18-re : explanation

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so heres the apparent fact :

1. Park Jimin the boy isnt real.

Yes, Jimin simply doesnt exist. He is the product of Yoongis imagination. The first hint is actually Jimin knowing about Yoongis name before he even got the chance to say it for himself. Later on Jimin said that he knew it because he read the name by the door (chapter 2), though it turns out to be a lie, since the name thats actually written by the door is of Yoongis father, not him (chapter 15)

The second hint is Jin hearing Yoongis conversation in front of NB in chapter 2 (and its pretty shady for itself you can see for yourself)

The third hint and the actual trap is Taehyung conversing with Yoongi and Jimin inside of the elevator. Tae, as always, simply thinks that Jimin is Yoongis imaginary friend. And actually if you see in chapter 4 as well when Jimin yelled at Yoongi to open the door and Mrs. Kim walked outside, she only spoke to Yoongi.

The fourth and still a trap is Namjoon coming over and speaking to Jimin or so Yoongi saw it in chapter 10. Namjoon wanted to speak to Yoongi the next day on chapter 11 about the car because the conversation earlier had actually never happened. So no, Namjoon never met Jimin. Yoongi simply imagined that he did.

The fifth and not significant is the description and narratives as Jimin and Yoongi hung out together, eating ice cream, karaoke and going to club in chapter 12. its very subtle though.

2. Yoongi hits a girl with his car. And he simply didnt remember it, being too drunk and all. whats written in chapter 16 is the truth. the actual evidence is the blood on Yoongis old car.

One certain thing is how Yoongi hit her on September night and he didnt remember about it all, slowly degrading into the condition that he was at chapter 1 before he hit on Park Jimin the boy a month later (when actually in reality he wasnt even hitting on anyone and hit the brake and slam his on the steering wheel for nothing)

3. The girl Yoongi hits is named Park Jimin. which if explained without putting the supernatural mumbo jumbo together, is nothing but mere coincidence. then why did Yoongi specifically thought about a boy whose name is Park Jimin as well? its coincidence, my dear, though its up to you to theorize on this part :3

4. Jungkook can see ghost. Yes, he can see ghost, and for anybody believing in supernatural stuff, then the girl standing behind Yoongi all the time, scaring Jungkook was the girl he hit, whose name just turns out to be Park Jimin.

And heres the other shady part that i implied

1. Park Jimin the boy is the knife. And every time Yoongi and Jimin have sex, its basically Yoongi cutting his wrist open. its actually implied on chapter 9 when they had sex the first time, Yoongi saying that he hadnt done it before (meaning; the sex) and Jimin said of course he had (meaning; cutting, since Yoongi had once when he was smaller).

Its implied on the description and narratives as well each time the two had sex for its always when something bad is plaguing Yoongi and he used Jimin to escape it. Yoongi would always focus on the pain and also how Jimin always caressed and grip Yoongis left wrist and how it never healed, implying that Jimin was indeed the knife (since Yoongi also thought the knives to be 'his beloved' on the earlier narratives)

Jimin himself had said it in chapter 15 that everytime they kiss itll be another cut on Yoongis arm. Another hint is how Yoongi found the first bloody knife on the couch (because Jimin and Yoongi always had sex on the couch) and he found the second one in the bathroom (because they did it there as well on chapter 13)

2. Park Jimin the boy is a projection of Yoongis self. Because both cut their wrist, both had trouble with their parents. Jimin could always seem to read Yoongis mind because they are one. It explains how Jimin keeps on saying that Yoongi never loved anyone other than himself, thus explaining why he loves Jimin, because Jimin IS Yoongi, or at least a part of him is.

Its also explained with the scars that Yoongi saw first on Jimins hand in chapter 13. Yoongi found the knife thinking that Jimin was using it to cut himself and found the cuts on Jimins hand when actually it was his own hand he was cutting. so he was projecting his own scars on Jimin because he didnt have any idea that hed been cutting himself (and big thanks to because her comments inspire me a lot for this part. i love you)

3. Park Jimin the boy is a projection of Yoongis friend. Remember that part Jimin talked about himself and its practically every bit of things and traits of Yoongis friend? yeah, its that one. (big thanks to MinniMoonWuvJae for this because she pointed it out earlier before i even realized it)

4. Park Jimin the boy is the ghost of Park Jimin the girl. So basically this theory is how the both Park Jimin is the same. Because Jungkook saw her and when Yoongi turned around he could only see Jimin as in chapter 12. That and the scene of Yoongi kissing Jimin in the club only for it to turn into someone else. So Park Jimin the girl came back to Yoongi in the form of Park Jimin the boy or so it appeared to Yoongis eyes.

i welcome anyone who theorize something else or point out other stuff from the story. i think this is more about what you want to believe, but here is what i believe in myself. if you find yourself disagreeing i guess its completely normal because the story is flexible.

so here goes. my own theory

i think that Park Jimin the girl and Park Jimin the boy are someone (or something) entirely different. Park Jimin the girl is a living person that Yoongi hits and she returns in a form of a ghost. she cant really do any physical damage other than standing behind Yoongi and since Yoongi dont really believe or care in such thing he doesnt really register her as well. it was Jungkook who really did because he could see ghost in the first place.

whereas Park Jimin the boy is something that Yoongis mind had conjured up. he didnt remember the accident but his subconscious did and there was a one month period (in which he slowly developing the symptoms of depression without him realizing why - therefore explaining how he always found his friends worry as annoying since Yoongi didnt think there was something wrong with him. he actually simply didnt remember). so no, i dont think that Park Jimin the boy is a ghost, and when Jungkook said about someone standing behind Yoongi, what Jungkook saw and what Yoongi saw was entirely different.

Park Jimin the boy is for me a mixture of Yoongis self and what he sees in his friend. he takes bits of everything from things he knows, sees and experiences and it becomes Park Jimin the boy. at the same time he is the knife as well. the reason why he never loved anyone other than himself is because Jimin is something thats practically made from him, so theyre practically one. Park Jimin the boy never meant any harm for Yoongi.

what about the whispers and nightmares then? i think its Yoongis own subconscious talking to him. its all simply stuff he had made as well. even if it was something that Park Jimin the girl did as a ghost, i think its 50/50. i mean, a part of it was caused by Yoongis mind raging, the other is the ghost doing its supernatural mumbo jumbo.

so the final question, why do they share the same name? well, apart from reality, psychological stuff and haunting, i guess theres fate or something like that playing in here. i want to say that its a pure coincidence that both share the same name, or everything is preordained by a higher deity. i dont have a legit argument for this, actually. OTL

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