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Wearing suits is not something new for Yoongi. Most of his closet is filled with different kinds of suits, dress shirts, ties and pants appropriate for working as the Secretary of a CEO of a big company like the one he works at. But today his clothes feel suffocating. The pants feel too tight and the collar of his shirt seems to be cutting into the sensitive skin of his neck.

He wonders if anyone would care if he'd loosen the first button.

Maybe no one would pay him any mind. The cloth around his neck awakens long-buried panic in his chest. Normally, he doesn't feel so caged in his shirts as he does now. He thought he got rid of those feelings already. Thought he buried them deep enough to not let them resurface because of such trivial things as the collar of his shirt. It's been months – over a year even since he had finally been able to completely button up his shirt again. Since he could wear ties and scarfs again and he thought he left that all behind. He thought he left that fear of being suffocated by his own clothes somewhere in the last year, somewhere deeply buried in his subconsciousness, never to be seen again.

Obviously, his nerves are getting the better of him now.

Yoongi pops the first button open, eyes quickly scanning the people around him but no one's attention is focused on him. He's not even sure why he suddenly feels so – nervous. Anxious. Like he's going to die. It doesn't make sense. He's been here before. He's not even alone here and he knows exactly what's going to happen. Taehyung gave him a complete run through of the whole exhibition but he can't seem to calm his nerves.

And he still feels like this. Maybe it's because of the many people gathered in the gallery. Or maybe it's because of the nearing start of his and Taehyung's relationship. He doesn't know and that frustrates him. It frustrates him so much.

His eyes travel towards the watch around his wrist. Taehyung should be here any second to show him and his friends around. Right on cue, there's a simple, barely-there pressure on his shoulder. As he glances to his right Yoongi catches the concerned look of Namjoon who has already withdrawn his hand again – not wanting to overstep a line if Yoongi was really too stressed.

He just smiles at his friend, hoping that the slight panic in his eyes isn't as vivid as he thinks it is. His fingers shake slightly as he loosens the tie around his neck further and it feels like he could finally draw in a real breath.

"I don't get why I had to tag along too. Namjoon is the art hoe –, not me. I am the art," Seokjin groans from somewhere next to him. Yoongi glances up at him, smiling at his antics. Every time he gets nervous somewhere his two friends have their own way of lightening his mood again. Namjoon is the silent supporter, the hand on his shoulder, fingers around his arm and the comforting presence behind him. While Seokjin is talking, always talking over his nerves, over his worrying. He's making jokes, telling puns or just talks and his voice often manages to make Yoongi stop worrying.

Even right now. A snort escapes his lips as he rolls his eyes at the other's words. "Just wanted to see Taehyung, no?"

"Well, I certainly did," Seokjin smirks.

As much as he's been whining about having to dress up and come all the way from the other part of the city to accompany Yoongi to the exhibition, as much effort has he put in it. He has basically been complaining about going as he went through tons of clothes to find the best suit to wear. Has continued to whine a little while he excitedly applied a hint of makeup on his face for the occasion.

As much as he complained, as much as he acted like he didn't want to go along – masking his excitement has never been Seokjin's point. And even if this excitement hasn't really been because of the exhibition but because of the prospect of getting to meet Taehyung, well then be it. Yoongi is just glad that he doesn't have to wait for the other alone.

Namjoon hand brushes his back again, pushing him slightly to move a step to the right. A man is hurrying right past them quickly. Instead of running right into Yoongi, he just barely brushes his side because Namjoon maneuvered him out of the way. Yoongi still stiffens at the short contact.

"Am I the only one who's truly here to appreciate the art?" He asks with a slight teasing tone to it but before any of the other's could reply to anything a different voice comes from behind them.

Over the course of his friendship with Namjoon, Yoongi has never really seen him really interested in someone. Namjoon doesn't really talk about crushes, Yoongi isn't even sure if he regularly gets them – and not those three seconds types of crushes on persons you saw on the train, passing by, nothing more than a fleeting memory.

Not those kinds of crushes.

But real crushes. Crushes that he really wanted to pursue and Yoongi knows why. He knows that even though Namjoon has made a great improvement with coming to terms with his asexuality and fully embracing it – there's still this tiny part of himself that feels like he's never going to be good enough for anyone.

There's the part of Namjoon that still kind of believes that there's something wrong with him, that he's not normal for not experiencing sexual attractions towards anyone and that part will always exist somewhere in him. It will never go away but Yoongi wishes, he wishes so much that someday someone will come around and silence that voice. Silence that voice by showing Namjoon how much he deserves to be loved just the way he is and that sex isn't something that needs to be in a healthy relationship for it to work. It is an extra. Just like having the same hobbies.

One night, when Namjoon and he had been smoking in their tiny dorm room in university, the smoke collecting under the ceiling and burned down blunts between their fingertips the younger male said something that Yoongi never forgot. No matter how stoned he was. Even though he forgot almost everything else of that night – not those words.

"Sometimes I feel like me – like I am a forest," He had said, exhaling the smoke as he stared after it. "The forest is everything I am and I'm sitting in front of it, blocking the only bridge that could make it possible for anyone to enter the forest. And every time someone comes around and wants to pass my bridge I decline, I decline because I am afraid they're just going to be mad at me because I can't show them every part of the forest. Because there are just parts without paths. Parts where you would just destroy nature if you set foot in it. So, I'm just sitting there, on my bridge, waiting for someone to come around that will explore every path of my forest with me – without wanting to leave those paths because they're just content with what they see, with what I have to offer them. Because I am enough for them but I... I am afraid that there's never going to be someone who thinks that I am enough."

He wishes someone would take the time to explore Namjoon's forest and realizes how absolutely beautiful it is. But since the belief that no one will ever cross that bridge to stay Namjoon has stopped hoping to have someone develop feelings for him. And thus, he stopped having real crushes – every time Yoongi thinks the other might start to like someone, Namjoon just suffocates that feeling and smiles about it, saying that he's fine living his life just like this. Calm and happy. Alone.

It's been a very long time since Yoongi has actually seen how Namjoon starts being attracted to a person. But right now, as all of them turn towards the unknown voice behind them, Yoongi could see the exact second Namjoon becomes infatuated. It's just this moment where you know – the slight widening of his eyes, gaze taking in every inch of the other male as fast as possible, the blush starting to appear on his cheeks and spreading to his neck and up to his ears. It's obvious in the way Namjoon's mouth slightly falls open and releases an inaudible gasp.

It's obvious in the first second that his best friend caught sight of the small male in front of them.

"At least the cutest one out of you three is here for the art," The man says with a small giggle. He's small – not that Yoongi himself is anything near tall. Unconsciously, he straightens his back, tries to make himself appear a little bit taller than he actually is.

Namjoon stumbles over his words as he avoids directly looking at the other male. "Uh... thank you?"

"You're welcome," He smiles widely. Yoongi's eyes travel over his frame. The white suit he wears clings to him almost like a second skin, gold patterns running over the fabric and making it look that much more expensive. The black dress shirt he wears almost reveals his collar bones and his black hair falls prettily into his piercing brown eyes. The same brown eyes that seem to have Namjoon captivated.

Before anyone could say anything further to disturb the intense eye contact going on between Namjoon and mystery man Taehyung suddenly appears right behind the small male in the white suit. Yoongi watches as Taehyung rests his arms on the other's shoulder, pulling him flush against his body.

The short spike of jealousy in his gut fades as soon as it comes.

"It's nice to meet you all," Taehyung smiles, greeting all of them before reaching out to shake that hands of Yoongi's two best friends. "I'm Kim Taehyung and this is Park Jimin."

Yoongi stiffens at the name. Park Jimin. The best friend of Taehyung. The Park Jimin. The J of the JT Gallery. Yoongi isn't going to lie, Jimin has a certain kind of grace and beauty about him, in every single one of his movements that just his presence is intimidating. But in a totally different way than Taehyung. Where Taehyung intimidates because of a single look, a single raise of his eyebrows, Jimin might look like an innocent kitten at first but after a second you see the close precision behind every single one of his movements, the sharpness of his claws. He's anything but a kitten. He's more like a panther, stalking its prey gracefully and elegantly. With killer instincts.

There's something about him that intimidates Yoongi but he does his best to hide it. Which is easy when Jimin breaks out in another giggle. His cheeks bunch up, making his eyes disappear into crescents while his plump lips stretch into an endearing smile.

"It's my pleasure," He says, bowing in their direction even though Yoongi is sure he could see how Jimin is solely focusing his gaze on Namjoon. The tall male that is usually so composed is nothing more than a blushing mess at the moment. But Yoongi could swear he could also detect a blush on Jimin's cheeks but he's not completely sure about that.

"Yah, we heard about you and we're here to see if you're worthy of our precious little Yoonie." Sometimes, yeah, sometimes Yoongi wishes that his friends wouldn't use every opportunity to embarrass him – yes, he knows that he's exaggerating but does he care? Not at the moment. Not when Seokjin is embarrassing him in front of Taehyung. "I'm going to kill you," He hisses into Seokjin's ear, pinching him right in the upper arm.

"Anyway –" Seokjin glares at him, obviously patting the now aching spot on his arm. "I'm Kim Seokjin but I can be your worst nightmare if anything happens to my Yoongo bongo."

He's going to kill him. Strangle him with the red fucking satin tie around his neck. Yoongi has a foul proof four-step plan already on the brink of starting the first step of murdering Seokjin for embarrassing him while making it look like a bloody accident when Taehyung interrupts his thoughts again.

"I don't plan on treating him bad in any way." The edges of his mouth are trembling, he's trying so hard to stay serious but Yoongi just thinks it's even more adorable when the chuckles final spill from his pinkish lips. He could write poems about what he wants those lips to do to him.

Since he agreed to accept Taehyung's offer of becoming his Dom there has been this one question at the front of his mind. And it just grew since they kissed. It was a brief kiss – nothing more than a simple brush of lips and that is exactly what kind of scares Yoongi.

It has been nothing special, two pair of lips pressing together for a few seconds, not even moving that much but the feeling – the feelings exploding inside of Yoongi's chest during the kiss are still overwhelming him today. The things he feels for Taehyung – or the things that Taehyung makes him feel come sudden, seemingly out of nowhere and they scare him. The things Taehyung makes him feel takes his breath away and it scares him that he lets himself fall so easily into the other's open arms.

It's scary how easy it feels to start trusting Taehyung and Yoongi wonders why he lets himself fall so easily.

"And what's your name cutie?" Yoongi focuses back on reality once he hears the flirty undertone of Jimin's voice.

He actually chokes alongside Namjoon at the question. Jimin is actually really bold and Yoongi just hopes – he fucking prays that if Namjoon actually becomes kind of interested in Jimin that the other male would treat him right. Treat him like he deserves it and earns the privilege of entering the enchanted forest that is Yoongi's best friend.

"Kim Namjoon."

"Cute." Yoongi is sure that Namjoon has died because of Jimin's flirty antics by now.

"And what's with him? Who's Bunny Boy?"

It's only now that Yoongi notices the nervous looking boy peeking out behind Taehyung's broad shoulders. What was his name again? Something with J? Bunny Boy with J – was it something with Jin – no. Jung, it was Jungkook. Jeon Jungkook, the rising street artist. The artist of the main part of the exhibition tonight.

Yoongi would have thought the other might act a little more confident considering the fact that the gallery is packed. Packed with so many people that want to see what he created – his artworks but Jungkook looks more like a deer caught in the headlights than a lion confidently showing off his mane.

It looks strange seeing the young boy dressed so formerly after having met him looking like a basic stressed out college kid that hasn't changed his clothes in the last month. The suit looks good on him, his hair is made, a strand artistically draped over his forehead. His bright and innocent looking eyes are on full display and he's chewing slightly on his lower lip. A face mask is pulled under his chin – as if he's ready to hide his identity any second now.

Taehyung is pushing him to the front, basically forcing him to be the center of attention which the other doesn't seem to like that much. "He's Ju- Busan," Taehyung introduces him, catching himself at the sharp glare Jungkook shoots his way.


Jungkook finally speaks and his cheeks immediately color red as he glances at Seokjin who asked the question. Yoongi can't believe this – why is everyone smitten tonight? Is there something in the air? Are his friends going to end up dating Taehyung's friends? Is that what is happening tonight.

"No no. I'm Busan."

"...No, you're not?" Seokjin says a little confused but Yoongi recognizes the glint in his eyes. He's joking. He's purposely not understanding what Jungkook is trying to tell him. "That's a city? Not a name for a person?"

Jungkook splutters and it seems that Seokjin's tactic of breaking the boy out of his flustered shell is working because he's suddenly speaking with more confidence, a smile on his lips as he even steps a little forward to properly talk to Seokjin. "Did you never hear about Paris Hilton? London Tipton? All people with city names."

Before Seokjin could reply with anything Taehyung is already explaining what most of them know already. "Busan is his alias," He gestures towards the main exhibition hall of the gallery, "These are his artworks we're exhibiting tonight."

Yoongi doesn't listen to the following conversation. His attention is completely focused on Taehyung and the way he looks so effortlessly beautiful while doing nothing but standing there. It's not like he never noticed the other's attractiveness before and maybe that's been a reason why he didn't like him. Because how is that fair? Taehyung is beautiful, rich, smart and seems to live his life without any obstacles.

How is that fair? Seriously?

But now that Yoongi knows him a little better – all of those things only add to his attraction to the younger male. He may have been annoying at the start but even though Yoongi has never admitted it to himself – over the years he has started to look forward to seeing Taehyung. Even if that meant not being prepared for something. If it meant not having control over the situation and not knowing what will happen when – Yoongi looked forward to having Taehyung throw his plan off.

It's weird. He knows that. His obsession when it comes to always have control over everything and knowing what's going on all the times didn't really get along with Taehyung's spontaneous visits and behavior. But maybe that's the reason why he always felt this little pull of attraction towards the other male that he never wanted to admit to anyone.

It's the thrill Taehyung gives his life. But now also the security of finally having someone to take control for him, someone who is going to take care of him.

And now he's here. Now he's here, knowing that Taehyung has been right from the start. Knowing how much he needs and wants the other to take control of him sometimes. Since Taehyung arrived the crowd of people around them hasn't felt as intimidating as before. The suffocating feeling isn't constricting his chest anymore.

Maybe it's the fact that he couldn't do anything but stare at him – that Taehyung just commanded all of his attention just like that. He doesn't even have a choice but to focus on him only, disregarding everything else around him.

They've reached the main exhibition hall by now, eyeing Jungkook's artworks. The younger male has his masked pulled up now, hiding the bottom half of his face. Yoongi is just trailing behind the other's – not really far, just barely a step but it's enough to feel like he's looking at the five from an outside position.

This happens a lot. Yoongi tends to isolate himself even if he's in a group of people and most of the time he starts feeling insignificant once that happens. If he looks at the other people from afar, seeing them smiling and being happy with each other makes him feel like he would just disrupt this atmosphere.

But right now he doesn't feel like that. He doesn't feel lonely or needless staring at his friends. He feels – He doesn't know what he feels but it's not a bad feeling. It's warm in his chest, fluttering in his stomach and making the world appear a little less scary.

They've been walking for a while now, stopping in front of each displayed artwork to look at it but even though Yoongi felt guilty for it, he couldn't pull his gaze away from Taehyung. That's why he jumps slightly when there's suddenly a fleeting touch at his shoulder. It's soft, gone in under a second and only meant to get his attention.

Namjoon is holding him back, having stopped walking with the others and Yoongi stays by his side. There's obviously something bugging him. It shows in the way his eyebrows are pinched together and the way he continues to bite the inside of his cheek. But he doesn't say anything, just watches the back of a certain person walking in front of them.

Yoongi decides to break the silence in the end. "Jimin seems interested in you."

It seems like he hit the nail on the head. At the mention of Jimin's name and him being interested Namjoon flushes red, biting his bottom lip as he clenches his fists. It takes him a few seconds until he's able to glance at Yoongi and force the next few words over his lips. "Do you think he – that he would still be interested in me if he knows...?"

The insecurity in Namjoon's voice hurts his heart. It literally hurts and simultaneously sets off his protective streak. Yoongi is not afraid to stand up for his friends, especially for his friends. And especially when it comes to Namjoon and his insecurities regarding relationships. God, he would do anything to have someone who would finally show Namjoon that he's just as worthy of love as anyone else and not wrong or not enough.

Yoongi, despite being smaller, reaches up to grasp Namjoon's head, pulling him down to his eye level. His hands are splayed over Namjoon's cheeks, pulling him so close that their foreheads are pressed against each other. "If I hear him utter a single bad word about you being asexual and dropping you because you're apparently not enough I will not hesitate to punch a bitch in the throat. Do you hear me? If he's genuinely interested in you then he won't care. He will respect it and you won't feel bad because of it. That is you and if he can't like you as you are then he doesn't deserve you. Period."

"Okay," Namjoon whispers – maybe Yoongi imagines the wetness of his eyes or maybe he doesn't. Whatever it is, it stays as a secret just between the two of them. "Maybe I could – try – and get to know him, you know?"

Yoongi smiles – a sense of pride is filling his chest as he watches his best friend engage in yet another conversation with Park Jimin. Oh, he just hopes for this to work out this time. It needs to work out this time. Namjoon deserves his own happiness just like everybody else and just because until now no one came around to stay, doesn't mean that this has to happen again.

His legs only continue to move after his group of friends when Taehyung turns his head in his direction. One of his perfectly done eyebrows is raised at him in question. Yoongi has never run that fast after someone.


The text comes two days later. Just when Yoongi was finishing up a report from one of the meetings his phone vibrates on his desk. He's tempted not to check because if it were something work related his other phone would have vibrated and he usually doesn't want anything interrupting him during his carefully organized workday. But since he exchanged numbers with Taehyung and the prospect of having their relationship negotiations soon a spark of excitement alights in his chest at every incoming message.

Kim Taehyung
Drop by the gallery whenever you like. I have the contract ready for you.

Yoongi eyes the text one more time before he takes a deep breath and pushes through the giant glass door leading to the foyer of the gallery. The same woman is sitting at the desk on the other side of the room. The same woman surrounded by the same things of last time – the only differences are her clothes and the information board next to the counter. This time it doesn't advertise the exhibition of rising star Busan.

When the door shuts behind him the woman glances up. Her brown eyes find his gaze over the rim of her sleek black glasses. Her lips are tinted in a lovely shade of dark red as if she's been drinking fine wine and the color clung to her skin. Her short black hair stops just at her jaw, it swings with every move of her head. As if it has a life of its own. Yoongi could get a glance at her long, manicured nails as she waves him over. They're purple. A lovely shade of purple, not too bright and not too dark. Yoongi loves purple.

Yoongi glances at the security guard as he passes him on the way to the woman. In his head, he goes through the same sentence again and again. He's repeating it like a mantra, fearing he would forget it again when he's finally standing in front of the intimidating woman.

It's kind of strange but every time something has to do with Kim Taehyung his usual confidence fades away. Admittedly, Yoongi has never been good with people, never really favored big crowds or interacting socially but he changed a lot from his teenage years. Those times were spent in the safety of his own four walls and avoiding any social interaction possible. Yoongi changed and he might be introverted but that doesn't mean he can't be intimidating too, or straight forward.

He is all those things and despite his rather shy and reserved nature, he is not a naturally submissive person. He got in a fair share of fights at school because as much as he liked to keep to himself, as much did he despise people talking shit about him or mocking him. It's even worse when someone's picking on someone else, someone weaker, someone who is afraid of standing up for themselves.

But right now he lacks this confidence. Now he just wants to turn around and run away again. Preferably hiding under his blankets forever and crying over how much of a coward he is.

Just as he has managed to calm himself down and talked himself out of panicking in the middle of the freaking foyer there's someone appearing in his vision. It's the woman from the front desk. She adjusts her glasses as she musters him from head to toe. "Min Yoongi?"

Afraid that his voice will crack or sound weird Yoongi just nods.

"I will lead you to Mr. Kim now."

The heels of the woman's shoes click against the floor loudly. Yoongi focuses on the rhythmic noise to not let his head run wild because of his nervousness. His eyes stay on the floor, watching the light reflect on the black lacquered shoes of the woman. He's so focused on the female's steps that he almost doesn't notice when she stops abruptly in front of an intimidating looking door.

Dark mahogany wood stares down at him, a double door with golden hinges. His eyes linger on the equally golden nameplates attached on eye level. Kim Taehyung. Park Jimin.

Yoongi already met both of them. Went on two dates with one and saw the other flirting with one of his best friends but their names on the plates still intimidate him. They intimidate him so much that he feels his hands start to tremble lightly when he just thinks about entering the office behind those double doors.

"Mr. Park is out for the day but Mr. Kim is waiting for you inside." She just glances at him, pushing her glasses up her button nose. It makes her look a little like a hamster. Her round cheeks, thin but pouty lips and then her button nose. Her cheeks probably look exactly like a hamster when she eats, stuffed and squishable.

Just when his mind started supplying him with image after image of eating hamsters, the woman knocks against the double doors. His heart stops just to go completely haywire once Taehyung's deep voice could be heard.

"Come in."

It's just Taehyung's voice. It's even muffled by the door but it immediately makes Yoongi's heartbeat spike. He stares at the door looming in front of him. The woman is slightly pushing him forwards once she has opened the door for him. Yoongi almost begs her to stay because if the door seemed intimidating then the office is as intimidating as hell itself.

Yoongi doesn't even dare to look up where he knows Taehyung is sitting, watching him. The dark purple carpet under his feet muffles every single one of his nervous steps. The room is illuminated through the large glass front on the opposite side of him. In front of it are two huge desks. Mahogany. The same as the door. They don't stand in a straight line but form a V. There's one single chair standing between them, almost flanked by both desks.

It must be scary sitting on there. Alone. Especially when both, Jimin and Taehyung are sitting in front of you, staring down at you from their high place behind the desks.

His heart is beating wildly against his ribcage and he presses his thumb in the palm of his hand. In. One, two, three and out. One, two, three. It's just Taehyung. It's just Taehyung and the contract.

The contract.

It makes his body tingle all over again. This is really it. After they went through this every part of their relationship could start. They would be – boyfriends. Kind of, well, actually not kind of. They are boyfriends because they really are dating and there is no way in hell that they won't end up liking each other a little when they're going to start this. At least Yoongi is sure that he will end up liking Taehyung more and more.

"Please sit down." Taehyung snaps him out of his thoughts again and Yoongi's gaze finally falls on the younger male. The sight quite literally punches the breath out of his lungs.

Up until now, Yoongi has only seen Taehyung all business like when they were at the exhibition. But this Taehyung in front of him right now is completely different again. Business-like in a whole different way.

When he thinks about Taehyung his head is normally either filled with the amused face of the other, body dressed in ridiculous designer clothes while pulling them off effortlessly anyway. This Taehyung has eyes sparkling with mischief, a smile formed like a box and a carefree aura.

When it's not goofy Taehyung on his mind it's Taehyung from the club. A little dark. A little mysterious. This Taehyung has hooded eyes rimmed in black, pinkish lips set in a smirk and clothes that make him look like the personification of sin and seduction.

Taehyung looks different now, sat behind his huge desk with this professional expression on his face. Yoongi almost feels like he's back in the office, meeting with the CEO of another company, ready to have a business meeting. If he looks at it from a different perspective then this is actually some kind of business meeting. BDSM business.

He dares to take a peek at Taehyung's brown eyes and their dark coffee color makes his stomach erupt in tingles. Taehyung is staring at him over the rim of his golden colored glasses. They sit just before the tip of his nose and Yoongi gets the weird urge to push them up again, up where they belong but instead of acting on his impulse he just presses his thumb harder in the palm of his hand.

Solid. Solid is good. Solidness is there for him when nothing else is.

"Take a seat," Taehyung says quietly but his voice still sounds so loud in the suffocating room. Until now Yoongi hasn't noticed the other chair standing right in front of the other's desk and he's glad that he won't have to sit in the middle of the room. Anyone who has to sit between those two desks, all alone on this chair probably feels like they're in court. He could imagine Taehyung and Jimin completely destroying someone sitting there just with carefully chosen words and gazes as piercing as daggers.

The chair underneath him is soft. A purple satin cushion. He mindlessly lets his fingertips trail over the texture of the satin and his lips involuntarily curl into a smile. It's nice. A nice feeling at the tips of his fingers.

A cough catapults his attention back to the male sitting on the other side of the desk. His eyes get stuck on the crisp white dress shirt of the younger first. It's thin. Yoongi could see the lines where Taehyung's undershirt starts and he finds himself wishing the other wouldn't have worn it. The next thing catching his attention is the tie around the other's neck. It's obviously expensive but at the same time so ridiculously patterned that he has to avert his eyes again or he would have started laughing then and there.

Taehyung is pushing a bunch of papers towards him. Just the words at the top of it make Yoongi's stomach clench in anticipation.

Dominant/Submissive Contract

It's not the first time that Yoongi is going to fill out such a contract. But the rush in his veins doesn't stop just because he's not exactly new to this. His fingers tremble just slightly as he reaches out to get to the second page.

Taehyung beats him to it though. An expensive pen is lodged between his long and slender fingers as he flips the page for Yoongi. The younger is leaning slightly over the desk to reach him and Yoongi can't decide where to look at. Either at the very interesting first page of the contract or at how astoundingly breathtaking Taehyung looks as his brown locks fall into his eyes.

"So, I've put together this basic contract for our relationship," he says. The pen moves over the paper, coming to a stop at the first bullet point on the long list of questions and decisions they will have to make now. "You will refer to me as 'Sir' when we're in a scene. We use the traffic light system as a safeword. What do you want to be called in a scene?"

It takes him a while to understand Taehyung's question. His eyes have already started scanning the whole page and the excitement in his stomach is slowly starting to get pushed back a little by fear. He's really doing this... After all this time he's signing a contract for another D/S relationship again...

Taehyung doesn't push for an answer, he doesn't even look annoyed as he waits for Yoongi to sort his thoughts out. "I like..." Yoongi shakes his head once before continuing. This is fine. It's Taehyung and he already trusts him. Maybe not with everything but this is okay for now – this is what he needs, what he wants.

"I like being praised but I'm not opposed to degrading names. Depends on my mood and what I need at the moment. I'm fine with whatever you seem fit for the situation and my current mental state and when I don't like something I will safeword. But if you choose to degrade me you will have to build me up after the scene again. I'm not good with separating scenes and real life right after it," He whispers and his voice gets quieter and quieter towards the end until it just completely fades out.

Yoongi knows that a lot of Submissives enjoy degradation and get turned on by it but for him, it's slightly different. He normally doesn't have a problem with being called names during scenes but he tends to let them get to him over the duration of the scene and can't really forget about it once it's over. Don't get him wrong – he can get turned on by degradation and especially humiliation but he needs to be in the right mindset for that. And until now, no Dom really figured out when that was and when it wasn't.

Being called a slut in a scene is nothing but not being able to get out of the headspace of thinking that the one you like, you trust – the one that is taking care of you at the moment is calling you a worthless slut is scary. Sometimes it's hard for him to understand that he's in a scene when he's really far gone in his headspace. Right then he can't really understand that his Dom doesn't actually think he's a slut but is acting out a scene.

It's hard to differentiate between scene and reality.

It makes him quite self-conscious. The fact that he can't even be a good submissive without getting hurt over things that he should enjoy and that actually mean no actual harm. But he hopes that Taehyung will be able to take care of him. During that one session they already had – if you could call it that – Yoongi noticed how naturally attentive the younger is. Taehyung actually is – in every situation. And how good the other was at understanding what he needed even without him being able to tell him.

"Good," Taehyung mumbles as he starts writing something under the question. Yoongi isn't really able to tell what exactly he's writing but it's a lot – a lot more than what Yoongi told him but that only reassures him that Taehyung is a very thorough and reliable person – and Dom.

The other looks up at him again and Yoongi's cheeks color a little at being caught staring. Taehyung doesn't comment on it. "Any STD's or other diseases or disorders that would impact this relationship?"

"No STD's," Yoongi shakes his head and reaches in his pocket to retrieve the report from the hospital. "I – uhm, have the papers here." Taehyung has asked him to get tested anyway, no matter how much he said he would believe it if Yoongi said that he hasn't had any sex since his last checkup. Yoongi doesn't mind – it only shows further how professional Taehyung is taking all of this.

"Thank you," The younger says as he takes the report to briefly skim it. While he's flipping through the pages he motions to a similar stack next to the contract. "These are my results. You can see the proof of me also being clean yourself."

Yoongi wishes he could see for himself but the nervousness makes it almost impossible to read a single word. He bores his fingernails in his thighs again as he leans back in the chair. His tongue wets his bottom lip – it's chapped, the skin burns from the constant biting – before he starts talking about the former question again. "As for disorders – I mean, you noticed but I have an issue with people touching me most of the times."

He takes a deep breath, "It also depends on my mood but sometimes I can't even stand my own hands on my body, let alone someone else's. It's especially bad with strangers. I just – basically don't like it when people just touch out of nowhere. But when I'm close to someone, like my friends – or how we will be then I'll be mostly fine. My friends still ask most of the times but small touches don't really faze me if it's them. Maybe – if I'm really stressed it would be better if you asked for permission to touch me..."

"Would have done that anyway," Taehyung chuckles and Yoongi's heart melts at the other's boxy smile. "Anything else?"

"Uhm – like, that doesn't directly affect this relationship – okay maybe it does." Yoongi bites his bottom lip again, not even feeling the sting. It's always a little harder talking about those things but he needs to trust Taehyung if this is going to work. "I suffer from OCD, I still take antidepressants every morning since I've been diagnosed when I was fourteen, I get non-verbal at times and I panic when too many people are around me." He gets everything out without breathing once and averts his eyes the second his voice gives out.

From the corner of his eyes, he could see Taehyung writing, noting down everything Yoongi has said until now. His long, elegant fingers move the pen so gracefully over the paper and Yoongi finds himself entranced by the movement. He notices the same ring with the blue stone that Taehyung has worn the night they met in the club for the first time. Unconsciously, he reaches down to twist his own ring – eerily similar to Taehyung's.


"Definitely," He rushes to say, glancing up to observe Taehyung's reaction. The corners of the younger's mouth twitch slightly, moving up into a faint smile. It reassures him. "I need constant reassurance and physical contact such as – cuddling. I'm very likely to experience subdrop." Yoongi confesses the last part silently, almost as if he's hoping to hide this fact from Taehyung no matter how weird that sounds.

Thankfully, Taehyung doesn't comment on his confession and just moves on to the next question after writing everything necessary down. "How long have you been in the scene?"

Most of the times Taehyung likes it that it feels like there is an ocean between him and the persons sitting on the other side of his desk but not this time. This time he wishes Yoongi and him would have been meeting at a place that makes them both seem a little more like they're on the same level because they are. At least in this relationship but with him sitting high and mighty behind his desk, he isn't confused about Yoongi seeming extremely nervous.

The whole time that the elder male has been here he has seemed almost afraid of making eye contact. He hasn't stopped playing with his hands once. A nervous habit that Taehyung noticed pretty early into knowing him. Yoongi tends to run his hands up and down his thighs, press his nails into the flesh there or into the palm of his own hand. He's grounding himself by pressing his thumb in the middle of his palm – Taehyung doesn't know why he does it but every time the other presses his thumb into the palm of his hand he tries to stay away from him. Tries to not make the situation worse by now giving him the space he needs.

Until the last question Yoongi has seemed pretty nervous, maybe even a tad intimidated and Taehyung can understand that. From what he gathered Yoongi hasn't allowed himself to delve into the BDSM world for about two years because of whatever reason and it took him a lot to finally accept that he not only needed but also wanted to be back. With Taehyung.

Furthermore, Taehyung is aware of how intimidating Jimin's and his office might seem to someone sitting in there. It's supposed to be like that. They both had a rough start in the industry and needed to establish how serious and professional both of them are early on.

Anyway, the nervousness radiating off Yoongi has suddenly vanished as soon as Taehyung asked his question. "How long have you been in the scene?" As soon as those words left his lips Yoongi froze for a second.

"Four years, I had been collared once and before that, I had two other Doms I visited at a club but they didn't take me into training and I didn't want to," He says almost mechanical. His answer sounds strangely robotic as if he's detaching himself as far from the mention of his former BDSM experiences as possible.

Taehyung looks down at his papers again, hesitantly writing the other's answer down. Maybe Yoongi just doesn't like speaking about his former partners in front of his new one. Taehyung sighs. Sadly, that would be inevitable and he needs a little more explanations from the elder in the following questions. Especially information about the former Doms and his experience with them.

"Sexual orientation?"

"Gay." Yoongi is still not looking up and he seems more agitated than before. His shoulders are full of tension, pulled up to try and hide his face and Taehyung could hear the noise his leg makes as it nervously jumps up and down.

"Why do you want to submit?"

Yoongi takes a deep breath and his shoulders sag a little. Taehyung could almost feel how a little bit of tension rolls off the other. "It's about not having any control, not having to worry about anything and letting myself be taken care of by someone else. Someone who takes every decision away from me and knows exactly how to release the tension inside of me. I like submitting sexually because it's just about pleasure without having to worry about anything else. There's someone else who's telling me what to do and who is taking care of me. But I also need another kind of stress release from this relationship. That's where the Shibari comes into play. Being tied up is the ultimate form of submission and being completely helpless finally makes my head shut up and allows me to relax," Yoongi explains slowly but more naturally than he has spoken before.

For Taehyung only a few things of what Yoongi just said are new to him. He had his suspicions before, especially regarding the Shibari but he will come back to that point later on when they will discuss the different kinds of kinks and practices they could perform together.

When his gaze falls on the next question his stomach churns. If it wouldn't be necessary he would have loved to skip the question just to avoid forcing Yoongi to talk about something that obviously bothered him before. But he can't do that. This is part of negotiating their relationship and for this to work out he needs to know what happened in Yoongi's past. At least the things that would impact anything regarding their relationship.

"Past experiences regarding Doms?"

As expected Yoongi stills again. Everything seems to stop for a second or two – there's not a single noise in the whole room and Taehyung doesn't even dare to breathe as he stares at Yoongi's unmoving form. The elder has both his hands clenched into fists. They're even trembling slightly, knuckles turning white from the sheer force of him pressing them together.

He hesitates with his answer. "I – Good," Yoongi cuts himself off again and as he looks up, his gaze seems to go right through Taehyung. His eyes seem so far away as if he's staring at something from the past but the spell is quickly broken again when Yoongi shakes his head, clearing his thoughts.

"My first two Doms were exclusively for scenes. I haven't been dating any of them and have never met them outside of the club or interacted with them outside of a scene." His description leaves out any details but Taehyung is only starting to feel this small sense of worry when Yoongi comes to the last Dom. When his voice suddenly sounds so strained again, as if he forces himself to speak as indifferent as possible. Like a robot. "I dated my last Dom for two years and lived together with him. We had a total power exchange. I had no one else after him. And I had sex with all three of them."

Since Taehyung got to know Yoongi better and better he felt as if the elder has opened up to him more. The wall he already managed to breach before seems to have restored itself right about now. Yoongi looks a little like he did that night at Taehyung's apart when he had been completely lost in his headspace. But there is still a small difference. Now, Yoongi might also seem a little lost in his head but that doesn't stop him from looking like a completely cold and indifferent person.

Taehyung wonders what might have happened that made it this unpleasant for him to talk about his last relationship. They probably didn't have a good break up – just judging from Yoongi's reaction. Taehyung decides not to dwell on this problem longer, as long as what bugs Yoongi about the past doesn't have an impact on the present and their relationship he doesn't feel like it would be the right thing to keep on pressing it. If Yoongi doesn't think about it as something that is still relevant today then it isn't and it shouldn't concern Taehyung further.

He flips the page and reveals a long list of kinks and practices. Before explaining what they're going to do now he turns the paper so that Yoongi is able to look at it properly. The elder's gaze immediately scans the page. Taehyung gives him a pen.

"I have a basic list of kinks I would be willing to perform on and with you," He explains and his finger taps on the top of the paper. "You can mark them as either no limit, soft limit or hard limit. No limit means that we can include it into our scenes without much of a problem – of course, you can add if it is a no limit all the time or just at certain times. A soft limit is something that you're not sure about liking but wanting to maybe try with me anyway. And a hard limit is something you definitely don't even want to try. At the bottom, you can add things you want that I haven't included yet and we will speak about them."

Yoongi reaches out to pull the papers a little closer to him. He still hasn't lifted his gaze from reading through bullet point after bullet point.

"I have the ground rules of our power exchange at the back and if you decide to sign I need you to know every single one by heart and act accordingly to them whenever we are in a scene," Taehyung continues to explain what he expects of him. "In any other circumstance, we are equals. If you want a complete power exchange then I'm not the right person for you. I like taking control but I prefer to only take full control over you during scenes and not during your complete life."

"That's fine," Yoongi says, nodding slightly and as he looks up there's a soft smile on his lips. Right in the heart. It hits Taehyung right in the heart and he doesn't really understand why he suddenly feels so flustered by the other's soft smile. Yoongi just looks so – so fucking pretty like this. "I actually like that better. I'm not a naturally submissive person, I like being put into place but not all the time."

"Yeah. I saw that every time I visited you at the office and you fought with me. You're quite feisty," Taehyung chuckles lightly. It's true. Yoongi doesn't look like a naturally submissive person, even though he is quite introverted and might seem like it's easy to just walk over him – he can show you exactly how wrong you are about him. He's strong. Maybe in a different way than other's but he wouldn't have made it as far as he did in his life and job if he didn't have a dominant side to him. All the better that he's able to slip into a submissive headspace when he needs to.

There's a pretty blush blooming on Yoongi's cheeks as he ducks his head to go through the list. He makes quick work of most of the things, marking most of them as no or soft limits. It isn't until he comes upon a certain point that he feels the need to add something to the limitation.

"Degradation and Humiliation," He says, looking up at Taehyung and he knows. It's probably similar to what Yoongi already said about what he wants to be called during scenes. "If you decide to do that I need special aftercare and sometimes even a reassurance already in the next moment. I get very insecure the second the embarrassment from being humiliated or degraded vanishes. And I already said that but – uhm, it's hard to understand but I need to be in a certain kind of mindset to not break because of being degraded. It's hard to know when it's okay but maybe... if we know each other better you will be able to tell when I might not be able to handle being degraded or humiliated."

Taehyung listens carefully to everything Yoongi has to say. He expected most of that already but pulls the papers towards himself anyway to note down everything Yoongi just told him so that he won't forget about them. While he's busy doing that Yoongi continues talking. "I also have a praise kink, so you can mostly do anything you like and it normally turns me on. Call me a slut and I will suck your dick, call me a baby boy and I will suck your dick. Easy."

Taehyung laughs slightly, his heart beating a little faster when a few giggles also escape Yoongi's lips. Sometimes the elder has a very hard time expressing himself and sometimes he's just so blunt that it's almost funny again.

"Shibari," Yoongi addresses the next point, "I don't need it in every scene but when I'm stressed I need to be able to give away every control I have and make you ground me. You can tie me up completely and don't worry if I get non-verbal like the last time. That happens a lot when I'm tied up because my head just shuts down. I'm not even really present anymore. Uhm, yeah – tying me up completely is fine but please don't put a rope around my neck. I don't like feeling like I'm going to suffocate or like I can't breathe properly."

"Okay," Taehyung writes that down as well, looking up when Yoongi suddenly pipes up again.

"Oh!" He exclaims as if the most important part slipped his mind before. "I don't like sexual acts to be included in the performance of Shibari."

"That is also okay."

Taehyung pushes the list back towards the other male and Yoongi scans the next point. A soft limit.

"I'm not like – against physical restriction during sex but – uhm – I'm not completely comfortable feeling like I can't move during sex so uhm... Like, tying my wrists up is something we could try sometime in the future but not right now and nothing more for now," He stutters out. An awkward expression on his face as he writes that down next to the bullet point for bondage.

Taehyung would love to reach out and reassure him right now but before he could even think about something to say – because touching is not something he wants to risk right now – Yoongi is already continuing going down the list. He skips something again before he points at the next word.

"No choking," He says with a serious expression but there's a teasing glint swimming somewhere in his coffee-colored eyes. It's weird – Taehyung isn't a fan of coffee if it isn't completely overshadowed by milk but even though Yoongi's dark brown eyes remind him of black coffee he likes them. A lot. "I like choking on dick but I don't want your hands around my throat to choke me."

"Noted," Taehyung smiles and watches as Yoongi writes it down anyway.

"Okay..." The other trails off, looking further down the list and mostly marking everything as no limit or soft limit but it seems like he has nothing to say to any of these. Taehyung leans back in his chair a little and observes the other. Yoongi looks cute when he's concentrating – not that Taehyung hasn't noticed that before when he watched him in the office. It just seems so much more prominent now. "Blood play." Yoongi interrupts his thoughts. "That's out. I don't want any blood to be drawn by anything we do. And that includes biting and scratching."

"It's also a soft limit of myself, so we won't be having any problems with that either," Taehyung assures him. Yoongi just nods before continuing. The list is coming to an end now. There are only a few points left but Yoongi has to turn the page despite that. When he gets to the second page he scans the listed bullet points all belonging to one big point. He quickly marks them all before counting them out for Taehyung.

"Sensation play," He says and still sounds as unbothered as before. "Whipping, flogging, spanking is fine. Feathers, leather, silk is fine. Blindfolds are a soft limit and depend on my mental state. Clamps are fine. Biting is okay if it doesn't draw blood, the same goes for clawing and scratching but I mentioned that already. No tickling."

Now he looks up. The expression in his eyes knocks the breath right out of Taehyung's lungs. He feels like a deer caught in the headlights, backed in the corner by his predator. Yoongi's gaze is insistent, his face serious as he extremely stresses this particular point. "Ice play is okay but nothing with hot temperatures. No fire play, no wax play. Absolutely not."

Taehyung nods without being able to break eye contact. The – he can't help but describe it like this – fear in Yoongi's eyes and voice chills him to the bone. Up until now the other didn't have such a strong reaction to a hard limit and Taehyung can't help but let his thoughts stray towards the marks on the inside of the other's thighs. The marks that Yoongi, even though he had been so far gone in his headspace, tried to hide from him at first.

It must be because of that. Maybe he hurt himself as a kid and is now afraid of getting burned again but it sure is a strange place. There's something in the back of Taehyung's head – a thought that terrifies him. Something so indescribable horrible that he doesn't even dare to think about it. But maybe... maybe it wasn't much of an accident on Yoongi's side.

Anyway, that doesn't matter right now. Not anymore. Sensation play has been the last bullet point on his list and now it's time to explain the rules and what Taehyung expects of Yoongi as a Submissive.

He takes the papers back, flipping them to the last page. "Okay, now to the rules," He says, searching for Yoongi's eyes before he starts explaining. "First, I need to be able to trust you, I need to know that you're always honest with me so if you feel the slightest bit unsure or uncomfortable I need you to safeword. Dishonesty about such things is a dealbreaker for me. I value honesty a lot and I need you to be verbal about everything. You will always answer me with words, addressing me properly and if you're non-verbal you will communicate with me how I told you to."

Yoongi nods. "Second, when we're playing I expect you to be obedient and follow every single one of my orders if you don't want to get punished. If I ask something of you that you won't be able to perform you will safeword, immediately."

It's such an important point for Taehyung. As he said before, honesty and communication is the most important thing when it comes to BDSM. If both parties aren't able to completely trust each other and trust the other person with being honest about being uncomfortable the relationship will not be able to work. If there is no trust then neither of them will gain anything from this.

So, Taehyung can't even stress that point enough. He hopes he will be able to make Yoongi become a little more verbal during their time together because he can't have the other pushing everything down. Pushing his feelings and thoughts down and not sharing them with Taehyung. He hopes Yoongi will let himself be taught that it is important to let the people around him know how he feels and what he likes and what he doesn't like.

"Third, punishments. I will decide the appropriate punishment and you will take it or safeword." Taehyung looks up again. Searching for any kind of confirmation that Yoongi understood what he just said. "Fourth, when we're playing or are in any BDSM setting I need you to wear your collar – which we will choose the next time we see each other. Fifth, we're exclusive and not restricted to scenes so every time we're not doing a scene I need you to understand that we're equals and act accordingly to it. Apart from what we do in the bedroom, we are like any other couple that just started going out."

"That won't be a problem," Yoongi smiles to himself. All shy and sweetly. Taehyung inwardly coos at him but forces himself to continue to explain instead of focusing on Yoongi's cuteness.

"But, as long as we speak about it I will decide if I want to punish behavior that happened outside of a scene," He says and Yoongi immediately nods. As if he already understood what Taehyung wanted to say by that. "So, we can be equals but it won't give you a free pass to insult me or treat me bad in any way. Same goes the other way around. Of course. If I do something that you don't like you tell me and we will talk about it. Sixth, safewords can be used all the time and for everything. Even when we might not be in a scene but you still want to stop whatever we're doing and I'm being stubborn. Furthermore, I need you to tell me exactly what you need every time you need it. We can have scenes that only include a certain type of power exchange, like spent a day where I also take every mundane decision away from you as if you were nothing more than a pet with me as your owner. But I need to know what I have to do to take care of you at the moment. You are a complex human with complex needs and I am not a mind reader. So, communication is key."

"Okay," Yoongi says and the sincerity in his voice makes a shiver run down Taehyung's spine. He's as excited about this as Yoongi probably also is. It has also been a little since he had a permanent Sub and not someone temporary in a club. And Yoongi is special. There's something very special about him. "I understand," The elder reassures him.

"Learn the rules," Taehyung says and pushes the contract back towards Yoongi. At the bottom of it are two lines, one for the Dominant to sign and one for the Submissive to sign. His signature is already on it. Now Yoongi is the only one left and then they could start their relationship officially. "You can sign whenever you want. Take the contract home, read it over again and then decide if you really want to do this."

Yoongi doesn't react to his words for a few seconds before he suddenly snaps his head up. His eyes glint with something Taehyung has never seen in them before. A certain kind of determination and excitement that shines as bright as a star and burns as hot as fire. "I've decided already."

Ground rules

1. Honesty and trust are the key elements of this relationship. Trust needs to be constantly worked on and lying will not be tolerated at any time.
2. Obedience is the most important thing that will be taught during the training of the Sub. Orders of the Dom will be followed at all times. (*6)
3. Punishments will occur whenever the Dom deems them appropriate. (*6)
4. In every BDSM setting the Sub is to wear their collar.
5. The relationship between the Dom and the Sub is exclusive and not limited to a pure D/S relationship. Whenever the participants are not in a scene they are equals. There is no complete power exchange. (*6)
6. *Safewords can and should be used under any circumstance that makes any of the participants uncomfortable. The safeword is not limited to scenes only. It can be used at any time. Not using the safeword even though it would be needed can be a reason to end the D/S relationship.

Yoongi takes the pen and signs.

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