12-forgotten laugh and repeated nightmares

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"Did you even go to school today?" Yoongi asked.

They were on the couch again, lying face to face. The room was dark and it was probably passed midnight. For once he was feeling sleepy and he knew it wouldn't be long before sleep took over him with Jimin's fingers drawing little circles on his wrist.

"Well, did you go to college, hyung?"

Jimin did come home in the end, knocking on his door with face beaming a little before midnight until Yoongi darted towards the boy and crashed their lips together in the midst of the boy's stuttered 'sorry I'm late'. He was desperate or something close to it at least. Finding the bloody knife on his couch scared him. It reminded him awfully of the telephone and before he knew it he had raced towards the garbage shoot outside of the hallway of the apartment and threw it away. He didn't know how it even end there, but something in the back of his mind told him that the answer would scare him more than seeing the actual knife would.

When Jimin finally came home, he was a distraction enough. He would always be a remedy and he downed the boy like he was cough syrup; sweet and addicting.

He pushed Jimin towards the wall and the boy smirked against his kiss. It didn't take long for Yoongi to pry each shed of clothing the both of them had, forgetting that faint lines he oddly felt under the boy's arm before he was burying his face on the couch again, moaning Jimin's name loud and shameless as the boy pounded into him deep and hard. He was a work of art once again underneath Jimin's paint, body bleeding and hurting. He liked this new routine too much. He got to forget his problems for once and both of them could lie next to each other with Yoongi feeling more and more alive as each seconds passed.

Before Jimin came he was nothing but a blank canvass and now he had painted him wonderfully. He breathed life through the colors he brought him. Or maybe if Yoongi was a statue, Jimin was that artist with the hammer and chisel, etching into his skin, shedding piece of him bit by bit to make such a legendary work of art. He was nothing but a giant chunk of rock and he was slowly becoming a magnificent statuette now.

"I did," he said, rubbing Jimin's soft cheek, smiling softly. He didn't even realize how he had taken that habit now.

"Then I went to school as well today."

"You're not making sense."

"I always do," the boy said, puffing his cheek.

He always thought how the both of them met in such a strange occasion, but maybe fate was indeed addicted to those horrible rom-coms.

"Tell me more about yourself," Yoongi said out of the blue

"What do you mean?"

"Tell me something about you, something I don't know," he said, because he realized that there would be tons of it. He barely knew anything about Jimin except the fact that he was running away from his parents now, something horrible happening back at home. His parents must have hated him and that was probably the only thing that he knew. That and probably how the boy was so self-conscious about what he ate.

"Hyung, you know everything about me."

"No I don't. I don't even know how many siblings you have."

"Don't have any, just like you. But I don't think knowing how many siblings I have is relevant."

"Then tell me something relevant."

Jimin made a small noise that indicated how he was thinking. He tapped his finger on his chin before making another small noise.

"I like to dance," he said.


"Well, you wouldn't know if I'm lying anyway, hyung."

Yoongi answered it with a groan and Jimin just giggled.

"But really, hyung. I love to dance. I like moving around in particular, making new friends, smiling-,"

"You're just like Hoseok now," he mumbled. But then again it answered to that abs of his. And moving around? Moving in general was the last thing that Yoongi would like to do, which meant dancing was something he certainly abhorred. What a contrast, he thought.

"-and I actually want to cook something decent for a special someone in the future but everything I make always end up in a mess."

Both of them needed to learn from Seokjin, though.

"I think about doing political science or law school after graduating, be someone smart like Namjoon so I got to work with a suit and tie-"

"Namjoon's not smart he's completely stupid."

"-but then again most of the time I'm just as stupid as Taehyung. Like, I'm in the age to do something stupid and regret it later anyway so-, yeah."

Jimin didn't really talk about a fact, he just practically ranted about everything that popped into his mind first, Yoongi thought. Just listening to all of that got him thinking about how contrast they both were. Jimin dreamed about a lot of thing and Yoongi just kept looking down, not daring himself to hope for anything more, only to find his dreams crushed on the ground. He envied everything that Jimin was, something that he thought he would always be doing.

"How about you, hyung? You said that you played the harp once, right?"

He scoffed to that. That was something entirely against his will, but at least he got to brag about ever playing it once in his life.

"My parents forced me to play. They say that I have to pursue music in an elegant way," he said, enunciating the 'elegant' to express the mockery in it. "They won't let me quit until I got to play for this wedding. Their business associates all attended and it was just practically showing off everyone that their son could play a harp. After that I quit."

"Tell me more," Jimin said, whispering against his ear. The younger was still drawing circles in a much slower pace, his fingers ghosting against his left wrist that just bleed again after another episode of rough sex.

"About what?"

"Anything," he said, as he snuggled closer, heads resting on his shoulder, breath getting softer.

Yoongi reached out his hand, this time caressing Jimin's cheek before resting on the boy's hair. Jimin was warm by his side. This was the moment he loved the most. This was him finding peace in the middle of insanity that had been plaguing him. In the back of his mind he questioned why Jimin never actually asked him anything. About why he panicked on the car, why he asked the boy whether he was a murderer or not, why he couldn't sleep or why he was so afraid. The boy had never even once asked why he was so broken. He never pried or questioned. He was simply there to hear anything that Yoongi needed to say or whatever he needed to do. Or maybe this was just his way of asking, he didn't know.


On top of that, Jimin could always seem to read his mind. It wasn't psychic, of course, but the boy understood him in a frightening level. Namjoon was the one who knew him best and even that best friend of his couldn't read him sometimes. And here came a strange boy who did all of that for him.

"Why? You know everything about me," he returned, teasing Jimin with the same words. Because he could easily read him without him having to utter another words, that what he meant.

Jimin caught the joke, or at least the message that he was sending, because the boy smiled against his shoulder.



For the first time it was Jimin who fell asleep first and Yoongi who woke up earlier. He woke up in the crack of dawn, finding no trace of that sleepiness again that would take him to the peace he'd been searching for. No, scratch that. He no longer needed sleep to gain peace. He just had to simply turn his head to find the beautiful boy beside him, sleeping soundly. He slowly got up, trying to shift ever so slightly and hoped not to wake Jimin up.

For once he knew what day it was. Wednesday. He knew he didn't make a promise yet for today, but his mind already wandered towards college. The deal was still up, he figured. He walked towards the kitchen, trying to find the last edible thing his cabinet or fridge could offer, when his eyes caught sight of the kitchen knives on the counter.

His eyes were practically glued there. There was one knife, missing from its holder. He thought about how weird it was and how it oddly felt like he just missed a person instead of a simple cutlery. There was that weird feeling churning inside of him, one that felt as if someone just left his life, missing from this grand picture that he used to have. Where did his paramore go? How could she be gone?

He tossed it down the trash can yesterday, of course. He threw it away after seeing blood on its edge. He certainly didn't know how the blood ended up there or to whom it belong. He didn't even know how it ended up hidden in the couch, seemingly forgotten. All that he knew was that fright, clawing his neck again with its long, nasty finger.

It wasn't his blood, of course. He would remember then, wouldn't he? He would remember if he did something bad and stupid again. He already got Jimin as well. He wouldn't betray the boy with the knife. Sure they used to be lovers, but Yoongi wasn't that much of a bastard either. So then maybe it was-,

Yoongi turned around to see the boy tossing in his sleep. Was it Jimin? He remembered the boy coming to his apartment that one night with hands bleeding. Did he cut himself again? Hadn't Yoongi promised the boy not to? So maybe it was Jimin who did. Maybe it was Jimin who betrayed him. Maybe Jimin thought that Yoongi wasn't enough. Maybe that weird line was-,

He slowly walked towards the boy. He could look, he thought. He could check it out, trying to find new scratches against the boy's skin. Hadn't he just found one the other day, those weird lines he felt underneath his touch? He was standing beside the sleeping Jimin now and all that he needed was a touch of his hand. He was halfway of retracting his hand when he realized that he was afraid.

He was afraid to know. When he did, what would he do, then? Would he confront Jimin, then? Make the boy promise him again, maybe?

"Hyung?" Jimin mumbled.

Yoongi snapped awake from his trance, kneeling beside the boy.


Jimin rubbed his eyes, blinking furiously before reaching out a hand to touch Yoongi's face sleepily. The boy caressed his face slowly, all the while smiling softly. That one particular smile. That one that always got him remembering the day he met Jimin outside of the club in Hongdae. That one smile that always invaded his mind like a storm.

"Hey," he simply said.

They didn't do anything. They didn't kiss like couples did every morning. They just stare into each other's eyes and in Yoongi part, he did all he can to savor the view in front of him. He got questions in his mind. He got that uneasiness clawing at the bottom of his stomach. But looking at Jimin right now, everything was forgotten again, always as simple as that.

As easy as that he didn't need to know anymore. He was doing better. He was alive. His clock started ticking again.

"Hey," he said back, a soft smile forming on his lips.

As easy as that he didn't need to know anymore because he was fine.

He was perfectly okay.


He went to college and Jimin went to school again that morning. They both took the subway again before Jimin left him at Banpo because he still couldn't bear the idea of sitting behind the wheel again. He asked about Jimin's uniform and school books, wondering where he placed them and how he was going to manage stuff at home. He was indeed a runaway by now. The boy just shrugged, told him something about taking half of his stuff to a friend's home that one night he went away without telling Yoongi and he went exactly there to pick his stuff up and uniform before and after school. In the back of his mind he thought about offering shelter, asking Jimin to move in with him for real. That was too fast, probably, and in the end he didn't let the thought leave his lips.

His friends were even more surprised to see him going to college on the second day. On the same day did a few professors approach him, mentioning about his evident absence from earlier lectures and asked whether he was still going to pursue his education or not. If Yoongi was more of an honest man than he already was, he would probably say 'fuck you' to both business school and his parents and then pursued music. Instead he said that he was going to catch up with his studies and practically pleaded for the professors not to drop him out. Being a son of a wealthy corporation and the fact that he was indeed a genius if he forced himself to be, the professors had sighed in front of him and pretty much ended up giving him extra task to make up for the classes he missed.

Cafeteria was loud again that day. Hoseok was going to leave for Gwangju tomorrow. Seokjin was delighted that Yoongi came and said about going to his apartment after class and cooked him a really special lunch after doing some grocery shopping (because his cabinet and refrigerator was pretty much empty by now). Things went on like nothing had ever happened and he was content with that. Repeating the words 'I'm fine' didn't feel like a lie anymore.

It would all be too perfect if it wasn't for Namjoon, still giving him this odd look whenever he managed to realize it. There was something that Namjoon was trying to say, just like he did yesterday. He took care of it by simply avoiding the young man. The latter just let him do that and didn't try to talk again, conversing with the rest of the groups indeed like nothing had happened. The only thing that still bothered Yoongi was the young man's gaze, because even if he didn't mention anything, being looked at as if there was something wrong with you wasn't the greatest feeling on earth.

When lecture was finished he ended up going to the supermarket with Seokjin, Hoseok and Namjoon and the normalcy of it all started to feel so superficial for him. He laughed again at them like nothing ever happened. He growled and scowled at their annoying act like he always did. The four of them went back to his apartment for lunch and that was when he ran across Taehyung again.

"Oh, hi hyung!" he beamed with excitement as they ended up boarding the same elevator.

And of course, like he always thought the scene would unveil, Taehyung got along really nicely with Hoseok in the short amount of an elevator ride could last (but always felt like an eternity for Yoongi).

"Jimin went to school again?" Taehyung asked him.

Yoongi just mumbled when Hoseok asked who Jimin was. As soon as the name was mentioned he realized the stupidity he just committed.

"Yeah, hyung, tell us about Jimin," Namjoon said. If only he was joking, it would be hilarious. Sadly his best friend wasn't joking at all, his tone solemn and serious instead.

"You got a new friend, hyung? Wow, I'm impressed. You met her from the internet?" Hoseok chirped.

"It's a boy," he groaned.

"Wait, you're into boys then, hyung?"

He choked on his own spit, if such thing was possible. Heat ran down his face and he certainly didn't need to know (or being pointed at) how red he looked right now. He felt like slapping Hoseok's face then his own if possible, because that little voice of conscience and dignity told him that it was indeed true. He did have sex with a boy (three times, to be exact) and rather fond of being fucked as well (much to his own surprise).

"N-no I-."

Admitting that would be the last thing he did.

"-it's just a boy I met, okay? I accidentally crashed into him one night and he kind of stick around after that," he said, trying to hide his embarrassment and blush by looking at his own feet instead.

He would certainly die from it when Seokjin's cautious question and raising tone of a 'You just what Min Yoongi?' saved him from Hoseok and Namjoon's persistent questions about why he was blushing and what Jimin really meant for him. It was a miracle as well that such conversation was being held in an elevator because he could quickly run away from the topic as the familiar and life-saving 'ding' once again proved to be Yoongi's salvation of the day.

Seokjin gave him a worried look upon seeing the broken telephone and cracked television that he never managed to take care of the moment they entered his apartment. He could only make a mental note of replacing them soon after. Namjoon purposely gave him a weird look all day and he couldn't simply brush it off. Hoseok kept on pestering him with questions about Jimin and it annoyed him to the extent he thought about getting a fire extinguisher and shoved it down the younger's throat.

"Why don't you introduce Jimin to us?" Hoseok said for the tenth time that day.

Maybe he would, he thought, considering the boy liked to dance. But then again two of the most lethal person combined would be something too horrible for Yoongi to handle. Jimin meeting Taehyung was enough he wouldn't want to add Hoseok into the picture. The three of them in one room together would mean chaos. An atomic bomb thrown at him, maybe.

"I won't ever introduce you to Jimin because you two will be so loud and I have enough of one loud I don't want two screaming on my ear at the same time," he hissed.

They were eating another one of Seokjin's home-made chicken breast on the kitchen table and sometimes even the conversation couldn't help him from stealing glances at the empty knife holder, realizing the absence.

"Oh come on, I'm so curious about this Park Jimin," Hoseok said, nagging.

"Ask Namjoon then. He'd seen him."

"Frankly said, Hoseok, I couldn't even believe the fact that Min Yoongi managed to befriend someone new other than us," Namjoon said, grinning towards Hoseok before glancing back at Yoongi. And still he could see something about his best friend that was more than just his words could offer.

"Half of the time I don't even know why I could bear you all," he grumbled.

"You love us, hyung. That's why," Hoseok said.

Love. Somehow hearing about that word made him think about Jimin instead.

"No I don't. There's no other person in this world that I would love other than myself."

Now that was a more likely answer.

The moment they were finally leaving, Yoongi was tired. He waved a quick goodbye to Namjoon and Seokjin who were discussing something in a rather serious tone by the door when Hoseok hugged his feet and nagged him to let him spend the night over there. He swore Hoseok's hands were like tentacles and he were more than happy to literally kick him out of the door and slammed it on his face.

'Let's do this again,' Seokjin said before he left, even managed to ruffle his hair while he flinched. 'You're getting better.'

Yoongi laughed to that, walking towards his couch and let him fall on the cushion with face buried in his palm. He was getting better. Jimin was a miracle then.

Glancing at the clock, he had actually offered to pick Jimin up from school. Sighing, he glanced at the television. Better exchanged that. No, better yet. Why didn't he exchange that one car sitting in the basement as well?


"Did you just buy a new car?" Jimin asked, standing in front of the rolled down window with eyebrow curved and jaws hanging. It was kind of comical to see the boy clad in a school uniform with a backpack slung behind his shoulder.

The perks of being an heir to a stock-leading company in South Korea was the fact that he could just simply put his LED 50 inch-or-so television in the dumpster and buy a new one if he wanted to. Heck, he could even throw it down the window if he was into such thrill. Another perks of being a son of a wealthy stinking rich family was the fact that he just stood inside a BMW dealer in Yeoksam and bought the first car with as much black his eyes could catch on display.

"Yeah I did," he casually answered, one elbow propped against the ledge.

He wasn't actually an avid fan of automobile but he sometimes indulged in the high standard of Gangnam life. In the back of his mind he realized he would only be licking his own spit right now. Knowing how he hated his parents he should have taken his hand off of their money as well, but then again realizing that he was a prisoner already, why couldn't he just give in to whatever luxury this jail could give him. If he was going to cry over his entire life, at least he could do it inside of a Ferrari instead of a minivan.

Or maybe that little part inside of him just wanted to show off, wanted to see how surprised Jimin would look. That many zero in the check he wrote paid off, at least, because the boy was looking at him dumbfounded.

"Wait. Once again. Did you just buy a car?"

Yoongi smirked. "Just get in, brat," he said.

He had promised to pick him up from school. He thought about taking the subway, actually, before he realized that he had enough of that. He couldn't take his own car for evident reason so he ended crossing the road and walked down to the nearest BMW dealer. Actually any car dealer would be fine, but BMW was the closest anyway.

Jimin did get in the car finally, jaws still hanging.

"Is this a Mercedes-Benz?"

He revved up the engine. It was easy to find Jimin's school, somewhere in Yeungdeongpo. The boy was just sitting right on the bus stop not far from the building almost too conveniently.

"No, it's a BMW," he said, the same smirk still painted across his face. BMW i8 the clerk said, though he actually couldn't care less. It was a two-seated car just like his last with prominent black color and a strike of dark blue at the back and the rear side. The fact that this one had butterfly doors just added in to his laugh upon hearing Jimin's little 'uuu' as the door opened vertically.

"Hyung, seriously. You look like that awful douchebags in every rom-coms, taking their girl from school, the only thing that's missing right now is a sunglass on your face," Jimin joked.

"I'm not taking a girl right now though," he said.

"Yeah, and it would be weird because you're the one being fucked, hyung," the younger said, smirking.

Seatbelt was the most essential part of life, Yoongi had learned that now, because if it weren't for that he would hit his head on that brand new steering wheel he just bought when he stomped on the brake so hard, his face would probably be no different than the red light in front of him right now.

"Yha Jimin, do you want to get crashed the second time? I would gladly do it for you if you want," he said, turning his head around to see the boy giggling.

"Yeah right, crasher-hyungnim."

It felt like ages since he heard that nickname and it somehow brought him discomfort instead.


They ended up going out. It started with Jimin's simple suggestion of 'why not going somewhere when we're already out'. Of course Yoongi declined. Of course he said how troublesome it was and cursed under his breath. And of course he had proved himself to be a hypocrite once again, for he indeed turned his car at the Yeoksam intersection and went someplace else, going farther, passing his apartment building.

He found it oddly comforting, to drive pass the headlights of Seoul as night descended with Jimin ranting about his day beside him. Being behind the steering wheel again didn't prove as a problem anymore and he could do it just fine, no flashing nightmares or headaches. Maybe it was all because of Jimin. The boy did wonder, really, and maybe it was simply just that.

He suggested going to this ice cream parlor in Yongsan. Yoongi just went along simply because he didn't know any better place to go. It turned out to be this antique little shop between two rundown apartment buildings. The place was so old it contrasted the newer shop and cafes along the road. But then again it was indeed the charm.

Jimin pulled him inside like a boy eager for his dessert and Yoongi complied like a mom fearing her own son's sugar rush. After the extra large sundae was placed on the table between them and the cute waitress said something along the line of 'you're going to finish all of that by yourself?', did Yoongi finally realize that maybe he'd been there before, years ago when he was nothing but a toddler. One of his nannies brought him there, maybe, because the busy Min Seunggi and Yoon Yoona with their one and only baby boy in an ice cream parlor like any other normal parents would be a scene too awkward even to imagine.

"What, hyung?" Jimin asked in between his scoops of ice cream. He was literally shoving it down his throat sloppily, the ice cream smudged both corner of his mouth. Just seeing the boy did that had given him a brain freeze already.

"Just feeling nostalgic," he said, gazing at the gray wallpaper. It was decaying, the color faint and leaving it nothing but a tinge of that sepia tone. Somehow it was the brownish haze that made the wall interesting. Old placards and posters were hung and for once he knew it wasn't something fake and new they purposely put as an attempt to make the small parlor looked vintage and old. It was genuinely old.

When Jimin was finished he took out his wallet and shoved a handful of notes to the cute waitress who would always seem to smile.

"You've got a big appetite," she said, smiling from ear to ear as she handed him his change.

He just made a pathetic attempt of a smile, trying his best not to be rude when Jimin had pulled him out of the parlor, this time mumbling about going to eat barbeque afterwards and shopping.

At the very back of his mind, he realized that maybe this was what it felt like to be a sugar daddy.


He ended up buying a television. A curve ultra HD TV or something. He had argued that the curve of the television was nothing but scam but Jimin had insisted, saying that buying a curve one would allow him to watch the television from the side. He retorted saying that no one in their right mind would want to watch it from the side when they could simply watch it from the front just fine. Then again that person was probably Park Jimin because he ended up forcing Yoongi to buy it instead. He ended up buying a telephone as well because Seokjin said how he had left so many messages in his receiver he finally got the chance to feel guilty now.

The most embarrassing moment and one that he still couldn't believe was the fact that Jimin managed to convince him to do Karaoke. He tried his best to keep his dignity intact, especially with the employees giving him a weird look. Jimin was loud and two boys going to karaoke around eleven, something fishy would undoubtedly be going on, or so they must be thinking. The boy was surprisingly good at singing or maybe it was the alcohol talking because he did order some bottle of soju. And it was certainly the alcohol talking because he ended up screaming to Bohemian Rhapsody around 1 a.m. He stumbled out of the room soon after with Jimin's arm slung against his back and a string of laughter escaping their lips.

Yoongi was laughing. That was indeed an improvement. He went from not feeling anything to smiling and laughing. What a man Jimin had made him to be.

Somehow laughter and alcohol got them thinking that a club in Gangnam would be a nice touch to their nightly adventure. He stripped Jimin's blazer off and shoved some notes to the bouncer's hand just in case the boy's chubby cheek gave him away and stopped the two of them from having fun. They did get in, the bouncer more than happy to let both of them pass and Jimin kept on saying how he was inside of a club with a fucking school uniform was a big deal. It stopped being a big deal when he was drinking two whisky shots and vodka from the bottle. It stopped being an ever bigger deal when he was giving Yoongi a lap dance, the top two buttons of his uniform already missing. And it certainly stopped being the biggest deal when he was kissing Yoongi and publicly touching him in the middle of the packed bodies on the dancefloor.

How did he end up here anyway? How did he end up standing on the dancefloor with an under-aged boy grinding his body against his burning erection, mind drunk and body completely on fire. Their lips crashed again and a hand was sneaking under his shirt. They could end up doing it probably, right there on the dancefloor and maybe Yoongi wouldn't even care. He moved his hand to sink his finger on Jimin's lock when he realized that-,

-the hair in front of him was long.

Yoongi pulled his head in confusion. The girl in front of him seemed disappointed, because she went straight towards his lips again, darting her tongues between Yoongi's teeth. No, this wasn't right. He was kissing Jimin now, wasn't he? He took his arm off the girl as if her body was fire and pretty much avoided her kiss, even covering the girl's lips with his hand and pushed her away rather harshly. It pissed her off naturally, because he could hear her screaming something along the line of 'bastard and a dick' under the heavy music.

The bass was thumping and the only illumination that he got was the flashing lights that blurred his vision even more. All around him bodies were jumping and pulsing. His heart beat louder. Where was Jimin? Didn't he just-.

A hand was encircling his wrist and he got pulled again, this time by a man and he knew it because the stranger had grinded against him, erection brushing against. Yoonngi bit on a moan, realizing that it did get his own cock twitching. Was everybody drunk enough to pull on random stranger and grinded against them? This time it was him who shouted a 'get off' and made his way out of the dancefloor before it scared him any further.

Just like this time he was that close to the exit when a hand turned him around and a familiar voice soothed him.


Turning around he saw Jimin and his beating heartbeat finally found its rhythm again. The boy was smiling, just like he always did. He took his left wrist, caressing it gently before his face inched closer ever so slowly. They were kissing again, properly, soft and shy at first before tongues went teasing and teeth went provoking. He opened his mouth, letting Jimin slid in his hot and wet tongue, tasting every bit of a Min Yoongi that there was. The lick of his tongue was the one making him crazy and it was the scrape of teeth against the lips that got him smirking against the kiss.

In the midst of it all he tasted copper. He was familiar with blood, with Jimin playing it rough almost all of the time. But blood came after something, a sensation forgotten in the midst of their playful banter. It used to be the bite, the pain then the blood, yet the pain was missing from the picture. He moved his hand from Jimin's waist towards the boy's neck and that was when he felt something wet against the tip of his fingers.


Jimin was whispering something illegible against the kiss and he could feel that copper more and more, blood drenching his own lips by now it dripped down towards his chin. His eyebrows were arched and he had pulled himself away, questioning the weird scene and sensation when he heard that one voice again, echoing loud and clear against the thumping bass.


His eyes went wide and he took a step backward. He wasn't seeing Jimin. It was someone else. Or rather-, something else, because whoever that stood in front of him wouldn't be a person. The girl's head was bloody, the red liquid dripping from the corner of his mouth and smeared against her lips from which he had been kissing before. All over she was drenched in blood, her hands twisted at a weird angle. Her clothes were torn he could see the gnashing cut of her ribs. She cocked her head sideways, mouth forming a smile, showing off teeth that were painted with red before something snapped and he could see a hint of white bone protruding under the skin of her neck where his fingers just laid seconds ago.

"Murderer," she said, face grinning from ear to ear.

"G-go away!" he screamed, taking a step backward.

"But you killed me," she whispered.

"N-no I didn't. It was an accident! I'm n-not a-,"

"But you didn't hit on the brake, Yoongi."

He turned his body around and started to run pass the dancefloor. No, this was a nightmare. He always had one of those, right? This was no different then. He only needed to find Jimin now. He would find Jimin and everything would be fine.

"You knew you should hit on the brake."

But she kept appearing. He ran and she would always be there, on the nearest turn, sitting on the booth, behind bars, standing motionless between the dancing bodies on the dancefloor. He would keep seeing her and her voice grew from a whisper to a loud scream, filling his head with white noises.

"You knew you should stop, Yoongi."

On a futile attempt he stopped running and simply fell to the ground, eyes closed shut and hands covering his ear. He could still see her, though. Even as he closed his eyes he would, plastered behind his own eyelids. Her voice wasn't echoing pass the music, it was being repeated, playing on loop right beside his eardrums.

"S-stop it."

"But you killed me, Yoongi."


"My body went above the hood of your car-"

"I d-don't-."

"-and you didn't even stop afterwards."


"Hyung, it's green already."

Yoongi opened his eyes again.


No, he'd been opening his eyes all this time. Only now did he actually see and acknowledge the things that were happening in front of him. Why was he here? He felt as if he was somewhere else a millisecond ago before someone pressed skip and he was plucked from wherever he was before and put into this obscure scene.

"It's green. The headlight," Jimin said, pointing his finger towards the light.

Right. He was behind his steering wheel again. He was back on the intersection. He was back on the Yeoksam intersection, the one in which he crashed on Jimin weeks ago. The one in which Hoseok told him about the hit and run. The one in which he kept having his nightmare.

"Hyung, you're okay?" he asked again, looking concerned.

The road was empty like a typical three o'clock that it was. Witching hour. It was always be around three o'clock, or at least that was what the digital clock on his dashboard had told him. He didn't remember being there behind the steering wheel.

"I'm okay."

What he did remember was being in the club-,

"I'm perfectly-."

-his lips upon Jimin's before he realized that it was actually-,

Nausea ran through him. The first thing that he did was fumbling the car's door open and climbed outside. The cold winter air hit him hard. It was the alcohol sloshing inside of his stomach and probably the fact that they actually hadn't had dinner, that he fell on his knees and ended up throwing whatever that was left inside of his stomach out onto the asphalt. Jimin called on his name frantically, climbing down the car from the opposite door and went on to grab at his shoulder.

"Hyung, you're all right?"

Physically, no. He was in the club. That was the last thing he remembered. At least that was the last thing he believed in, before the horrendous image of the bloody girl plagued his mind yet again. He was having another nightmare, wasn't he? He was hearing whispers again. Blackouts and he was back behind the steering wheel. He was back on the intersection. It was always the same thing on loop.

"W-what hap-pened?" he stuttered, grabbing Jimin's shoulder hard.

"What? Shouldn't I be the one asking that to you, hyung?" the boy sounded worried and panicking a bit, grabbing his own wrist as harsh as he did.

He wiped his mouth with the back of his palm. It smelled and tasted like vomit which he was actually grateful. It was better to have that instead of the coppery taste of blood. The memory felt too real. If it were a dream he swore he just tasted genuine blood before.

"J-just answer me, dammit," he said, glaring at Jimin.

The boy was taken aback. He gulped but answered nonetheless.

"We just went to the club," he said. "We're having a good time. You're getting pretty drunk and we made out and you said that we could continue it back at the apartment."

Was it really? He wasn't having a mental breakdown at the club, knees falling to the floor and hands clawing on his ear? He was simply being a horny dork that promised an under-aged boy sex, not a lunatic who was slowly and certainly losing his mind?

"That's it hyung," he said again, this time patting his own back, still looking concerned.

"You're not lying, are you?"

The words were too harsh or his tone was, because Jimin just blinked at him with disbelief. He looked hurt, in the slightest, as if Yoongi's wearing questions and fainting trust stabbed him like a knife through the heart. He recovered though, only showing that expression at the very slightest because suddenly he was smiling again, soft and convincing, comforting him like he always had been.

"When have I ever?"

And he indeed never did.


Jimin helped him get back on the steering wheel again. It was a simple drive. It wouldn't take long and he would only have to keep his strength until he got back to his apartment. It wasn't really agonizing but his legs did feel kind of wobbly. He refused to have the boy's arm supporting him, so he did his best to walk towards the elevator door. The agonizing ride was spent in utter silence. He had felt it again. That headache, that pulsing and thumping, the fear scratching its claw against his back. Jimin could feel the uneasiness because he kept quiet, heads facing the ground instead.

The moment the elevator door opened, he thought that the only thing deterring him from relieve was that small walk from the elevator towards his own door. That was when he realized that fate still hadn't had enough fuckery for him that night. The door opened and the first thing he saw was a figure sitting on the wall between his door and his loud neighbor.

It wasn't Taehyung, because what else could the boy be doing on the hallway at three in the morning? It was Jungkook instead and it was even more peculiar to see. The boy was sitting on the floor, back slumped against the wall, glaring at nothing right in front of him. Even when he wasn't seeing or focusing on something, his glare was scary enough.

But of course, Yoongi clearly hadn't learned anything about scary before the boy realized his appearance and turned his attention towards him instead.

Right at that moment the boy's eyes went wide again, the same glare and expression painted against his face. He jerked up from his seat, looking at Yoongi with eyes filled with horror before he turned his gaze back at whatever it was that could be residing behind him.

"I-I-," the boy stuttered. He diverted his gaze, this time seeing the floor and taking a quick step backward, as if looking at Yoongi and whatever it was that scared him had robbed the boy off his ability to speak. "Taehyung told me to ask for the spare keycard from you," he stuttered.

At three in the morning? The boy and his boyfriend were indeed crazy.

"Taehyung fell asleep and he wouldn't wake up. He told me to ask for the key to you in case of emergency," he said.

That tiny bit inside of him felt like laughing because it was indeed a very Taehyung thing to do. The brat was still staring at the ground rather than his face. What was it, really? Up to this point the curiosity had turned into anger and annoyance instead. He felt like grabbing the boy by the shoulder and shook him hard until he came up with a decent explanation that would satisfy him.

Why were you looking at me like that? What scared you so much? What was your problem?

He groaned, walking towards his own door with wobbly steps, opening the door in a rush and fished out Taehyung's keycard from the bowl. He offered it towards Jungkook who stole a glance at him still with wide eyes. He was hesitating to take a step towards Yoongi, he could tell. The boy's fingers were even trembling and he certainly didn't know what was up with him. He took the card and turned around, walking towards the Kim's door without hesitating, no thank you or smalltalk.

Yoongi glared at him, still looking at Jungkook who was fumbling with the key. He was in a rush, that much was apparent. He was panicking even, trying his best to open the door as fast as he could but end up fighting with his own motoric skill instead, fear or whatever it was taking over the simple routine of opening a door. He must be really frightened right now, trying to get away from Yoongi as fast as possible.

It was the moment the door finally swung opened, did Yoongi finally realize that he couldn't take it anymore. The boy was having a problem, he knew it, because that was indeed not normal. He stepped forward daringly, holding his hand between the open door and the wall in front of Jungkook, preventing him from taking any step forward. The boy was surprised and the elder just gave him a hard gaze, one that many people would feel uncomfortable upon. And Jungkook did find it quite so, shrinking towards the wall behind him.

"What's your problem?" he said, hissing towards the poor boy.

Jungkook shivered a bit, trying to move his eyes. It happened so slowly but the boy finally lifted his head, He was doing so and the anger was slowly washed up with the same fear. The boy's eyes were opened wide, terror screaming from each fiber of his being. His lips trembled and the boy's fingers were clutching the door's handle, pressing them tight under his grip. He looked right at him before he ended up directing his gaze towards whatever that it was through Yoongi, as if there was someone standing on the hallway right behind Yoongi, peering over his shoulder, giving the boy such a fright he was practically shaking. As if there's-,

"-someone behind you," he whispered.

The hallway was already silent, but Yoongi swore every noise that he heard simply disappeared, or it was the air in his lung that did. Jungkook wasn't even looking at him right now. He was seeing something else passed him with wide eyes, like he always did all this time.

"There's someone behind you."

The girl's head was bloody, the red liquid dripping from the corner of his mouth and smeared against her lips.

"And she's mad." Jungkook's voice was trembling.

"But you killed me," she whispered.

"She's so, so mad."

Yoongi turned around at that point, chill ran down his spine. His heartbeat was beating like mad, his palms sweating. The image of his nightmare in the club that day kept on playing on repeat. The girl. The bloody girl with twisted face and creepy smile. The never-ending whispers. He turned around so quickly his vision was a blur. Jungkook used that opportunity to pry himself off of Yoongi and slipped through the door, slamming it shut.

He thought he would see that nightmare again, right there standing behind him. This time he wouldn't be crazy because Jungkook had seen it, had noticed it all along. He would find an explanation. He would find relief. He would find a bloody girl whose existence couldn't be explained yet as real as he could hope it to be.

But then he turned around all too quickly with heart pounding and all he could see is Jimin.

It was just Jimin, staring back at Yoongi with eyes confused, wondering what he must have been whispering towards Jungkook. He had even forgotten the fact that Jimin was there all this time. For the slightest moment he didn't even register the fact that he was there.

There was no bloody girl behind him. There was no nightmare or whispers.

There was only Jimin.

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