15-Open Cavity Surgery

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World Building Fact:
The Kim Hospital in the center of Seoul is the best medical facility in all of Korea.

Seokjin stoically watched as Hoseok was wheeled into the OR.

"He'll should be alright," his PA reassured in monotone, "We have the best surgeons in Korea." Seokjin didn't reply, eyes focused on Hoseok's prone body.

The sound of loud, rapidly approaching footsteps immediately set Yoongi and Jimin on edge. While Jimin jerked Jungkook closer to his chest, Yoongi slid off the bed, standing protectively in front of his mate and pup, a low growl rumbling in his throat.

That low growl woke Jungkook up, who looked up at Jimin with terror in his eyes.

"Mommy?" he whimpered, eyes filling with tears.

"Shh," Jimin cooed, bouncing Jungkook in his lap, "It's okay, it's okay. Appa's just overreacting a little. You know how Appa is."

But as Jimin downplayed Yoongi's reaction, he gave the Alpha a hard look, silently demanding the Alpha go outside and deal with the potential threat.

Yoongi gave him a clipped nod, pulling out his gun and slowly peered out the door.

"Appa's silly isn't he?" Jimin asked, forcing a laugh, "You can't be in danger at a hospital."

Jungkook sniffed, nodding, soothed, "Yeah, Hos'pitals are safe."

"Appa's silly," Jimin repeated.

"Super silly."

Jimin glanced up when he heard Yoongi's growls taper off.

The Alpha gave Jimin a warm smile and nod, slipping his gun back into hiding.

The Alpha threw up a gummy smile for Jungkook, "Kookie! Look! Mama and Daddy!"

Jungkook perked up, pulling away from Jimin to look at the door.

Tae and Namjoon slowly, tentatively walked inside, likely still expecting Jungkook to be in a similar state as an hour ago.

Yoongi and Jimin both visibly relaxed at the sight of their pack Alpha. Namjoon, looking a little worse for wear, still looked strong, reliable. The intense scent of peppermint wafted around the room, calming the pair who had been under stress for the past hour, being the sole protectors of a very vulnerable Kookie.

It was an instinctual thing.

But, also, Jimin just felt lighter knowing that Namjoon was here. Intelligent, resourceful, calm, level-headed Namjoon, who could probably understand anything Dr. Seong would throw at him.

Taehyung followed in on Namjoon's heels. And Jimin was in awe at how put-together Tae looked. Even though he and Tae were still in matching flasher outfits, Taehyung was looking around the room with alert eyes. He walked calmly, shoulders straight with a strong self-confidence. He was giving Kookie a small smile, like he hadn't just seen Kookie shaking violently in the middle of a seizure.

"Hi, Kookie," Namjoon said, softly, stopping a couple steps inside the room. Taehyung copied.

Jimin smiled at Jungkook encouragingly, "Do you think that's Daddy and Mama?"

Jungkook stared, pouting.

Tae looked at Jimin with wide, confused eyes, and Jimin smiled reassuringly, mouthing that he'd explain later.

"Can Mr. Omega smile? Mama has a square smile..." Kookie trailed off softly.

Taehyung, with no other prompting, beamed, flashing a bright boxy smile at his pup, which made Kookie relax and turn towards Namjoon.

Namjoon became nervous with the attention, hands fidgeting.

"Hand me my phone, Namjoonie?" Yoongi asked, interrupting, and Namjoon jerked.

The Alpha attempted to reach out and grab the phone on the hospital bed, trying to stay as far away from Jungkook as possible, but in his nervousness, he tripped over his own feet. Grabbing the footboard to stabilize himself, Namjoon tried to regain his balance, and as he did, the distinct crack of the bed's plastic base cracking sounded through the room.

Jungkook leaned over to observe the massive crack in the footboard before looking up at Namjoon. "That's Daddy."

Jimin giggled into Kookie's hair. Taehyung pressed his laughter into Namjoon's chest. Yoongi shook with silent laughter by the wall.

Jungkook huffed, unamused, nose wrinkling cutely, "Daddy! Mama! I want cuddles! Come here."

Tae glanced at Yoongi, still laughing, silently asking for permission.

Yoongi nodded encouragingly, "He's fine, promise. Be gentle, but otherwise, he's fine."

In a scene that felt oddly familiar, Taehyung and Namjoon approached Jungkook who was squirming petulantly in Jimin's lap, making grabby hands at his two approaching parents.

Jimin held on tightly to the pup's hips. Jungkook was still attached to the IV, and Jimin doubted Jungkook would be careful with it, when he was so excited.

"Hey, baby," Taehyung whispered softly.

Jungkook was bouncing excitedly in Jimin's lap.

"You wanna cuddle us, bunny? It's okay if you do-"

"I wanna! I wanna! I wanna!" Jungkook interrupted, holding his hands out to be held by his parents, "Please! Cuddles!"

Tae and Namjoon gave each other a look before carefully getting onto the bed. The hospital bed was a little bigger than a regular one, but not by much. It still needed to be functional in case of an emergency.

So, Jimin handed Jungkook to Tae, who immediately clutched the pup tight to his chest. Namjoon sat down in the center of the bed, and Taehyung, with Jungkook in his arms, curled into the tall Alpha's lap.

Jimin was smiling so brightly, his cheeks were starting to hurt.

A low soothing purr left Namjoon's throat, and Jimin could see Jungkook's eyes brighten. "Daddy! That tickles!"

"I can stop?" Namjoon asked playfully, already knowing the answer.

"No! I like it!" Jungkook giggled, pressing his palms against Namjoon's neck to feel the vibrations himself.

Taehyung nuzzled against Kookie's cheek, breathing in the soft, fresh smell of their pup.

They looked picture perfect, and the soft snap of a camera behind him told Jimin that Yoongi whole-heartedly agreed with him.

Seokjin watched, silently through the window, face blank as Hoseok's heart monitor blared.


The surgeons moved frantically, eyes wide as they searched Hoseok's chest for the source of the bleeding.

Hoseok could die. His Hoseok. The one who joined him for candlelit meals and midnight conversations.

He had lost far too much blood.

His blood pressure was tanking.

Kim Seokjin watched, expressionless.

The five of them had all curled up onto the bed. Kookie in Namjoon and Yoongi's arms at the head of the bed, while Tae and Jimin sat at the foot of the bed, facing the Alphas.

Jimin hissed as an especially bad heat-cramp racked through him, and he doubled over from the pain.

"Mommy?" Jungkook asked, scared.

"Shh," Taehyung reassured, as Jimin sat back up with a smile, "Mommy's alright, he just has a belly ache. Right Mommy?"

Jimin nodded, "Don't worry Kookie, Mommy just drank too much soda this morning."

"Oh," Jungkook blinked, "Soda not good."

"Yeah, baby, Mommy forgot."

They were relaxed, content with watching Jungkook play with Yoongi's knobby fingers. "It took you a while to get here. Traffic?" Jimin asked casually, glancing at Tae.

Taehyung nodded, picking at the blood wedged underneath his nails, "Like you wouldn't believe. There were two accidents?"

"Three," Namjoon corrected, rolling his eyes, "The driving license requirements are too low, I swear."

Jimin raised an eyebrow, "Is that why you've never been able pass the test?"

Namjoon sputtered, and Jungkook took his attention away from Yoongi's long, piano fingers to frown at Jimin.

"Mommy don't be mean. We can't complain about things people can't change, 'member?" Kookie waved a finger at Jimin, trying his best to be intimidating, "Daddy can't be better at driving, don't be mean."

Jimin and Taehyung suppressed their giggles, hiding their smiles behind their hands, "You're right, Kookie. We're sorry."

Jungkook nodded seriously, before going back to Yoongi's hands.

Namjoon was blushing deeply, unable to make his case by directly contradicting Jungkook's attempt at support.

Yoongi rolled his eyes.

"Appa?" Kookie asked.

Yoongi smiled, looking down at the pup, "Yeah, bunny?"

"Why can't I smell anything? Is it because of the mean Alpha?" Kookie asked, casually, still playing with Yoongi's hands.

Yoongi froze.

Tae choked.

Jimin winced.

Namjoon smoothly turned Jungkook around to face him.

"Yes, bunny. Daehyun was very, very mean. He made his scent really strong, and it was so strong that it gave your little nose an ouchy. You'll be able to smell in the next couple days as your nose gets better. I promise," Namjoon explained softly, "Does that make sense?"

Jungkook nodded, fiddling with his hospital gown, "Did Eomma kill Daehyun?"

"He'll never hurt you ever again, baby. He's gone." Jimin said softly.

Jungkook looked at Jimin, before nodding with a frown, "Good. I don't like him. He should be dead."

"Well, lucky for you, Kookie. Eomma always does what you want," Taehyung smiled.

Jungkook nodded, trying to look serious, "Also, there was lots of police. I don't want Eomma to get 'rrested."

Tae smiled pinching Jungkook's cheek, "That's not going to happen, Jungkookie. Don't worry. That's why we have Appa, hm?"

Jungkook nodded, looking at Yoongi, "Appa has to promise not to let anyone get 'rrested."

Yoongi rolled his eyes, but nodded none the less, "Of course. I'd never let it happen. Because, as we all know, the only thing I bring to the group is my extraordinary Alpha-voice." Namjoon nodded sagely, "I couldn't have said it better."

Quick as a snake, Yoongi reached out and whacked the back of Namjoon's head, "Respect, hyung."

Unaffected by the fighting between his Daddies, Jungkook stretched his hands out in front of him, looking at the bandages wrapped around his wrists and forearms, covering up his parenting bites. The pup moved to touch them, and Tae reached out, grabbing Jungkook's hand.

"Don't touch them. We want everything to heal properly, baby," Tae chided.

Jungkook nodded.

"What's it from?" he asked, wide eyes looking up at Taehyung, and Tae felt his heart tug.

With a pained swallow, Taehyung softly brushed against the bandages, "You were tied up with wire, and it was too tight, so it cut your skin."

Jungkook nodded, "Kay."

Hoseok was okay.

They'd stopped the bleeding, and patched all the ripped tissues in Hoseok's chest cavity. They removed both bullets at Seokjin's insistence, though it hadn't been necessary.

The Alpha was drugged up, kept in a private room on the ground floor, on the off chance of a complication and a need to rush him back into surgery.

Alphas with Amber Fever were unpredictable like that, medically-speaking.

At the moment, the Alpha was dozing peacefully in his hospital bed, bandages wrapped tightly around his torso.

Seokjin stood protectively at the door, instinctively wanting to guard his vulnerable mate. Seokjin's PA was right next to him, standing supportively just a step back and to the right.

"Mr. Kim, I suggest you freshen up. Reporters have caught our scent," she said in monotone, "You wouldn't make a good picture at the moment."

Seokjin nodded. That was a good idea. He didn't want to leave Hoseok, but Seokjin's hands were still caked with blood.


"The Surgeons expect Mr. Kim to wake up in an hour, so there's enough time for you to shower and change. You can have a chat with Dr. Seong about the young Mr. Kim's condition, afterwards. Would you like for me to escort you to the VIP room I've set aside?"

Soekjin shook his head, "No, oppa that will be fine."

She nodded, "Room 703. I've placed all your things in the washroom."

Seokjin nodded. As he moved to leave, his eyes were drawn back to his slumbering, prone mate. Seokjin walked up to Hoseok and pressed a soft kiss to the Alpha's forehead.

And then, as Seokjin walked out he ordered, "Do not leave this room. You are not to leave him unattended."

The PA nodded stoically, "Yes, Mr. Kim."

"Where's Eomma and Appa?" Kookie innocently asked Jimin and Tae.

"Well, Appa is in a bed downstairs, I think," Jimin said with a frown, "And I don't know where unnie is. Did his PA mention it?"

Tae shook his head, "No, she didn't. Do you want me to ask her? She kind of scares me." Jimin nodded, "She's fucking weird."

Jungkook slapped Jimin's chest, "Bad word."

Jimin smiled at Jungkook, "Sorry baby. Do you want to go see Appa?"

The pup nodded eagerly, making Jimin and Tae coo.

Seokjin in stood nude in front of the mirror. He didn't want to look, but his reflection caught his attention, and now he was looking himself in the eye.

He was a pretty Omega.

Big eyes, plush lips, strong shoulders, tiny waist, a slight hourglass figure.

Pretty, pretty, pretty, he told himself.

Pretty, despite the ugly pink scar branding his stomach, a circle of raised, wounded skin, a constant burning remind that he was so horribly broken on the inside.

He's was slim and curved and his tummy was... flat.

Seokjin's eyes dropped to his abdomen, There wasn't a healthy little bump of life swelling inside him. It was flat. It would always be flat.

He'd always be alone in his body. Alone, deathly alone, pathetically, brokenly alone.

His uterus was nothing but a shattered coffin, incapable of holding anything but lifeless bodies. He was empty. He was useless. He was a killer. He killed his children.

Seokjin wondered how he could have ever expected anything else from himself.

His hands were stained and sticky with blood, a crimson red color that was oh so familiar. And, then all Seokjin could see was blood dripping down his legs.

Drip. Drip. Drip.

All that was left just dripping down his legs.

Seokjin's pups would only ever be blood drips down his legs.

The Omega sobbed, watching as his face contorted into a not pretty expression. Sliding down the wall and collapsing on the floor, Seokjin's body racked with shivers as tears streamed down his face.

The lie he told himself dissolving, and leaving him with the hopeless grief he kept buried inside him.

Drip. Drip. Drip. 

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