Voc in August

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1) Remarkable (a) = unusual, amazing, suprising in a way that make people to take notice : đáng chú ý, khác biệt

2) Nosedive (n) the sudden sharp fall of an aircraft towards the grounds with its front part pointing down : sự đâm bổ xuống

3) Compartment (n) one of the separate sections that sth such as furniture, equipment has for keeping things in : ngăn, gian (đồ)

4) Suspend (v) float without moving in liquid or air : treo lơ lửng

5) Tumble (v) suddenly fall : rơi đột ngột

6) Broccoli (n) a vegetable with a thick green stem and several darkgreen or purple flower head : súp lơ

7) Miraculous (a) = wonder, miracle : kì diệu

8) Speculate (v) to forn an opinion about sth without knowing all the detail : tự biện

9) Maze (n) a complicated system of path where you can easily get lost : mê cung

10) Concussion (n) a slight injury to the brain that is caused by being hit on the head : sự chấn thương não


1) Intimately: having a sexual relationship with sb:thân mật,mật thiết

2) Foster: to encourage sth to develop:thúc đẩy,cổ vũ

3) Disenchantment:no longer feeling enthusiasm for sb/sth; not believing sth is good or worth doing SYN disillusioned:sự tỉnh ngộ,tan ảo mộng

4) Clinic: a building or part of a hospital where people can go for special medical treatment or advice: bệnh viện tư,phòng khám chữa bệnh

5) Ambiguity: the state of having more than one possible meaning: có nhiều nghĩa,tối nghĩa

6) Decode:to find the meaning of sth, especially sth that has been written in code : đọc mật mã,giải mã

7) Scamper: to move quickly with short light steps:chạy vụt qua,chạy nhốn nháo

8) Swiftlyoing sth quickly:nhanh chóng

9) Frost:frost (sth) (over / up) to cover sth or to become covered with a thin white layer of ice: phủ sương

10) Shatter:to suddenly break into small pieces; to make sth suddenly break into small pieces: làm vỡ,đập vỡ

=>Shattering:very shocking and upsetting: rất gây rối,làm choáng

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