread out thighs of another indifferent woman at one of the tables. A guy letting his hands shamelessly wander over the body of another woman who seems to melt at the words he keeps whispering in her ear. Nothing of that is forbidden here, despite the club having a few rules that need to be followed.

At the first time, Yoongi had been intimidated by the security guards hovering in all corners of the room but he came to understand their necessity. They are there to enforce the rules. To make sure that this stays a safe place for everyone. First of all, people who had too much to drunk need to leave. Bartenders are able to refuse people drinks if they deem them too intoxicated already. BDSM requires a clear mind and clear consent which can't be given while being intoxicated so the club tries to prevent such situations by giving out less alcohol to everyone.

Then there's the rule Yoongi is also thankful for. Playing is okay as long as it doesn't include complete nudity, other necessaries like whips for example which are only allowed on stage and need to be handled by the performing professionals. If people want to play further they either need to leave or retreat to one of the backrooms. There is a no sex rule which loses relevancy once entered the monitored backrooms. Safety first is the most important thing. Some of those rules are abrogated during special nights when public sessions are allowed and performances happen. But those are only allowed with the professional Doms. People who want to live out their kinks publicly and with an audience often frequent other clubs who have Doms and Subs alike working in the club. Yoongi has been to one of those too.

But Sense still has a special place in his heart.

Yoongi watches as one of the tailored waiters leans over the counter to tell something to the bartender not far away from Yoongi. His gaze follows the motions of the bartender as he pours another shot before making his way towards Yoongi. He watches a bit confused as the glass is put right in front of him.

"From the handsome guy upstairs. The one sitting at table number eleven," The bartender tells him with a wink and gestures towards the back of the room. Yoongi stares down at the drink. It's whiskey. Probably a coincidence. A terrible coincidence that the guy buying him a drink coincidentally picked his favorite. It's impossible to have seen from up there what he was drinking. Yoongi decides to ignore the coincidence and just downs the drink before getting up from his place at the bar.

His gaze travels towards the ceiling. He knows that up there in the darkness is the first floor. Some kind of balcony thing which allows you to enjoy everything a little more privately. Yoongi doesn't like being up there though. It creates a little distance to everything going on down here in the club. Up there the whole atmosphere is different that's why Yoongi often only stays at the bar when he visits the club. But now that he seems to have an admirer he wants to make the situation clear as soon as possible.

He is not looking for someone.

The low and sensual bass of the song thrums through his body like a second heartbeat. The tension in the air intoxicates him more than the two shots of whiskey he downed beforehand. The alcohol has already left a warm feeling in his stomach, simmering down there calmly. His heart pounds against his ribcage and he is already rehearsing the words he's going to say to turn the man down in his head when he reaches the bottom of the stairs leading up.

As soon as he takes the first step he feels the difference. Other than the dancefloor, the stairs are covered with black velvet, tiny lights illuminating the different steps to avoid accidents. He passes a few people lingering on the stairs, ignoring the few stares directed his way. The music seems to be getting quieter the further he goes up, the sexual tension vanishes from the air and gets replaced by something else. Something Yoongi can't quite place and that makes him a little uncomfortable.

The balcony houses mostly the rich people, the ones who like to watch over everything, feel bigger than everyone down there. Yoongi doesn't like it. The low purple lights up here create a calmer atmosphere, a few waiters are walking around to tend to the people sitting at the tables. Yoongi stops at the top of the stairs and lets his eyes travel over the small illuminated numbers at each table until he finally manages to locate the eleven.

The table stands right at the edge of the balcony, right at the rail but it's still cast in semi-darkness. Yoongi can't make out the face of whoever is sitting there but he sees a little of the body of the man. Long legs going on for miles and clad in dark pants, a stripe of glitter going down the sides. His shoes look expensive, hella expensive. The man is lounging in the chair as if he owns the whole place. His legs are crossed over each other, body turned in Yoongi's direction. As if he's already been expecting him to show up here.

His face is still cast in a dark shadow even as Yoongi comes a little closer but that's not the thing he's currently focusing on. The guy wears a beautiful white dress shirt, the sleeves see through and adorned with the prettiest floral patterns Yoongi has ever seen. Three thick leather belts go around his middle, the black material contrasting harshly with the delicate looking shirt. Yoongi's attention is immediately drawn to the guy's hands. Long and beautiful fingers curled around a glass. The hands look absolutely beautiful, rings on almost every finger and Yoongi unconsciously twists the ring on his own pointer finger. The one that looks eerily similar to the ring the mystery guy is also wearing. A big blue stone drawing the attention of everyone who catches sight of it.

Yoongi reaches the table and his gaze instantly drops to the ground. He's weirdly afraid of meeting the guy's eyes, his whole presence is already so intimidating and intoxicating that it scares him slightly. But it kind of excites him at the same time. His gaze is trapped in the way the other man delicately twists one of the rings on his fingers. Yoongi takes a deep breath to calm his racing heart. This is not the first time he needs to turn someone down. "Hey man –" He couldn't have started this more awkwardly, could he? "Thanks for the drink but I'm not looking for –"

Before he could finish his sentence though, there's a terrifying familiar voice interrupting him and his blood runs cold. "I would have thought my eyes have deceived me." Yoongi snaps his head up, gaze meeting dark brown eyes, rimmed with black, a sharp and familiar jaw. Chocolate brown hair reflecting the purple lights of the club. The long and complicated earing the other wears glints in the light as the man cocks his head to the side, a smirk pulling at his heart-shaped lips. "But it seems like it's really you."

Yoongi just stares for a few seconds. It feels like his legs are going to give out. This can't be happening. This is absolutely not true. This absolutely can't be true.


The smirk of the other gets wider and Yoongi's gaze is trapped by the red tint of his lips. This can't be happening right now. It's just all a stupid and cruel joke of the universe. This can't be The Kim Taehyung sitting right in front of him in his safe space. Why the hell would Taehyung even set foot into a BDSM club? And why in the one Yoongi frequents? It's unfair. It is fucking unfair and frankly, Yoongi feels like he's going to cry any second.

While he is still going through his small existential crisis, Taehyung has moved to pull out the second chair at the table. He is gesturing towards Yoongi to sit down and the elder complies easily. There's something about the demanding gaze in Taehyung's eyes that makes it impossible for him to refuse the offer, to even think about refusing. His heart is dangerously close to beating out of his chest and he's still transfixed by any small movement of Taehyung. The way his long fingers settle on the table, his rings catching the lights of the club. His lashes fan over his cheekbones and Yoongi has always known that the other is beautiful but right now, in this light, in this atmosphere, Taehyung looks absolutely ethereal.

His gaze snaps up from the other's exposed chest due to the undone button on his shirt when Taehyung starts talking again. His deep voice might be quiet but it echoes louder than anything else in the club. It's louder than the deafening bass, louder than the sounds of the people around them and louder than Yoongi's heartbeat. The words rumble through his chest like fire, igniting a want deep inside of Yoongi that he wants to deny so bad. "Yes, it's me. Surprise – I would have never thought the uptight Min Yoongi who can't even take a joke is in a place like this," Taehyung drawls teasingly. The glint in his eyes makes Yoongi's stomach turn. He wants to deny how turned on he already feels.

It's unfair. The effect Kim Taehyung has on him has always been unfair.

He swallows against the lump in his throat. "I strictly separate my work life and my private life." His own voice sounds foreign to him. A little too rough, a little too breathless, a little too affected by the male in front of him.

It's what he definitely doesn't want anymore. The attraction he has felt towards Taehyung from day one is bad. It is really bad. Yoongi doesn't want that anymore. He doesn't want to give himself completely away again, not so soon, not so fast and not to someone like Taehyung. Not to someone who always had everything, who feels entitled to have everything they want to be offered to them at every given opportunity.

He presses the nails of his fingers in the fleshy meat of his thighs. Grounding himself through the small spike of pain that runs through him at the action. It feels like he's going to stop breathing any second. Taehyung's presence swallows everything else around him, it takes him in, keeps him there and makes it impossible to see past it. It's scary. It's so scary because it is exactly what he longed for in the last two years while simultaneously triggering the fears rooted deep within himself.

"Ah, always the organizer," Taehyung chuckles and the sound makes a shiver run down Yoongi's spine. The elder is still staring at Taehyung's lips, too afraid to get lost in those dark brown eyes with the enticing stare. "What are you looking for here? Release? A partner?"

His breath catches in his throat for a second. The warmth in his stomach replaced by a sudden anxious coldness, a pressing presence of fear clawing at his insides. This is not good. Definitely not good. He risks a glance up at Taehyung's face only to notice that the other is already staring at him. Those dark brown eyes stare at him as if he's able to see right into his soul, right into his mind and through every cautious wall Yoongi has built up around him in the last two years. He feels trapped in the other's gaze, unable to look away but he is not sure if he even wants to look away. Caught between wanting to look away and never wanting to lose sight of those eyes.

"Nothing," Yoongi replies belated. "I'm not looking for anything and I'm not looking for anyone. Not at the moment." Taehyung's stare doesn't lose its intensity – if it's possible it only becomes even more intense after his reply. The younger is mustering him concentrated. Yoongi actually feels his gaze prickling on his skin, feels how Taehyung searches for the hidden truth behind his words. It's scary. It's scary how Taehyung catches up on his lies so easily.

But just when Yoongi feels like he's going to explode under the other's gaze Taehyung cocks his head to the side, breaking their eye contact. Yoongi finally draws in a shaking breath.

"So, you're not new to the scene?" Taehyung asks instead of pressing on his previous question. Maybe Yoongi has been interpreting too much in the other's searching gaze. Maybe Taehyung hasn't figured anything out. Maybe Yoongi is just too paranoid.

Still, he doesn't want to stay. He can't stay. "I don't really think we should be talking about this," He says slowly, carefully. Taehyung only raises one perfectly arched eyebrow at him, a small smirk still playing on his lips as he reaches out towards him with his hand. He is not touching him, not quite reaching his side but Yoongi is immensely aware of his hand so close to him. And suddenly he feels wrong in his outfit, like he's not supposed to show this side of him to the son of his boss. The self-consciousness eats him alive instantly and he tries to make himself seem even smaller than he already is.

"But we're not in the office. Out here we are just two guys who met in a club," Taehyung calmly replies. Just two guys in a club – yeah, but the difference is that they don't like each other. Okay, the difference is that Yoongi wants to be annoyed by him, wants to not like him because Taehyung is just so – so Taehyung. The difference is that Taehyung is the son of his boss and that this conversation can't be appropriate. There has to be some kind of rule against it.

They're a lot but they're definitely not just two guys who met in a club.

"Taehyung," Yoongi says lowly, a warning tone in his voice but it doesn't seem to have any kind of effect on the other male. Taehyung is still smiling, still sitting there completely relaxed and his hand is still so close to him but not quite touching. It makes Yoongi yearn for the touch so much more.

"Dom or Sub?" Yoongi coughs, reeling back in his chair at the sudden question.

"Taehyung –"

The younger doesn't let him freak out though. His voice stays as relaxed as it did before. "It's just a normal question," He reasons and this time his hand actually touches Yoongi. It's fleeting, not even longer than a second or two but it makes goosebumps break out over Yoongi's skin. His shoulder is burning where the other brushed him barely with the tips of his fingers. "At least around here, the question is appropriate."

Yoongi holds the other's challenging gaze for a few seconds before giving up with a sigh. "Sub." To his own confusion, his voice doesn't sound as weak as it did before. "But I'm not looking for anyone," He quickly adds once he notices how the smile on Taehyung's face grows because of his answer.

It doesn't faze the younger though. "Well, if you ever change your mind – You know how to find me."

"If I were actually to look for a Dom I would definitely not go for the son of my boss," Yoongi says with more confidence. He's slowly regaining his own strength and the confidence that comes with it feels freeing. Taehyung just has no idea what he's talking about. It's not like Yoongi doesn't want someone to take care of him, to dominate him but he - can't. And even if he could, he would not go for the son of his boss. No matter how tempting Taehyung might be. No matter how much attraction has been between them since day one, even though none of them ever addressed this attraction, this tension.

"I'm just saying," Taehyung continues to talk. He's leaning back in his chair, hands by his side again as he takes a sip of whatever drink he has been nursing from the start. "The offer will still stand tomorrow or next week or if you ever feel the need to release some stress," He drawls slowly and even though he's not looking at Yoongi, the elder could swear he feels the heat of the other's gaze on his skin. Always searching, searching for something Yoongi tries to hide.

Yoongi is already moving to stand up and leave when he answers. "If I need to release some stress I will look for someone competent to tie me up and ground me." He hopes Taehyung would catch his hint and let him go, let him leave before the need in Yoongi's chest grows so much that he succumbs to Taehyung's temptations. Yoongi knows that with the little alcohol in his system, the pressure that has been building up over the past weeks and the atmosphere of the club combined with Taehyung's tempting aura, he would not be able to refuse the younger's offer for a long time. Not when he knows deep down that he actually wants this.

The want doesn't lessen his fear though and that's why he needs to leave. There's just no way that he'll ever trust someone so much again.

"Then, you're into Shibari?" Yoongi freezes at the question. Maybe he shouldn't have talked about getting tied up to be able to calm down and release stress. But what's done is done. Just hearing the word, especially from Taehyung's mouth makes his skin break out in goosebumps. It's as if he could feel the ropes on his skin, digging into his flesh with every tiny movement and he almost sighs because just the thought of being tied up makes his muscles lose a bit of tension.

He swallows and before he could decide against it he answers Taehyung's question. "Sometimes I need to give up the control over myself to be able to breathe."

"I like taking control," The younger replies and it doesn't even sound suggestive. It sounds – It sounds as if he's offering something Yoongi has wanted for the last two years but is still too afraid to accept.

He managed the last years without a Dom by his side. He will manage the next years too. He doesn't need someone, he can survive on his own. Just visiting the club takes enough of the edge off. It's okay just the way it is.

That's what he keeps telling himself.

"Have a good night, Taehyung." The younger doesn't try to stop him as Yoongi walks away, steps starting to wobble the second he reaches the cold night air and draws in the first real breath since he encountered Taehyung.

He doesn't even try to wipe the tears from his numb cheeks.


Taehyung steps through the darkness of the night. It's close to midnight and he curses himself for being too forgetful. The building of his father's company is dark, only a small light illuminates the front desk. He smiles at the security guard sitting there, the man nods at him and lets him pass without asking any questions. Everyone knows who he is. He's been inside the office of his father after hours more than once and every single time his own forgetfulness was to blame for that.

Furthermore, he makes it his goal to befriend every single one of his father's employees he encounters. His father can be an asshole sometimes, so he thinks he could make up for that. He knows a lot of people by name by now but there's one person that he's taken a different interest in right from the start. And that person is none other than the personal secretary of his father. The pretty man that resembles a cat most of the times. The man with the many weird ticks.

Taehyung has been watching him right from the start and he's a good observer. Yoongi is different than anyone that Taehyung has ever met before. The elder is quiet and mostly keeps to himself but he's not afraid to speak up for himself or to get loud when things are not going the way he planned them. That's another thing he noticed fairly quickly. Min Yoongi follows a schedule, a schedule that doesn't allow any spontaneity and even though that wouldn't be a lifestyle fit for Taehyung it makes it easier to catch Yoongi in his free moments to speak with him. Yoongi doesn't seem to like him much – or he wants to seem like he doesn't like him that much.

As reserved and quiet as Yoongi is as open are the expressions on his face. Sometimes it's as easy as reading a book, his own face giving him away.

Taehyung presses the button in the elevator to get to the top floor. His mind is back on his much-needed file.

The file he forgot in his father's office today is important and he definitely needs it back before he arrives at work tomorrow morning. Damn Min Yoongi. It has been his fault that Taehyung ended up forgetting the file today. If Min Yoongi would have just paid a tiny bit attention to him, a glance, a word – but since they encountered each other at Sense Yoongi has acted as if he doesn't exist anymore and it pisses him off a little.

Just a little because it is obvious that the attraction Taehyung feels towards the other male is mutual. He sees the way Yoongi has always been staring at him whenever he thinks that Taehyung is not looking. When he met the elder in the club he's been a hundred percent sure that he mistook Yoongi for someone else. But it has really been him. And since then the elder just wouldn't leave his head – not that he did that ever before.

Taehyung is not above admitting that he would start dating Yoongi on the spot. The mutual interest in the BDSM scene and the combability of their preferences are only a bonus. The only thing hindering him is the elder himself and until Yoongi finally admits that he also wants something from him their relationship would just stay like this. No matter how much Taehyung wants him.

When he steps out of the elevator and onto the top floor he notices something strange. There's still light. There's still light at Yoongi's desk. The screen of his computer casting faint shadows all over the wall behind it. He can't see someone sitting there though and it is highly unlikely that Yoongi left his workplace without putting everything away neatly. Taehyung steps closer towards the desk – He still couldn't look past the monitor but once he hears something close to a sob fear starts to materialize itself in the pit of his stomach.

"Hello?" He calls out carefully. There's a sharp intake of breath, a clutter of things and then there's another sob. One that sounds like it fought its way out from in between fingers trying to keep it down.

He makes his way over to the desk, leaning up against it to look over the monitor. What he sees makes his stomach churn.


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