3-Red Eyes

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World Building Fact:

Mated omegas can command their mates using Omega-voice. This only works on their mates, and doesn't affect anyone else. The stronger their emotions, the harder it is for mates to disobey. Commands given in Omega-space are practically impossible to disobey.

Unmated omegas do not have this ability.

Seokjin walked out, wearing black slacks and a tucked-in button down. That was enough to make Yoongi feel like a failure.
Seokjin never wore pants. Ever.

All things considered, the Omega was traditional in many ways. Looking beautiful always took priority over function. Conservative, floor length dresses were practically all the Omega wore. They visibly constricted his movement, modestly indicating that the Omega did no physical labor. Any and all physical exertion would immediately be taken care of by his Alphas.

For Seokjin to feel like he needed to have the ability to move. Well, it was practically a slap in the face, a silent sign he didn't trust Yoongi.

And Seokjin knew it.

Omega moved down the stairs. Instead of the usual clicks of stilettos, soft pats of Adidas running shoes followed Seokjin's steps, making Yoongi feel even smaller.

"Was he with Namjoon and Hoseok?" Seokjin asked, words clipped.

Yoongi shook his head, "No, noona."

There was a flash of fear on the Omega's face, before it faded, faded into a smooth, blank expression. The Omega's eyes flickered between red, black, red, black, red, black, before finally resting on an ominous crimson.


"Who took mypup, Yoongi?" Seokjin asked. His voice was hard.

"I don't know, noona," the Alpha whispered, cringing slightly.

The Omega took a step closer to Yoongi, looming over him, pressing his lips in Yoongi's hair. Seokjin reeked of rotting flowers, of death, danger, danger, danger. And Yoongi forced himself to suppress a shiver, knowing it would only make things worse.

"I can feel your little shivers, deark, there's no need to be scared. I won't hurt you," Seokjin cooed, running gentle fingers down Yoongi's arms, "We'll get him back, won't we? Nothing to worry about."

"Yes, noona."

"Good boy," Seokjin praised, "Now, run down to the lobby, get the security video. And I'll call the Superintendent, there's a reason we pay him three billion won a year. Everything will be just fine."

Yoongi paused. Seokjin seemed rather under control. This wasn't nearly as bad as Yoongi thought it'd be. Maybe there had been no reason to be so wary. Seokjin, while ruthless, was also an extremely logical Omega, perhaps Yoongi had underestimated him.

However, as much as Yoongi wanted to follow Seokjin's instruction, he paused. While, yes, his protective instincts were demanding he go out and find Kookie, just as strong was the pull to protect his vulnerable Omega mates.

Relaxing his shoulders, Yoongi answered, "Noona, I can't go down to the lobby. Jimin and Tae are going to go into heat. They need to be taken care up or they'll overheat."

One moment Seokjin was calm. The next-

The Omega snarled, fangs flashing less than an inch away from Yoongi's face, the stench of rot growing even stronger.

"Overheat? They can burn to a fucking crisp for all I care. My priority is my damn baby. So, you're going to go down stairs, you're going to talk to the brutes you keep downstairs, and you're going to figure out what happened. Am I clear?" Seokjin ordered, voice sharp as a knife, with Omega-voice underlying his words.

Fuck fuck fuck.

Yoongi felt his mind cloud over at Seokjin's voice.

The Omega's nails were digging into Yoongi's arms. Even if he wanted to, he wouldn't be able to get out of the hold. As an Alpha, he was biologically wired to keep his Omega happy. He was physically unable to disobey his mate's Omega-voice.

And if that meant leaving Tae and Jimin to go downstairs, that's what he'd do.


"Yes, noona," Yoongi answered, wondering just how the fuck.

"Good boy," Seokjin smiled, fangs flashing, "Off you go."


The car ride was jerky.

Their driver was swerving through traffic, weaving their Rolls Royce SUV through the lunch hour rush, understanding that the quicker he got his bosses home, the more likely he was to live.

The Alphas were sitting side by side; shoulders, hips and thighs flush together.

"Who could have taken him?" Namjoon mumbled, running through lower-level crime families in his head.

"The better question is how," Hoseok retorted, looking at him with Amber eyes, "Yoongi practically has an army downstairs. There's no way they'd be able to drag a screaming Kookie out of the lobby."

"So if Kookie wasn't making a fuss..."

"What could keep Kookie calm?" Hoseok led, doing his best to help spark an idea.

"Someone we fucking know," Namjoon growled, "Someone he likes. Someone he trusts."

God. Namjoon was just so fucking angry. His vision flickered yellow, as his thoughts started to go fuzzy. His hands twitched, aching to just wring a motherfucking neck. Fuck.

Someone they trust has betrayed them. Someone was going to burn.

"Calm down, Namjoon," Hoseok demanded, a firm hand pressing down on Namjoon's mating bite, "We aren't going to find him if you're busy breaking things."

Hoseok's warm hand against Namjoon's mating mark did well to calm the Alpha down, soft bubbles of warm, love, safe floating in his stomach.

He didn't even notice the car had stopped until Hoseok snapped his fingers.

"Bambi," the Alpha called, his tone cold despite the soft nickname, a strong grip on Namjoon's shoulders, "You have to focus, okay? Focus. Can you do that for me?"

His mate's voice cleared Namjoon's mind, stern and sharp.

Namjoon blinked several times before nodding.

Hoseok smiled softly. Reaching out to cup Namjoon's cheek, the Alpha purred, a low rumble that immediately had the tension melting from Namjoon's shoulders. It was a specific tone meant only for pups, a gentle, calming sound.

"You'll figure it out, Namjoon," Hoseok told him, amber eyes warm with pride, "You're my perfect little Alpha, I know you will. Just keep your head on straight."

"Okay, hyung," Namjoon whispered, feeling safe and reassured at the same time.

While Namjoon was pack Alpha, Hoseok was definitely the most dominant Alpha in the pack. Hoseok was always so good at making Namjoon feel supported and safe, without making him feel small.

"Good boy. You go inside," Hoseok's voice fell from warm to malicious within a second, "I'll take the car, and give some of our friends a visit."

"Okay, be safe, hyung" Namjoon said, not so much worried about Hoseok, as much as whoever Hoseok was going to visit.

Hoseok reached out and pressed a firm kiss to Namjoon's lips, warm and reassuring, and Namjoon let out a soft whine. The Alpha had barely opened his eyes when Hoseok practically shoved the Alpha out of the car.

"I will. Now, go."


Namjoon passed by Yoongi as he walked into the lobby.

It seemed to take physical effort for Yoongi to stop in front of Namjoon. "Get. Noona. Under. Control," he gritted, "He's fucking mad as shit."

Namjoon blinked and then he realized, "Noona commanded you?"

"Calm him down before he orders you around, too. Jimin and Tae are in heat, we can't ignore them either," Yoongi said quickly, seeming as if he was pushing the words out of his mouth, before he quickly walked away, forced to go do whatever Seokjin had asked him to do.

Namjoon shivered, knowing it was no use to chase after Yoongi. Yoongi had to do whatever Seokjin commanded him to do, and he'd fight Namjoon if he tried to get in way.

Shaking his head, Namjoon jogged to the elevators, pressing the button for the top floor.

He didn't remember the last time Seokjin had genuinely Omega-commanded them. Even years ago, when their relationship was at its rockiest, Seokjin never took advantage of the power he had over his Alphas.

Seokjin didn't need his Omega-voice in order to be terrifying.

And, it wasn't as if they were upset because Seokjin was bossing them around. Seokjin did that regularly. Namjoon took pride in doing what Seokjin wanted. It was his job to lay supple at Seokjin's feet and submit.

Their Omega mate could step on their faces, and the Alphas would say thank you.

The issue was that the Alphas would willingly offer their faces as a walkway for Seokjin's stiletto heels.

It hurt that Seokjin would betray their trust like this, that he'd tug his Alpha mates around like puppets. The Kim clan was a team, a pack, a family, they didn't a lot of horrific things, but they didn't mistreat each other like that.

But, then again, Namjoon couldn't entirely blame him. Seokjin was a mother, neck deep in Omega- space, who just wanted his pup back home.

And that was part of the issue.

When they were angry, his Omega mates were like sadistic beasts. No thought for collateral damage. They left bloody, ashy heaps in their wake. The only thing the Alphas could do was hold them back, try their best to keep them leashed.

And Seokjin, the scariest Omega in Seoul? Seokjin was known for being damn near apocalyptic.

Last year, when they were trying to find a police informant, Seokjin had tried to get his hands on nuclear launch codes, as if that was the best way to deal with the problem.

As the elevator doors opened, the smell of rotten flowers and danger, danger, danger hit Namjoon like a freight train.


"Noona," Namjoon called with fake confidence, "Any updates?"

The penthouse looked normal, pristine as usual. Jimin and Tae were curled up around each other on the couch, nude but partially covered by a thin blanket. They had frowns on their faces, which was probably a subconscious response to Seokjin's scent.

"Here. Namjoonie," Seokjin called, standing up from another couch.

Namjoon blinked.

Seokjin was wearing pants. And running shoes. Namjoon didn't even know Seokjin owned pants.

The sight immediately had him feeling shame. He failed in protecting his family, and now Seokjin, his Omega mate, felt the need to step in and do Namjoon's job for him.

Namjoon had proven himself weak, and Seokjin was no longer confident Namjoon could take care of him.

That quickly became a side note however, as Namjoon saw the sharp expression on Seokjin's face. Intelligent crimson eyes looked at him with just a bit of malice.

Fuck. Right get noona under control.

"I'll call you back," Seokjin said into his phone before ending the call. "I'm so happy to have you home, Namjoonie. I'm just so worried. I've talked to the police superintendent, the director of the NIS, the head of security for the building, and I'm on call with the mayor."

"Did anyone have anything to say?" Namjoon asked, walking closer. Trying to keep his posture strong, an imitation of a confident, protective Alpha that could bring Seokjin some comfort.

Seokjin shook his head, running a hand through his hair. He didn't seem frantic, but he also didn't seem quite present. Namjoon wouldn't be surprised if Seokjin started swaying. "No one knows. Yoongi's running over the footage downstairs, but no one has anything. Honestly, if they don't have anything to say now, then what's the point of them having tongues at all? Can't you make a really nice dish with Cow tongue? Maybe it'll be the same with human tongue..."

"What about Kookie's tracking bracelet?" Namjoon changed the subject, suppressing a shiver. It was for the best to nudge Seokjin away from the idea of cannibalism before he really started craving it.

Seokjin exhaled loudly, easily forgetting about the whole 'cannibalism' thing. "He left it in the lobby. Which is concerning. I don't know who could convince him to leave it without a fuss. He knows how important it is."

"I think it's someone we know," Namjoon said, explaining what he and Hoseok talked about in the car, "There's no other reason Kookie would leave without a fuss."

Seokjin blinked, face growing even colder, "You think it was an ally?" Ashes. Seokjin smelled like ash.

The last time Seokjin smelled this horrible, it was right after the incident.

"I think it could be. I sent hyung out to speak to other clans and look-out parties searching for anything about a stolen pup. And I thought we could speak to our subordinates, until the police contacts us again," the Alpha explained, with a soft voice, trying to appear as submissive as possible. The last thing he needed was for Seokjin to see him as a threat.

"I refuse to sit and wait. We'll go out, too. Everyone around us is fucking pathetic. God knows how long my baby has been gone. I'm ready to start taking heads, Namjoonie," Seokjin growled. It was a low, threatening rumble that immediately had Namjoon on edge.


"I know, Noona," Namjoon soothed, "We'll make a pile of heads. Set them up really nice and pretty, and show them to Kookie when he comes home. You know he likes popping the heads of his dolls right? I'm sure he'd love to watch it on a real person."

The growl tapered off. Seokjin smiled, wistful, "That's a nice thought."

Namjoon was so close, less than a foot away from Seokjin, one more step, and he could reach out and-

Seokjin took a quick step back, sneering, "Don't even fucking think about it, Namjoon. Or your head will be the first of the pile."

"Sorry, noona."

Seokjin gave him a smile with far too many teeth, "It's okay. I know it's only because you're worried. But that's why Noona's in charge. Okay? So, how about you go get noona a gun? And then, we'll go out, too."

Namjoon blinked. He definitely didn't want to get a gun for the person that had been talking of eating peoples tongues less than a minute ago. And he definitely didn't want to let Seokjin leave the house. And he certainly, couldn't leave Jimin and Tae here alone, in pre-heat, for Christ's sake.

"What about Jimin and Tae? Your flowers are in heat, Noona,c" Namjoon asked, hoping to appeal to Seokjin's sympathy. Jimin and Tae were Seokjin's flowers; his beautiful little mates. There was nothing Seokjin wouldn't do for his omega mates.

Seokjin waved his words off; the omega's expression remained merciless. "They'll be fine. Let's focus on getting Kookie."

"How will we even find him? There's no point in walking around Seoul with a gun, Seokjin! Be reasonable for Christ's sake," Namjoon yelled, frustrated, wishing not for the first time that Alpha- voice would work on mates, as he dropped the honorific on Seokjin's name.

Seokjin snarled, "Don't you dare, disrespect me. You understand Kim Namjoon? I can force you to rip out your own tongue, sauté it, and fucking feed it to me. I'll make you do it. Don't fucking test me."

"What's going on?" Tae asked.

The unexpected voice jerked both of them out of their conversation.

Namjoon's yelling seemed to have finally been the thing that woke up Jimin and Taehyung, who had miraculously been sleeping through this entire situation. They slowly sat up, flashing long expanses of skin as the blanket fell into their laps. Jimin sleepily yawned, arching his body like a cat, but Tae was alert immediately, eyes flashing between Seokjin and Namjoon.

As they awoke, their scents shifted to again release that unbearably sweet pleasure, heat, heat. Their eyes were red, flashing that color from their need, instead of anger, like Seokjin.

Namjoon's skin prickled; he felt an inexplicable urge to walk over and protectively lay on top of them.

"Nice of you to wake up," Seokjin sneered, not showing any hint of sympathy.

Jimin sniffed, before practically doubling over with a pained whine from the smell of death and ash in the air.

Namjoon quickly walked over to rub Jimin's back, cooing softly and leading Jimin's nose to his own scent gland. The Alpha probably didn't smell as soothing as he would have liked, but there was no way he smelled worse than Seokjin, who reeked of ash and death right now.

Jimin whimpered a little louder and climbed into Namjoon's lap, needing comfort from his racketing anxiety.

Tae, while still affected by Seokjin's scent, was always far more verbal during their heats, "W-what's going on, Oppa?"

"Kookie's been kidnapped, and I'm trying to keep Noona under control," Namjoon said, hoping that Jimin and Tae would be able to wrangle Seokjin back to somewhere sensible.

How wrong he was.

"Kookie's been... kidnapped," Tae repeated, much slower. His reaction time was obviously delayed, and Namjoon would have found it cute, if he wasn't so concerned about worrying an omega in heat.

Jimin whimpered, too far in heat to speak. Which was to be expected. Jimin was entirely non-verbal during heats, and watching him distressed and unable to express himself was breaking Namjoon's heart.

Namjoon nodded, gently cupping Jimin's head, "We don't know who, but we think it's someone Kookie trusts. But, Yoongi's downstairs with security. Hoseok's out doing rounds. Seokjin and I are waiting for calls from law enforcement."

"Right," Tae said lowly. The Omega was rubbing a soothing hand on his stomach, probably trying to quell a cramp.

"So, if you could please explain to your mate, that we're doing everything we can. And that walking around Seoul with a gun and a plan for mass murder is idiotic," Namjoon pleaded, exasperated.

Jimin pulled his face out of Namjoon's neck, eyes flicking a deeper shade of crimson, under control and aware. "Unnie... I a-agree with u-unnie."

The Omega was clearly struggling and Namjoon softly stroked a thumb over Jimin's collarbones, reassuring the Omega that he could stop, fall back into heat.

"It's okay, Jiminie. Just sink back down, Alpha has you. Don't hurt yourself, darling," Namjoon cooed.

Namjoon's heart was aching at the sight in front of him. Jimin should be smiling and cooing, crimson eyes twinkling, wriggling in a little nest of his own making, whining for his mates to fill him up with a pout and an entitled expression. Not struggling to speak when he was clearly unable to.

But, Jimin shook his head, slipping away from Namjoon's lap, frowning. The curvy Omega hugged himself tightly, clearly still suffering from cramps. His voice, however, was firm, "No. I agree with Unnie. He's the only one doing anything."

"Well. I agree, the gun idea is idiotic, Oppa," Tae said, claiming Namjoon's attention again. "Thank you-"

With a smooth movement, Taehyung stood up from the couch, blanket falling away and leaving him bare. He gracefully stretched his arms above his head, popping his back and shoulders, entirely unconcerned with being nude.

"We should take bombs. Check a building, and if Kookie isn't there, blow it up. That way we know where we've checked and where we haven't," the Omega grinned, giving Namjoon a boxy smile.

The smell of arousal and slick faded slightly, replaced by adrenaline, anger, anger, danger.

Heats were just a week where Omegas were very sensitive to arousal and experienced harsh cramping that only eased up from orgasms and sex. But, the actual mindset of heat came from slipping into Omega-space, which was entirely a mental thing.

And, though the mix of hormones Jimin and Taehyung had in their bodies right now was very insistent that the Omega's slip into Omega space, it wasn't unheard of for an Omega to slip out of the instinctual mindset.

Namjoon remembered reading the extremely rare medical article about it a few years ago.

But this wasn't a medical condition. No, his Omegas had slipped out of heat by sheer will power, and a tendency towards sadism and mass murder.

But it was mostly willpower.

Namjoon wasn't sure whether to be in awe or terrified.

Seoul was so fucked. Namjoon was so fucked.

So much for calming them down.

"A bullet is too quick anyway," Jimin said, slipping on a stray robe, "Slowly. I want to pour acid in their veins and watch it slowly ruin them from the inside out. Give them bruises, make them flush, make them feel that acid slowly burn right below their skin, until they scratch through their skin themselves."

"Oooh," Seokjin breathed, "That's good, flower. I like that."

"They took Kookie," Jimin huffed, "I want to destroy them."

Namjoon's heart started racing.

Seokjin looked at Namjoon. "Namjoon," the Omega said with a smile, omega-voice tainting his words, "Let's get Noona that gun, okay?" 

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