Vocabulary for TOEFL

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debilitating - weakening


tranquility - calm, quietness, peacefully

trap - retain

aggravating - making worse, annoying, irritating

conceivably - feasibly, believable, possibly

convert - alter


witticism - a joke, humor

woo - attract

wanton - senseless, done without thought

sporadic - not consistent, irregular, occasional

precarious - not safe, firm or steady; hazardous

forfeit - to give up; to have sth taken away; relinquish

endure - persevere

charisma - appeal

requisition (v, n) - a formal request


assimilate - incorporate

assortment - a variety, selection

caliber - quality

tightly - firmly

tangible - concrete



supposedly - presumably

moderate - to reduce; medium

marvel - wonder

involuntarily -

aptly - likely, appropriately

striking - remarkable


span - cover

ridge - crest

radiant - bright

legitimate - reasonable, lawful, authentic

gratifying - satisfying

exemplify - symbolize


controversial - debatable


tedious - long and tiring; monotonous

potent - powerful

peculiar - unusual, uncommon, distinctive

negligible - insignificant





mediocre - average


flourishing - active and growing; thriving

discernible - noticeable, ascertainable

sacrifice - concession

renown - prominence

reluctant - hesitating, unwilling

rely - depend

prophetic - predictive



prone - likely to do sth; inclined to

periodically - routinely

intrude - impose

formidable - difficult, causing worry or fear; overwhelming

compel - obliged

analogous - similar to

prompt - to cause sth to happen to do quickly; to be on time; induce

predominant - principle

poll - survey

oblige - require

intricate - complex

hue - color

hasten - accelerate

archaic - ancient

account - story

shelter - protect

shallow - superficial



plentiful - abundant

philanthropic - humanitarian

partisan - biased

outlandish - bizarre

omit - neglect

narrate - relate

innovative - inventive

disguise - conceal

accentuate - emphasize

varied - diverse

unbiased - with no preconceptions, objective

suspect - specular

novel - unusual, uncommon; new; original

notion - idea, belief, opinion; concept

note - to sense, to be aware of, to record; to be worthy of recognition; detect

investigation - probe

fabricate - to make up; to lie; invent

coherent - well reasoned; ideas that are clearly presented; sticking together as a group; logical

antiquated - outmoded; old-fashioned

swift - quick; rapid


preconception - bias

limber - to be stretched; easily shaped; flexible

fallacy - misconception

conservation - the act of using carefully; setting aside for future use; favoring the traditional values; preservation

balanced - equalized

absurd - ridiculous

nominal - moderate

inundate - to flood; overwhelm

intrinsic - inherent

intentionally - deliberately

inordinate - excessive

documented - proven

discreetly - cautiously; in a careful, polite manner

delighted - elated

agitate - to shake or move; to cause worry; disturb

infancy - beginning

inadvertently - by accident; unexpectedly; carelessly


heighten - intensify

encompass - to surround completely; to envelop; include

convey - communicate

conscientious - demonstrating serious purpose; one who works carefully and with enthusiasm; meticulous

substantial - important; strong made; of value; significant

perilous - threatening or risky; harmful; dangerous

mysterious - baffling

harbor - shelter; to not express a usually negative desire or opinion

favor - advantageous

durable - sturdy

spacious - having a lot of room; expansive

selective - discriminating

indiscriminate - arbitrary; not chosen carefully; unplanned

feign - to pretend, make believe; simulate

even - regular, smooth; equitable

enact - to pass a law; legislate

defy - to show little fear or regard for rules or established norms; to challenge; resist

avoid - avert

arid - dry

ample - sufficient; more than enough

solve - resolve

obviously - evidently



facet - element; component; aspect

evident - apparent

elude - to escape in a tricky way; evade

crucial - critical

dignitary - notable

suffer - endure

shift - switch

reportedly - rumored

recover - retrieve

evaporate - to vanish; disappear

erode - to wear away; disappear slowly; deteriorate

entirely - thoroughly; completely

enormous - tremendous

endorse - to express approval; support

conspicuously - attracting attention; noticeably

burgeon - grow at fast pace; thrive

prevalent - commonplace

pier - dock

exaggerate - embellish

erratic - inconsistent

encircle - surround

dwelling - abode, place where people live

disperse - scatter

amenity - convenience

vigorous - powerful, full of action; strong

superficial - shallow

sensitive - delicate

rudimentary - simple; not complex; basic

prime - to make ready; first in importance; prepare

minuscule - tiny

hazardous - dangerous

exceptional - phenomenal

elaborate - complex

dramatic - emotional

drab - colorless; uninteresting, boring

dormant - inactive


vibrant - brilliant

uniform - consistent

treasury - bank

impressive - imposing


dim - faint

dense - thick

deep - thorough

settle - colonize

particle - fragment

mirror - reflect

flaw - defect


distinguish - discriminate

dictate - to sate demand with the power to  enforce; impose


cultivate - grow

crush - grin

creep - crawl

crack - fracture

accelerate - hasten

theoretically - hypothetically

scarcely - hardly

purposefully - deliberately

prosperous - thriving

diverse - various, different, distinct from other

distort - deform

sufficiently - adequately

routinely - regularly, ordinarily

rigid - stiff; not easy to bend; firm; inflexible

immense - massive

exceedingly - extremely

curious - odd or strange; eager to learn; peculiar

conventional - traditional

commonplace - standard; ordinary

coarse - rough; not delicate, not fine or smooth

shed - discard

intrigue - fascinate

delicate - fragile

blur - cloud, to make sth diff to see

block - obstruct

bear - yield; to produce; to carry; to show; to endure

baffle - puzzle (v)

temp - entice; to make it attractive to do sth wrong

resilient - strong enough to recover from duff or disease; tenacious

relinquish - to give up control; abdicate

petition(v,n) - to make a request, appeal

forbid - ban

elicit - to get the facts, to draw out, to evoke; extract

determined - resolute

authorize - empower

astute - perceptive; very intelligent

astounding - astonishing

assert - to express or defense oneself strongly; declare

arbitrary - haphazard

apparent - clear

ambiguous - vague

vital - indispensable

restore - revitalize



enrich - enhance

conform - adapt (conform to the rules)




worthwhile - rewarding

refine (v) - perfect

frail - fragile


energetic - vigorous

dispense - distribute


celebrated - renown; acclaimed; well-known, popular

appealing - attractive, interesting, alluring

albeit - in spite of, despite of, regardless of, although

agile - nimble

advent - appearance; the coming of sth

advanced - progressive

haphazardly - arbitrarily, carelessly

disruptive - disturbing

disapproval  objection

autonomous - independent

adverse - unfavorable

acclaim (n) - applause; praise



abrupt - sudden

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